The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 18, 1901, Image 2

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fing to the — ot a Chi
you are not to jump off a
tl it comes to a full ston. | § :
persons who persist in jump- | A
ovi trains come to & full
res counties of southern
lost 40,000 in pop ala- |
i took you two Bours to fod Flom
the page of his local new Be
th thi esult according to his i
world to Roeghen, fatherlecs mother
that his congregations
ctiges have quadrupled in
¢ dots the pulpit add its tes:
‘fact that advertising
ble friend, the war cloud
nT getting hlmesil
fora spring campaign. Fis
tat is Macedonia, which
thie most dangerous spot
Europe today. it light-
that cloud should strike
J ean tell how great the
conflagra on might be, Hut
powers are experta in the
TT bightuing rods.
than 000.000, and one wore
than Bo tl 2 ud. the United
Hives in
° under 60,000 inbab-
colneidence that ai
ar Dr Tate woe 0 oats to
‘hfe of each. He founds
ble statisues. We havo |
at band in regard to the
or the preswat laws net a
] in in danger of losing his
i 3 Be
irdor In the first degree is pun-
by death, under the present
tions such a sentence moans
life imprisonment. The tronble
fact that the state crimi-
does not make it obligatory
governor to sign the death
, and none of the governors in
hot alt abont me,
pall foes withon! <=
. Path all her train,
lye grime monster, I pe
ask my name? Tia Happiness,
With whinh no fue can cope’!
The wall re bull eaonot be scaiod—
Ire iasried blocks are hope.
“THE -
~ssssase -—
Now, Reb, Fan don't Ef omean 14 _RY
cows and one of ‘m with a bell toa
(ows ars Nigger {han
wd 1H Cgenture IG ERY
: stdtigh of those”
Having 8 choite
vations sorts in his RandKere
thikt moment, Reub did mit stop to ar
gue the point. And. indeed. no Gree
tar weed |
mont that he comid mos
change hig reputation for a heed
‘blundering fallow. Ba jfonked ¥
Chvy fo the world: and how asked the
less. fed and clothed by Mr. and Mrs
Brown for eharitve sake till such
titne as he conid takes care of himael {i
Byer since he could remémber, the
boy had had an eager interest in every. |
thing that crept or flew. Though his
3 ronlngieal tastes were frowend upon,
they throve under ooposition, awd
wien one summer a college professor
eames to the village and enconntersd
Reuben in some of hig collecting 2x
cursions, Renh's vague wishes grew 10
a resolve. Some day. # he lived he
wild know birds and insects as the
professor knew them; and 88 & neces
sary step to that end, hp would go to
After his distriet school dass were
over Rauben lived on at Mr. Brown's,
helping in the regular farm work, and
Germany has only ons eity | 9ing. besides suck odd jobs as for
bine sent in his way, nying up poy
for the futures, and recitipg Greek and
Latin to Mr Alison, the minister
Reuben had Bad one cruel acciden
that would have tarned many boFs io
2 despair from the chosen pith, tm a
spring morning he bad gone in Nis boat
to tha village to deposit the first $50 of
his savings. and oo the way he lost his
pocketbook. Whether he bad dropped
it in the waier or elsewhers, or sGmae
clover thief had taken it from him. re- |
mipined a mystery, It was Aisrourag-
ing work beginning at the foot of the
Juldder: but there was no other Way.
Abandoniag his purpose never entersd
his mind.
The years came and went. and Reg
em waz 18, when one morning in June,
to Mr. Alison sitting in his stody, »
vigitor was anpounced. In the parior
he found » sunburned gentlemsn in
white finanels, who held out bis Land,
i saying:
“T'm Lore, Gorge, and I've come to
ak a favor of you the first thing. My
crmehiman gave me the slip at the last
. | minute. Can't you tell me of some one
diywn here that would do?”
1 And so it came to pase that, simost
| tifore he kuew it Reuben was estab.
Jished as conchiman and general lielper |
to Mr. Courtenay, owner of the beauti-
ful cottage on the Kill, who chanced
to be also n epllege friend of Mr. All
“He ig 8 boy with a career hefirs
v | him. I think,” Mr. Alison had said. He
Kad not told all Baub's secret, bal had
fult #t right to say that he Was 80 Or«
phan, working card for money lo start
dn ite.
Reuben's skies had aover been so
Fo | bHght Courtepay took the whim to
‘offer him exceptionally good wag,
| Land he had large margine of leleure id
study. What he liked best wi
at know Courtenay, who bad Se 2
i Hiking to him. and let him enjoy for
t.0 first time In hie life the familiar
companionship of a gentleman Bom
o | times ke felt ma if Courtenay were ine
vting him to speak of bie future hopes
but this be shrank from dolag.
‘One morning they were out in the
yacht together. Reghen had bmprosad
wonderfully a his pew jifa He stood |
straighter and sevmel more manly
than ever before, and thers wae 4 hap
pier Jook on his face. Ax he stood by
the mast in his biue vacolUng sult, Mr
Courtenay Jooked st him with some
| thing like envy,
“S1f 1 weren't so fond of myself, Td
1ike to try being you for a while, be
sald af last
Reuben laughed
CoN aird soot met tired of 16 I'm
born plodder, and shall be to the cod
of my days.”
“Plodders somatipies eome i bree
In the end.” said O
He sat silent for a
fook that suggested d 1
ful memories
My mother a7 a ale 3
morrow. We will mest
“With Dick?’
saa. with the pair.
“We have never tried the ne
on the steambon? wharf, hit we 4
they are restless Reuben sngwared
hesitatingly. “I think Ive would be
Courtenay was on the verge of anim-
patient reply, but be suppressed it
“My mother lik: spirited horses
you and 1 will be on the {root peat, and
I think we cag manage the hiacks bee
tween us’
Clearly enben's outy conTEn wan to
bey, | Morning came, amd the nities
I¥ roomed horses wep bransht pune
tually to the door. Courlenay tood
the reins and the horses trotted stond
fly aver the road to the wharll an
gtood anietly while the steamer swung
lowly up to the pier.
"Yon see they ars lamb
Canrtengy, 88 he hagoed the
to Réuben, and wont to find his go
He soon returned with the loiles and i
put them into the carriage,
boar stepdad,
11 bold them while yoru Jook 1p the |
Yuggage,” said Courtenay, taking the |
seat and banding toe chicks to Rew |
Reaben turned away and was bsily |
gaarching for the trunks, when sud
denty the shri
iia olf the Siegon-
hanes fery jeap up
wised Fre Feiphtened Bordes started st)
wliarf and ov
termes wtmost
is Ba eontrol
arf and ued op thy
He ff
find final
af & long
Bien nel Lemarien- |
Be indies would have greatly
riitxhed driv Si
it was a poor | fy erentnr
dropped by the romdebde when
hoarare #topped, And ©
Tha pext iE Haeuhan
carpe hin even he "ARK in hs Youn.
with. the dooter bending over him.
ADA pow ramme s ong time of ving
walting for the ininred ankie to
prove strong This was 8 now experi |
amen for Reuben the hardest he had
knows Bat tor Courtenay's sake he
spied tn pnake Hight of it ang een A
arizh it seemed as ail
5 haben WETTER nanging $n
the Balanee.
swe Tor the rem :
toe Bad perfect rost for an indefinite
ba pmtionk for an by with
Conrietay’s remorse and ancasineds
wer inorent 5 bv this vials 88 4
4¥ Ga
23 FLU
kind a friend an
Codrianay had proved By havise
fants & Beginning. Jt wan a relief to po
an, and he told sll fram Nis boyish
rey of an eduration S0wn Ww Loe
srruent moment. Bot omitting the ome
af the 3550.
“Ro that js all that tronbles you"
sald Courtenay. “Why. that is 3 mat-
Yer that x ziroke of x pen van sel
righe. | war afraid # was somethin
“Put | don't want to borrow.’ ane
swared Hendon It In sacy aml infers
suting Iaving up for by and by, bt 8
debt fastened round
different thiog
Courtenay gal down by Reuben
wxnobody sald ansthing about bore
towing.” he gall, “But RTE Rt oe
ing 0 eolleds G8 soar BE YOU RG pos
ginly iL asd you are going to be phan
spough to let me help you, and throw
your seruples to the winds, You know
why you are lying here. You are sone
thing to me”
In & few days a college fntor took
Wp his residence in the house. and,
whan he had examined into Reuben’s
. great inters or
ig 3 AR i § HA # fa 5 3 Rh Bh g HRI 7
1s Aifealty about getting rendy by Oc Women Who | pet 1 : hal. | bracing ps * Bl Fi and ber
jasr. Greatly to Reaben's satisfac | AY 3 he WAY. BRD eyes 80
poquirements, he maid thers wonkd be
tha doetir though: the ankle
wenild be strong by that time if sll
® and fromm the day
en HBR Lin bear) to Uouniesay
puch ae Crontare,
Laon in Angus Mr,
& Conrtensy tot
JiR guar be indie
snd foun
that {mm soquaint
it Over 88 A
Vives 2
And there In a nest
etn lay the lost pocketbook. Win
sager fingers Remben oponed iL. The
glont feather had guarded the treasure |
well iseniored and damp the hill
purtalnly were, gite recognizable
a | fir tor redder
Caine oul yer
aan -
had he
so haa
foot dragged
iy a2 Courtenay ft hig in the |
only Three Men In the Todia.
Ling eves” ever won a husband for any |
5 ate} i
&% abla
aval »iseyee,
sod revert.
tof Ihe
Leer = xiord.
1 i fxiniy
wh hi Hn RNY. that t the
snthc SEER
bape and be op
How Joann
Firat Cadlivge for Women,
Warrenna Hacderiy whe 8 TOW
8 [ps i Pi 5 i tha Ngee :
years claims il
4 Collegey ile
ing stitute POE ih The Wer rid fn How Syd Rate
& advantages tow pn BT DeiDls
an WAR IN existesn 45 years | BAYyiGg power. if the Seeith rite of
inring whheh party Edy ’ eR the fv wits worlg haw ig
on were adnoated. and 8 sor Before, the fwet
| gadastes took the degre 3
of arts the Ded
ive ductor would not ane
sew the injured i
Reuben 's plans; and in upite of hin of
foven Be grew dull and Hitless and fost
tine elasticity so peteseary for a speady
Mr RBanderiand believes Shad He a cand of regula
Atherican : 9
deat raotian
i os harbor
sat % : mitiion a ;
3 3 FRAT. wpant ?
separate # DOSER snd
sem gpd her mS
8 any adi Eon
sion and as then :
a of the Oxford Bide alto 3
i ie sufficient testimony to He
¢ lemes of the work to oy thal hon :
{ § for these crrors the rears (hems
By wily of the msl rive :
ela srr rely Sine to ee
Ban UR or three puineas 8 eur.
There are & fow obs
fends Manev in Boxiness Wemen,
Chivas bag & Business Wor
ointicn whieh supeapts the
i" that pave long Bour-
hough it Is lows
wie aad more |
3s 4
for the
| pecurity wid
Lanny heavy Sos
Sea Bre Been
organization snd (ME sGecess are with ve Beat and 8 wie hand a
} 1niresting commentary on Lhe IRENr: gu, who have complies
Pmesa with which women sre invRdIny
the Business world
: Heitor fis i A at 5 reilar eros osunt ry
Fist Newspaper Warnxn of Californie. Bowenvar, seek
Ses Carel ¥. Parker. the feat
CL pewEIaAper 6 oof Calle ioe now Ls Ears baml ty irik.
. La bedridden old
demi oof weosién who have Deen
dle Brome early
ater she Attet Seite ig + wt. who ride fine Bevaes wih
Leber papers An ardent = Pa splendid suse and conrage and who
Mri Parker Wn osurrousded by every
| Mra. Parker has awn ya hw an wie | take f
Foals of everylling
Lwoman's progress. and now Callforad
Fwomen are glad to show thelr appre
chation af the work she Kak done
PEAS 2nd SErORIER Bs WB ord Ries
that restive : from Simels 0 Bh peels Ohne TAY see
: ot] ro anism in th
wera tossed To
baby days and |
tes, TRIBE bag been their
in her pretty cottages Bt laa Angeles ! 8 A
method of going from place
; eorafort, and dmpite the tain
hen worked on his sofa in ‘
The Bope and will that
a were. now
CCOrRl nei kiase
fers, i» bright and cheerful and taker A woman never fons move ¢ BE
rh of the yogne | than "ha : 23) { sighte wily a.
Francisco 1 all : perteet Lid Bi Pgulidee, She i at
The Vagne of Coral. py
How pretty the girl in Re and AS 4
Ioks at 3 Cr = a :
white cambric
with i
a fyadnge =
Pigad ar
tar | $2 Lian
drawn. ~Fhiiage
Care of the Hale,
te the hatr. The
¥ he wt oe
Ba back,
dred ail over the Rests, thers
Mo euEilY Trae 3
#5 from which =8
Oxford Press is
ta ws
Sime 50
Semt Fon on a , are aaally pang
pares For Hinlen alone-gnd, In shart.
sass evarything connected with the
with from start to finish The Oxford
tyige foundery is intersting 28 being
thie nidest sstablishiment of ita Kind Im
3 iaiand i
« friford India paper is of enue,
$F spannd dade aitsounh ig oriefaal,
Kiddsn among the many other secrsts
Sf the mysterious Bast, may Tate back
ap indefinite age. Omiy ihre pore
send ai a time are permitted 10 know
the crocuses of 1s manufacture af a
CPaiversity mills at Wolvereote, each
wirkoan being slowed to understand 2
saly one stage of ihe Process The
stingy of ity introduction bas been aid
afore Bul it is worth retelling Sixty
vagre ago an Oxford graduate, pewly
hese from In presented the nie
varsity Press with a amail fold of ree
muickably thin. yer perfectly oDagne
[pager In 185 4 & serious atiempl was
tn mannfacturs 3 similar paper.
| The preliminary experiments af ihe
Debaipin peitie failed hat aut of
su presently cams complete
the first Tenita of Which hak
ition of the Bible
% 14 the uniinu ted
ingest 38 voare He
fold of pa
weeks a
2 votes had Leen
Oxfam India
tradn of difs
21 1 ree
1s of the Spectator,
sners in London 18 Sens
ban 12 was a yesr age. 3 dif
! be dismisssd as
w of the Rage 10=
far 10a1
speriem In the
& when trade
papers at
5 5% 3 Ei over
A manana
wire 25.400 50
that fa Slward ¥ils
he passing artificial
a biz war there ara
supported. hy Fuslie
Mork Voleana at the Fair,
gntone | eatures of the