$1.00 PER YEAR ROMANTIC COURTSHIP. nd North | Fan Homie Patton ter Marry an American | Phase Wish the. af Fa 21%, a pprosching marriage of i, Hist ingaished im, at Paris, and Mise rage | score cortitin oon. Ansariean oh yu for falling 10 mike, Heomora Si of Corwe foam pomsantic viahin, to repirt quar LOVIEE Byer ago, br of nalie cetised Annerican helps | styidying in the Fre After gradu i nan seminary, at to take action Sook: tone of the wor iid and late ¢ ghment oy tone who Paris in ardor 9 0g my tote her mses [| adppeation snd study the ab glnge. rks wire haged Bein zt hy jored. Ie » i Con Ya Tei ily fu i 28 atin Pw wrk 3 wey sy 4 tote. and ANA Comex | pontinuing stady her down Ip Febery of dash year | many months she was nader the con: rule dlscharged, wipnt madioal attention of De. Gos FeoNt. Eugene Litainger, dering that time the person chi % cost, Joho off Mina Patton 86 s fadelnated the A and thn A Plate in those copes ng fol addition the distriot ator: they SORIA engaged 4 eo ee to draw an indict: ccimplete recovery Miss Patton res : FL tyened to this country and a form al of the rade irl announcement of her en ; and Platt means nade of those comstables | propacations are now nl punishment by stab: gp ane of the most elaborate endid ne te the action brough that has taken place in that part of { that he had visited and gate within recent vers Musio fact of the Teenned ne scesston is to be fur: aiahed by fhe trict, Put had anwit-. piyeburg orchestenand a Phi Iaddelphin tioning the result orist has been engaged to decorate 3 ". the grounds and home of late Hon | heen . constable for John BE. Patton, near Curwensuiile, | where the ceremony wi pe solemeises si ilndeiphia CONCH SRGANIZED. ation Yeung Mer Auster Grand Orgasiny Was, MiGuire at 81 Bnifoen MM Nolan, M. J. Ryan, A. H. Bar. Ne, Thos Quinn, H. 8 Buck. A i bt at | Cressi has beet titorm, C.F. Lehman, W, J. Weakland, Cott, and Jodge Barker (0 A, Repsher, A. K. Haber and F. X. y injunction ro- Banman, of Marosline Council No. eh ection of Cres 446, ¥. M. 1 of Patton, gomiated Cirand from erecting a high {Irganizer Wm. MoCaire, of Jans dance with the act rie town, in perfecting the organist Vii iy he Leginiatare eny- pf the St. Bonifacios Counch Sanday erection and mainteli- afternoon, at St. Boniface. The new | Council starts out with 21 charter nship school such a school, A point alected for the ensuing term: i AD | Chaplain Bey. Father Alto President, Ben). Thomas 1st Vice President, Patrick Kally. gud Vice President, Frank Ot, |. Recording and Co seresponding Bes | tary, Albert Yeager. { Pinancial Secretary, Theodore Haber, Treastirer, Lowis Yeager. Mirrshall, Jus. Lynn. Trside Sentinal, Druinds Bolger. Outside Sentinel, Thos Lyn. Executive Committee, Frask Gar rity. P Kekenrode, Jaenh Bugone Therger. 0 i $y ito Sie cy fra I is an. sind of the HELD A “SMOKER informa Air Given by fhe Oxia olive ¥rutay Evenbig Patton Lodge No. 1089 | obmerved the wd anniv : Fellowship in Pensevivania pai | buh hy" Bmoker n ar ihe Togs POONA in the 1. OF. dates and laces for, a ve been ‘announced by Apri 2, 1901. There. {sot pt ntendent af Schools, os | gram Bat an inter fs pas wos cal ; ! fyyach enjoyed by thoes treme iil ' fers for Susque- Attorney Rens! Somerville, the and Sn } Grand of the edge, < ABiated as mnstet : was Mie Oh a Xo - by Dr Deaser aod Gallitain, for Gallitain, | Iman. 1.8 Bott p and Tonnelhill. | peonuns thie ability Boessiurg for Casa: into play, while Postmaster Given | sang a basi solo. Chiel Horgess Man : | teith execated a oske waik and | b | aaartette composed of J. L Dole, | Thos. Whitehead, L. 8. Bell and FE I Will Green gave a vocal selection. Refreshments were served under the direction nf Elmer Smale and every: "body had a good time. There were about sixty Odd Fellows present. NOTICE Ee 0 ot Mating of Uommisstaaers fo vids Rov. Patton Borough mio Wards . Notice is hereby given that the ander ! iy Commissioners appointed by the Court of Quarter Sessions of Can _bria county to divide Patton Borough into wards, will meet for the purpose of orming the duties ander ete pointment, at the office of H. or, in the Good Building n pak plan ton ren 4 on the 11th day of Muy HO Plate ravi 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m , at which tine | : and ‘place all persons interested my AY ; free mail delivery is not | ibe present and hosed. : Dated at Patton, Penna ith day of April, 1801, HC Yimars, James MELLON, | MuaDpE B. Cow HER | “pecia examination in poteie tight plant, $40,000 this, the ¥ % 4 4 Commissioners. Does your business need 4 rjc "A nator? Try an ad. in the COURINE Cnin- Good results of a financial nature sre 1 Bim hand foc laid sprend I board members, The following are the offlores | | Benjamin Gray, Sasqguebnpna, gra B& L. association, Hasticgs, $1,000. | Fisher, Patton, $130 Ulengper, Sasaaehannsg tawnnhin fade 4 ‘ on thir prem will be taken to enforce compliance | | Kame, contrary to ordinance will be dealt YHE BEAL 01OSED. STATE LAWMANERS ai Wine Pig Phints Have teen Troaatiored te! th Waolsny Company, Cambrian Canny, CL AiEahall | Hereafter the poor director of Cam, Plies worn te by the bris enuaty will mopeivii BE 50 per annum | Wobiater Coal & Coke Uo thor Stone hae signed Hin Now Work last Fes Th deal wherehy he J Fg pra Ws slosed SONDTEA £ Pha Ao FA erp aETILINT. x eh Bild Ps HR ¥ 1954 Axed thelp phn Aol {sf af 1883 Axed it What They sre Do ng oe Matte bw ATORLIng wad) al asron. 1 wal Bry at He. snd. that af 1955 aL | Shires tek ate will be to under the ing A popiiat Dr Ba dy Site gor and ov or Cmmbrin county fro Hy An A ntare of Epos in motciitine: ao ith wirnbd Cambri avery pan] oe whinh £E 1 ailow The £7 CER aE Hatin sda a i a Tox SW APY fee and Benniug ART abt eon : ¥ satan] af ¥ 23 5 4 hE vasa oF poo. whinh they now ati it is possible 5 elon the soke fonts that | x italia A reine a of this sonnty, VTL for mn amendinent to that effeel 3 fiegin when those were booght bY eanntios baving between 70,000 ant oh Mie hall £403 x inks EP 3 150 (0 DO The rorporate form was pre- joys 7 5 ot the at otitien $e i silating a special net, bat in olber orl wee PELE Lr othe, and 8 conitition af Hh state 83.50 per day sade gow teinsfirrmd to the Webster, dowd by law. The Will ax introduced W. A. Lathrop has resigned the su- by Representative Rennuedy, of Beaver | | perint tendtoncy of the Lehigh Valley county, bs as follows: nal On for the purpose of Acoppling poy of the new company. CeRgereoN 1. Be It enacted Dy the the presi Senute und Hose of Representatives a gonoty | Doganiy Hats, Neckwear g be the gore agreed | at Represinia. : will Sah : Cambri now on pen. And Furnishings in in This Town. £5 dined into the hegie. ! propect tne | “% with % And we can back the goo ounce and know they like Nice "Collars. Shoes and Clothes as well, if not \ Wa were bovi - better, than Bret. # % 2d ip We show not less than 500 Borys’ Long Pants Suits; nearly so many of the 1attle Fellows’ Suits also, 4 Our stock & ways CDi Wear ® ete in the boys’ Patent Leather Shots and Oxfords for them too. Special styles of Flats and Caps, and dosens of other fixings all for boy . This a talk for the boys interested because they want place. You are invited boys alone. Of course mothers are to know the best and cheapest to call and look us up. Around Mr. lathrop' # personality it i of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania drat edd, will revolve all the plovementy in General Amsembly met, sod ib poking to 8 still farther eniargemont hereby enacted by the guthority of (of the Webster (al & Coke sompany. the same, That from and after the pas. | Phils enlargement, it ix hinted, will be mage of this act tbe anpusl salary of “# featare of indostelal developments each member of the Board of County {in this wection for som time, Comnmissionens in tha 1) wmmonwenith | shall be as follows: win counties containing en thous: | TRANSACTIONS iN REAL iY Property few 10 This Kind of thie County That and thesis over ten thomsund population Sud jess than thiry thonsand, $500; Contios ave thirty thomsamnd serid lous | thin Ay thouemd, #50; in sotnties aver fy 1 thurs seventy thousand, connties gonlaining over thonsasd and les than ove Bundre Cand chonsand, $1560 swer one headred and Ate the sasand papniation, sdlaries shail be "fxd by law. Have Chaveed Hamis Reenily, Nick Meh Bae vb al, Galle Jerry B. Wilbur | Perry, dizer ot al to Margaret tein borough, 31. or ax to Wiliam J fn, assignee, (0 Annie §1,000, . Powell. Careall township, 81. RJ Waltz ef ux to Assanda Fara- {bangh, { Saeriito wh. 7 Bhensburg BB & LL asociation ABN Shi n¥ & to Margarst Nagle et vir Io Excel lor £ § oa Yi AEE PES £44 Joseph ARDLIRDS C2 INVENTION i Somjuehanna, 8174, 8h Wank] land et un A.C. fa tay Praprisoss Ball Taesdsy Evenlag. wenginieated Melisa Andersan ot vir tis Emma Kal fon 3 BL Thos, J, i rns, of ux to Mike De pid Toesday iit, Sn sqnotianna township $81 St ob ¢ wx to William Gresto, The Brat a ‘Roads, striet see rey P being the motive for the landionda going ont af town, = Was tt. of the Palner House plogded ! Pre ident and Wm tan, of the “Putten Hotel, ary. WL Nicholson, : mercial Hotel was selected ale Carrol tvwnship, $575.7 ws mad » ue Yee giey, of the Joseph Huloh et nx Rambrandl Fever Sergeant at Arms A, wen. B47. Fryckiand, of the Miner's Rest, vat mb wher appointed Bend The scale for the haugh et vir to John A, . sn signed as fol wn township $1,300, 8 sp to Mary y bth Pe 3 Da aro ot ax to Philip Con- x1 Sieh Ap B= 2235 ante W shuter Gritith 0 iw nahip, Head saiirer an et vir to Rambes sida salt ion Snaning year was © lows. German Disturbance, straight, superceding 8 for a a gnarter Plain coMa varaish, 0 cents stralg superceding a fur a quarter, Rottled German Distarbanos, cents straight, supercediog 0 : | quarter Extra One coffin varnish, 16 cents TARE NOTCH? ) for a quarter, 8a heretofore, 10 cents 3 of the Board of Health, : San hasoh: . 3 Growler and Ducks, ¥ 3 id 5 i aif 1erBGOR are rehy instrocted to quart, strai ight, * wy 5 sheriff to {omnia BR Sheriff, to prin peter & Mot in wend, Barr townal bry P CRU, avi ny TRAN A tuke immediate steps th remove all thing. | ashes and ines and clean and put in| was fixed at §25. | good sanitary condition all cellars by | After passing resolutions that the. May 6th. ished in the Philadelphia Transcript On the date mentioned the health and New Y ark Police Gasette the officer will make his tour of inspection meeting adjourned. | when such action as may be necessary | CHASE THE Duck. Patton, Pa. May, 1, 1901 with the instroctions. Tt has also been decided that ty ghoid | fover be listed among disvases to be re- Rev. Father Edwin, of St Taesday morning. the parschial Coo Woailings ported by physicians to the Board af ©. oluyreh, At Health so that necessary precantions 0 ¢ioc kat ‘may be taken to govern sprend of Harry Dunun were boand All practiving physicians wii Ba share Top life in the ins matrimuny and ab arch Jaa ex wanrh : wsindie hoods took inthe ob Canad Mis Bale Land with All of the nigh contr parties are residents of Patton. {ais plese take notice and be governed ace 5 ate cordingly. All persons dumping refuse ‘of any kind within the brrough Himita i yon ware oad matter tog How is your st ‘fionery ? The RIE Corser can do your M. 6 Lewis President, | work a8 cheap aid as well as any other G. H Cumen ax Secretary. sopeetn in Pennsylvania. Come in : - and jet ua give yon some figures for ~ hose Counem are you reading ? | first-class work. with accordingly. in waand population and Jess in MVONLY in counties 5 now * Faabastast) Lv Gathertogr of the Pattn Ha. : : annual convention of the Patton Hated Benga Amsotiation was g af the Baker's xX Mel | was Seore. of the Tom: Centrsl R was CENA 2 { %% iu) for a 2 superceding any old gather rubbish scoamulated The penalty for viclating the scale. : | proceedings of the convention be pub- Twn weddings were solomuized by Marsa BH. residenoe aud Mie Edith Harper qualities and later styles am TRA wi of printed sta S2e the Window SO of Shirts at U All Sizes, 12 to 14 Neck. 3 HERE—SEE FOR YOURSELF. popaiation or leas, $400; in conn. » The Keystong Clothiers and Shoe Dealers. Opposite the Bank. If Some One Would in Your Pocket You world consider ita ki indly act. This is what we are practically doing to every man who buys bis Spring Sait feo us, It is no advertising extol or thonghtiess meertion, but an honest feet, th «tf wistle our New Spring Saits are pqoal in materad asd workmanship to first-class custom tailor work, prices are from Ato 35 per cont lower. Don’t Accept Our Statement, Use Your Own Eyes; Rely on Your Own Judgement. goods and are beller propared ts properly suit you than ang other store in town. You'll know it, ton, the moment yon set your eyes on the goods and maguire into the prio oh, Toni bey wt at the stylish suits you can buy for £1 fra i, ya ox qu the b s. the newest styles, tl amd get thea at a big saving, compa charged eliw whern, We know wi ve gol the i=l a=gaie 38 © Nowe Al MIRKIN & KUSXER. vans AAAS AAA ents Iso’ t much money, but it will buy an lent Child’ x Satlor Hat. ee +4] Flowers and Hats ever brought to Patton you The finest display of EVANS SISTERS. ADIES OF PATTON. You are sure of getting Come hi TC {for your next hat. so much more for your money than at i the prices will s ready to wear hats nn Mull. C cents. Ladies’ hats 15 47.51 25 up tu Fg. SO most stores. Better sirprise you. hiffun and Fancy trimmed in all the Children Braids as in as latest 5 sy 2 3 ws low as 31. Come aanl ee un aad be conv ines here to do business and will not he pndersisld by anyone, gf your patronagsh. ; < i MRS. G. ROBISON, Nolan Bldg., Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. 53) - No trouble to show goods. We are All we ask i= a share les
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