The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 30, 1901, Image 1
PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1901, went SALES. COMMENCEMERT EYERQER 5 Properties fr Thin Find - dhe fala to Be i Frgwreiting Prograss od thie sas af sein Monta, Bherifl Elmer BE Davis ined the follnwing prop at Sheriffs sale at the court Ehsan, ou Bantday at ro line k pom The interest of the Patton Wooden j | Manufacturing Mn pen YY {ir 14 LPO Hand Iman chiminat Las ne Tone of Indpection— Bx. | ground in the town of Patton hu AVIRE “apd Hao for the nt the Teed Crook Will Grewtly thereon a one half story building and a ; | stoiall stable, ; range i The interest of William J. pn Smitoun & young man. , lot of ground in Hastings bi i mnol THe Fines wt Kp, tha so of i B He interest oF : GF 3. A adioranh inn wie cia SR Mrs. Jub Smithbauer, of, lot of ground in Past eke sh Levin B wiki aown LH Farid Palmer avenas, was struck br 8 wip. | tiviu 4 oe y : $ BLAS TEEIEY. Saturday worming ‘ak ¥ 0'Glock phe jnterest of Michal Clark and. The oratic at Wall hn the main lite of | yihael J. Clark in a Jot of groand 0 ones a revitatio ta — and. was’ ‘al Gallitsin borough, fronting 46 font. Thi depth of thong ol. : ; Ga 3 a fSreman onl, The interest of John Hipps, and Hie the research axtitn : futerest of Uriah Ldoyd at and tmrmeds brady that ln ite propia train and with the ep eh ; ately before his docesse in 98 aeres and | had been spent, and wilh left the enjrine for & minnie BE es aaa > > iding. Two trains were | 14 perches of land in Susquehanna | LprEktifying bo the teachers, schol bot when township. Pand his frionda 16 was given jo gi track The intervets of the same in 100 acres | b gaioe and with graceful gestures sr to avoid one of them, : stenck by train oral ‘and allowances of land io Basque | in a mann that betokened the watural Fhe 3 F § 60 ng in a Siege * Frage thn ; direction, ich hana township, having thereon a one orion He received salvos of merited ; ' which he did | = y half story log dwelling house and a | applanse. : mall barn and outbuilding. “The Biggest Word in the Diction- Ihe interest of the same in 53 acres ary wan Lhe subject chosen | and 10 perches of Jend in Basque | {Chas 0. Blix of Juniata coliege, hanna township, having thereon » two- | | Huntingdon, Pa, for his address and * {story dwelling house partly finished, he spoke of the bres ath, length and barn snd outbuildings | hig! hin of "Possibilities io as elo The interest of swine in 53 sores and | | quent manner, tinged with just enough 125 perches of land in Susquehanna | wholesome humor. His paroration vo {1 peal having thereon a one-and-a- | wns especially eloguent and pleasing. * i half-story dwelling house, a small log The complete program is ap pervided barn and outbuildings. ‘ | Inwtrinental Bodin uns “Me oe Ma ji Seinen 4 AY ks ¢ thir Fivhde if Clive’ The interest of the same in 122 acres | | Yhmrte day. Mm Barton, Ry ' and 81 perches of land in Susquehanna | herandBisem ee “ny ; tawnship, containing a twostory | Fda or. ¥rekioy, 5 £ Yi § ; Waddle Siempre tile ‘dwelling house, bank barn and out TLC Pro Cra ©. Fille heiiidings. | was cs age MI rady ¥ Saey ¥ x $i 8, gk : i ich ¥ The interest of the sro in about 159 as " of Prpiamy AWAY bam, efi n ] flimy™ {hie a m in wh tires and 17 perches of land in Susqoe-| Bilis. Mn Barton, Mestre Cow * una township, having thereon a two- | er and ee 5 I Hesns bd pu ih given at the funeral, which wtory plank dwelling house, bank barn z ety : ded by thirty members of the atid outbuildings. MeCLUNE'S APPOINTMENTS, of Locomotive Fireman Co ini of Derry, Pu .of which The intarwst of the same in 10 ac ros | i EW pen the Connty Treasarer WiLL Appeny * ofl land iv Boagnehanna townshi p- was a mumbor. A beautl- i : sent by this NEW DIOCESE A FACT | County Treasarer MoClune has an. | Wer. Eagene Garvey 1. D., of Pitlsion, Ap. nounced his appointments for 1901 for {the prrpose of receiving taxes in the potted 10 the Bishopric, : ; Porth of the county aa follows: Very Rev. Hugene Garvey, D. D., ¢ Pltaon, has been appointed by the i a as aihorities st Bowe bisbop of the pew | Ashville borongh hotel, D. (3. Mye tre ab Altoona. The date for the | Joly 12. i consecration will probably be June 21, oa %! the foast of St, Barnabas, although it I hotel, Jane 38. not definitely settled yet. It Bs ex- | oo enshin H er oi isd avid pected that Cardinal Martinelli, Arch] = nbd NEAND, 1 bishop Ryan and Rt Rev. Edmund . Prendergast will officiate at the con- Hie township, election house, | ; stcration onremonies. Cambria township, The new diovese, as already pub- yi 3 | abed, in made np of the following counties: Cambria, Blair, Somerset, | | July 8. ol Redford and Hantington connties form Carroll township, at ithe diocese of Pittsburg, and Fulton, | July 8. ! Hae and Centres counties from Har. : rg. Lycoming county will be y : Aransferred from Scranton to Harris | Sutidings daly Fe arg; Carbon county from Philadel | yo1v 15 [phia to Scranton, and Ber ks county | Ciearfleld township, election bouss, {rom Philadelphia to Hasrtuburg. | | faly 10 [Hohuylkilt county, over which re Cresson township, electiim house, | was 80 much cantroversy, will remain | July 24. ut with the archbishop of Philadelphia. | pean township Snyder botel Dysast, 1 The chime of three bells for the July 11. Catholic church beng « mocted by Chas. Ebessbarg MM. Schwab at Loretto Las arrived July 8. and will soon be hoisted into position. | Rendered Laxt Night, Young Man Killed on : the Railroad Saturday. NENT oF ‘FICIALS ov York Gor steal Were Her ol The : les of "OY. which miinher, Fegar £3. Fulton borongh bh Ci the POE budding Memorial Ba Ti us wnied ERT comine nese nd aptrom to Soarisints ot Posies, 10 AUD ¥ Sta 8% Lp | BiG sindbis was presi The p Cand had evidently bern FOETA Was Bin SoM ROUT A PERI ER HORE : fhymbion TL oR Rd reas for thei Porpose of Beeciehig Taxes # » d flo 8 report sent out re! | the meetlog in Albany last the stockholders of the New Jentral Hilroad, greatly in| ani nes in expected to follow township, Loretta, borough, Commercial A. Lather, hotel, court house, | Carrolitown, election house, borough, court hoose, and Mrs. Chita. M. Sctiwab, the donors; Callitsin borough, election house, the second ik in honor of Mr. Jobin July 28 Bobwab and family, and the third in| Gallitzin township, election house, honor of the Rev. Father Ferdinand | ‘Joly 13 : Kittell. The large bell weighs 4000 Hastings borough, election bouse, and the others 3,500. The bells were July 27. past by the Jennings Beil Foundry, of New York, The magnificent marble alters are July 9 cing placed mn position. They will Reade township, Bast, G. L. Glasgow 1 store, July 17. | Reade township, South, school house, | July 18, The Horse Was Kithud. Day exarciees at Bt. Aogustine Geo. | Boone and & party of ladies con sisting of his wife, Mrs. W. H. H. Bell hotel, July 19. land Mri. Robecea Kinkead met with | a ranaway secident which resulted in July 7. othe death of one of the horses Mr. Susquehanna township, | | Boone was driving, but which forta- | io, house, Jane 29. | nately was not attended by any other Susquehanna township, South, at 8 rion results. At a point on the Barnesboro, July 28. “| Chest Springs road about & mile and a half from Patton a bay mare in the | July 22. | team kicked over the tongue and be- | “coming frightened began lo run, the | | other equine following suit. They! 14. Ne © plunged to the foot of the hill a dis Wilmore borough, hotel, July 30. ‘tance of two hondred yards, when the | driver succeeded in stopping them. : The fractions horse had bis right hind lowed x ates on Sr flee over the tongue and the left one will be ad de. ; pe in the wad, when he % plunged for- { | hotel, July 20, Noreh, elec. young mules and a for LE One i THE Wape Boni by Prof. t to St | latter in command of Lincoln 8 Bell. [In the silent city of the dead they found awaiting them the young girls ‘and ladies of Bt Augnstine with re, equal Carrolitown borough, election house | Station at that Plase Deserted on Acceun Chest Springs borough, at municipal Eider township, election house, Jaly * Loretto harough, school Bouse July 1. Patton boroagh, Commereial hotel, While returning from the Memorial | Reade Sownship, West, Hrown’s | Beate township, North, Cooper 8! cursions mores eg and Western Spangler boroogh, Brandon hotel, | Tamnelbill borough Hlection house, | ™<* from other stations. Ww ashington township, Lilly, July 25. E White township, election house, July | | dist church will hold a cake sale in A discount of 3 per cent will be al- : : : . MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM! Tt Was Rendered in Exc ellent Style at St. Augustine. FALLEN HEROES t i v Bima bod and FThviy Ciraves Pravoratod. With Hprings Choseist Offer. : i gaint Aablrokes iy Falher Kane : Thi Fopiios Bevel fRnnet, SY In a : Aca with | i fo the mornkng He Post proces dead to! the vametery bn a body beaded by the | trait Dra Corps, amd with fragrant | swers decorated the graves of the | soldter dead, while the firing squad in, sommind of Major W, HL. H. Bell fired eee rounds pyer (he graves of John! Heaar, a veteran of the civil war, aid | i Georges Edmiston, oo of the boys wi | Two Ve men from 1 ; inter gor store Slondsy last, 5 ; Kersh or Tom,’ as he Is known by hin frisncis, wold them as follows: 1 Black (May al. wool Sait, a 1 Pair i Top” Patent antler, i Fine Piiarl Hot Hat, 1 Tn perial Ti Tie, Total, This first young man said, 1 ad I cama to on Th ¥e bi aid 320.05 for the ame former undoubtedly saved as oct [$5.82 he could well allo | fost aa wel ge IP IT DID, WC . The other yous m ; wore a kbakl aniform stamped U.S, | | ahve same suit and © AL, during this fate nnplensantness with Spain. i Tmmediately after the Post proceeded | Aggastine, whores thay wers met by the veterans of that place, and | Pmnrched to Lhe cemetery beaded by the dram corps and firing squad, the spring's Sorsd offerings and the graves | of twenly-seven relatives were hare decorated. Three rounds were fired : aver the last resting places of Lewis Cand Michael McDermott, both of whom give ap the last fall messtare of devo. tion to their country at the battie of Antietam, A oonntermarh wae made to the ‘81. Augustine Hall where the meeting | | wis eatled to order by KE R. Dunegan. A vocal selection wax rendered in ‘an excsllent manner by 4 male quar | ‘the same numey. merely for your onelt. owing you hat on of our kind of goods each man siwved about $3. jo. DOES THAT PAY? 2 We Hike it does. “saw,” One dollar saved is three earned. It comes so easy too at our store, = atton, Largest, two to ome Fresher; tutte composed of Ed Racliffe, Rich-, | ard Bowland, BE. Will Green and LR ' Pell. The oration was delivered by | Bev, T. J. Bas and wis & masterpiece | of eloquense and patriotism, the address x dinver was served in the hall by the ladies of St. Augustine and was 4 repaint thar would be hard to In fact, the arcangements were all of upon the old soldiers and the citizens generally of St Angustine and the 8 Patton contingent returned home io the | afternoon loud in their praises of the . manner in which everything had beens accomplinhid. SMALL.POX AT KATLOR, 5 ; af the Bread Platine, Harry Digan, aged x1 years, a tele= raph operator employed by the Penne : yle ania Railroad company ut Kaylor, six miles from Cresson, is reported to ibe a victim of smallpox. He wan taken with the disease about a week | go and at present is confined to h hoarding hous: where be is being at ‘tended hy an Ebsnsburg ph The proprietor of the house, bis wife and children remain in the house, | which, it I said, has nob been quaran. tined, The Kaylor station has been deserted ‘on aecount of the disease and new quarters have hen established in a box lowe shout 400 yards away. How Du- gan contracted the disease is not known. one is known to have carried it Kaylor, it being said to be very bad. bir co A me + ‘Pennsylvania to Atlantic City, Ospe May, Oceun City, Sea Isle City, Angle. | sea, Holl Beach, Wildwood, and Ava lom, N. J, Rabuboth, Del, and Ocean City, Md. Round-trip rate $10.00 from Pittuburg, and low He hss not been away from {Kaylor for more than a year anc For further information addrenm Rn Watt PAW Dn, Pittsburg, Pa Attention! : The Lalies Add Society of the Meotho- |