Species of Salt Water Fishes. The number of species of fishes UY. habitually in the sali waters of » world ean only be approximately wel psy probably abont JO.000, Those classed ax shore fishes” lve fas oa pole plone te the surface and near ene lam and are well Roowa to the galt water angler 1 hisoulings As io weasel, sirined kingiish Of the fakes there are 4 (du) The Toelarie tart hnse shiieh lnhabdt the w Whters of the Feat For pani shied Hye fn Jaga hs vary bag fromm Hw FEY Pathan annol De avn apLroXe fuam, “hare oY 13 Bes Te soi inten’ hein constantly discovered Field and CRtrvan [A ple Bitehen tw to be maintained {gt the Baffalo fair by the rice aseocin tian of America Hioe Cir sree virions forms, show! its value as 4 staple article of food. Try Grain-0! Try Ciratn.0' Ask your grocer fail 10 shaw Yon 8 ranks ape of Orarn-0i, the new fond Avink thal takn- fhe place sf roles. The § ‘ Ww without injury ax well de ik Crear Hit nayw.-0) has thal y of Macha or Java. Tul 1» ease grains wend the most deiira le fda it withont distress (he varie '$ (® 15 anit ie per prokage ¢ nil grocers, rere ve pesPon | Veterinarian of The wir in South Africa has drain | ad from Australia more than 10.0001 workers: Bas lessened the inflow of | Fritish papital for the development of : pew mines and, combined with the re- | marlin industrial boom in Burope.| has fails stepped emigration to Ans. tralia i Counghiny Lends to Conanmoiion. Kems's Polson will stop the congh at once. Cio to soni draseist to-day and get a semble write ren, in 45 and BB cent bolues, vat one deine are deniers ‘Many plants which have long been plasasd minong the worst and most nseless of weeds have been found in tdeont years ta posseax consideeshie value as anim fooda Jt i» clavmed thar even Lana fhantien cnn be converted nto a alan bd fwd sheen by culling them storing them apd solitons ¥ F.aame’s Family Avon the Lownls esol day, Tn ordse to he Beaithy this in necessnry. "Acts gently on the Hyer and Kidneys, Cares sick headache, Price U5 and 50 vents, The Ponnsyvisania & pradnated forty davy sani ev. as we know {rom Ma Pea, mm only vuahhage with a college and Peppy ivania cream cheese propety ma pinulatec by Lhese experienced bpriid may develng into a «orf awembiort der ine duatanetion from the pmyieted article, Past tear the Odile minnie syrah orag Randusk bros 1p NT ae ie the is willing to good or you pay his few. your rheumatism, and he oharges nothing for advise. This physielan is Dr. Greene, the dise Greene's Nervora. If you will write to hm at dS Street. New York City, he will tell you exactly bow iog of rheumatism for good and al. It wont cost you an) {reat you for rheamatism, if your oredit Is But only one doctor will sare fo get his advice. Why don’t jou write fo Dr. Greene to-day! According to the latest report of tha Dnitad Riates chutmisstoner of dues Phar th peerage salary Tor supers s ami] teching in public selioole $8 Poston SLOT. in Chicane, SNE San Prapgeloss 887005, mennatl ESN GL Denver, EXEL iushurg £70 Philadelphia $8US 00, wilon wos bill fo adorn hrldge, oe i Taser of Io tov The frathie of . “The Sance thet mde West Point famwns.t* McILHENNY'S TABASCO. Sindee da ; ak BEE a a A SE A OR TM D 3 Nf NEW DISCOVERY: vive Se nh i se clan JS Eis teas a Tew yours nil now wrk UNION MADE. penned wiih A Rat bes the SWiay 0 gnY ery Iai ull Et . «Xi Barge Sime bakin gx % LE AES bet FR wt Clnnew oF Props Es x * ck > > 3 smnis dies Davee sail meters a ds VES v4 AL p Fh Ld TV rit Mand Newest Prades, (han any ihe re ie (Rt, rarer in the wwertd Foon pany S100 to any gad prance Chat my stuormeni ie nel tiie Sgt) Wo XL a : There ) % Whe ave | A bv he pres Tenantly there Jims ou 53 Frac y elas Bp pig ToniaE CRRA izease peculiar to horsex is fast § =P" SCOR DE GW 1» woes to her family physician 5 A the whole story. loses her head, becomes agi- | wy dno: creat Hegel BAY, and finaliy conceals 4 bb C4, per peas fre for £ od poi oe BB i HE i aS Saas this completaly mystifies § tive eng BE LE SENT Puke wn substitute! wiEl mnie ret ¥ : A woman is sick—some d _ J deveroping in her system. Bi § and tells him a story, but nol She holds back something, tated. forgets what she wa nts to what she ought to have told, and | the doctor. Is it a wonder, therefore, that the doctor fails to eure the disease? {3till we cannot blame the woman, for it is very em. barrassing to detail some of tho symptoms of hor guflering, even to hor family physician. 1 his is the reason why : hundreds of thoasands of women aro now in corre- | . spondence with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass, To or they cin give every symptom, so that when she is ready to advise them she is in possession of more facts from her correspondence with the patient than the physician can possibly obtain through a personal interview. © Following we publish a letter from a woman showing the result of wn correspondence with Mrs, Pinkham. All sach Jetters sre coasidered absolutely confidential by Mrs, Pinkham, and are never published in any way of § | & ppl ot | manner without the consent in writing of the patient: but [ Whe sus 8 Hh ah abd ot RB : ol iar hundreds of women are $0 grateful for the health which Mra. J 00 meet cake intemal remedies. Halts Ca ME Qo) ——— 4 RAR 111 many 2 common dg, Pinkham and her medicine have been able to restore to them § farrh Core js taken ititernaliy, and acts directs : | “that they not only consent to publishing their letters, but § Non ioe! gn iv Teor. Bulls | write asking that this be done in order that other women merited By ats of the bent phveicians in who suffer ray be benefited by their experience. thas saaniry for yeles i jo 8 reguise pres Mrs. Ella Rice, Chelsea, Wis., writes: sins Csription, tk composcd of the best tomar | Emery sara bined swith the best hides purifiers, : meting direetly on the muons surineos The ot ; § © werlask pombinaticas of the veo ingredients SEAR Mus PIsxua For Bee yours 1 was troublal with falling § Po EE a i a ths, inflam tion of the womb, { stifaruid very much with bearing down {ag cosirrh Nemd for tewtimauinie, free, pains, Leadaehe, backuche, and wis not able to do aay thing. What 1 FI Carxes & Co, Props, Toledo, O. endured no one Kuows but those who have snlored as i did, I conid | Bak by Draggivts, price Tint diy drag myself! across the four. 1 dito with the plhipsicians of this Hal's Family Pils are the best. n for three months sod grew worn instend of better. My husband a friends wished me to write to you, tit [hal no faith la patent madi : eines. At last I benno so bad thist 1 coneluded to ask your advice, ved mn answer st once advising we to takes yoar Vegetable Compound, | did so. Before I had taken tivo iottics I folit better, and after | had | five bottles thers was Bo haippior woman on enrth, for 1 was well 1 ktiow thet your Vegetal Cotnpemnd cured me. and I wish snd | very worasn who suffers an | did to 2ry Lydia E. Pinkham's Voge~ grateful for the recovery of my dena Faprinss | Bards or spot the Rell glatn, re ; fd ane oO he was kent oo the world, Catarrh Cannot be Cured ] With losnd nupbiontomm ae the ¥ sana womoh imitate great things. But the aroma and strength peculiar to LION is never found in these imitations. Taste LION @OFFEE and then taste the others that are glazed and coated with egy mixtures and chemicals to make them “look better” and in order to hide imper- fections A malbwar engine 1» equal in strength ts nine Hundeed bores Aes. Winslow's Soothing Syeap for children | teething, soften the gue, ricioees in amines tion, alingy pain, cores wind solic. Ue abollia Croent Prtacn has no distinctive and ex : esivevoe throne, ve me wivways 2 TE TS emir pt ; Isc Wik . Piso's Cure for Consnmption w an infallible Che , mrediisine for somghs and cold NW. SawGrl, C Ovesn Grove, BJ. Fob, 57,1900, er Eh SR 7 SA Try a package of Ching to the Tat (het ater akeptial . os ade live Troe Tine Lr tape estes | Eh pensime nom ol the Pee eters RTT mer ee ponatantie shining. wz have he Natinnss Cie Bask, of Lysa, Mas, Sooo hich ped to any pers wha wit] whoo that the wove A EE i Galied batare slamming washer k apecias pera eon.~ Ly aa Bb. Foes am Manion Cog {A premunent physician says that sevente five per cent. of the peopin have a toed of cemsumplion some Le 1a ther lives. Watch our next advertisemont. Ourfald Headaches Powders roprogent the pat wetentite rombination of those ramedics wnish sure Bendushion quickly anal which have ro bod effect non the svitrin, Pest results are vbtsined by following dines tions, “A be i of A fie a i de aiwayes i the Soup. AR HN SVD TARA aH Yo . —y In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully fiustrated and dencriptive list. No housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy of girl will fail to find In the list sore article which will contribute to their Bappiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of cur one pound sealed packages (which is the omy form in which this excelent cotive Is sold). WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, ORIO. Humor of the Rockies, Fligh np on the Laramie range there a Hrrle wvatien called Raerman oo 1) 5 a k cu ¥ ¢ ¥ 3, mere W atering race for iris 1 he Nica pg Ean Wax Hes Union Pacithe eibway. Near by i of stevens (he cand 4 3 gigant ie b2 rainld of stance. 60 fel | gigpiay of foreign | gh apd 18 few! sgnars at bales oy L i a ae gE which waw wt up hy he ring fs) aad eles far exh} A fhonnment to Oakes Xioes and O80) ne Yor Anes, tes th Inter ciziities there arrive #t Rherman a shabliy persan of mela eielY spa whoa abso Western for shanty - not far from the | Wid pve £4 » te fast twenty yours freight | im and to Engand, have decrensed! y to sevanty five per cent. i OR: i. Taf sien have their ase, bint don't store Wen itn Pesraan’s Pepsin Gum slid 25 ssbools for girl gardening are axon mat be one who RAR Wah had a mnsen for the prbiie ¥ Rt vias E i : Magis i Lan free of (ame Yoo EB ned sant A A RMA SANA Cietiopuibly Be ; ane de: rh Ee 3 uniting HGOOGTOOTE more ill treatmen Then Nat a firectly upon the diseased ting the liver and kidneys; a candy tablet, for CASCARETS. ie me Fave andi oC od # ERE. AR inking! 2 Tox og Fan mee A ai eh $s apa 4 Ck He ens De Iniesiings QOLGinl EG, ATA OAL iy 3 my x 7 menting Hn oe wr Nosih ita 7 Cathar Lika iy on I AFR SS ANE A RA LOL Gl There nrg two afliet rors which perhsns give the most pais sod teoihie, Tix: - Sciatica i and Og ¥C nia! accep : tu AINE WN Bososeosoneotod 20K F Tu hiring a sirgeoll ~—weweier's Wisekly. “1 Buea gone 18 dmys ar 8 movement of the bowels, 7 Son for peyen Tears paces me ; cont ithon: © ad srarytdnng | heard Sei Connd say rele nati d 1 besa aris CAPUARET ¥en Eaves Troi ceri Las LR Ear ela isl BiR Bite mead if 1 was sivh § owoonid girs INE Dir eee ment; ib ls auioh 8 reilef. Arrmus I it ro PS Posse] Ae, Daelaid, Bia SHDBOVOOTTTD Lumbago Both dissle and cripple, at Mor= (nformation, Tommy—P at do thew pul sip ty ale 00000008 Tisl ptt iy lo i 1 atin THs renals Wien OO i £m Woy PN ey Phere Is 8) be hiyiesiown praprietor Honey. nen bw rennried i The Columbia fee dian Rocky Mamilains covers gn of at least He ggquare miles, RISE] 10c. 25¢c. 50c. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. DRUGGISTS a ago the Brat bex of CAN axes 8 year; grstter § 0 When taken sccvding to directions the | Garfield Headarbe Powders are gnarastesd to cure guickir even very ssvers headaches, 1¢ 13 hnnsnal to find x remaity so effective and harmless. 4 powdery, 10e; 13 for 2e. Most girls wha ere engaged wonder {why men in resl life don't makes love an they do in moves. NeusRBot«<Ico-Tea Cures Dyspepuin, Constipation and Dilionsness. A guaranteed remedy. Mude fram roots and Berbx. By mail Joc. Neurution Medicine Co, Hornellsville X.Y. 2 Some music is well oll executed, while | 5 | other music is sumply butchered. I OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO Cn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers