prrmsmenc. i Crain. Yiour and Feed on New York there bs developed i what mizht te called an clevated road manner, which ip the end must obliv erate every vestige of Kod bresdin Cherees I Lot us follow a man who has nequired oe BREE RAY. it Ag : : a as | ; Jwin was sick San y, His wife ap ihis manner, saz. frot i i i iy 7%, | peared and condurtivl | the serch West Seventy second street, New Yor : pregching from her Btabnd mates to his afiiee (n Wall Breet, At vine 11 was pronounced a cradiraide a «+ In the morpiug ha hinw had bis break. Genres Chreissinger, a weslihy vier } fast, jooked over bile BEWNpADEr, seen chant of Pocahontas Somerset PONT Bis ehildren off to srhond Kisssi his was thrown from a rocdons hors and | wife meod-by, and steps (ut into the whet Be (el on the ground the hors | handsome street in which he lives. He heggn stamping him. crushing his skull | Is well groomed. Fis boots are Dighly | #0 that he cannot Hey, { polisbed. his gloves are f peek. his bat er |i brushed fo a glistening smoothness, | PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. ! He walks ercetiy. with his head ap : | and eves to the front. Hy sess the THURSDAY. : personification of profporcas amiabile An interesting dehnte was held io ity apd unrufted content. He walks the house on a Bill to repeal the acts | foward the elevated station. As he of 1878 and ING which exempt pIABOS | youve the trains thundering along he ¢ [10d San EE Xee utions for rent | gquickens his pace. when he gets to the > ¥ x 1 ae 3 i pa eh took the a ier Mayme Lk opps. : botton of the stairs he Jams his hat Ehaxe Say 8 1794. Richard Rush was:in. ininjon that mule dealers were | tighter on his head and begins to rush | CUTTER He served from 1814 to INIT seeking a monopoly smd a big major Lup two steps an a jeap. When be oo . Henry [© jiy voted for the passage of the bill | gets to the ton he crowds to the win Jereminl The original Guffey pallor bill was | dow for his ticket, ox throngh The iN at arTney ge : pasvied on second reading in the house gate and reaches the platfarin very red B the latter went Edwin M. The bik wild now he dormant for iw in the fare asi Wig Hina fal) af the | as appointed. Wayne Mace | weeks and a conference with Somator he SE Battie Lvefy weaker man 1 RUtdrIey general in 1881 Quay ix expected before the end of that | Str = THA des ¥y or of ow fu HL Brewster from ISS period. Other similar bills passed goo | Woman and chid must ge) out OF EY ee {ond reading and all legislation on bal | WAY, for be mast be the frst on the | Bosren-- Ohio creamery, g ‘Jot reform ix pow on the same footing | train, Sometimes he wm and sotnetimes : ae The VoorbBess resolution peoviiing he 8 pet, for there are pandreds of PRILADELFHIA for an appropriation of S100 for the grhers fu lik: di in thet very neigh. | eodifieation of school laws, was RHI © porhiand. and they are all overy moth | feria son, 1rving - So exactly the same thing. HAE Be train he . England, for # mite : pvt ot Ahotr | (1 oe nse plant to this country. LE Rew. WO F Congo Id 1 the Methodist Eplaopad CER LER A Hisnding Purchasers Cannot Aerd Overlook the Offer We Make Hers. Writs us To-Oay. Selling pianos asd organs in the usual way, thay is hiring agents 0 20 out and soll them with a team and wagon, or by rail, ete, entails 8 iarge Bil of expense which necessarily mast be added to the price the purchaser pays when he bors that way. We want lo save you this espense {and deal direct with vou, and by so doing rou wil get an insirmment af fant what the agent has to pay for in 3 Aw an example: We offer yoff our Lo heawtifal RISO high grade, eabipet | grand plane. 4 fr 00 in. high Freoeh | wratnut fuish case, rolliog Ja Sond. fC apd full extension music desk, 2 | apteed, for the small sum of $227. To stool, sear! and inetraetise book. Our peantiful KEYSTONE Organ | that agents sell for SIG we offer to you {fier BAO 00 with ston] and inetruction (Bock. The beautiful Keystone Organ in 8 fr 4 in high In Banduome oak or Dowaingt ense fre octaves, 122 reeds, 10 i slope, double subdivided patent oo tive couplers, lamp stands, and mosie i cabinet, guaranteed first clase and warranted. The above termes sre cash, hat we will be very giad to sell these goods on KS paypients, whivh we can agree wt if you will write ne and will ship them anywhere to Lood, reliable pes ; ale. WRITE IR TODAY. | Beferemces: Peoples National Bank, AMRU HEL BROS 4383 Wood 51, Pittsburg Pa Ir, pastor of oi =n Beech Crick Pn ate ct. Condes! Time Tubla. ie w wi Lar Dairy Peadant . a EezEATEAE Mary “Priscilla arty. Wiliam . Ren wey raaitre, ore RENEE per ih CI pe Aecigiont Buin Pa. nnd Dido. fret Wrnlte wos Yaguiauis., SE zee reg 203 EBEE i 3 i ? py es ashi, RALTIMORY XE ater Futony red 41. rrpdy « * cont hte Been discovers rin of Jereiniah Gulden, Dy ¥. The velp was resehed dh of 33 feet. The shaft th water, which has impeded hy the adoption of a motion to inde The outcropping of coal tise finitely pesipone sotion Bown BH weed finally These billy passed fins ih eorite an pas rales Bim hb “Rters Yen Fu he creek bank bed fo the Ives oo wir suthwrizing sehool hoards ini we hundred Acres are GI ooo grant the wee of woe ont fronses For se, and tis said the Reading jo 000000 ang aber Mrersry parpose hax made 2 tid for the Tand Providing that there shall be bop ihors ind ® Wriler Bouse at the Botton of SYeTyY whepus Ahr shin lr in well on the Smith farm, about The anthracite region J vhost contuin ox east of Washington, owned ing surgical appliagoex for nse in case Anderson, were demolished of accident Rion that i8 thonght te Rave eatmed hy mosereants. It od t the explosion was ¢ aused corparatioh laws The bellers and ,.0 was snppried trong It pro were tors th pieces and Mes for the sppointten! 2 i comnts k sible. for bis ad Lo olen a wax by RT Pe | the others wha have to stand. Tpon Fiess at 5 men Wha frowns a8 ooo , ; A ogad ; : In proportion m | though they had bis which fave Na 2 Wats i oA 3 Be i Hatt | Bowe fogr were his And ll A | ; Shag Bar vs [town he is a im 5 | fight any} Finally his Lrgshes through the fons avonde es adding ta sleeiaral volew Hotmdo has a larger pop. o than any ober sinte. It wis 1 In ING Sah Dakots hiss four vlociiral Gores amt a popular vote f Sho Washington with four alee “ roral votes had a popula vole of BL Ln: Florida, with four slectorsd Toslon, i msl om pepuiar sorte of Md The ay. i to Broadway ss though there Were oa t of teem rereains. «iat ta consist of nine members sdn | Prize waiting aim in that great Ulsmaport, Pa | }inuatien of the apparant discrepancy by this Thers is female suffrage in tative Patric RB. Cotter, of cated in nw, which shall exaniine the | thoroughfare. And there 6. In Broad | soadinn oy CRO bs. so ahs = ir eat county, died st Har corporations within the state and re way be regains his serenfy. He read ¥ ; ) ae ile este . ithe £ islorads, Now York Sun. wrday evening of uramic puri at the pest sexsi of the legis | justs his hat be pulls doves his wiht Buffilo, Rochuse & Pi ter was one of the Jute od he reudiisien was adopted | sant he shakes himself together, and burg Railway. fs fn the house. He by 2 vote of Jif 16 23 ih renssumen the look of well-leing which i -ig for in the civil war, a ering: The Philadelphia ripper Will was |, when Be ttt his avin doorstep. : AG CONDENSED TIME TABLE of considerable ability, and sent back to comanittes for amend: | lo a 0 nl arent courteous, quiet | In effect Fob. 1, 1001, I a term as distriet attorney Heal The election provided for byl oY » ue ix pain Bl, AOMp nea 1 ; ORT worn oKean cou ty i way BT years, the Bill will be held next November In. | 8nd mannerly. He leaves bis ofice 10 | Eastern Time 2 : Renn ¢ i, He | tend of February. Dee as originally | 20 bome with the same self poise, But | i Tames AM AM # p M Pa : intended. A resolution intredueed by | when he reaches the elevated raliway i Aiegtany | : oe PB wi 00 minons miners fn the LILY sr Crap, of Luzerne, requests infor | stairs thi same deel] which possessed in = reek conlfieldl, Cambri, mgtion from the Internal affairs de ! hire im the morning takes Dim In band ; in mbering about 2000. have paersaent regarding the application for | cog grave with him till his home street | & 3 ! ‘by resolutions that they bi or granting of warrunts for palit | had 3 . See : ; ; 6 unless the "is renched. This is a very interesting strike 4 Ap J6 untess i lands in river beds since January 1 ¢ in rar meetrtmalttan : adopted, by the convention 1001. The resolution lies over for a 'TPe of UMMARBEISG Ie aopo tans. © wfited ar that thoe. A colt day, often sperniite as to how long this huts been named to wait on the A pesolution by Mr. Pali. of Craw Jekyll and Hyde tasiness can be kept ud peesive their reply. ford, providing for the appeintment of 8D Even in Stevepson'y story the 3 of Montville, O. is 8 romminter of five fo uvestigate the gond Jekyll was Snally lost in the rebs ut way from Chardon to subject of capital punishment in 1B vidoe Hyde —Jolin Giliser Speed, welnnd and East. and other states aml in foreign coum jg Ainsies's hich i= how In opera: fries was reform Lo the Pon iow ob a Te intervening div Taw and ord hires other trolley wy eomnecting nn : : tusville, Cunbridge SPORTING BREVITIES. Jaty. | Tha basetiall players have ¥ coal miners are hile practice, rls ot Iaobe, . Rereni Thé London Dog Show to be held in is ps Bones ; nt ines Ih al. Crystal Palace has 10121 entries 13 2b 4 ry ¥ : : Soin oi Blocks for the cup challenger. Sham CEL OC Frick | ee Lait Cont A rock 11, will be wade in the United plant and the ET States. «plant of the Pons Professional cyclists made $100.0600 in prize money during the for years il year. It Is pow propessd to open A moe eourie in Havens, Cuba, conducted in the American style Oxford Yniversity bridge hall a length in brat rave, rowesd In a gate The Association fentiail mateh be ; tween Ebzisnd snd Scotland resulted £ wie Bint glass woke 4 fn a deaw, with tw goals each FRM. Wilson, a Pittsburg | phe Country Cinb, of Brookline, a. lett Monday for New Zen, Yass, offers Lanny far an anngal w Be at ibe He pi - ol steeped haw. Yio SERBINE TXT your | x ; ut + Bu a ol Roy Wirt Allis. 3 2 wl Pniversity of Minnesota, Poker otis or Fr peur the isteregdlegiate reoorg for feats of strepeth, : Crities teliove that ihe oi in the Natiopal League will aided affair between Boookisn Pitsburg. Tie angus! foarsament teresllogiate Lawn Tenn Asse Lwill be held at Philndelplia the Hos, week of October, Wilter Canip has heen minde omen her of Yale's University oouncil The rounell has fall charge of Yale's ath othe relations with ether universities The supporters of the English Gav srnment profess to be surprised that volunteer wherlmen should be so shy | ot response to the mil for eight com: panies for South Africa. Representatives from five New Eng Lierself in the Beavis | land eities met in Boston ami formed of Twelfth street, atia temporary baseball organization ty The young wolan was 2% be known as the New England Leage. © oral plants (hist are enitivated for the | nd there Is no dont | hut The five cities represent teed were Man: | pose. ‘pd the nses to which It Is | shester, Lowell, Haveruill, Bangor and | Purp man 3 Woh if 8 Lewiston. pat are 88 var qa as are Wonder fal. For exampie, if serves for win {dow lights, and for Laht partitions he | tween rooms; {or making uliveliay | | and lanterus. and for printing bank | | potes. It makes tapwesiries when cov ered with paste apd when oiled U Bava ments ha Tider rig 5 He Ear Wx ali WAY 3 burly ready MONDAY Bie Way. The resdation COteR LIVE sTOCK. Conrad Stank Yards Easl Liseriy Pa too vanlify the wiate Wan Up in oF hops for Fear Exhibit Lite- Like Qualities. Waoeda if they are pulled ant of 8 wn at a thse when they are full of sped, will poines 3 degree af ogre for the seeds which ix almost tarhing | They will curl 1helr leaves upward as far ax each ean go to caver ihe seeds asd poate them from the sun fl the ami. and aften one will dnd weeds that are gules dead sup killed, whose CL haves 2till are wrapped firmly around Cothe weed] pends. No mother rouki show taore striking devetion 5 death thar do these despiasd plants. Clnelnneti Hanauirer RE cach. FER Frivoe mas wal iis Eo etra BaF aa i rae § WW v3 W si rest Meomgnver. gHEYy Wont Bors RB Fag HE” > SRR SANE FBS Pn a Minnesota fans lands have advance Led more than IF per cent during the | past Sey Funes, Edn a i EAI unio Meaning of a Muoel Ves Word, "The ward or term naneed’ 4% ape plied ro the work of The professional P gentlemen wh & Tage the hundreds sof detalis in : & DUR gon (day explained a tlerk. TiR & new one | sme yclopedlas rented It yer SE RR eal SR A Ae A Pennsylvania R: firoad. In effect May 27, 1900, Main Sine Ls ir 3 aE : SG Paros, BL Rawk ber i ” 3 Ass vir ALVES ™ begun | Banteny! 3 mo 3 CG $ : Lkpown baak atl Bones of the Gr gdictislagrees has It is bere, nWerey. tar stay. For: Wry seh cies hinasions or | Cpreaniations of business [nterosts or Cerra 30 your want it thi way, ware arranged by Whit Was Known as pro Roteri parties Lin interest four tow Cand they were eailed Boon Legnsnitation cngneetiin win the matter ; the awvirs Ars goat in any of ore TRADE WOLDS STEADY. Demand is Strang in the tron and Steel Bus- iiss. and There is 4 Better Tone wen he Bay hREA2HY CERES CRUWEEE VOTES X pve, IY ds {aoa pons West wand, 4 ety eek are en {8% xgsrvses, gaily. & Pamse tigers Sk SN GE £) {ameton. #47 ¥ FREEEBE BEBEE wenn 5 esr MA a Ax a, . week Bay. Cambria & Clearfield Division, api Parton eniiiwand, : CHE al THE 5 mn arriving od Tresane a 8 aL BES om arriving at Crosson Hi Lee Paton Northvwand, x Na TM oat IAT no my sriving at Mase #1 IA a me and at Ywen Campbell at i a Nor Ral © pooh arriving 5: Mabad | fon Wt 0 p.m, and at GlenCampbet] st TE Poon oy At Tyler. TER LT fithex from Iw purchasing the colleries and wiped Teal by the Clean f i} Company, at that place fin defeated Cam. the "Varsily Fave LE VRE 51 COBY RON 3 Foam Rined 7a PER if co peRR Loe bias i ta hin = pres { tlie ti : £2 run tor wonderin past Tow ania A 3 SP gislent o lias Lh £5 £ hom ipha NX Readin s : Philade Wiest dound Langs Sd % 1 osEatian 3 Marke NY in x o INE race FIFI andl vil. the colored aan wlus, so o all thie wirnesene fn the case be shot that Killed Alexander at Stockdale, Washington wo years ago, for which mar, ; red ten, Jones and Ward, i din January, bas been cap nd ix in dadl at Washington, are shout 00 Incorporators, ‘are workmen in tha indow Glass CUwsapany, 1 to bpild a plant at: : voneern is capital d the pany will ein 3a Bugines Harn Hard § wal IN FIER 3 regi Lames Nh ‘ Heras Hale there is In tain af the pes th oi Toad 0m me, Arrive Teal 3 > g : . EE a IR LA Emily xrepe m ‘ 0d 2 WE a Toms of Any : thonsas 11h i § i Say eras im 2 wk 3 4, 4 pil on Hk CW Jel RR ar REOW ARDC LAPEY, fit elerey Liar ip re st Aoi i feted wy i Fe hd Agent, wo bh BIR B The Paper Plants of Japan. trails, a Dass G8 Losing 4 Ive gualitws, owing ta the L of European tel Rods of The Kind nmiostly made duces] fron the woud or Shustown; Ebens Eastern LR. i doy efiue Nov 25 100 fol = SRE eR prs hE AE & Trrnuisl, €82 : : Won in, and was 4a i, 3008 pe BR ia tro ined ¢ mamafacture Baw is pro : bark of sev be er of Hey. 1 J.T. Bris TH ton, I ed sak BR id § Tima “fo IN Froas sochads ax Apaipst wi Sa Wr care to and mam - seis, a wah ts, § XY: Phila. atid NN. Ise srt 5k “hens Rueprind, Mis Fe ow 3 0 aby i 3 rR ail al fest of Plate Nae % Voda odes andl resiidenoms oti L WEERS, sein Aes Has Thirty Palaces. The emepor of Japan has thirty pal aces to choose from for a sQmner re mort. Of these, however, he bas never Efoaves £ uy fast wal a Inigts PR Era July Se TRT Tle od fades of feo Helle PM Gales Uf wis IN Ins Sw ears i Veins Ha 3% likely soon to be de The company Is composed capitalists, who, it is stated, PM healing Tera Prarie Lars a id hairy TEE ME VEPRIPIR, : han SR Urss ThdBR ¢ HER 4 EE ra operations within tise in vecurred over ings of 0. 8 shaft of the ja Coal Company at Pitts fan an acre of surfaces Chowies of Tg have Bets i and unsafe for habita:| 25 Cazes or the at daily. Brie nl a —_ ( i ¥ which it is occupied more than three or four, and some he has pever seen. He lives | principally at Tokio, Spending a shart time every year at Hiroshima. The palace at Tokio ia aipiost an ideal | country place. It is situated ao a vast estate, whick Is right in the center af | the city. There are hills, valleys, lakes woods and the beautiful lotus every where Los Angeles Times, makes waterps Feather may ! canting it vat Saath SE: EER ted with # 1: alan serves 37 with varnish for making pressed articles, such ws | are usually made nly What a Bitton Means. Sa giitbix, dead. dao Whillien that few of HRY sider F ihp Wo a fe 0s i ae i long wonld it take an ordi In 1896 the free distribution of seeds by the Government amounted to 0-1 O00, 000 packets, and Sow it has reached | 24.000,0000 packets. i A Sn SA AAA No The property of the Catholic mis slong in Shanghai is valved at $2000. x. ns an nS x In fifteer years a locomotive will from 240,000 miles and earn $300,000. The consumption of beer in Germany has doubled in the last 20 years | i | Flows | 400,000, fricus person to coun {ew yours perhaps Well yee rate of [Ara minute--a vary of speed and days AN ny counted In a2 day, ip a yew yo hours 8 working days the scores smonhd be 14 : would reguire 6B 12; The | of three xfore years | a few months—would | L the simple counting of | the sum that trips so lightly from the | tongue these days —Minnespolis Times. | ami i years to count propliel’s span apd tep--piinus be consumed in the full bibon. Cordovan | hy Has wars E > 3 mak Rss $k Dat Td has $8 Unites wy 1a a . : y This Week INS and Bet ; ‘fein rite} au Givers a very wa Lh wl 48% 18 pr wi FY 2 1 aL eps at Pirishare Thirty Per Cent Are Dying. Famine pnd tephins are maging throushont the severnments of Kher son aml Bessarabia and portions of the pavermnents of Riefl Russia. The mortality of the vatire popelation. is 30 per cent have | ns ace of and of | Werk Hass. Hasiin AM Hamey, Hig ikl past Buinlay Crake At FF & HH HK imins awh Haveli, Witla jock ton AM CONSETT ION, fastened. witha ds ¥ ¢ Tinadont, Bui, wid Baachoster, ible, Prd tats, Pua sey, i { i i i | i i with Hoole | 3 nb MELA sa povintendent. The e eh safng dish is amng the avin | most | ancient adjuncts to the eulinary de | ¢ partment cient Rome. and Taurtda, | of all pativas 1% demand at the grand was great ruins of Pompeil They are exquisite ; = wurkmanship. : feasts | {given by the wealthy eoiizens in an | Syme of these dishes Bave recently wen found among the | | Hunt ingdon & Broad Top Mt. Railroad In effect Sept. 15, 1868, saa tiiawinnd. : tiantimmion Saiins ab fax al HES. m, glint vey pak at TIS p Wa » Hunting Aree Ig wl ML reout Mr Dale risa. Md. Fe deniers ML Imiins or Bm 10), RITY ny of Huoting femves MUL Dau Wi, arrsving ai =, smandavs only viingdon atl £35 pn All trains makes elose sunpections with Po HH. Doth wast and wast at Haat Cam. MM. Gaon, tienen
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers