The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 25, 1901, Image 1
PATTON, CA MBRIA CO., PA. THURS DAY, : DIU; Roads Nearby, RD BROKEN. merville was rendered 10 8 clpar voice pamengs brain No. : Bey Broke | % whet! » pr station Four of Henry Houck, of i erie OTe Was a lengthy recitation that won pro : that little | nies gave 1a oid in Soe. without A ie Lot a break. A "Anos Banghiian was ano! | Tonge appiause dnd which Vid Ne that won wer Miss Ana N & applanise, a | recitation that was 5a pend demprted A voonl solo by Mia dary RA wnat did young Indy wy Wk atte OF § thet gram and was ee Pi flnctiod grea « Prot” B rs Myers | furrich + W bile B deputy stite superintendent of publi iy Kine + were gamboling all peconscions pamor by his Joi , when the iron his -—— then | natraction of Penney onsi a, in a fow ords avd for over an hour tleman kept the awdisnon itabla om mnlthes of wit. Nor hamor Wis merely af bo wholesome agvies : as “Flow io | righted tale Was Orie of the 5 on’'s star green mooley, ' (ing features of his discourse 8 lack and tan mifker, Johnson's strawberry blonde , ded, with internal in- | woi/'s young lady heifer, Le disastrous. weeck occurred at Ii’ station last Thurs A Pennsylvania conl | & North was piled up and sev- cars were badly damaged. The was capsed by a truck spring to the track. Fortunately 10 was seriansly injured, althoogh emen were tambled into AF er trafllc ag delayed and it nacemary tor transfor passengers ‘which was not afternoon Boylan, of Altoona, the Cambrin and Clenr. | of the P.R OR, was killed ¢ ; at Bawrald park, a mile north | m. The crew Boylan Was & return trip. Boy on the bumper of ihe from the rear. Suddenly fhe oe Phe alr brakes stopped n. The quick pause cis yiai . pquiposs. He was twern the cars, caught, smd hed out. on the Besch near Bower Friday morn- | on went bound lly mcs np. Arthur brakeman, | of | Clearfiu id, of Jotomotive mon the Beech Creek district ern migned to rugs for which ers] months since. or insted by Trainmaster Crow- it the following runs are leastiela J ane fou-Muhat. * . ah any other contractor, t& nomber of men, along of the new West Branch ‘month. Lock Haver . 4 The remains of an ankaown man | found about a half mile west of n station Friday morning so manglyd that Indentifieation was He was iving on No. 4 a Entrainment ami Lecture Held at the Public School Friday Night. yment of real merit was given at the public school building | evening for the benefit o | Mocary fund. The ely of tres wore all that could hs alle the lecture was one that | asked while satisfaction. lady's musfon) tal- | aap Se with | Theyre Cree: ‘Radeliffe, | : Punxsutanoey, «© En : | American Fxposilion, C. BE. Patton holds the it for moving more dirt, | | Railway Co. oration wiks enpecially Hine ; {om always be geared of a nod andl { ¢moe when he visits Patton, | Notwithstanding the weather, quite a mamber braved the (heavy rain storm io the avening of pleastr snd recreation and hey wore not Gigappoinied, raty fupd, 2 5000 PROGRAMME. Alp Hh Was Rendered af the ‘Hmober™ Given days hy Mousisie Lodge K. of F, | Mountain Lodge No. 84, Knighta of Pythian, of this place, held a “Smoker” at the lodge room on Taesday evening : which was one of the most pleasiog al Fairs held in sectel sonely pieeten for Ee ] time past An sweeten poe gram was rendered and re were served by Caterer Polers SILLS The complete program follows: about 2 Opening Song, “America” brothers present. Address, “Our Order; i's work in r Community.” HE Barton Vooal Quartette, 1. 8 CD Radelifte, BL 8. Moore, bare. Bocitation, | Mitchll, fustramental Trio, Violin, Trombos Cag Orin, and HH. 1H. Habbard, Nelvet Bending, “Under gr WOH Vom Nuziet La 5. 8 Muore, #9] H. H. Hub “ientle Spring,” ag, 1. Hips iH. Phased Debate, “Resolved that the Warks of fan are Superior bo the Works of Nao tare.” AMirmative Dr. V. A Mur ray. H. ©, Winslow, tea, si Ricker Negative 'H. Hobbard, B. 1 Myers Taik, i. fo YER. Vocal Redo, Gog, Hose Remarks by Visit Cf members on. Members. Song, ‘Good Night, gEDUCID RATES Thome Oped Syabe Ha BREF to 1h Pan Ameria apeeitain. The Buffalo, Hoel Railway Co. ansotae wpecial reduced raion Bee wWhoeh GRCs May ist Sumuer excursion tickets, on sala | Exh to Septeni. ber 30th, nel qsive, and gue ing until October Slat at #5 Bi Fitteen-day excursion tickets, to be sold beginning Al wil 38th and goenl returning within 106 days, ineclading date of sale, at §7.10, Five-day excursion tickets, to be ‘sold only on Tuesdays May 7, I, ; and 28, good returning within including date of sali, al $6.50, Special excursion tekets to be PERRY Land good going only on species try nine : on Wednesdays, May 15 and 35, and re. turning within 3 days including dale of sale at $3.75. The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg operate two solid vesti. baled trains in each direction daily be- Cafe ‘and reclining ohair gars on day trains ‘and Pullman palace sleeping carson tween Pittsburg and Buffalo. night trains, For time tables and complete infor. Racha! Sandford opened the en- | { mation consult the nearest agent of the nment with a piano solo that ro- Lcompany. Mr. and Mrs. Ww. H. Denlinger at- tended a Knights Templar banquet at i Philipsburg os ont Tuesday evening. , Barley, one of the s pute | ir sebiool teachers, gave Mies : wand; inolement sre of an The pro- | pede will add a neat Bitle sam to the evening alien i SHOT ines. Bail, Edwin Pred | Clees. Howe, Fred Mitchell, | : : : * terment on Tuesday afternoon in the Hailwuy SECROLOGY Ridden Posie ol} ale Wh Boonie ba thie mela, G4 at Johasiowe are Birgit Rn wo LO RTA 2 BB ! pay Thterest fo Both ; and O Rratoy. DAYS cH. ANGED.. Pivel Ores Con und © Coke Cu Fane Prone | ms Shri sini am Copadiiony ars Youtrew Than Paar “Habustivm of Lomi ¥ mde Blas Boon asd @ ferred pn hee fast How on thie: « thal heres ri a wool SEO oR and ¢ j oo pies and whe 3 nent Wiis Ob i ; William tots Mew ; win, of Corning, N, etre Uiatherines May, whois a teacher tha th of the Pweily-first Me Ek Miss Flore her, at homa”’ Javad Anne, Loud Sanday morning st six win. He was first sifanne, a Calida of preninon taken il on Tuesday, but ihe dinamo made rapid progress and the fual dis ahave sated foar later. Anna Wis wife and sight ohildeon. The favernl was held on Toesday morning Lut 10 Yelock at the Catholic Se. Boniface wan atleoded by a aeanil marvel large Fos Rnrhlary gs of SOTPOWIng Biunds Wn interment vw al] over the sounty. Devas Un the Oatholic cd i Mary, tir of! Me ry. aped four mont the dangh- I Mrs Michuel Backraa- 4 last Thursiay The fon- afleriant Catholic Batgrday ire k in the oral was held on 5 ok Ses Th AE Fn ah Fa {olermont : corioter ¥. ¥ 2 ins the Catholic Ee Kerte one wat three months old Ine Citholie cetwlary. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. Poh, bin Foneltings Pertaining to Pei © ple sad Pho Fhe Cramer property ob Beech averse hss been purchased by Me leizabold of Clearfield, and will be occupied by E.R Hehinbold, First: National Bank of Patton. The family of W.H. Cramer will move to CHean, NN, Y 18 sebum Ae Crniner Bas & Incrative position with a Piru WH DEEN. a fer da = Miss Jennin Crain went to Philips hare on 8 archer wen ake will ake went abet £3 evvdy a Bosak ty pewil Serie in ng. inl sale at Goldstein's De | i annotineed for Sat 27th, Their broad gauge SE nt in this issue will tell you 3 A Hail id Fike 0. poner, their brother, William, in this place on Monday. ~- What abont ing it? ing friends in town over Sanday. Mr Bam was formely a resident of Pate ton. wheid, on Term Cotta avenue. Jones Bros' Big City shows are advertised to appear at Pate ‘ton on Wednesday. EO Hartshorne is visiting friends week. ~Born To Mr aud Mea John kK on Sundsy-a twelve pound | Miss Minnie Holter is visitin 2 w relatives and friends in Philipsburg oh eh Te nesday from a trip to Philadelphia Old mewspapers for sale at this office 3 cents a bundle, Chas. F. Pitt was a Johnstown vigil og i torr of Wellneniay. ; iyi ad £ A | enanty alin Minded heaven, Whinebiipgton, _ The conatiis showing losses are: 1: Beadford, 3; Mercer, 5; Tioga, 3 The : witle, woll-known proprie- The Siveio gional 2 Survey of Rensayivania. | im tor of the St. Roniface Hoose at Bt just completed an plahorate ans extremely vaivable map of the ito. mince cond fleld ‘the andeveiapad with the loeation | ecal mine of these regions shal forty one years Of age and leavew a ahitireds at son of Mr. and Mrs died at Riley's Mines why a of spasms. The af the cling 15 be ab- months during whivh the U. has. and Prank Strattiff, of Ty- » worn guests at the residence of that bese ball nine? {The material is here jn abundance. Wha will take the initiative in organis- | the first and Afteenth of each month LW. ©. Baum. of DuBois, was visit- Railroad “Hon WC Lingle returned ed. 4 Sasson Lig an WY IY a i one pina rong g pamber of hed at sin Yor the prt a ig Allegheny hae gained 13; Armetrong: 1: Beaver 3; Bedford, Batier, 3 Taimbria, 3; Centre, 4 Cert, | Hontingdon, odiana, 16: Jeffurwon, 11; Somerset, 8 Westmoreland, i Blair, sostarkable increase has been groster during the period 1599 10 ., Dupckn, Alexan- than in any other decade. r. Gnorgs and Harry Muy, a foster Captain Baird Hulberstadt, of Polle formerly sssdstant geslogist of af the state, bowing and developed dreas oa » Representative Drury, county, has intpnduced a hil in the 3 fe T t bi eis vr ng y < Ete PRE warding of mine or other for bravery ur hero dead in saving fife and vanahie property beside and the mb of fhe state. Bill shat for all deeds of an asual Bravery or berolsm on the part or properly in or aboot the mines a gold medil of honor to east nol bars than Bl shall be awarded ta such person. If a life be sacrificed in the PETTING w of sweh deeds, he fees bi additian to the medal, shad] be aw “hoy the family or legal heirs of ach The wards ame to be made by the department of internal pwr riashy, inspector of giles ug President Bernard Rice, of Disiriot No. L.United Mine Workers of Ame pica, says the cowmdilions that ext emtral | Penosylvania | field were never better. All the working full time and the imdioat are thal prosperity ws i cotiinne | pear, Taye day Binh ars FONR FR A fr i= ataitad that hat threes miners re in Palton rofoss 6 cheek-off as provided by the There are vary gate where the qu shill pay Alrgona conferatiog fa well crpanie * somissioners have an of the undeveloped The gounty Xr Awad thn einai cam’ held by corporations in Clearfield and Allegheny townships at $7.50 par tions is rated much higher - President thes, of distri MW. of A, says that bership in this district has from 100 to 20,000 during YORr. Be mem inereascd thie pant % ® * Until further notice the reguiar pay ‘days of the Beech Creek C sal and Coke Co. will be on the Saturday following a faraiio Bud Ba at, It is expected that at the public col : sistory heing held in Rowe today, Li Chas. Scheid, of Pitisburg, is visit- {ing at the residence of his son, John pope will peconise the first bistiop for the new diocese of Altoona. 1h is be | Heved that Dr. Garvey, of Philadelphia, | will be the choice of the Propaganda. | The papa bitin for the Aviston « uf gis ami relatives in Clearfield county this pe fe i th Rk Carnerty 318 $44 of, hi Caen, batt it was opposed by #2 Ryan, on the oitiud that th 5 Cypan mol cently toeated, and thar, i | 4 second choles were made, Johnstown world | diy i | Leader, The ay. + of every commercial The Caf any person or persons in saving life affairs on the recommendation of any district in the : fis Coal contiguons to active opera. i Pittsburg Better SiH! And Furnishings in in This Town. We hi wWieere Hats, Neck better, t than me: wr Our stack in the Ww ¢ show not less than Boys : pearly so many of the Little Fellows Suits als always complete 300 Patent Leather Shoes and ( Oxfords f for them too. styles of Hats and Caps, and dozens of other 5 for bovis. This a talk for the interested because they place. Yon are invited boys boys alone. Of course mothers are want to know the best and cheapest to call and look us ap. sol Sizes, 12 to 14 Neck. Soe the Window | of Shirts at 1 of Luaserne . COME HERE—SEF FOR YOURSELF. The Keystone Clothiers and Shoe Dealers. Directly Opposite the Bank. If Some One Would Slip $5 in Your Pocket This In what we are practically ye Bo buys his Syring Aud frony om It ws ao advert nln i eateh or thonghties assertion, hint an honest fact, that while oor New Spring Suits are ggual Boman ca and wen mans to Arstoiass cnsiom baler work, pres ate from 25 Lo 36 per cent ower, Don't Accept Our Statement, Use Your Own Eyes; Rely on Your Own Judeement. We now we've fof this Bude aul are property sult you than sey other store He pe 15. Tax, th st yi wat 3 ¥ anil ing » prices. You lh Sits Pot oan buy for 87.5400 © the Dist Milwrics, the powsd aly amd get them at a big saving, © omy pars charged slaw he chy it % idly wo x § 3 Wimnast HP. the prices Ad fis 1a MIRKIN & KUSXER. Fa Wied a “elit of GER. : Shirts, uk have rE TUR, 1S Cents $ Trane LAAs Isn't much money, $ cxcellent Child's Salles Har. The finest display ¢ Artifical Flo sr brought to Patton yo wn CABINS AWWW ‘ i. ye r -/ 10 THE LADIES OF PATTON for your next hat. You are sare of money than at n later sty les : the Pi TICES 3 re: ady to wear hats my Mul, Chiffon ladies’ hats trimmed 41.23 Mp AT. sont wel No trouble to show goods. Al (x. ROBISOX, > = dr AM ag : Bs any PATTON. Con ome ¢ here 2 getting Better you. Fancy ils ‘ Tal 10 4 LC 10st STOres. Aida SRTPNSC ! and ny 0 We are is a shares 1i0d she ua and ee wa axk ve. PA.