The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 11, 1901, Image 5
a El A SE AER ree, em BS 2 ait Sad Se tl the fitadss of joi | HOME HAPPENINGS. ~Sasatias is sige. Is this your paper? House cleaning is due. ~ Refrigerators fren at Mellon ye JeAttand the box sbeial Feidiay even. : ing. Frank Zentmyer spent Sunday in Bellefonte. ~Refrigerators given Away at Mal Jon's Cash Grocery. =H. E. Barton made & trip to Clear: | finld on Wednesday. ~John Boyce 1s on a visit with his brother at Windburn. «Get your pictares framed st the _ Patton wall paper store, ~Bd Weakland advertises ogg for batehing in this issue. «A fall line of all kinds of tobieco | and cigars at Kinkead's, «Mr. T. J. Scholl is visiting her parents at Carliste, Pa. Joe eream soda water, all flavors, 5 : cents at the (ity Restaurant, iuDr. H. A. Beitz has returned from a > week's visit at Freeport, Ps. Mrs 8 M. Wilson, of DuBois, was . a Patton visitor on Saturday. "| Reuel Somerville was in Pittsburg 0 aver Sanday on legal business. “Will paper 8, & 56 and 6 cenis a roll at the Patton wall paper store. 'wMrs. H. BE. Barton returned from Clearfield on Wednesday evening. Ott Petit, the insurance hustler, wae in the town aver night Tossday. Jost received a large stoek of wall paperat the Patton wall paper store. | FOR SALA fresh cow with calf. Call on or address WwW. 1. Perry, Patton, Pa | ~The exavations for the new M. E. parsonage ware commenced this morn- N. Randolph Seeley was visiting friends in Clearfield county over Ran. — When you want rabber statops, | tationary ate, call at F. H. Kin- | Por » good shave, hair etit or sham- | poo call on Garfield Wilkins, ¥ & % 3 . Tc boat lou dos In town by the deh, quart or gallon, atthe City Res-. A Ladies’ visiting cards of the ist le rata ot Ws cfics for 5 cents : hiss 8 Gioldetein, of Portage, was a guest at the rewidencs of 1 Goldstein ‘this week. : Howard Dobby Dinsmore was vis iting prospective relatives in Gallitzin aver Sanday. | The bank, postoffice andl the public schools otwarved Good Friday as a Tegal holiday’. Mr. aml Mrs. Wm. Wilson, of Williamsport, were visiting relatives here lust wenk. ~All work gusranteed by the C ear: Garfinid, the : Lp J. Deitvick was visiting rela. tives and friends in Bamesboro and ‘Spangler over Sunday. LwMilier's Shoe Store bas a change | of advertisament in this mse that will repRy # careful perusal. The Cojtmier costs jess than two gents a week. Why don't you sub : meribe and stop borrowing Mm JE Parnell is quite ill with typhoid fever. A trained nuree from Pittsburg is attending her. we Abe Goldstein has been confined to thm fits this week suffering from a mevere attack of neuralgia, wir. 8. Warrell has moved his offen from the Cinod building to the room adjoining the post office. . A=Now is the time to plant dpring advertising, and the Couper is the best meting to reas the pe people. P.O. Bharbaogh, of Carrollton, drove to Patton on W enemy and ie made the CoUuRier office a short call | «The regular semimanthiy meting of the Patton horough council will be held Monday evening at the nat : Save your cash register coupons ‘and secure a high grade refrigerator fre of charge at Mellon's Cash : i John ©. Myers was called to Coal port on Monday by a telegram an. nouncing the death of his brother, who resided at that place. ~The A. O. H. of Cambria, West _moreland, Fayotte, Blair, Somerset and Armstrong counties will picnic at Idlewild on Angust 1. ~(iroundt has been broken for the pew office building of the Beech Creek | Coal & Coke Co. at the corner of Ma- | gee and Fourth avenues. «~The Sunday school classes of EC. Brown and E. O. Hartshorne wire de- | ghifully entertained by their teachers un Good's Hall Monday evening. bert, the barber, Mages spots on back and tail. The dog's tail Tat Bia aes op FIDL sven { ug for Fe Good's Hall Friday evcving April 320 Ploture | amine, Paper | idGeo. BE Prindible, superintendent Be = Ap of the Patton Clay Mfg. Co. is in Phil- ‘adelphia this week on business oon nected with the company. : j beng went vot Ha A.C futher, whe died the anne afternoon. Phe plumbing establishment of the ‘J.C. Harper Co. has been remove from the post office block to up stairs poms in the Cornelias butlding, Jf von want fine lnundry wd Joave vour laundry with WW. KE agent for the Empire Steam La There is "Llothing,™ Frank MeCinre and Prof BI Myers ape ssid to bet bieoming expert sgn artists and incidentally playing 8 nrean trick on Attorney Housed Rone | ville. “(rood resident properties for sale Lon eady terma. Also good ints in hoth 'bosiness and resident portions of the town, For particulars call on James Melton, —~z pomplete line of spring gods has just been reevived by the Kirx Hardware Co. Learn all about it from their new advertisement in another Ceninmn. ~Baturday will bo pay day with the Hooch Creek Coal & Coke Co, The rponey distributed will He considerable ore than bas been customary for IF sae is merely to be alael Tyros? te another Clothes dsssnsssis and Economy Id fully met ¥ Lge Male ITS WOLF %& CL wie time past {67 - A white hound, with black csssssss. was cot when quite young, feaving but E ten inches, Finder will please no ify i ——— Jos. Mertens, Patton, Pa ab does not mean expensive clothes If prodoced onder favorable conditions. Good Clothes can be sold at very mpderate prices, and then, again, there are clothes one thing To appear Well ano mnel wear Good In our stock of Spring Soils, every regquireinent af Fashion, (nality Oar materials are purchased from fret hands, iu Tirge guantition, and yd made hy the most skilled niles and onto o Clarrients are sold at prices that only Large Bosiness Aone if Mandl Bxpense wil justify, Many oe Styles of Suits on ote counters, Frosh to-day. $5. $6. $7, $10, Dpwird. A visit and a close inspection will satisfy you that thera's “no place like oir store’! to bay vour Clothes, THOMPSON, Good Building. ~1f you are thinking of buying a car- GG E r = EA DY pret this spring it will pay you to post the new advertisement of H. 8 Ruck in another column, He has just re For the coming Spring and Summer, | eeived x handsome new line but it 1s not iid to get ready-made Sapper will be served at the Cath | ote fatr on Saturday evening. A bean clothing. You will of course want a new bake will be an attraction on Monday suit. We can ha be i 1k 3rd Ha fit VOU up night and Hight refreshments will be 1 erved Taesduy and Wednesdny even in a way that will please you and in keeping ings. wBx-Congressman Hicks, of Al Ww ith the time S. Yoon, was defeated on Satardsy for phatrmin of the Republican county committee of Blair Jones, the editor of the Tyrone Her. 3 The COUNTER is prepared to pub. fish the annual statement of borough the pr ic e, while snd township soditors, The law re ‘ (yaires phat the statement must he poh. : ‘made aoods, lished in one newspaper io thelr re > spective district, “Shelf Emptying Sale’ is the cap durability. Suits, $18 up. Ss 1 h C : ion of the advertisement of the Patton Supply Co. in this isewe. Prices are | (quoted that will be of interest Lo every ieonomical buyer in this section. Read lr if you want to save money CLR A Kinsloe, who has conducted {he Bitaminons Record at Philipsburg for several years, is about to leave this region and go into business in Phils Heiphia We anderetaint hos plant in tor wake Clearfield He pubiioan, Mew Joanoa Kreldier fins returned trom Patton where she spent hie win i ter with ber dasnghter, Mm A KE hema, who Reobmpanial Ger mother Bome and will and i hee hore with relatives Mil Hall Plows ~¥ditor Spencer, of the Barnesboro Sentinal, wan in town on Wednesday Land a weleome caller ar thie offices : Mr. Spencer iw one of he odd Lime pewspaper men of the county and 8 ust rece ve ol pentienan who hotiors his profesdon. » A completenew line Lois Doll, the shoemaker, had an re FO YRC - “ATE | are going to carpet Easter display of flowers in his shop o thgt ivale flv onaes BY 1 window that rivaled those at sid * that room this spring | Phipp's conservatory io Sebeiiey Park, Pittsburg The ovnire pass wasn wn handeogie speriman of potatos #alkart fiche in full Bloom don’t fail to see my Ahr. Boone has talien the agenny new stoc k . (fr the Exar farm toon embracing i 1 harrows, cultivators, mowing ma. A fine stock { f old chines, hay rakes, elo. Farmers in peed of anvibin Hy ha PAE gt AF oo ola ff J = Carpel sampies tor FHUS sive pioney by sapenitiae Me Haase 1 : Sehits cheap. Mrs Joseph Lyoan, of Mages aves sa on nae, et with a serions scoident gat Weel wl Bike Et mp SIeat 3 A Wea #1 A ) 1 Back staldrw &b vr oheand i Eine | % | Esnner she #l np pos: sil Beddow te Z at Bi Sb hae Era vee] ' ' j bg iLL § Saow will Lotd a Tair in - TH F PATTON Pasmer Avenue £5 Za = 5 5 = wt WALL PAPER p reparation wavih post i cpestold that the affair ; will be something out nf the ordinary. E * It will be worthy of a liberal patrobage Abhay 5 43M. Babinson, the Aciooss ar We have the OSL compl cle ; 5: 5 ¢ yas 1s VW: 11 re N ehitect, war in Patton inst Thursday 10IE of itl DAper In atths evening: He has opened an sffoe tn ern Be am hr 13 Over @ h 1 nd red Cand will undoubtedly reieive il Pittsburg and located in rooms 38 and of the latest patterns to select | 39 Dalimeyer building at 314 Fourih rr from {ar Prices are lower avepue, and will move bis dragghting ; than the lowest, rangmg trom rooms to that place. The move Was made necessary by increased business 3. 4, 5 and 6 cents per roll. in tHe western part of the stats He Also 3 nice line | of Hall and will retain both the Abwona and Johase Thole Papers very low “town offices. ~The annual box sale given the auspices of the Booiil nod ' departments of the Ep wort ‘of the M. E. church, will have a fine lot of Pictures and Wall - 1901 at 8 o'clock. The Literary ealfer ine and Paints dE 3 a EH = tainment will precads The Patton The boxes will ba solid as before Faoyse aun bes for benefit of ba tg fan ohurch. Bring your lo ‘enjoy the evening. This tnvitadion general, and no special invitations dee FISHER, Propr, It you. a specialty. o; Wall Paper Store, Our assortment of suitings and trouser- sounty by Clade Ings contain all the newest shades and de- signs that will be worn the coming season, and not so low as the factory cheap west in the end, ‘when you consider appearance, comfort and Trousers, $5 up. Call and See them. And the Kirk Furn: ture and Hardware (0 are Now prepared to furnish you wit Furniture. Carpets, Baby {ar Flag es { ;0-Carts, at record - breaking 4 } Now in Full Blast Our Stare In order to make room (ot our new line of spring goods and clean up all old stack before moving inte our new quarters, es vr ix offer you such barging in thi falowing poads ty von. Avail youssell of this ope 5 3 war 35 ta Bi per cent. Wa folly reatise hut you will not have aes fir these goods at Dae hresent mie hat the prices we are golag to name should being von to this : money saving ule regardless of the me yon wl Rive ase for thar Just nok aver thaae prices, B00 yards all wool conntey flannel, regn tar $00 Rind, sow poodle 100 yards all wool dross Hannes, wrth 40, today's price only de. (200 yards Persian Hantel, wis 150, now 108, : dr yap wel Ange wont worth 3h, now 150. 04 ¥ inning Manne worth Ie, now Se, 8 Yards ah won red tari flannel was he, now Ue 50 yards all wad pid flannel 50 1h do piy millen yarn, Wai Sie, now Mie. Heat oak ie one Ja, h Raxoany Carn, war 100 ie isd & frye Sas Hs WwW west proot Son len paine BE Gar que BESS ae lana saris, 8 llr Hess a Te, R Banned bhovis PE Ab oe ERE A iE jg at LON : ¥ i rh ass % ai mixed 1 2 boys i fot men’s heavy ovemsinvia Ww thy % oa. we offer thom af Aha 1 lst men's prnrshirts, worth The, now BSc, 1 lot budies’ wool walsls, worth 81.560 now Sik bobs ladies! cating Baonel waists, Ue 100 Rind, cow £0 at 480, 1 hat anting wallets, thes Me kind, now 330. : 1 lot ladies fees wrappers, real vale $1 25 now go at 74 1 lat wool hood, the 500 kind, aow Be rr 5 pica? % hoon the Me kind, now 11a 1 iat inden’ ail soo} skirt patterns, worth 81.00, will close out at 73e. 1 ot the We Siva] at Ads i int faseinutors, was Sle, now Be jo 2 tH ose, tt 18a, { bit ladies’ wand auderwear, the regmiar Dollar kind, at 30. All Sx underwear will go at 30. 1 aboen's sad bog’ cig, he S0e Rind, at 3c i > Gi iy +4 tile Al wwcstd Boslery at 29 fer cant uff. All winter gloves jad mitis al cost, Ail fit boats and arolice nt leas than tat. 3 Wo havi a faw pairs of shoes in odd sises that we think are big values. If your size is tere it will pay you to purchase. We Bave some very pretty things in new spring goods for your inspection. Dirap in axed see aa Yours For Trade, CENTURY FLOUR, uh oa cl ia hich 1s guarantesd, prices. Complete new stock in all Lines. line of Hard- ware. (i:lass, Paints, Oils. Ete. as usual. We have taken the Agency tor best Bug- gy on arth I inest line of stoves in town—Red Cross. Summit. Ete Kirk Furniture & Hardware C0., e0 aoone AM: gee Ave., ‘PATTON, PA. When m need of PURE DRUGS, STATIONERY. TOBACCO & CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES. Co all at re ————. Huber’s gr Drug store. Dateveet pall on time de poeia. DAT . } Ferrin A. E Parns, Wa HH SANDFORD, es me ry iy ; r. Firsitation’| Dauk OF PATTON, Cambria Co, Pa APEPAL PALL UP, SLE KR. 00, SURPLUS , 834,000. 143, w SOF waie FOE Ri tw ampable 15 Ue fia uiie prom pl ans run propery H. A. SEITZ, Deni st! Office on corner of Lang and Filth Offiee in Patton Building, wexi & President Chsliivr JUSTICE OF THE PEACE : AVennos. Colledtions peianplay ade Post i ies, {tow i: re: j vended to. Properties to sell and rent {3pr, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.