The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 30, 1901, Image 3
ton has s new cult. nt td of rer ma and ' Srl ot the new avons: el Hayes, The purpose of ul League of Love is to dis te the doctrine of early mar. nd pure love, Mr. Hayes has us takes ap the work been a persistent, ‘adventurous and wuccessful ‘roamed over the whole 6 was a fortyouiner and sands of California's goid- 4 He upent three years in He got in on the ground Cripple Creek. When the wikon. He Spent a year wired interests Yat he by clays of Arizona and Mexico, to a Boston sociological | Nev le in the few months it be . has been distributing hie leaf- , | spreading his propaganda, ve been organized ad, in Hong Kong, 5 the small expense of or- Shree. igh asked the caller was: Jour young sir, are you p embaiiamsed and faltering. Hayes speedily shot out the Why not?” 8 were getting decidedly In for the interviews, but be. e could fix up a response Mr ‘was Isunched in ardent spoech. you know, young man, that the | sociaty and the misery of the are to be justly laid at the door Do vou realize” ‘he raised his hand ominously marriage fs a divigely ordained and that npon arriving at maturity it is your duty as your obligation as 8 Chris it at once? No vou tural Instinet and natur You defer the day from mer. ves ou find yourself attracted to a gl and fitting maid you deny : ‘that is In you; you stifle pulse of your natare; you that you will wait until yon A fame, a fortune. You heat years of your life and lose your love. You waste rs nf your Hte and wither “ble to an ordivary obseiver. the ship of one of these fanious old | mind” said the captain: {1 &ll the same!’ n in TS world is the 1 titul suggesth : youthful love of an untainted man for a pure girl, Every sane person knows jt. Yet to scoff and deride marrisge | fu the fashion of the hour. “Why in France, the state has come | ti» propose a tax on bachelors: i do not believe in taxing or trying to force A man’s love. But [ do believe In striving to make it a fashion fof young people to marry and marry for true jove and not because of ambition or of position. “When | spe the scores of young women tolling in factories, wanting | to marry. yet prevented from lack of social opportunities to make the ace | quaintance of manly young men: when I find a social custom that jeads a young man to think he must have money and fame before he can Marry, 1 1 say—out upon such a monstroug so fal edict! These little circles 1 am seeking to establish will bring the | young peopln together and help to | give Jove its chance, : “the noblest in literature and poetry ite association with chance’ New York Sun. ae a ciation A a RR CREAT WEATHER SHARPS, Sailormen of the Gutt of Mexico of the | Olden Tines Were Experts. “The greatest weather sharps in tha world,” sald a citizen who takes an in- | terest in meteorology. espscially of the goose hone brand, “were the old- | time sea captains in the Gulf and coast | trade. Bgusll smelling was a neces- sary part of their business, for, as you probably know, the biggest little while he would say: Are you coming to the pienie way. In the wilds wo fair and | . Thinking Eating, drinking, sleeping. Of the joys of plenic day? Are ron coming to the plone In the deeamy woods to say, Where we spond the time in pleasure, On that blessed plenie das? Are you coming to the pieaie, Coming where the robins wine, Henring beds and childron's voles Through the woods so sweetly ring? Boon our penile days are over, Boos our childish sports dre o'er, And the ones we met so often Are the ones we meet Bo more A Hieagn Recand- Herald. A A AAA Loyal Little American. A teacher who spent her vacation | abroad telis tha following story. One of her fellow passengers on the steamship that brought her home was & little boy about 10 years old, As the steamship approached New York the child grew exuitantly happy and avery Ware al- most home pow’ He talked of the various objects they passed as though he wera really quite at home. Finally the teacher said: “Po you live in New York? “No” answered be. Paul, Minn." Migs 1. remarked: “St. Paul? are still a long way from home” “This is just as good as home” anid the loyal littie fellow, “fUs America’ “1 live in BL You pieces obtained | plessed the Columbus woman that she | ! asked him about | Jearnnd why he was so glad to ses | dirty | America. He had been in Europe over ! weather factory In the universe is tha | (Caribbean sea. There are po such {hives ag times and sessons down | there, and what's coming next is a matier of pure chance, It may be a calm and it may bo a rip-roaring hur- | pleane, so the men who crnised In those waters before we had any sig- nal service to help them out had to keep continually on the alert, and it's | mo wonder that some of them Aer quired a skill to supernatural instinet—a speond nature--with them, that seamed next door | It became a sort of | wad they eouldn’t toll how they did it | fhemuaives, They would predic shangpes before they were sven hioted | at In the glass. they would anticipate the very caprice of the wind, and many : & time they saved their ships and their | the moment appeared to be nothing short of proposterous. Of course it was all a matter of minute sheervation | skins by quick, sharp orders which for | {ean sail faster than the i drives it. i fore tha wind i cannot x good deal of which waz no doubt un- : pongeious peperience to read meaning fo the dif- event forms of clouds and the way the | plemd strata lay in the upper air; the waiter Was an open book to them, and they would detect a hundred and one gmail atmospheric phenomena invisl- I was on venther prophets Years ago on a voy. i age to Havana. Wa were just enter. | ing the harbor when the captain, who had been uwody and distraught for severai hours. suddenly called Tha! “The glass he sald ‘Never | ‘It's a-coming, | The crew lost no time in earrying out the order, and while in pretty steady, sir’ they wers at work making things trim the barometer began faliing like 2 | man tumbling down an elevator shaft. ‘He had barely time to get in shape | tor trouble when a typical tropieal _ylorm came swooping out of the east | and played havoc with the unprepared ‘thipping. Beveral good sized craft | were koockad fo pieces, but wa escaped with no damage whatever. | get the eaptain to tell me how he knew | ‘the gale waa coming. but bis answers were vagus. That he ‘felt it in his hones” was the nearest he came to a definite statiment, i tried to This old tribe of propheta seems to have died out, added the meteorological enthusiast, “and the modern sex captain doesn't . | make any pretensions in that lige mot w for the furtherance of the league. These ob Er autotes of all members. | universal triumph of love.” 1yes sees a great future for a interest with which the people in and around Boston ewhere are rushing to his 4 inspires him with the belief 1 be but a short time before circles will be entirely . will have official print and. their own choice libra. » famous writings of romarice c poetry, and in short, will the day when through Ameri sia, Afrien and the isles , young people will be fol _behests of foreordination arrying and nest building hey reach maturity, ex- nulet prophet dramatic- wuld aids solleges and | Storm smelling bas become & lost art.” — New Orleans Times Democrat. Hy Cn nn apn A eS News of Victoria's Death in India. When the telegram arrived stating that the German emperor was hurrying Sars. off to Oshorne to be at the deathbed of the queen the natives of India at onoe su‘d that he was eager to put im a claim for the crown of England, as the son of the eldest child of the queen, | This report spread far asd wide, and no amount of argument would con. vines the natives otherwise Their | traditions almost Invariably depict al 1 fizht for the crown on the death of a reigning monarch. When & rajah diey | They had learned, by long tha | mate and ordered him to get anchored { as quickly as possible and make ev. erything fast for a hurricane mate made a mild protest. i i 1 his heirs always squabble and Intrigue’ | menters to bones without a traca of over the succession Even the intelli gent Indian fancied that the emperor would try to seize Great Britain Whes a telegram syrived stating that Prince of Wales looked the | ‘worried anil | haggard’ and that the mperoy wa | “very grave, It was al ouos coneluded | that the quarrel bad beg gun. Finally, | when it was stated that a Gorman squadron was going to Portsmouth for | the funeral the patives looked unut- terably wise and sald: “Of epurse hae ¥ i i : : will walt until the queen's body is in | the earth. then he will secretly turn his guns on the British fleet” In such strange circles does the Asiatic mind revolve. Bombay Correspondent, Chi cogs Record-Herald, A London bootblack displays this gign in sight of his patrons: “If you i like my work, tell your friends; if you don't lke It, tell me.” { | | |= | hig travels, Leen spent in séhool in swelen, and | Bad seen much that was interesting in | the different European connteies, bul | wis a8 pleased ax he could pousibly be : on once mors seeing his native land | © oo i and stoutly declared that America was { torcating tae “the Lest country in the world. —FPres- | A Liyterian, Faster Than ihe Wind, {There are some parodoxes in phyales | that never grow old take them up, and so the interest they axelte {3 perpetual, and the problems | themenivan are always new, Oni of thess problems is contained in the statement that a sailing vars | wind thal If it be moving Sly Ly from the very nature of the case, have a greater spead than the wind franif as & matier of fact. It will move mora slowly than the wind on aecount of the resistance offared hy the water But i iL move | in a direction a few points off tha di rection of the wind it will move more rapidly than the latter A very simple Hustration will mans | the matter clear. Place a ball at one side of a billiard tables, and, with a cue held lengthwise, push the hail across to the other side, keeping the cue in contact with the hall ajl the time. Let the cue repressnl the wind, and the ball represent the vessel. Now, it is evident that the ball will not | gnove more rapidly than the cue. on | the contrary, they will move at exact- | | Ivy the same spend But a vessel sall- tng directly befors the wind would nn move quite so fast as the wind, be- cause the resistance of the water would retard it Now. imagine a groove cut diagonni- ly across the table from the fear iefl- hand corner to the far right hand cor ner. Placa the ball in the left hand end of the groove and against it place the cue held lengthwise, and push it across the table as before. The ball will travel along the grove and along the cue at the game time, and will reach the right hand end of the groove ~goross the table—in sxuotly the time | that it takes the cue tO INOVE ACTOR, But as the ball travels much farther in going diagonally across the table than | the cue does in golng straight acress and as they reach the other side in the same time. it is evident that the hall travels faster than the cue does. In the same Way a vessel moving at an | angle with the wind sails faster than ! the wind that impels it.-~Philadeiphia | Record. Qaver Meonls in War Time, When the Germans besieged Parisin » : pf an ang, 1870 they did it so thoroughly that the inhabitants of that city were soon hard | pressed for food. Every one planted little gardens in window bhoges, quite using up the seedmen’s stocks in ths effort to raise lettuce, radishes and as- paragus, after a plan proposed Ly a . jearsed member of the academy, while | {oan almost bmnadsibiie feat, others tried to Hive on gelatin extract od from bones—another academicians scheme, which reduced some experi. gelatin in them Toward the middie of the giege-—which lastad five months —horses, dogs, eats, canary birds and pet parrots were sold for food and the Hons, tigers, elephants and Kanes from the rablie faz re the Ke been reduced to this sort ¢ was a dispute hetween an al [ahiman | and a French army officer. The for- mer made to take the place of good, Whose: some beef pork and mution, while th jatter held that all things could be made savory and nourishing in the | hands of a master cook--that he him- self knew enough of cooking to make a dinner of anything that came to his epans. As a test he offered to pit a EE oar for the Englishman, the latter to eat without asking ques- r maintained that pothing eculd be | ! other schentists, has #1 pang pair -t down to table the followin | afternoon. They were served by a ote armed soldier servant named Joseph, who had taken part in the cooking of | the repast, and who placed successive dishes before them with a broad grin of pride and satisfaction. First cRIDe a stew, tasting strongly of onions, a vegetable that had grown 50 SCArce as to be procured only by the rich. The | next course was a delicious dish of macaroni, cooked in butter and fit for a prince. Then there was a fine roast rabbit, brown and crisp, and flaally a dogen larits. almost floating in a rich gates. When the dinner was over the Englishman declared that he had never eaten better food, and that be did not particularly care what might have gone Into its composition. But two days after, true to his word, the French officer and chef revealed the secrets of his kitchen The stew had hean made of rats which Joseph had caught around the fortifications, The butter need in cooking the various dishey was nothing better than horse marrow, dxtracted from bones which the Borse butchers were willing to give away. Joseph knew a method of pre- paring it with saffron that made a de- Hietous butterine. The roast rabbit was a large tomcat which the oificer had prepired after a formula of his owt. while the dish of larks was oom posed of mice which Joseph's cousin had very generously trapped for him in & large warehdtisze in which be Was employed, Only th pond Gad hesn genuine mained. rh re in the Ant World, e onions and macs- being grand for the English guest’ i 1 a | The young traveler's patriotism o | 4t 8 shop where i small stock stil p When the summer vacation comes : this roadside +d the} diy wag every for they along walsh Your 1 time sud i Levers boy apd girl who goes into the | | gix months, a part of which time Bad | sountry will some day come upon a colony of antx either in the w oimiE or tf vou have never | {pile creatures will pay | come are a vaosy ip Sir Jolin Lubbock. as well as many thems mien ail tell us {ed the ant, | wonderful : | aud interasting flories about 118 habits ¥ i lowed y wariens brought high | | pi aicen at th: bnteher shops : One night when even th a rich had | 4 : , and life By the Line one | he haw (Hsegvensd Pik BE TRER 1 generation gets through worrying over | > : t | them another generation is ready to a profound study tires SAYS. of housshold goods. bon seen Foie He ; Aig £2 | macaroni made A crrtain that language of thelr own, and thelr meaning to sach other by sounds. Frenchman claims | ants: bave a | comvey | Thin he proved to himself by shutting ap a puriber of them in a glass BOX and holding it to the ear, as you would aowateh whan tha conid he dlstinetls heard various sounds Af BREAN svientisl Who hae made | several peenliarities of thess little crea- | “In thelr modes of fAght. | ing diferent spavies of ants have thelr | Some also are much less military than others. They | nave the power of distings sishing color | and are highly sensitive to violet tight, When wo watch an ant hill tenanted i sy thousands of industrious {nhabi- | fing chambers, forming | ante exNeay tunnels, making roads goardiog their | homes, gathering food, feeding the young, tending their domestic ants male, and even farming-—each one ful- { fling its duty industricusty and with. creature sayn that he once sav a drove of small black ants moving perhaps to mora commodious quarters, The distances was over 700 fest, and nearly every ant was iaden with a portion Some carried their eggs. the cocoon stage of the ant. and some Bad food watched them for over an hour,” he says “snd [ noticed that every ume two met on the way they would bold their heads loss together as if groet- ing one another, often the mesting fook place this same | thing occurred, as though a short chat was necessary. To prove more about ie. I killed one that was on his way. ‘i Others which were eye withesses (0 the murder went with speed and with | every aut they met this talking took | place as before, But fostead of a plexsant greeting it was sad news they | had to comnupicate. | knew If was gad pews, for every ant that these messengers met hastily turned back | and fled in annther course. So the news gpread, and it was true. How | wat it commgmicated if pot by speech” Young naturalists cannot take up anything more fascinating than the | study of ant habits: but murder, even ig Tot necessary in such studies. save to preserve & few speci- der study. An ingenious and trae lover erusity. Taming an ant would seem 0 hut it socompliahiod by the Jesuit ther Wasviaon, who keeps many ferent ir pf oants in artidelal nests, Ha Erady atl fea inid Ha food, 4 wonld take the honey directly Iroon the £ iy fnner afer which it al geil th Lifted on a bristle hark to the ifm NW a Ge An ie iy 0 CONE ds apr Hn Tat Ly 5 Ber A Ney ih PEE Or, FE ean FER nh A Duaie of 1770 gewhnaper prigtad in the | Ioliowing description “A few days ago + Bis appearance in the | assembly rogmns at Whitehaven, dressed in a wixed silk coat, pink | satin waisteoat and breeches, covered | with an elegant silk net. white silk stockings with pink clocks, pink satin | shoes and large pearl buttons; mushroom colored stock, covered with fine point lace; hair dressed remarka- bly high and stuck full of pearl pias.” Prem 3 voar 1958 is the of a dandy: “1 sat and | | out confusion is dient altogether i ! to deny them the gift of redson, 1 Another close observer of the little | and no matter how | hed tional parks and government reserva tions; the District of Columbia, including the | _ hospital for the insane, now having un- this city. i secretary of the interior bas a greater diversity of duties than suny of the other portfolios. An outline of (he | cri ably ‘scope of his department indicates but | meagerly the duties ars reaponsibill- 'H * tiem that coms to him in a day. The | general land offies, the patent office, | ‘the bureau of pensions, office of Indian | affairs, office of education, Ofte com thes missioger of rallwans survey and the central office all pour o problems a mass of knotty and diffecult into the secretary’s office for solution. The eduestion of children in Alaska; | introduction of reindeer in Alnska; general supervision and application of | ¢ r the money appropristed for » the geological ral colleges in the different states. Dow. coh! | aggrogating §1.2000000 per annum. iand-grant railroads; internal affairs of | Indian Teritory. Arigona, Hawsil, New| # Mexico, Alaska snd Porto Rico; na TOBOTYA~ sloesmosynary institutions of der construction a million-dollar addi tion; Froedmen's Hospital, Howard In- stitute, and & hospital for the deaf dumb and blind; the care, repair and 10 be thus designated. In 1898 ‘apiphinted secretary of the interit fill the vacancy caused by the | ment of Cornelius Bliss. = : BIHAN ALLEN HI TCHCOCK. je THE PET LAME VICTORIA. | An loctdent of the Earty Dore of the John Exton, 8 wealthy merchant of an Englishman by birth, ones had an interview with Quuoen Victoria without koowing it. [It was near the close Of the "30s snd Queen Vietoris | bad buen on the throne but a short time. Young Exton and bis brother Adam were playing near a stream that flowed through their native town ons day, when they saw a matronly look- by a besutiful young lady. They ap- in conversation, both of the ladles stroking their hair in & kindly way. John and his brother had with them a lamb whose fleece was of soowy whit ness, ways the Philadeiphin Inquirer. the boys aud engaged thei | | The elder of the ladies asked John | | how much he would sell the lamb for. Drawing himself up to his full height, | John sald that the jamb was named | Victoria and that nobudy could have her hut the queen. “And cmon the quesn have her?” ask- ad the lady. “Yes” sald John. The ladies seemed tn be greatly pleased with his reply and before their depart- ure the younger of the ladies slipped a a into the hands of the boys and made them feel for the time being | among the rich men of England A | short time after that incident a gently | man called st the Exton homes asd mens tO assure one of the species un- said the queen desired the lamb Vis Ar ! torts, and it was given to him, but not of nature delighita to devise wars for | such study that 0 not reqitire needless | Extons that the ladles weve none othur he haw Fa~ dif 1 of the ants | without receiving ample compensation. An official of the town explained to the than Queen Victoria and her mother, who were going out among Her people in disguise. ~Chicago News. 5 Saagressman Goorge Willard, it | who died at his home in Battle Creek, EMich., i ton, VL, tha other day, was born in Bol and at the age of 12 went with 4 ¥ I nuked him his age P gwwered and added: ~ 1512, and managed the paper up tothe titne of Bis death, i of In a well-knows New or rant the other evening a yout had Just eaten a subetsntis} of his pocketbook and money. His watch was goose likew enihiier. being suspicions of | kind, received the ; ing woman approsching accompanied B tale manded Instant threatened to call & le youth seemed on the verge and the lady was about to | an elderly, well-dressed man up to the desk. “How dare cuss this gentleman of being & aier®™ he demanded, wrathtully. *F don’t know him myself, but 1 am sure he is honest.” Then, handing over 8 now $10 bill, the elder Samaritan pal@ the check himself and hurried out. The grateful youth ran after him } “Oh, thank you,” he gasps have your ecard and [ll send you the ‘money in the morning” ~ mind, dear boy.” replied the eh ‘one. as he boarded a cable car. “dt take the trouble. IIL was a cO felt.” Russell Suge ms » Hamoriet . Russeil Sage, the New York multe millionaire, has never been € ai a Numorist, yet he is not de E of the sense. His Yankee ancestry ro ‘appears in his fice. figure, speech and thought. Once, when Manhattan Ele vited stork went below par. someons He smiled, an- “But, lke the tovated, I propose to go above 100% { To an impertinent friend who asked | what was the most philanthropic way . off using a large fortune He replied: | “Keep it constantly active, in ordes | to wmiwe employment to the largest | nis parents to Michigan, where in turn : | gave Sage hall to the Troy Female ha Dbepume SU udent, teacher | professor, member of | editor, | Episcopal i was largely bis influence that openid | mate it required 500,000 carnations to minister, comgress arad He waz rector of St Lake's church | suminary someone said: % yisp present it fo some men's colloge™ : at Kalamazoo for {wo years, but resigned from the min- | {stry because of the congervatism of | the society. gent of Michigan univeniity, and It the doors of the institution to women. Hie was elvcted in 1872 to congress, where he served four years, his most notable achievement oem a vigorous speech against the “terse bill” that was not relished by many of his Re colleaguos. Mr. Willard a publican abiisied the Batlle Creek Journal fn For ten years he was re. | number of human beings” When he Mir Rage responded quickly: women needed {t the most” The Popular Carnation. A carnation mania has taken hold of flawer buyers. At a conservative esti~ stipply the demand in New York city: i during Easter week. These flowers sold from 33 to 50 cents a dozen for the inferior kinds to $5 and $6 a dozen for clioice varieties. At least 375.000 was spent by New Yorkers to satisfy their, liking for these Sowers.