The Best Revviody fir Kionoatiom (FUICK. RELIER FROM PAIR. All who nee Chamberlain's Pain i Baim for thenmatiem are delighted | | with the quick reilef from pam which it afforie When speaking of this Mi. DN. Ruks, of Troy, U Nye PBs tiene ago 1 had a severe atisck Peed isin ii : IRR ILS Lia | of rheumatisio in my arm and shenl | PW dep Ali the fe ews, Notes and Gossip Concerning People and Tl IS I | goto reel gui F we mendes Gunn's 5 Porm . le yg “for you paying Husthng Borough— All the Happe nings About You and of ie pie io ly Liss =r = oe fincy prices for your Evening pain Bain They rechmrmenden if we IR. F. 8 EVANS. | RITES iT Fancy Madrass : Y our \ eighbor—E _nterprising ers 4 M £1 WN ho AIC LA an Lien - er hg ote; 1% - SERTINT . eg? fl on rn a ; $a | . > Le 3% sei 2 rf Pail a | peontamended 10s Datos’ io many : serving of | abe al Patronage— Keep 1 Ould I -y t I cL led fe i th t of my frievds, who agree with oie that 5 Be / : 3% BM {LE Fugit PETTY fog b 54 § 3 kt oe - io ny. 5 i of " bar iV. nd are hor : 1 atest a n d Bes ¢ eatin is “Bug fen arket.’ wi Fi wae | z a VR BL # “ $5 3 by For ppd : fp Jast as ; Gus 8 FH ie 3 Yaarmion won 0 : ; : Hs ax Ani cusiom Shr : Hodgkins, aii £3)! ¢ pb FHT ETReR I a : Ete Can be Left with Chas. G. Fagan, who is Authorized to Trans Just The Rost Binod Fhrifier. ROTC HERS, BART IRON Pa [ing saving mm price. Very i i ness for the Hastings Edition of the Covel ; : : : ; find by the Inngs. ver 3 es cfu wiasiay i wl Peefey § saree in 3) Sizes and Ave different TRANSACTIONS i REALTY Koes thes organs in fa BG i All Copy for Advertisements, News Items, Job Printing, Sabseriptions Era he Jorliaa Simpkins company with i fase Land and splendid orchestrs bie wan nt the Hastings opeia bane Thi play Jy st, Apr io 18 Mh {ali y te made of fun apd realisn, cambloing the Pleming featams of reall athe mad odrates obo Live ever popimar riseal phi. dro are sahil to He while thie ia an whi : ing bs wid singing in ik iia mnxions to give the information ry # . ahd country characiere granted the opportanity. If not, why 5 H, Back | ; Aka 1m sti — 3 ht B ? hd: 4 Siti Leg Jat 3 Aa Tak " ; # Lf Eu i. » « ¥ 2 Tie + Cand Weis aayings int not! in wwnhip 80. yey nse pis pets vents, FOE) s K idney Cure *t bosoms. Nothing in HS MA ; Ticerar hina Sooept scl Lhe Di 1, John Bovis &8 us fis Arie sf ake ton 3 Fy ml v 3 ¢ ; wr go 3 : or : a. : CEES ATES pent Fe Jan. HWigman RS BAR + x oa foie hg Ll o £1 i £4 feria wag BE : iis CE wid Tron Te tdi own dow when : 11g snare (ot in SHIR ELE LL wo tien of grperintesndent of the (Oak 2 5 r Al nd | Haces right. 3 : * la i Fe give yok This sew Ridge Loa) & Coke ta, made vaount | Thomas 4 fer ab ax ta JURE . ol on his oe a: ayy ; : : EE r Yas Campt wll, arma at al Someygpliaiis 3 > 4 3 Ra ie DO YOU SET up ied ot Junaid Ly bie Rog hE pes nIataon Ln he ot athe, A getting pire who has 81.4 the position singe he me. Lo — guia iin Sa shi What did the borough council do at monthly meeting fast Properties it This Feast wf the Conny That hnrsdny Syeiing, The COURIER rep. Have Changed Hawsis Beorntly pg : resentative heat wonde several ineflee For tis in tan! atiempts bo sepals the minntes of ¥ IL latest us ¥ssies Bao, Ww Lohse the differant meetings for publication. Pation, 3608. i A Battle Mev will be published free gindiiy. Jobin 4. Soh wah et 4x 15 Ambrose TBOTE LOU The peo lw are interested in what the Conrad, Lore / hgnorabie body is ding arc this paper Philip Harts of x io Josephine § 5 2 a we 3 gl Be Wo Hallman, rarroil nk imaup, 2 Tid Come a Ww WE Peed eS ps +4 oo 4 Wik wk ie ue res RR oS Fol pres te naw © pean 10 mosion, and busi bo sold Wie interest on the company some the tor pal artic) en hoard time Ben. : Lo ; ; oo Pov 0) r: Boggs by 1 “o Do Lobes, Sr. 0 ux to Mi boat wa tes ents - Kidney Trouble Makes Tou Miscradid, : : : Alun sverytindy shan pagdy tha sew Dasiel Back i Beit sor firemen. Hast Baizacton are © gt : snes 13 mrs Ly Know af ihe wondrief yl an 3 aslinpe M : : \ ” : ¥ & san od nx bo CC Diomahine, Bek = be an : Byrd Mshafley ral. gars baths 1 ah Mond rom a inp lo Ar a iy Fo 3k mipens fo Alike Bolin wr dian rm A A GRORY a A James A. Banker ef pix to Joba An vi Bie fe ay 5 tonnk pad Johnstgwen, ; pt i maa “F have bows fo Lora, Cresson low nsinp, Feo 7 ; 4 Sa iriRe unless fhe fad : bie ; Lonfsis, > arid rn Toba ey iw Le Lp Thay salt : nt Alaotn conven Sheriff Elmer E. Davis, of Ebem James Biratton ot ux to M t fa V7 for les years Fy. ah scare da. . Yom 5 i hs Sissies is Avan a ated 1 5 ton is grante av Ravn prrped bnirg, was in town on official 2 rg DaRiness juga, Caren township, gis = ak 8 15 po 8 Si 2 5 i T ! ’ 5a w” i . _ + ¥ ill Fy TENE k more tor § Boxt Trieduy as the ab gay ty Friday. : Cent and & lmpoovemeh Ce ar : | ne - : oo : = Tee TH peed aR . i rains et ah most { offer better. i work with sonBnion men. be. A 11 Ross, of Tyrone, was circmia- | Lo. to Mary 3. Liearhived wea rr Ee 8 -— nt amd aiad a n mos = are thal iso special effort will be ating among friends bere on Monday. ship, gai. oa gid wll pipers to Jois b hua! Jax ¥ Halve family is revoverisg | iB Cansidy oy; union vi bhie United Mine Worliers of frons an epidemic of colds and grip. 0 Clearfisid towish ca Prank Lother hiss had his pension in. A nrew { Benes 7% ig $a A remsin w oo Sal ne eR : a i Sheds, Eirememints, Yeletee Lars, : ; 1 wom bandage ore wend from §6 to 110 per month, fore Bibi Bt ux 9 Pete y Aral, BS dai Mr, sin Bis tomsorial pafior Born To Mr and Mra Thad Delar. dain ax to Peer © Dow, 2 a pH args Scanlsn $0 acosmimadations | gj Raymond, of Johnstown, was Praie, Carroll township, $221.5 ot om Tonya m8 Fee a sang fhe halpiem tn poor 1 pur HAST, NCS, Ps Sa iow prepare fa ive fer un Monday Dine td hk Twivs i Wal hile new o Her ine 2 ie sl a Hastings visitor on Thumday. ove wo we emt | 8 re ove ave ten rong fl STI en by han A ot El Se Se = "Stn ittmatter Bros. Ft ath ed Lo orp, 3 I ® tar of Bus E ts Shatls ’ s b te ay es. 2 ri matter day for Wilmerdiog, where dey : : : oe ; TERE. engaipe In different lines of Wink. The Park lute je bung repaid Tepaltnd throvghout, which will Iniprovement in the i We wi {33 Teepng Sa ul 3 ¢ fei Livers Was Eakin i ER : ] % £ : g H Eo RAEREY é &s be BA Ta FE Le a3 gi! a 500 sb Py reel an b Bee REY UR ; Ne & 4 ; : N ov » 8 4 : 3 1 ¢ PE A ee 3 d ; 4 ¥ . 2 i & Thursiny, sit Hliad time, wh Hew or bey peed 4 Fr Co : 05 lon a guiokiy that 1 wag h! some Soy # Bo A pn. Tee : : : i 15 ye t t noted Ske music Fw oN 5 5 ; : n ; 3 . BE Masnhoares of and Dealers in Pat Upmerr ove eft Monday for Phila. i: 3 hail ? ¢ enilinery, at 165% Milwarkee Reepue, { Chivags, Ge Tard 0 the wenther J caught a drwadfa: pndd : lept mee awake and rasde me Jum. Adiport iain Eastern cities this utiend my work daring the 3 delplds on 2 bosities ton A 8 Parke, fF Jobugta dh, was sean OL GUE Rirealy T haradsy Low RATER og Get Bre : Lafas ¢ ie i, tail +1 Third ak | Bpewial Feooduy Excargen sin Peowted jan to bmprove at onve. Lam Bow of: pr . re. n a 4 om £ = AE i 3 a i = tat Fabiseite Hate on PRE, ye ; : > : : an - ka 2 at J : ERY ou. ! § tirely well and fee] very pleased to so : v7? » LB 2 All Kinds of Worke wan Barend, ; a rris, di, of PBeiien Was oa il a {The Yennevitanis Raiteond Company knowledge ils meri) J maw By i K sh : ih : reg {ronn's Pharmay lasting, and © Ane ot MRE BY Trang 3 for ley Fierats tare aY 3 pa ; 3 » 3 i 3 : SEs) ; 2 gn ; ip: The rods hervabouts are in & hort hats CHEAT WW. Hodgkins, Patton. : Eo -. : Se am : lexenrslons from Pittehtirg and prasts Si : Bee Seeel WEIL A id Sil Lu her Jin Western Penusy; vant to Washing: You will waste tinie if you try to w . ul : Round trip are indigestion or dyspepsis by stary. TES abil ag Digests wha you eat. AT kinds of buiiding jo token wi be sold Gt prices quoted be ng soamelf That only makes it worms = Itartitenallh digests ibefood and aif | ‘plies, porches, stair othe jo. er i dow i ai sd goto 0 | £ ata train inde webety you ey #3 Fosmats Y Yon AiwayE a { ; . : 5 : } 3 A : atare : R : BSE wd i 3 i £ ; . fe | orp fronts, wind ented. or traln Xo. 1, leaving PUWOTR need plenty of good fod properly dic dy HE hans ageelite Gn 3 on and Geo 1. ¥leard, of High Tower, (ia, at 8:30 p.m, and cerriog through posted. Kodo! Dyspepsia Core is the Fan yous cy a eis pais teh 4: Yogema broke ont paomy a dng cars to Washington. Special seni of yenrs of woientific research guile he aie amin the ki tthe Seek ; : SEATCN 1 wee mervons aod ponsti puted wad sours sok ering. ils entire body. Under through Yarior RTS snd sonohies wiil for something that woh digest Bast v — og tried of our family phy siian he be ran from Pittsburg oh toe following uly some elements of food but avery Bow bad momtter worse. T ei ose an hie could. not sleep for the | potadule: : remedy that 1m ing 4nd itebing. We used i box Westover. Te ane nied Ar ? pions Pharmacy, bain ts =p nd ie Ltt nia - . Fe AR Catery re Comat pation aad orem oon him snd by Jastings a 2% ings and C. W. Hodyrking, Patton, Oe aad Kitnty Disenses. 3 rips ile Tak B80 Tickets will be good returning op RB Presson. Priuscuvilie, Kan... e Ww. Joaekias | F Pasion Pharmacy any regular traln except the Petiokyl- orien: “Nothin ike F . | vania Limited, until April 13 and May Land Tar” is the Ee of oi | 18, inclusive, respectively, and to SUD wh, have used it. Expecially bas this off at Baltimore within limit. been true of cotghs necompauying Is | Should the nomber of passengers grippe. Not a single bottle failed to | not be sufficient to warrant the run | give ele. AB Droggists. Singer " apaiat train, the compas re- WIEBE RMN nai nh
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