¢ hut down in Massachus Nw Erons « mills Have heen compe! te Ht af the foods In the town re {E 20.000 millbworkers are ie A ian der Haris x Arreste d in Hirt murder of ok 4 Mr W natlich, was ac quitied i ait Tes Pa nearly two years Rilas Dougherty. iy sept the ee ot Bim Brier fis wile the pao! he lopmel eed Jae oh Oatuniheck was shot and {bir a eolired pan named More uh tried ro proven kilo W ent, durin the last few bethen uring | by General | | , fisrmer commander of t has broken out mn mees of ongoba and Shensi " omplettely authenticated. Chany and Prince Ching ved miarmaton on the sub | h proves ex that the Court is se ; General Jung Fa files’ from the as Wil 1000 TegRiar py to Be devoted 0 Cours hax abowt the same of solders 3: Sitanin, but it 8 at the troops of Tung Fo rr odnled and better Believer no owas Brot pr about throu : : i and General Ww Siang, Li Hong Chang thanks Pont 000 regular Clunese | in Mongolia and inches to the hat they Rave not joined the ree fe does noe think the Court In his opinion the ; Tuan—who was hast at Ningghsn, with ooo men | resist arres cand General ng 14 to create a diversio interests yw arifer to force uncosd erection of themselves namen of amelie the rismg as extremely on THE present Lime to the in Chana, and as possibly mear: he Crore its Ministers Of the powers do mi, provided foreign interests for suffer, any present Hestevence | shely. Ii the dynasty should ba ove it would delay to & cerimm ex the peace negotiation, bot consder that a regane wd by traditions like thse of at wand probably be mitch fo deal wrth eventually ince Ching, she. as a relative, youy nxidered to take the Coury view the situation, says the rebelnon 38 a Fm teacup He declares the st Court is Inved and earermed by tenths of the population of Uhr & the same Proporio jo men would rise to rote the | fg lo tixpeet pinion China abie te py freon $H00.000.000 | Wi ont crippling Ber sources, while Sie Smolin WETS Al present demand the gate from $400.000.000 to $500. |» set, Ky. [Specialy hoe Si have been organized here Cand gas terrioey oes ade £ fields stwest a) quishes at suk, forty pules south of thas was incorporated with a vapiia oa, for the purpose of dave ay the Sunny and Somerset ompany, with home off Jace fy the purpose of driil nd as wells 1 Wayne county, Ries conmy, Jenn The company 43 $u3.000 Somerset onl men have organ nized thie Cincinrat Of an ompany, with a capiial stock of 00, for work mo Wayne county, and Fentrevs commy, Term among Lasiern oil men. Th ne 5 Aer 114 IEA ig Lsuuag Su HPRIB ERS OU §O 5) jie valuable as a jabricating and yl that toon) year. Pro f there. ure mare thay sno, wae ponies ranging over th pibutary to this market, | wYe VOry anxious thar should be driven away to pre: the ranges to cattle and } orse meat has found favor & ie > | (Special), w= ThHe may be a reality in Chicago COMIN summer. ries anked permission to die aa per ton fe yt i alistie MER butieit ys Le: rushed ¢ Lavy aR A BRrrtwaiat | Last year some flan Bar mareied her ai Farmers sing young Samuel I Katherine Rank us Flas ~ y 5 Harriet pr, Fh fii nop reve gh rant in Marnash an Sunday wenty pa seh alarships have bien { ¢patiished by the hoard of trastess of thie Universicy of Pennayivama A dopbigarion a the varions glass interests was effecied Yak flenry Marcum, dale. WW, Va, 4 Ant bony Hoavd ny car an Ei liyah Anrhrac te Pin tie wizes have Sew or ‘the LHF etced SO cents oa 5 i A reine ady ang od 10 cents iy I next Septemther Mes Clariss : gn boing til robe nd x ¥ Sevotion of Cichoda rar a“ $i At extn a? edge port 10 apn BF : ] The Marsh dead 1s ral trad car in Texas CF wsaryaay ght loss of Saoioon. ; wh Fehon Flats. Me the town having no fire ap paraigs 1 iH. M: Gh i the Si a8 acted Riot wmurderiog How. Run ow Wak r bids Senten ae Mr way deities Headley fell nto the Bre ar Rome wear Aveaquan, Fariax cpunty. Ya % {eres i n hd M4 : Far Igiarmal Hue veins interes an! t heavy jackets, but the sail led. Mary of the older carrvers | the prostration accompanying will ask assistance. Postmaster Coyne : “Possibly the regulation unitorm 100 heavy for the warm weather dL Tighter jacket ngn be devised” Tarif Against America. ndon B Cable). — According 10 g correspondent of the | aily Mail, import duties for Viadivo- | ck have been raised on ail Anterican (Special). ~~Haostili- ave avch at White Hall. the of Gen. Cassius M, C tay, ve | Sport on the barri- 1 is unde 1 Generul Postmaster | ne PAFTeRn arn Dr. £3 Laria, is dea Russian officials in Par say that lwas never intended that the Ruossan | siuadron should remain & Toulan dur Ling the France-Trabian festivities, that mo political sigmficance attach tix the departure all but two | which will remain to greet | Loubet, Floancial The United States “lavestor’ mater the sale of municipa bonds | March at hiatus The output ot precious metals in C rad fast Pr was valned at mor | $5.000.000. The strength of Seaboard Aur { has led to rumors that a deal of | interest is pending. Gross raslrogd earnings in the | ter ending March 31, 1001, {31.3 per cent. aver the same period o ESO. Tairty Severs! Persons and 1 Hors e shee smenle abril the Et ast increased 108 per Cert. over the previous year and Passeagers Are Injured in the Crash at Syracuse, N.Y DROP OF THIRTY FEET INTO MUD. and a Loaded Lamber Wagon Fall With the Car lute the Oswegs Canal-iind the Cavsl Been Filled With Water, May of the People in the Car ; i Sees al 3 While of the Seracuse R apid T rats Cony was crossing the James stent siver the Chowegn Canal in the | : the cue abaut £30 p the hridge sud. deniy gave way, dropping the var and b4 4 Pte 40 passengers to the canal hed Jo fest were PEF ROTA atic sping the heidge at the hme went fisen with the car. while a horse and inaded nmber wagon piled FER rd sing Sey er A} Ir is 1 ake sithonsgly there are reporiz Hal 400TH Were very serioasiy amined Had the canal been Wied wi base heen ter: thet rywnnth end off nro the mad x striate ih Fou iid aT ¥ * hanam where 0 oe Hupgem weanthd have pei deen rong wespdonin af the daisenairy one grnagrine a Eyes Sopp ed L 5 eo Luk AES her 4 were anit pred care th ry 3 their aid DEVOURED THEIR SHIPMATES of Ion ot Ine | € hin HEE They Have a Battle With Several Thousand Chinese. RUSS! ANS LOSE SEV ER AL OFFICERS. inst he 45 F900 He 530 * vie oe ind s pres an : Jelnaging toy ambvidngl presto] o¥g aa bank, sR speed being GROWING EXPORTS TO THE COLONIES. They Have Treble Since February, 1898, and Doubled Since 1999 Mare hasty Tale of Cannibals From Novs Scatian Bark Auguis {ables the Da wires a ghastly story of anally sea. brought to Singapore by Fingies ot the Nova sian irk wrocloed six davis snl trom Mam hr Caren siden oo joh Haseena Swede sorps. 4 Spaniard, aseert tf 3 ws sirgck a rect 3 The alice Heating ni Wr. wn ihe seyrped The dav fie and Hngle By 3 < and Mar il Firifted for 3 (AT TE Le eR AVEO de ank fut 3% prevent. av the Prone wa. ratte mn PAPE 's Danghter. Mary RB * Li i Tease pray tet $50,000 Fire at — Mass. Masa : Salem { Ph | troy box factory snd dwelling houses here, entailing a huss ¢ about $30,000, partly covered hy insur + ance. Month SRE wre $y she MR mgs Ror Lea FER ing i Hueal vear S117 ee RNED TABLES ON BIGHWAYMEN. bree Regiments of Fast Siberian Troops sn Eogspement With Sciersl Soran Chinese Troops Mamy Men Rilied and Wounded The Ulimese Retreat Alter Losing Heaviiy=-Prisce Tuas to Be Ganished able} is ¥ rian ha 3 < hard Sqbuing repre: erred between he Firs Herrin (By ( + Hestenant eloped sed Eee wont The Chinese fost Heavily and with the Rae: : The ae od thee mentioned mn the of rateh Pekin, avs the ve agreed the ginlty proving sanded! the foreign iro the epvpir hier wanaries and they ot Ee ¥ ¥ fe fate Ths arte chat wetly ate] of form; Feet FEO i x yeraatam gedatint x i Wael sgton (Spee: wn al the Russy © press to a conelugy : sipeline Agu President thas act ¢ thing to umpede the 1 sneluxo 91 of These ft i x Servy Conductor Wellman Shot Two Negrots : Who Tried to Hold Him Up. THER x ch ik wha + + EEE AN TALI 1 Detar 5. Wir 3% Th reseml x ¥ NL meets FH Ee FOALS y og RENEE 23 LAER gather papent Eres Oneal An attend fan, Sear werd sepne distance ane anally su ded the | Ir Dr. Johnson was stooping taking his temperature | ine into the doctor's breast i times aml as ham | he plunged his three CUBANS TO REJECT AMENDMENT Very Little Hope New of Platt’s Proposals Belay Asepted MERE A i iparopiiaieg Heavy : RAST id cont were The & FoR gs SESE Bl members sh Jaane Exposit apn the Pre ; FEAR DEErYINW that simply { : behalf ol the count tons he had made s the Spel The five mem has i of office at the State Department as received their commissions, : be head. fedwpse Femror : members = fides { offered hy = net he w the Comuyssion took the oath and Ai + t the first week ri wh Lome arivate pretty will one Allens came. id pe 1 oie hiv duties in Go gaked the Prest- nt the President prevails continge at the head of 1 of the e affai re of the Attors ev-Geners! Kon, MuKintey announced to the of his Cabinet thar Me PhHlE Kins of Pinshurg, has accepts ed the Attorney Lieneraishin he Lip pre of Preside in Western il and Appears reen Be the ade of the ‘resident’ a Cabo : However, Mere 4 she Eghinet are muUwe arsgetent than Me Koos will prove to He Hak Yogepray AHECERETL al tie 3 sarked wr, and hia oiler twrmbers i fram S408 ine Plans for Canal mpany p organiaed ei antl de way. toi the Presi. ng hw recent a hat the 5 ria £48 is planamng 0 ne Panama canal ERS af enher capil News in Gemers ook gw 25% the New ork i ITS. saben pivtely In anil that the i “Russian CIM. ; srvmninsd Hany. Agr heen Cosa sod the Reus. sue Hoanrormanon. ited, ar New Possessions. vin Rico have en ar slreel the business : $200 tor the ered: ience has been given Hoelterman, accused srvishing supplies to the minority of the i distrust Agwinaldo, him accorded special he ougda to be ze bsk srmer member of surrendered. Mere the emrame biown up by The entire » pnsilier af AE $f SRrany Ww {dynam ened anay Philii pune Commission has out. . goverament for the wig pI fined a plan ul Ridings, ‘Ihe Discuscion, a newspaper in Hae vase. has been suppressed by - sesior General Wood or publisiung an Hiistration representing a Cuban sol- “er being crucified.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers