AR [ me PARAS Arps. Lua a aansacties i REALTY : i ma Piparties in This Led oh the Dimaty That | Pithy. Chijmged Hunde Revonily, 1 School Friday Night. Basauel BE Jones, by the sheriff, to in = pprrge. sosend, of Contractor : MUSIC AND ELOCL TION. Pointed, Poneitingd, Partaining HH GhOE {It Will be Held at the High Feovie and Vinoew, : sry | natin 8 and 1. company. Patton George B. Good, of Lock Haven, met $00, with a painful secident Friday afte ir! Indastrinl 8 & I company to John! noon while ont sbling with his pony. J. Kohnley, Patton. 81. y ongig Ciostnd enddenly of ; tha ; Dayld Green to John Btsckbsu, Pate pony tou qhickly the spin | fell, tom, §1,400 : with the rider ander him, LAG Palmer 4 ux to WickHff OC was that de of young © Lingle, Patton, $1,000, ibroken 8 the ankie. it isa bid Arao- | | Jasob Martz et ux to Erma © tore and'will lay him { Shunkwilbr, Carroll township, $600. while, Willinmepori 1] Altert J. Swopset ux to Lawrence letin ad Eckaprods, Hastings, $09). ER of Louis Dalaby st ux to Louis Gal- was in Patton Wednesda ye Hing on Lim, Hastings, $50. his political friends. Me Ia na of ‘Henry Bwope ef ux to Heme Pars: | candidate for the Reopublioia noming- ¢ baagh, Carrolitown, $556. tion for Register and Becorder and bis David Atherton et ux to John Djin- | anncuncemmnt appears in anntier gol | | bos, Barnesboro, $50. lamn: Hels in every way qualified for Catherine MoAnuity to Gilbert Mo- | the position he seek and if nominated | : Abulty, Barneshoro, $5. Land vlected will prove a capable offi © 1. J. Bearer, administrator, to Mrs. cial . Catharine Baum, Susquehnnns town ~The wvaloe of the 17110: 1,200. ‘advertising mediom i Chest Creek L. and I company to demonstrated. line T. Robinson, Patton, $50. ‘peceived at this office and forwarded | Chist Creek 1. & I company to to the wealthy bachelor of Piitebarg| Mi Mares Mins farms Jon, | William T. Robinson, Patton, §65. in goest of & fife companion. If he 4 Qrter, Hel 1a the Quetn of Night, Indlostrial 8 & L company to Wil don’t get s wife ont of that bunch it’s Ermer Lange wid Hum Robinson, Patton, $3,100, his own fault. “And still there's more Mrs. Hasson, Mon Ja om, Mr. Kelsall, Mr Jolin Yaten ot ux to Joseph Bartos, to follow. n i Det, vay Liu Fiakino Sear : Barnesboro, $0. Councilmen Cordell, Gould, Win “ Sie AGRI Gheibet | : John Hanson to Bidney Allsop, slow and Campbell were at the Munic. | Rate re. Mrmy, Mes. Bidy , $800, | ipal Hall Monday night at the appoint [5 fncruementet 5 Sito, 15 Troeatore. M.D. Kittel et ux to John W. Hall, gd hour for the regular semi-monthly | Mine Rad hel Sided. Cresyon, $250, | meeting, but the other member of the (8 Imett, How Beautiful is Night. .. Cambria Agricultural association to honcrable body did not put in an ap, Sm, Me. : es. Baa.) : Hembrandt Peale, Carrolitown, $2,357. pearance, and after waiting in vain fOr (5 Instrumental Doct. Mies Kharisogh. | ; Frans Huber et ux to Stephen Hor. a half hour, the quartette went home. (2 Qumrtet, The Solder and the Fly. aidicnt | rancher, Fider township, $25. 1 PE Mrx Baldy, Mrs Gimenninger, Mr Cowher, Mr. Albert Lupert ot ux to Joseph Lo- | Myo Hi Elder townuhip, $170. : League in Americas wax observed by Hoda, For all Breratiy, Aneslo Mire Hansa | James Melvans et ux to James 0. L Lamer, Susquehanna, $100. sinment in ie Ausombiy Row Pro ti tog ai Will duke Part ta ark aud Bal a § | Luohool plane fad will be given | Lmao mbly room ad the swhoesd Be Lon Friday evening. Linton, of le Thy © business ae aid athe Wi change bo hour the first seliol haga a S0 Lorder of arrahgement, Miss Maude ‘Fink, of Mahnfuy, is expected to be : | present end give several readings. OTRIER WA an | LauRIRG us an PART PIRNY bas again been | Mra 7 J Rehall and Misk Prindivis Ten leiters have been | compan ints Iasi teerinl win Bonteen drain, op tL. Hivhards Iie anniversary of the Epworth i Moueteront PR Teas dt ahd ie BoA Ro A the Senior and Junior societies of the | a ga : : 'M. E. church on Sunday evening. An a excelient program bad been prepared | oni te 4 Warm Ressption. | Wiltism J. Hojgue to Sylvester Eck- 1, ponor of the cocasion and uw orowd | ; Rory Mills | enrode, Allegheny towhship, 3s. ‘that taxed the capacity of the trom | Mine G40 tis, Mr. Citilioee. John J Dietrich et ax to Joseph listened to ita rendition. > CGisariet, Cam, OF Cana 2 Whom Faces Bids | Mertens, Carroll township, $10. | Mrs. EE Cooney, gave & FecRp- | Mex Hasson, Mone Barton, " ids er | Cymbria Coal company to William tion Tuesday evening at her residence Disease A Binith, Susquehanna township, $1. on y Bast Mages avenue in honor of her * Pged Em Br, Mes Greaningor, Samp. Savane ux 80 3. Mary. Comer, aud a re | Si i am rink Bwathart Cresacn township, $18, | whio retarped from their wedding trip Sto Farley. LARGEST OF A ANY. that evening. Aboot sixty people & Quartet, Baily in Gur Alley. ware present and an elegant Fepast b Mors Kasil, Coowber, Myeen a Amore. New York Central Raiteond Nhape Will be was served. (1. lostramesial Drseet us Vive is dneutss at Oak Grave, | John Asheroft left Monday for ml Mink Wenta, Mon + The official announcement has been Paso, Texas, expecting to be atwent for | mio jE ll Rosary. 4 ade that the Now York Central mil | about throw weeks, Mr Asbesoft has Mow, Haswin, {10nd company bas decided to locate some real estate investments in the, werien, The last Rous of Surimar, | thelr new shops ut Oak Grove, one-half Southern city, and it is for the purpose Dr suommre. | pile from Jersey Shore, and the work of looking after these interests that he 7 Foi Cred Lone docg.... | of erecting the big buildings and of | makes the trip at this the, fn Duet. Cn the ED am. | conptructing the yards will be com. _ The pew office building of the | “Sr Haan. Mo Body. meniced at an early date. Bon b Creek Coal and Coke Uo, will be | 12 — Sysio, Web's. In Dragos... Lead Tie statement is made that the shops | erected by the Murray Lamher Le iy of | . an wo Taganing + | will be the largest of any of the Now philipaburg, the contract having beet | is ie ve rine deve : York Central raliroad system, which : awarded On Saturday. The agreement Mm. Hasson, Mw Berion, Mr Kedwail, M | means that the Oak Grove plant will | stiptiates that it must be completed by | go. ibe un immense aftair. The yards In’ guguet ist connection with the shops at Oak | Chas F. Pits, the sucosssor of Pitt | Low Faia Aiur Ley Lhe Pacific, The Penpuylvanis Railroad parson. : a} dc Laven Swart abe Suey, has & pew advertimement on ally ennductsd tonr to San Francisco "| the fifth page of this jmwe. His store, and the Pacific toast, leaving New JAmODE the lager of the Central 8's. rill to overflowing with semsonable York, Philadelphia and Piusburg by | } goods and the prices are 1 a iggy do be octet = posible. Read the ad. and profit ther | sions and the number of hands em- iby. j not be eonfived 1s delegates to the ployed will be larger than at any other Chas. FE. Marray, the Philipsburg {Epworth League convention, which " |shops of the company now in exist contractor, was here on Satarday on Wil be beld in San Francisco from anos and aro expected to reach at least business sopnected with the erection July 13 to 21, but will be run for ibe 1 5,000. ‘of the new Beech Creek Coal & Coke | benefit of all who desire to visit © br i Co. office building. | ~The millinery establishment of a wt HH. Bckenrode, the editor of the Mri (J. Robison has been moved from | o, Carrolitown News, was in town Wed- yng Nolan building to the second build. ne Mellon nd gave Dal $500 dare ue ing from the railroad crossing on Ma. i anus at court to answer the Shige of gee avenne. Jud Bdi Pasion u Co ouster. "De | wank andl moved bis family 1 to Otean, | 4; Ca tor Beem . esa noe. N.Y. Their address in the city of fic of he a rat rh by ha patoral advantages is 708 Washington ut * ‘may have to stand trial before anctid *' 3 | Republican King's jury, as was the case when the editor of this paper was Sound guilty” of a criminal libel. An ing and observation © car, July 8, will | during the susamer season. Stops will | be made st Denver, Colorado Springs, Balt Lake U City, San Francisco, Mont | erey, Santa Burbara, Los Angeles, San done, | Springs, Bt. Paal and C points en route. The-round trip rate from all points Jackson § in Also - Drosera, other interestiog a Pittsburg, $8.30, covers tronsporta- tion, double Pullman berth and Ralph Tomer was in La Jose Toes nate in dining car; two persons in a “day attending the brother's wife, Mrs. Goy Tower, Who hone $5.00 Jess. The tour[will cover a died on Saturday. SIE WISE! ung : The program | will ko addition to the program given below, | which Is snbjed to a few changes in the Age LBpreng Retiersr Mies Hate Shirbaugh. | Ie Veord: ments er the pert Nevin. Mix Eady, Mon Grenainger, Mr Cowher, Mr. | 4 ) KE smith . 5 Ttre Gottet : - is he = E — LG the Jowest | special train of Pallman sleeping, din. | Portland, Seattle, Baotl Hot &ee on the Pennsylvania railroad east of fuperal of his berth each, $188.50. Rates from Pitts 1d | imported Reputiican jodge refused to | admit proof of the charge complained. i period of thirty days. Persons desir For Sale—A lot near old Mellon ing may return independently from | Cheap for cash. Inquire at this San Francisco by various routes at proportionately low rates. For further | of Burnside, is information apply to ticket agents, or , | of and in the face ot the plantiffs own bot. 2 | adinission that he had done or failed to office. do precisely what The Democrat said ~~ Miss Lizzie Dowler, he had done or failed to do, the jury 8 guest at the residence of E. found its verdict. Johnstown Demo borne. | eral passenger agent, Philadelphia. | ora. | .-Sheriff Elmer E. Davis, of Ebens tpn % burg, was a Patton visitor on Wednes- | G. A Rn. Encampment. day. i Hor the benefit of those desiring to Frank Fielding, of Clearfield, was | attend the annual encampment of the in town on Friday. | Grand Army of the Republic, Depart- | 8 Evans was here from the county | for each of the first 100 schools, and . ment of Pennsylvania, at Gettys- gout on Tuesday. #6 for each school above 100 and mot ig burg, June 3 to 8, the Pennsylvania | aver 200 and $2 for each whol above {railroad company will sell excursion { tickets to Gettysburg from all stations | ‘on its line in the state of Pennsylvania, | | hereby announce myself a8 & can y, on June 1, 2, 3 4 and 5, good to return | dislate for Register and Recorder, sob antil June 10, inclusive, at rate of & ject to the decision of the Republican single fare for the round trip. For County Convention, to be hsld ot Bb pacific rates, apply to local ticket ensburg Monday, June 24 1801 | CHARLES C. LixroN. nbscribe for and advertise in the oN COURIER, the best paper in | cunts a week. Why don’t Tou ie | prense must arn Cambria county. nero and stop borrowing? | fund 4 spprop: Nalmrien Adjusted. Cov, Bion viding that the salary of county sup- perintendentsy of schools shall be $10 ANSDL NCEMENT. HEGISTER AND RECORDER j Le sor ionita shall not be less than §1,000 | annually, por more than ga. In Leotinties having 1,200 square miles or ‘a sphool term exceeding 7d months the ‘salary shall not be less than $1500 | Where a convention of school direc. tors electing a superintendent voles {). Harts address Geo. W. Boyd, assistant geo has signed the bill pro- 200, and that the salary of the super. a ne Exeeliong Peigraty Pregared $7 the Bolen . Bene dil of the Plans Pandey ho The musicale for the benefit of the | BO \ £=% And Furnishings in in This Town. And we can back up the “Ad” with the goods We were boys mee and know they hike Nice 8 Sirts, : i Hats, Neckwear, Collars, Shoes and (Clothes as wel not better, than men Our stock always complete in the boys’ wear We show not less than 300 Boys’ Long Pants Suits; nearly so many of the Little Fellows’ Smits also Patent Leather Shoes and Oxfords for them too. Special istyles of Hats and Caps, and dozens of other fixings spr for boys This a talk for the boys alone Of course mothers are interested because they want to know the best and cheapest ‘place You are invited boys to call and look us up i | See ihe Wina All Sizes, 12 to 14 Neck COME HERE--SEE FOR YOURSELF. The eystons Uoipiers: and STOPS PAIN oF ALL KINDS. Cures the Cause. Use it for Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sprains, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Stiff Joints, Etc, Colic, Cholera, Dysentery, Cramp, Toothache. a Yours for comfort, iforpm and the Canadian Northwest = Magic cong Care, “ Toothache Drops. lt W. Hodgkin h" torn ( bre. -— or If Some One. Would | Slip $: in Your Pocket You would consider it & kinifiy | act. Thin 8 what we are practically doing to every man. who buys hia Spring Suit from na It is no advertising enteh or thong tess assertion, but an honest fact, that while our New - Salts are equal in material and workmunship to frst-class custom tallor work, prices are from 25 to 5 per cent lower, Don’t Accept Our Statement, Use Your Own Eyes; Rely on Your Own Judgement. We know we've pot the goods and are better prepared to roperly suit you than any other store in wn. You'll Pi it, too, the moment you sel your eyes on the goods and inquire into the prices. You "ii be surprised at the stylish suite you can buy for 37.00, $10.00, $1200, $15.00. You get the Best abirios, Hine pewast stvloa, the pest #9 arkmansdip, a hig saving, wompared with the prices of a ler Hats, New
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