Se sg FAIR Ser Hr 5 ii pn drawn to the fact on Office. is in the have there heen any “sub atts. So thers ix Tittle ; the pHsoner is guilty. hat e of I. In a recent ease in Jury solved soe fitieqtty ve due to the tren fneres : ! op dow thtaationt: the i 5 ¥ i oi r Ld § al atid the . tecttlad} paris of | " n salty pacts they * was at Cedar Creek, Virginia, | that a clreamstances hap pened to a comrade and my- self which goes to prove that | words spoken fit certain times oan pro | duce awe where guns fail” sal Leroy Hanna, who served in Company L, of | the Second Connecticut Heavy Artll- © Jery, to an oll comrade. Continuing | Mr. Hanna sail. “We had been guard- Haann! srRnesDERT” ng a ford tor several days and hail had several skirmishes with thee Came foderates. In which we Jost & puniber of our men. On the morning «f Octo #1 bor 19 a comrade named Jack’ Dora | fan and myself were sent to make a detour through the foothills and try | ty discover a good road for an ad Yance, (“We had proceeded about a mile i from the camp when without 3 moe | ment’ # warnhig we came face 4 face with seven ribeds, all heavily armed i and on the ldokout for pe If wag u i vient place, and meant either capinre or death, for we could wot bape tor | | enpe with seven, Just as the fore. | prost rebel hrought bis piece to his shoulder an idea came to me Like 8 | flash. Throwing op my left arin with i | the palm of my hand extendad out | ward. 1 exclaimed: ‘Hold! Surrender! he Kixth Corps is in the mountains | Amica] Tostitutions in | and if you shoot you seal your ows - loom.’ rade wis again 4 low ebh ¢italn would feel the effects of System of oduention, and 1 bridge uiiding Lax become i industry ta the United States, pountry laow contalae VEN of raliwiy. awd It be estimated there i aia average ol ove wpa | etaliie bridge to every thoes miles of ack, or GR000 bridges on existing | es. An Ineryase of weight fa cars, ek during reecnt thoes 1 Desessary to rmew ull of ; with stronger am Thos independent of constructed for pew ) new bridges must be tes fur those which king physi ¢ ought alligently to get ut of the origin of ¢aneer, that ¢ malignant seourge of hike ) pported with reasonable Bef that this mystery pelle “at last by persistent h the microscope and by Axed tive siortality of tip : Hminisbed so exter practi s i olf the mar Ket, It eortainly al Vik od great perentiinl 91% must have been the dramatic fire | {1 put into there words that had the of fect of wing them, for ome by one | | they lowered thelr guns and we made them captives. We took their guos wnt then between two reds and threw them ute the bashes, Whe all {heir pieces had bern conliseared we marched our prisoners into camp, and then started out again This time we | : d Germany would press her | more ard, ii the tack for com & Ndi, ied, ¢ HAROTCHING BERIND A Stowe” had rraversad about two miles when we (ame upon a rebel orderly who ‘was riding like the wind, Dorstioan sprang nto the middie of the road aml commanded Bim to batt and surrender. Instetid of oeying he leveled his gun, but for sone reason it missed fire Dorstman fired. but missed him. Then be shouted to me: ‘Bhoot him, you fool’ 1 did so. and ever afterward 1 fegretted It. He wos the only man ‘that to my knowledge 1 wounded or killed during my term of service” “1 was in forty-two engagements § and was seared every time.” remarked | Colonel Gedrge B. Van Norman, of the Bighth Wisconsin Regiment to 8 pumber of his comrages. Colonel wo 1. Britton spoke up, saying: “Van you {are un honest pian: go abead and tell us something about the Eighth" | ¥At Corinih, Miss, 1 got the biggest wear io omy lite” said Colonel Van Norman, “It was the day Vrice aad i Van Dom undertook to capiare Coe Limh fren General Resecrans. The | Confederates had drawn up very cise Ao our lne--s0 close, in fact, that at Lavery volley several of our men would 0 keep children in shoe { fall. About this time I had advanced | , § with my old ‘Harpers Ferry’ mosiat ‘and stood drouching beaind a stump frown which point of vantage I was | | londing and firing as fast as 1 could a | Then the Confederates began advane | re | 102 in a beavy line. Colonel GW. Robbins bad just been wounded and had retired from the field. The next Yolley caught Major Jefferson, and he | ¢ rriedl off the field in a dying mT was so buey firing tha 3 i hie post. and a shell from: a pivot gun had oven sent throngh thee rigging of the Tesipg slammer Tee | fourth shot exploded in lb topest i dropped the pudding and nn himsel! emy. 1 asked him where our com radex were, Fe sald they thust have been ordered to retreat By thin Fiene the ‘Johnnies’ were very cious and ad- vapcing rapidiy. 1 torsed to Walker abotit a fellow being seared to death! Weil, when we began to rum spd the holes tegan to whize over our heads wit ducked at every sound. whether the Buillet was within a foot or ten feet of er heads Any man who says be was nat frightensd some time in Pattie must hive been in the hospital most of the time” rail pe the story about the soldier and the plam pudding” sald Colonel i 8, Cooper to Jesse Bherwood, as and sabi: ‘Let's shoot and ran’ Talk He id: “ipa were down - Wert ines, administering a blow and “hen running away, Not any of us had been within gunsior of the firing line | Land few bad talked to one who had However, fost ss often as we bb | Cvonsrked wi were frightened. seen the night hetlore only a short dis {tapes shemd of ns. We were pot out | to Peiresl, geen thongh We Were #0 Lok that we all wished we had never aniisted, fo we Kept Koddeniy a terrible gallop | ing was Beard just in front of os and | afraid of our WOVIinE. beyond a samil Bil We thought it was & cavalty charge and formed to meet it “It fell ta my Jot to kneel down in front with my baronet pointed at sn angle to recnive the charging enemy. tare. 1 sapppoe. but 1 knew of noth Ling but the steady gallop. gallop of | the thousand hoofs that would soon {pound the 1ife our of me. I grirted my teeth fo Await 1he charge. thong zh f guaked as with the sgn I recall the mas net me saying "Good-bye, old fellow.’ Virginia, about 100 or us detached | from our regiment and doing special | duty looking for stray guerillas who | | were contipualiy running through oar | | “Ope morning roger came that ag big sqgoad of guerilia cavairy had been | Men sil about me were in similiar pos | Today son are dreemg vour prlands aw a Beterage be prohibite The ie of the heroes who Be of ide, . "Neath the smiles of the gentle M And the chaos with vosoes apd sony Group there where the flowers sored In profusion spon the graves of loved While the mother remembers Ber dead. nbn DECOR ATION DAY, lie and a few others wore sphuaag Sear stories a1 the Grand Arnis bead uated, “Ff waw an board thy United Sates the many Dodable things that fume BL tared daring the war, On that paris re sbi ing hat ther ave ne the shipl A lithe late a. tg ihe Caben fuss, Wis b steam fur Ome eelioaneler arfeend the Cox } Fedora stars amd bars TOR WD te Dus ! toad the olicers of the Steamer. in 3 few minutes she steamed b Whe near ebotzh the compas shouted: “What ship is 1hat? The an femer ia ey The British steamer it ppesian, 1 pon Bordeaux, Fran hes pr captain enber} oe beave to. at the same time dropping Woateh uw if you can Pp i ge 3 . Puy ” MELTOH UA IE YOU AX, if BADR rigeizig just ax a steward was io act of carving a pims puddiziz dowa below. When the shet burst down. He was still plesing up pees of pudding when his captsin surven dered apd Bauled down his cols Then we towed her to Key We 3 steanhin Rotperset during Dw Civil | War said ir Sherwood. “We had headquarters 8: Rey Wes, Ameng “In five minutes every ran was at | fe A rE SERRA A 3 HI ER pai Beetire from Lhe storms and the shragpies Wook! Ro ; oe : were present at today’s sen he House, The time was ab 55 , on on 8 JOSET doe : e qitestion af final adjourn whhd few migor bills f uot, the prokind the Bill was up for fh dha the Hote 31 prs fins boraelt poll, svi Borel xh or Any article of hun the Bill wax Reteated by one yore, ir Epsery. of Meroe ; is BL) providing that the question. anal : the petal] trafic (n intoxicating tind o mitted to the qualified a a ‘eviry wunl city, haranah and town ship fu the State on the third Tuesday ‘of Fehepars snd RYery es years i thereafter. THE REDAY. Whe douris. high and low, were OUP | oiked after hy the Leaiddaturs today. anil wile the Kenate MI increising the anneal allowanes of the members of the Supreme Court for clerk hive {fram $1000 to S250 or as mock Dthireal ds fay De DOCOSNRIY. WS | pst paily fn the House soi goes 1H ile Bnoate of avery of am nt the Home Hill providing : firs ne # tional taw fodpe In Northam | berlanid county was passed finally a : 1901. =f 3 ease to wonder why tan oe harge Re Sa GR I FINO 30 der my slegreation was the cEpture fof the British steamer Cirmssian off : he culet of Cuba on Sanday. May 4 FPS She was the richest prise Cap balay mubrning w Sle eraining of Mats pas. Cuba. Wy ad eharen 180 Shan pia MarR amie. nt Aung ont, end there, lying | the Chnfederate stars andl bars and | running up the Stars aod Stipes to | the musthesd. The tsunting challenge | wis ung from the English boat | O%1,7 A BRINDLE Call, Chole sol gated Again. don’ 1g eat Su The bra he Sur Jemdet, 0 RL a te, BAO CA eR PS rr | The total number of jer bonses remis of : wast made and eter w ti et Ax “1 begnn bo oper Toate fhe POUL dime 1 2 wna the sd ‘Ready, pon Ea ave ar Bok, Sona BiINE mOIRY 3 : Lia ats pers 5 ; af. the $i ie Bank depan Reigate and ls 1p the Goyon Baise, Among other bille passed we th defray Sa oblate Searion or Pe Tans awe of the Uonizgon nacted fons Cae sk ng application need in the House = rw | ns a 3 1 sawn Seftor a hg FRIDAY. - resnfution fAxing Jone ArH. was offiowd i feasy. of Lao 0 toes Shots Any vide far fhe entire number. Te Tegel tive Apportionment wis read the Gost thes A PNR FU | P rinsylva yania : Railroad. Dn effet May 27, 1000, UBRIEES prides Tonya Patios thant ie Theat FE Bm. arviving ving af Ma Fa wm snd Gam Campbell a8 Row WR AT AO Bw arene oF Matal Cp. Be and at Dirt ab TR $6 i PA MRE bk a EE a Ph iindeiphia & ooh WN in sige tnt Wie nse In ava mh Ehangial Soisie: You tate the rouster or other fowl te him. lie touches 8 bation, and be {ore Fou cas wink twice every feather is off He hrd Several ross curs of iir from ehectric fos, turning | slong the Hodson River is #45. with at the rate of 5000 revolutions a min | a total tovmage Sagacity wf aman use, a the Fuk dew Yors. Heruld, Fast Line: ips My Pct Br cet Tai a Jn Np 8, SRindaes dniy eaves Mt. Dei fhe Hansiagdoe: si ¥5k BB. ArrIeing af trainee mak SEW. erioms with 5 AERIS Eoniean. r Cant 4 a Co ees
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers