; as densely populated as Bel | It would have 1.084, mes-Demoernt the name na” comes from t the Choctaw = old aL Maseach like the he beech and the canoe | y | 0 pug nose.” on the part of {he farmer. it fs pot the creature respot- army, and the mothe who was pearly blind, was led to make out as weil as she During the recent cold spell r eripple son pearly starved. she complained more bitterly usual against the conscription | hich I compelled ¢ the younger son I the elder who, 5 he case of g a widowed mother, i3 exempt. ent out to get some work, aud she returned she discovered that bad killed himself in order ther might take his place the fawily aud til ! 1 eon not. ath my fran, i" was so Omiya fragment, vet enough to know a there are times when earth and heaven meet; Moments when all of heaven sess bo low olden sunsets nf the vanished years, ¥ radiant Huslios af the porn, i e show as oli, through mists of Blinding tears, Co The hah that beam a Little urther on. tf vomid not hold my dream; if Arge It crowded dll my fresent cares away, My heart wan hhe a heavy -bnden barge Freighted with bliss, with joye that might not otav: I tried in vain to span, to catch, to claw That overflowing rapture of delight, But vimeombike, it Boated from my grasp And left me in the darkness of the sight. 1 cannot, pind my dream: it was eo brigh fraught with dazzling ra disnoe to me In threw 4 glamour o'er my “wilderad sight And left me Blinded hy my eostaey, My longing soni sxeryed in vain to soar Bevond the shining path of sn and Stary But all too soon abe languished ne Jwfare, Pasting anil worn, bars I eannat tell my dream: it was so ewpet: And yet bi such as many hearts have How Woven with tender remaries, replete With words of Jove dropped in the years ; BRO. A fond terens 2 dear, familiar tone; A gentle whisper and a Jow reply) It was but these. yet are not these alons The all of love and life that never die? = Chwago Post. “{welf to be called by a nicknatse, £ | good joke if be fell in love with you. | Betty. He's a right good fellow, if i meet the forioer. ‘brother's ofiition of that” oy oi swinging ily back and forth io the haw. | ok, “1 wish my friend. Elmer Fen Jey, could see you.” Betty sat up strajght and manifested 1 0 new Interest in life, i Why? she demanded, | "Oh! because,” and John sighed as Lit the topic was not attractive, | “Because what?’ “Why. nothing mich. Only he says lie is sare that love Is a delusion, and that his own ideal js ®o high that po feird conld powsibly come up to Jt. He | ways be doesu't know how she arongid | look, for looks are of no consequence my how, bat thers are some things al which be dois draw the line” “What are ther, pray” “One I8.” and John gave a tremen- Hous yawn. “That she will pot have “Oh the vecnpart of the hammock tried in vain to see the tiptilied en of her own small meine, chuckled silently over the success of hia first shot “Well. what else?” | “He says fhe musn’t have red hale Not even the slightest tinge of anbam, because red-haired peuple have such hot tempers.’ Cladeed tt sharply. “Anything more? “Well, Hs funny, but he says he tonldn’t Jove —if there is such a thing #s Jove—a girl who would allow her For instance, he mentioned the quaint, there must lie ‘something radically wrong with a person Whose Iriends ‘would persist in calling her Betty lu * | stead of ber rightful cognomwen.' ” Through kalf-closed eyes he sur + | veyed the effect of his words. Betty's cheeks were flushed and she looked prettier than ever. “You're the biggest tease!” she maid him to see me If he feels that way?’ “It would be such a be wasn't so conceited, It would 4d) {him a world of good to meet & nice Lgirl. And you certainly have taking ways, If your nose does turn up. and your hair is red. I'll bring him around after tea. Deo your best for him, Bet. ty." © “1 shall Bate him, I know. But you may bring him” and Betty. sinking | bck among the cushions. spent the | remainder of the hot afternoon In plot. Hug agninst the stranger's peace of ‘ml regarded mankind. For women he had ‘mo leisure, reganding them as “airy ‘trifles, changeable as the wind,” Be} tween his brows was a straight litle frown, which deepened perceptibly as ‘bis friend remarked that evening: “Ob, by the wey, Fenley, wy cousin | 1 Betty and her little brother are visit- Jog mother just now. 1 want you to She's the folHest! “| girl 1 know.” ~ “Betty?’ Fenley lifted his eye ‘brows in polite deprecation. "I dis “1 know, old fellow. Bot you'll like | this one. Everybody does. She's just splendid ” *1 would rely more om her little was the quiet answer. “The small boy is apt to be a pretty good judge’ A few moments later Fenley was shaking hands with the young lady ‘in question, conscious of a vague feel ing of surptise aud bewilderment. He SAW a sweel, were face from which roo. (unt the Iy. He saw, salt, fully | Lair was ris: that color, itakalile, 1p De sure, undeniable hue The jndement In trivmnh. wae 80 behind her prison | {things than I do be said, trying to ! lak nneanoernal Lf her good qualities, Bony alone, and after a few preliminary remarks, sald casually: 3. “I suppose you're fend of your sis | ter, Johanx?” as he watched his | : dah, iiss (33; | finished, stately name of Elizabeth, and sald | with indignation. “Why do you want | against me” {around squire” “And then 1 was sure my husband Fenley was a tall, thin young man, | would be generous and free-hesarted, remarkable tor the dignity of his man- ‘pers. and the gravity with which he | wee, wee little bit the other way. I'h ‘like the name, and 1 an not partic o Jolly’ glia” "Al his ® racanacived ideas hi seatiered by a few glances from | & gird 8 bright eyes ment coolly. “ire awlully pretty,” replied fancy, wap she has a pug nose” “1 tike it after all” “Put her pane 9 betty,” ury “x deny Little paDw, her. | deo wonder what shie thonght of owe” ft wax wonderin how mapy er raved he made ta hls fricod's honag, deeper Impression npon hi 0. § does Jt mean wien you certain person every day, what dream of a Bight 7’ Morton stared at hin “Mean. old fallow? that you're in love reents. “Yon know more about si asked your who does it, and I was just thinking it wax guier.” “Queer! 1 should think so, Bay, Ei mer. who is that fellow? You'd better tall Bim the ease in desperate.” Realizing the gravity of the sitoa- tion, Je had gane to seek recommenda Betty's small brother for confirmation He found John- Juhtiny sniffed contemiptuously. Cer. of small boys rankled in his young the moment. “Girls ain't po good at all” be de- dared. ernieally. “Won't let you do anyihing por go anywlherok {here wasn't nope” | This grammatical condemnation, be wodniooe, shoold bave heart with joy. unworthy of so» angelic a sister, Rix weeks later Fenley and Retry ‘were Walking the brisk breete had loved the girls hair and made it »til softer and gof- fier. Heor: of steel condi bave re- Betty lstened fn silence, many objec ing words, “There are & great rl ge fectaced, adding hastily for veracity's wake, very plesst kind, I think.” “And my balr Is re Betty cruelly. “It Bf real ral ty color,” faltered poor Finley, won dering why Le longed to Kiss the soft enria “Aud my ‘name Is Elizabeth, and yet people will call me Betty, and there » must be something radically wrong with a person like that,” quoted the | girl serenely. “It just suits you, dear” he mur. mured, yearning to kick lis absent friend who bad so basely betrayed his confidence. “Oh, Betty! what a fool a fellow Is before be ets 3 Blee girl” “Well, those are the objections full of fun, asd you're pot that, yeu know.” “Cioodpess, no! Joke to seve my life” in dedp regret. could care sick eats” mere idea. apd you know, Mr. Fenley, you're 2 afraid you like to save niotiey.” Fraley looked guilty, He felt a acksowletasd his culpability 7 et of Kriow I'm ort I humbiy. The dark eves twinkled. | she said gayly, “bot I'll try hard” marry me?" he asked. ; “Three mouths from today,” an “Oh. I know we're foolish, and every ot ou should care. 1 havent any d You bave tao much. Hite, a pair of dark eves looked out frank | | agre: sient The Lag des’ World, the prertiest shade of | Lut of au nomise nose, | Covadie Sign Artists. The matiers of he vig and tip-tilted in the saticiest way. was an | these disadvantages, the giv was dain tily prefty. conscious of charms, and conscions, “OPeover, Fenley, the dignified. Fenley, th cal, was Suveylng het with audacious ppg: aud yet, io spite of ail | : Ser hair is red” etd bis fodg- | y | independent Order of Odd Follows Elect | Ti just su'ts ; 8 Each times Bertyv's charms made a “Slorten. he sald to his friend ove | t Why, It means i weliieh * Fen ley meditated for a few mo | such 3 “Thai's why I There's a fellow 1 know Bat his companion had dissppenred. ton from besdquarters, fo apply to tain senthing remarke on the subject | breast and embittered his views for | 1 wish ing directly In line with lis own old | fil:d Fenley's | Instead, strangely Youle tnongh, it created fo hin on strong de- wire to shake young Jobuny for being Fix Swede pained Berger, were planting | a belt of Brhiuing struck amd netantly kiiled Berger and the hovse | Catrarhed To the plunier ang lore the! LRhoes off the fear of Noif aod burned y the hair homeward in the moon. i urs. They had been out rowing, and #isted no Jouger, and Fenley, who bad Plong before acknowlsdged the reality I of Tove, poured out his passlén In burg. tions.” she wad demurely when be had | “Yur instance, | have a pug £ “J1-=it jen't much of a pug.” Feniey | YAnYWay, pug ooses dre tae. continue) | It's an awful pret. | went on his tormentor. | “There are several against Youtoo, You're not at all the kind of man I fancied I should marry. 1 always thought he would have to be Jolly and 1 couldnt make a "And I thoug'it he would be a doctor | and knows jots about medicine, 0 we, “Gracious!” Fenley shuddered nt the ; “I can’t bear to have cats | The horrid thingy make me “But | i Bet ody . mig rake me better—change me to swt: | yourself—-if you'd only try, dear” 5 “I'm afraid you're too old to change,” : Feuley could hardly believe his ears, “You ean you will-will really swered Betty with great Srecpinece 3 one will laugh at us—Joln nest of all, a But since we love ench other in spite : fagits, I don't sew why we gauay : i PENSIONS GRANTED a A State Secretary Stabbed Wih an Um- brelia- More Oi Found. Andrews, Young Garland, slrer. Mawthors, 819 Isaac Baughman, Mount Union Rs: Annetia Busididk, Franklin Corners = Sarah Baver, Knox, 8% Kine, Levehburg, $5: Conpelisviine, 30 Jesse Hodge, tiuy Mil, LHe Sabie FE. Sndth, Canons Lister, 88: Eather Ratiizan Calis: Rabun Jase MM. Admin Shivdiedd Carl TwBoli, atontonn x The Xi Cornpany, {relies Clay. Farnave affiliated whith the | Rreel Company af Ameriea from HO Frick, for 82102 (ny, A fract Lof 3b Dr i“ a1 Riair station, Mlegheuy county, The Mrnaces will cost in the selghbarhood of 3.000.000, The sicks will be 10 fort high and 22 feet at | diameter a1 the bexh They are {be completed within 15 months AbD MD CP wenteatwn election adelphia have been jwiicted grand lary, “unlawfully receiving yotes of persons whose names were gol upon the as ressors’ lst, and without reqairing proof of rl Hh fa vote! afcars of PRL by af the November election of 1000 and the Febranry dlection of 1001. John Kerry. aged 61 years, a well known resident of New Virgins. Mer cor county. died as the result of hav ing two teeth extracted, moved two of Kerr's ner abt four weeks ago, at which time he was pnable to step the flow of Blond, Loris wer of no avail The state grand hxige Imiependent Order of Odd Fellows has elafted 1. H. Mackey of Willlvomwpor gel secretary, he Rehakah aleotod these sficors Preyl Mrs, lLasra Oakley: W. Beach: secretary, Mary No dent, Lacy While W, seunty. and bis farm band, olf one wide of hiv head oo The salaries of heen iperiaesd BH each: hela, Mi Pleasant, Natrona, Patton, Phillpsinry and Port Alls, salaries of the posimasiers al Mon fal. Ponisgtawaey aml Eldred have Deen inereised $000, The Forest OF Pampany ington bronght lo a well eight mile wear of that place which is flown aban: 4 barrels an hoor, recent years, and the flow will be ue i tat eounty thomeit Sedma Af Oil Clty Joe Carasianion, an leat brella fn the Bands of Gaetano Anlst] during a fight, The injured mau died at the bospizal later. The slender stow) point of the pausual weapon rie brain, Eva Ariston, alias Miller, an ak Teged shoplifter, whe escaped from the recaptured, wax sentenced to the pen. and tive monthe tener. Because he 10k offense at an order i Colarosxi, a laborer at the Pennsylvania slay works. near Free dom, shot Engineer John MeCort bee low the Heart this morning Ix inn erftical condition, Colaruna} | y in Jail Owing 10 smallpox in he pounty prison, the Cumberland county commissioners have granted th nae of the connty jail for the inearcera svold the rivk of | 3 1 like to spend. oo You lice to save. We're exactly oppo | I'm sure we'll be happy, Kilmer” | Amd Fenley gave an ecstatic sigh of T Pensions were gui nied last week as Momdvilie thie £24: | Fiza beth : samuel leh, Butler, 8%; | Fabia A. Wood, MeConnells Mille $80 purchased | 0. Lhe fouiiny tw | The indictments charge The offenaed are alleged to have been committed A dentist pe | 2 "hy <leians were summoned, bat their | * rate i sanliters of dent, Mrs Anna RB Cogwelll vice presi | warden, | ] resedation. Ww The af Wash fan, was fatally stabbed with an une | trittod the lef eye and entered the drentiary for a term of three yours A, H. Rodgers, a| companion, Was given the same sen- Metort | tion of new prisoners, in onder to 5 : Shug. the Rfse En ; . tl plekpockets fre publle places for [anlawral . Hontinge prrposes Providing for He “abmainn to thei =; vate of the people it the next gen | eral ele to the Constitution lo ) nie the neq of voting muchdnes at slot A hill tH tie i) HHI Drone ing rail Ly ERE road eompatiss from «iling liqoor on! & PEPE WAN over. The vote wad weaning or pavier swhelinly defearail G2 ayes to S1 noed, THU RRDAY. In the Hose the Corny I to red solte the warrants lesoed finder the | act of IN Tor lands ander #1 i of navigable sirsame and is E Bil alvin justices of the Beste the | wnine rire 4% are enjoyed b public were reconuidered and tai | aside for the present. The Senate bill empewdring wuraty | & : and band companies to brie suir ini Bm in which the bond his been | $45 Sprevel, pivsed Ava ring an 701.10 for tap pRYIICD expenses of the state fext Twa years passed in the House in the { Wil contains an R171 000 in for p pl, IL Lam Nnif of pear Chellange. =n 3% the postmasters 1a Go the following Peansyivania cities have Monongiv The well ix Ihe see of the Bes! souk In Washingion | it is Westmorelnml county prison aad was! 30 dian the proqosed Arsendment 1 |
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