The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 16, 1901, Image 1

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    oR Rs AR A A 0 AT SN PIN 200 5
$10 00 PER YEAR.
raves of the Honored i
tho win Nat Obkersi i o%s Suv divest
Extent. wna thie Grapd Svar XW OL go ta
Aug iatine. Coraysnndor Boone Fae
the ambos of the Grand
Post nlond, u somenitias having
pointed th decirate the graves
f the ddier dead in che differant
At a meting of the Post
Satorday nfternoon it was de. heen
[to go to St, Angnstine and join ji Froeedinge of the Seashore Hed ae?
ie veterans of that plach in pre.
gating the rismory of those of Argament © seyanan atl
comrades who have atswared the burg on Monday. The follow
voll call, The citizens of St. Angus. the procesdings of inter:
Are preparing a program to be res the county § ert
‘this odeasion. The Patton = Pel ition of trast wos of Putian
f will have in the morning | hare oh $0 soll ehurol property |
% Ree Lent
sri HE TaPesy od.
hale Thic Wank.
Cwate sale, ond 1 ¥
* %
* 7
ers Jieur. Peter Kaylor Mavuros, Marie, Katie,
. 838, G. A. RB, Department Anna, mivot chiidren of JW.
of Pennsylvania: late of Eider township, }
will medt at Bell's Hall San. | Anna, their next friend and mot
98, ar 1) o'clock a.m. for the i for the appointment of a guardian. F. | he
of stuinding divine service J. Hartman sppoloted. Bond of goar-
dian filed and approved.
eturn of Jacob Meyer, executor of
Elizabet Bh Myer, toan order to sell peal |
fn ate
ito meet with 118, Petition of citizens af Blackliok and
By order of
Patition of Minnie. ¢ foment, Irene
wy Agnes
Jackson townships for the appointment |
Geo. Boone, Commander. of viewers for the erection of § vounty
| bridge over the Bouth bracch of the |
| Blacklick creek at or near Twin Rooks
J. L Eider, Robert Purgeson, Joby
© Witkiason, viewers
Petition of citizens of Busquebsnng
: Petition of the Pirst
store years aio the reverbera. dhurch of Gallitien for Inourpor
the first gun fired at Fort Som: | In the ease of the Gallltzen Bulldin ng
the flag found its answer and And Loan association against Patrick |
2 Senron had © the smoke risen Leonard oh Nagme Lecanre el judg
; ipl north and went, shore ach ca and coast Yat ue
dwelt. The farmer boy left and Washington townsh
wv, the apprentice dropped his rharged
the Offre clerk pat aside his | Motion for aa attachment
g | the Yocktions and pasos ita oof posta,
these patriotic boys donned In the ejeciment case
of blue, grasped musket tude Kitidoger vs
, and with muguivesing voices nd = ward Bander,
Hurrah: mo " answer to ad 1 the eourt bat wu 3 Siren d
shouts of pocession and dis. tract of land of abont 85 acres, sitaated
im Clearfield township.
years of war, four years of
strife, four years of danger and
fering, four years of privations
daring, four years of devotion
WARD Division,
CW Rat the Carmi aner Appoinied
That Patios will Resommond
country and one fag, for years Mesde BB. Uowher Jas. Mellon and
g armies from the banks of H.C. Yorger, the commissioners ap
of the South, and from the nto wards, mad
the Atlantic to far beyond the hheir apg posimen
the Mississippi. two great iter ou Smtusday morning st
armies fought inch by inch, Weloek, The fhilowi ing dicieton wilt
foot, the hue for the perpetuity Teeommendal (5 the Const for ou
® American Union, the other for mation.
' tion! During these four All that portion of
Susquebannx to the guaif washed ; pointed hy the Court to divide Patton
grand old emblem of our MOrth of Magee aveoue to be ne ra
nity was kept ti the bree i88 the Narth w art writ that As partion
willing b nds and strong hearts sonth of Mage gvenus to he Enown
sk, sr foyal Young En. ie the South war X Tiw $i 35:13 i 2354
of our, T patriotic youth. or the latter will be the Frome
John Hunter on PIR avenoe wos se
ected as the polling
North ward
i | Conalderable specalation has been
Or indulged in as to how the division will
) (Liffoct the town politically, bat while
on to soc bottom, down. there are prophets galore it is safe to
the gulfs and bays, in the saume that wn election will be neces.
| in the elds, ander the tary to determine whether the new |
arrangement gives one party more ad-
he wavi grain and antage than the othe
rs, in the plain village" tlle 01 ar.
wore the horared uniform of
glory and renown; gallant,
Has Histeiouic Tain
Hall, while tlie vacant store room of
iment in other districts nearby is Ther newly married left the same even.
meteries of the cities, from | | | The Philadeiphia North American on
und coast of Maine to the Wednesday contained a series of living
aters of the bayous of Louis | pictures as given by ihe girls of the
the beaches and bluffs of Mansfield state normal school, in which |
- Aluntic to and beyond | Miss Leal Daggett, of this place, voen- ;
mountains where the imper. ples a conspicuous position, and com.
dlaves the western shores of ments as follows:
ntry ander the sod and be “A few days ago the senior class of
the son there ure sleeping hun. [ibe state normal, at Mansfeld, pro:
housands of those comrades duced on the stage of Alumni Hall the
famons Greek drama ‘Py gmalion adnd |
jalatea.’ One of the most beautiful
eatures of the performance was a sor
es of living statuary pictares, given
the young women of the class
earx were given with mary.
i tlous effect. The large sodience again
Aled & the fair aly he :
[was $4 years of spe cn Maoh 8 19
death CIR TS Wii asiofishrnent
acters of the Pennsylvania township, asking for the appointment
! pty the Republic: at Phila: of Jaton Sosaer ville t to . vacancy in lg
Lol Weak
Cee wie te atuien the Surpitabide
Patton i a How mintters which we 4% be
of more fen Bo one in the fatuee. When
FOU ES aE to bart Gira priser,
Comatable. don't pet Rm drank in
the Pret place, and shen von po Io the
resddenoes of people at the dead hones
of the pight In quest of mformastion,
he Sourseif G% phmaxinas Ne
ay taght ur a dose of
nay be mete 4 Ot Te yoay
Sonatabhle Jackson
a ok prjer. Compania hy the policeman
Swwdinh Lutheran Other ition of thea plan.
The re WN io bunt up & young ou
Pastivign and ine ®hom be bad a warrant, Monday sight
oomsetary at The entire party had a beantiful JAE on
fits sald, Aboot 2 o'clock Toesdsy
“morning {he officers we Lie bone
of Constable Hurley in Carroll town.
«Bip and want that offer to arvom.
£y them, st be refined They {hen
Robert Uonrad dived st ber
Thoma ia Clears RE pon Satur
day at 230 5. om The deceased, who
was formerly Mas Martha Duopegsn, pe
: came to Lown, {t being al
| Bhe was ili or & few davs mad her 20F fade nubsnoes of
: 3 or Ebay BRerymen
Wiooh ste dived Bad hired
fer wad denise
: Jiaees, : an Sey rote 3 Bp s 5 Ran shear of 3 pn ple,
home, Srvkmon being toe eater wd wey [10 KEYSTONE Clothiers an
555 nf bo di fone of who he was and what
im che wanted he wonld any drm Gran
faneral alms and jet me in a oo ant Loo
aik to youu: |owon't he
; ,.Uamstable, the Peaple
¢ Rev. Father Dave lived | Jo amen
than to allow a
And Furnishings in
in This Town.
. ts
as weil
. a
W ££ NER
THY 80 TRany
1xings all
a taix for the boys alone. Of course mothers are
hecanse they want to k tow he best and cheapest
y 3
FEIT Av sam ace agatha wean Bia «% a0
SERRE RR mp ARE £ i aR $5.4
S2e the Window »
of Shirts at... ¢)
to 14 Neck.
PES ers.
vi ow
5 » LY
wor vg
hy is ex. PRUGON you x und your
relatives of Wi bet yall Want. people WG oome gee.
CGown stairs and give you laforoation ae
tell who you are and what you
ad dion’ any Hike a sn i"
Lhe deabgeedl
WHRIREAS, Ft bas 4 ws
3 : aie ; Be ik . it
infinite wade fo mall fron our pride Fownr Paving (leerts aed Trae Tha
‘ihe belie w if
Fok His dias ETE
Ha ars'x RB
neon, of Jersey 8
vibe Mare Xookisy 8
# ties 7 tg bax #
were Mis Car
wise a
perdi wll
Hoong iy
af Jersey
i= a papdiar sogl
Fark Lanirat Pai
LAR AR { : Ganghiter
Commitiee. : : Ig
¥ { pf thie
ng lady
A hei wt ;
That's All!
Cures the Cause.
Swellings, Brus
Magic (ough Cure,
"Toothache Drops, | 0 W. Hodg KIDS 3
Corn [dre :
dius isi i
Camiboh Could Far bust wishes,
Bish if Bowes Necessary Ty ] on of this place, apd
The railitary enrollment for Patton oe Emma Hort, of Flemiogton, Pa,
3; ; 5 Pianeta 24
borangh for the year 1901 sx returned were united in the holy bonds of mat
If Some One Would
‘to the adjutant general of the state TIRIOBY al the home of the bride on
8 almost a half thousand fghting Toesday evening st 8 o'¢lovk by Hew
’ isi ha By wap nf fhe Ry 4 $
: BR, or to hex exact $84 The enrolls Ro uy Phe fuss 1 of the aM E L hi ref
Slip $5 in Your Pocket
appended: ; sdelohia and other Eastern
Allegheny, 130. ite. expecting to retarn to Patten
Ashville Boron gh 41. Tuesday, where they will make their
Barmeshora, 370 home in the fature.
Cambria, 189 The groom ix a treman oa the work
Carroll 298 gin of the Pennsylvania railroad
Carrolltown. 120. this place anid Iv a Youn an of vx.
Chest. Springs, 36. cellent babits and pond qn alitien. The
Chest, 69, pew Mrs, Cooney is known hers,
Clearfield, 150 MEVIHE male heb
Ebeniburg, 175
Eider, 18
Gallitzis Borough, 155
Crallitsin Township 175
Hastings, 25
Laredo, 28.
Susgiieh ana, 174
Spangler, 247. :
3 your business need a refine
~Saleribe for and advertise in (he nator? Tey an ad, in fis , Coens 8x
JOURLER, the beasl paper 6 Good mesuita od a fuancial nature sre
sare fo Rilgw, ;
Don’t Accept Our Statement, Use Your
Own Eves: Rely on Your Own Judgement.
You world consider 18 a Riogdiy act. ius in what we are
practically doing We every than who boys bis Spring Suit
from us ITs no advertising cateh or thoughtless assertion,
but an hooves! fact, that while pur New Spring Suits are
equal in material asd wo riinanship Ly first-rinss custion
tasior work, prices are from 25 to 38 per ceut lower.