The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 30, 1901, Image 5

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    | {aioe Teparimen His salary is now
$1 610 per year.
There was a lire attendanos At
: me & Firat Baptist church Bunday morn.
~ Refrigerators five xt Maotlon’s. ing to hesir Bey. De. Deaver's sermon
i Abe Mirkin and son: Bamuel were to the old soldiers. The Patton Silver 7
Altoona on Friday. | Carnet Bund furnished music. J “My friends ask me where 1 have m y
+L stil further notice the Methodist | Jothes made Wi I teil ¢ that I &
sation of thie plase wil hold ab iA Ciothes mae. wh teil them that
of their rvioos, both Sunday and & them ¢ it Wolf & Thompson i's ready Se
! fis as in ihe Fire Bagidst chiar Ted . : oy
Cwreek day, tn Whe Dirt Bay ak of 7 tnelined tr donbt it atid 1 « show
fon Wout Mugee pene. instead of al: JY : .
H them the Libel.”
The Nest meting of Cambria WW THis se a oo
peispapers for sale at this, | Connty Cimnona Grange will be held Gu we He : “ar
B inte a bundle. {fy Munster Girnage hal un Monday, | @ any one else. Thuy are i in cloth, tailoring. tricomings and
u's Cosh Girovery Has bisa lube bad, This Waa : Jevided ah Hie \ style Aste Bowe oH fe Ave ¢ that to yom or your friends, Brigg back
wet of print. ithe ar uf the Executive Cott ig *7 £9 rent pot 4p infatory and got your money,
ge ay nalttes at Loretto, : Si
3 water, all Auvors, 8° ke ¢ bias Ca HE ORG Mae
iii water, a) ih John Wolke, the fireman on the |
a with the | Pat ton shifting engine, expects to
¥ wili he pay {ia mote bie. family to feray Shore in the | Ge $
{ Coat and Coke Co. a wre romeo a 1 5, its Here—$%$6 to 16.00
onal and will: O : At the Tailors’ — $8 to $ 40.
make ni is 4 headounrters at that place.
Mey, Menest Fryckiand, of Drang, . 5 WOLF % : THOMPSON,
en Nac 1 Day. ate roa gitly enferd the ministey, Is - AS he 1 !
n holle Gunsallus is visiting | in i health and obliged for the time fy :
peluives in Beliglorte, being to give up work in that connec. t Good Building.
«Letom. Heo will for 8 while give atten.
Jon tao the Insorance business. i ” »
4 ipsburg Journal, ; | ab— Ana : : Sol : hr 55 ib 4 dy mitten rt oe Re, £6
Tne os a fin «The spit of ex-Bditor James ©, 0 Ge — pe Ph en ree | -t og By eon | or no. oe
| oe, " y | Begley, of the Windber Journal, | - i: . 3 “ : . 1 oh " 50 1b Saxony yarn, wis 16¢ cnt, now 4 for 25¢.
; " girl graduate wasnt nat the Pennsylvania Railroad Quality 18 the True Test of Cheapness. to ML make Keio = SEH ;
oh in eviflence in Patton this year. | q,impany for $80,000 damages in te | Som——————— : shirts, worth §I LE
Dr. Dowier wis visiting {loss of his wife and child and personal | ay oy fo nk woul Hi
friends in earfield county this week. | injuries at Johostown lust July, will be | l : hhink of It a Try i - 1s! fa eaters,
For Balp—A lot pear old Mellon | tried in Bomerset, June 5. i E Ey wd NY wt | : =
Hil hetip for cash. Inquire st this. - faite to recover damages of ©.00 : | | . ol LB “
oo Fansh have heen entered in court at Eb. | A complete line of ever shown, inclnding 111 ; Tit men’s Bowery oNershirta, worth $1 0, we off tl at 8
a von want rubber stamps, [enshu James and Charles Cun aaa te ties. Lawns, Eddy Siiks. Per 1 4 : Ben % overshitta, wrth The, now Me.
wil Fo iH. Kin or e by ay gi Trial iL F ANCY and STAPLE i ! ¢ 2 Law 1" : kde dy 1iks, I er : 3 ome Seal areal wen shite, Sr part £1 in pote $0
aly oy - " ine mi of Susquetianaa | township cales, Fancy G1 ngh: SS, Ete. 1 let Sa] TE Bane! wakita, the Tie kind now go st 4%
opal He i ; FL he * 2 hi i % hy at
, ; or Hglh. jagsian Putton borough. The igh {yTOCETION ind Pro Sh | . aay tating waite the Se ad, now Be. i
fob wi ioe rooms for lig are that a former policeman pe : Shoe : jot Tactics’ fee i rapper: a A ow?
" kuepin Apply 10 Dr. 8 W. oently arrested the men and confined | visions always on hap 0 1 Et wil ood, The We Kind, Row he
» Lda : 4 3 y 5 tH SECIL a wh ; i i Ht Tig oped pw 3 : isey gunk 5 + . = | os sec DA, Daw =
j hem in the lockup without prope) Word's Fresh and , The most com P ete line of tot now ro Shikderrs boadly fhe 200 Hind Bu Ll aT
hom RB Cordell & Co. bs the 'Cukes Received Daily Jade’ Men's, Mis sees’ and lot, the Hic kind, at oo.
shin Cameos Cn ds the name TA RELA aE aiiv. nia ¢ . X out bs
! : : Children's Oxfords, :
rattan Leave your onder for 3 Mey’ . Pa ter mt Leat thi
Th tn town by Wie | | Hard Ware Cis Lacing pure Fost the | bread curly. Jon rt 4 eit hie
» bes oe ref on Re Boek nnd good wil] ¢ of the tas pamper r Tar
guart 4 ar gallos, at the ity Rae rn ihike veel. The niw 1 ne Green Vegetables.
i mote ta the store roo an lw on 3 ;
Minnie Gittieoy was visiting | atten Supply Cr po : a! Y! ol
wlan Trunxsatawniy the first of completed and propose to p . A bas
and Dry Goods.
fr i prs
i LC 1;
SAD a styilkh poung fellow one of Gur cusiomers to ax the
other day:
Ou Store.
wr pew line of spring
swing & into mr row quarters,
Fe) Hag sale
haere. Jet eal veer theme: prices
Wh yard all wool vant fan pgaiar fhe kind now . go ot Be.
HG varde wil wis : Ban wipeih We, today's price only Me
26 yards Persian finmel wan 15, now joo
Ha var wel § iy orth Fe, now ae
bp 130, ©
% Ee : : : : al 25 par cent of
i Hy gol hie ¥ a i gre Ede Ha w ; wed a irta at tout.
¥ a a 3 : ! i
3 aes that we kink ave big values If
. 3
: or Yon, he we
iNew JB Noonun, of this place died |
- . os “PE i a “Mhareday of last wiwk of croup afi i = = t
on Su “For tal He in a Hiri of . pa of days ie Pri I(E€S he Lo Gest i LSrorpet and
Hite one was foro yeaa old. The fo ii |
ony pak. beld at St Marys 1} ot crypt by yours
gunrantoed by the Clear |! Al was held at TMALYS eo Respectfully yours,
Garfield, the enue boon Balardny prong. at ob ; on x Ct ~ TIT
o'elock conducted by the pastor Rev C H AS. F - 1 1 IT,
Futher Plopron, Interment i618 Saseessoe to PITT & SEELEY. | PATTON PA
| Catholio cemetery. :
: “Wealthy young bachelor desires lo ©
agmday syening. | Sorruapon with some young budy with |
Sa ninber af penple atienfnd a view to matrimony. Hos a good bie v 27 4 24297 Cheap John
‘Laome, 8 handsome and ac mplished |
Shoe Store has a number Is lookin ig for a lovable companion , F 4 A i Store 1
| - : ee . oo yy. gi v 3 *
| antly able to afford servants. Address | You are invited to call
LeeAnn exchange says that if a pew |
adopt another calling. The exchange At [ Lowest Prices.
Hoes for pring is complete. We ask |
Hover of notoriety who is ignored, and Ar BOW ready to meet the depsands of
Land would make an excellent hoshamnd, |
for spring in anew from 18 to #0 years of age. Need nut
bea good bonsekesper, ua he is abund. |
| with photograph in confidence, Bach | : and sce e ny new line of
hor Care PATTON Counter, Patton, Pu. | "
- | paper man knew how many knocks be
received behind bis back be would | lear. 1 >! Camed Goods, Etc.
{is mistake. The newspaper man who : rege
nts kpacta to bt maligned hy | Our tock of new wii 0 Latkes’! Flour and Feed MF ELLON'S
every law breaker, swindier and by po- vaur attention to-day to oar display of | ; A 7 Ar : :
orite, every carping critic and every QU EEN QU ALITY" Shou Te hich | A SPECIALTY .
in fact by all persons who Go not agree = "TF season the best shoe in the Also best grade of Lime.
Es dahon : wort] at RR « pair
with him pn poblic and private mad
: | You car get 20 lbs ¢
“Weighing Gone Correct ican "get > i a
Iy on street spales, located | |
5 1: i 1 x SEs : 3 *
* by the cagacly of the FOG was that have adopted “Wilk-Over” Shoes | directiv in front or store. lated sugar for i 81.
a - jel p athens = id musicale 4% Ah i 4 HL &i = ES 1 i 3 stamp wi Fanti Soa’ : : F E RTILIZE RS. } ; |
RAY you cas roi rT coapons | VIE Shain His iaay EVILITE. ip A he FYE, x Te il bE Ad :
: ; : i Cia minsatls pleas 5 & es . setle Fertil :
secure ¢ refrigerator program as pablishe! in the COURIER sable sleganc hive made them | 1 wiiiin the fatare band)
f ol igh i oe igerator) Hi os % fils airs 4 hi fai ; ms trial snd you will ers of all kinds Farmers wishing it
arge at elon 's 3 last week was rendered with aut 3 i no othe x [should leave orders early. 1 will not |
i ‘conple of changes fad was much one | on | kop i ip sen, but order direct from of ¢ a
i b is to he one of the Joyed by all who were fortunate gee Pbe manufacturers, : 3 310.00.
I 4 rpg Seis SQ £51 i gq i ! = A
tions in Patton as soon as a | (enovgh to be present. Brace will nes :
ho procured and a suitably | ‘permit a wention of each number op : 1 J J OH N GANTZ,
[80 ong 8 program saifiow to say tha : 3 3 }
: Oe Bh. | Proprietor.
{each and pvery participant did credit PATH ON.
| to the oceasion, and pot one medinerid
| number Wis giv pn The procesds will
add & peat Hite som to the pando Daal,
'L.| Stratfon hus moved is]
0 Philipsburg and is there him-
helping them settle ih |
Mr. Jeavons, who cononelsls a
The iahinw here for a week, iB somewhat dis. |
” ; oat afternoon | Hint fed vier the way he gas pate
pat ] 1 off on Acoonot 130 ate Lr We R) HOWRe pate
; nized and tells the Blairsviile Courier
Ld India
circus exhibited Neto {
; Luis fat EG foe aa : :
Leelligent and enlichiened, snd pover
; fanned a day late [t tinke meh stock In shies
to give the en in charge of Jeavons
one ro hala can’t yooh
shower tinh Jeavons himsail, He wis dp a :
i ; advertised to appear in Patton last iit Ee : We test vour eyes Free
x | week but a to this Ww Sung the band : ie
d | wagon hasn't appeared yot 3.Piece Bed Room Shit. = and furnish Spectacles as
I berebly annotince myself as a can. I he ex changed anv time
| didate for Register and Recorder, sub ' ag pen © C00 nan van And : >
! a to the decision of the Repubilean Ty 2 yr ard, ne within a year.
County Convention, 10 x held Ff Fooas in p roportion, £2
enshuer Mowday, dune 24, 3p 1. hean as the che An t and Satis fretion guaranteed ;
Cuanres OC. Lavon, cbhetter than the best. Call on gy
gn or money refunded.
low as 51. Lenses can
Rofence haz found that rh sumatism |
in caused by uric acid in the Bsa,
an should be exereted hy the
| Ro rheumatism with healthy | oy '
| Foley’ 's Kidney Care always
Siwarvis Woes THE OLD RELIAB