) India. Among the/ weal pop | Blascow’s Tall himneys. Glasgow, Scotland, has the highest | tives who have not ye curren chimneys in the world. One of these : 01g [a the yellow metal currency become a tid, ocer hr $0 show yon a packs | a 0, the new il Srioy {hat take. of coffee. t injury i r-0 hawthat rich seal brown | . vi, bot i in made from prire an he at delienta stomach receives + Gistrens, x ice of tales. Bribe er aged iis t Indownir in England ji Duke of Northamber ml 158.000 meres, miiniy, in the county from which be ales and he i the only par of those ight great lords who has not an or Reotland or Iretand. The in Ireland JED meres; an ma Wynn, whose Hen lately — “written of 5h | nnection with ceitain lead. | womdon. In 1 “4 oo y : Rothschild in Sri fe. FE er it Pata: enn toget wi RR = , food of the » Futura” it is pre dioted ik dried ekxy in cand. : Mra. inslow’ s Soothing Syrap tor children flen the gutan, redocss infiamina- a wind eclie, ity alo 8 James % Cars for Cone aption saved vars ago. Mus, Teosas Bors | hres Maple § 8%, Norwich eb. 17, 10. The newiy sended aren of winter wheat is estimated at 30,753 pk licres. didi dean pers WASTER ae tts dB. dogma . WOMEN MUST SLEEP, Avold Nervous PProstration. 1 yon are dangerously sick wha in Hest duty of your physician? He 8 the nervous system, he dendibng he pai and ind you sleep well Friends ask, © what is th and the answer comes pityiog 8, pervous prostration. It eame yom so quietly in the beginning, were not alarmed, and whe deserted you night after nijrht yomr eves falely Harned in the “BB, Shen of toss in Bervious sgony prayiog for sleep. ane 77 in si A Hanrisy, You ought to Bave known that sensed Lo be regritiar in your sourses, and vou grew irritable with conse. that there wax seriooa rouble somewhere, You vught to kKuow that i XH Bat fon, wom ae wore Tia, dirriness, eadhshe. wna ¢ send the nerves wild with and you chanot siden. ley, of 21 Ww. fn ingress 8t., wlirestdon, rp sil aT agonies. sod ely cured by Lydi egetable Compound ; Yor 5 pron be ‘a warning to others, and @ parry conviction to the minds | fering woman of the un: icioncy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. other stack The children may drink | ni wall ga the aidult, Allwho Cab her tevwering in Marquis Lohse shaft Is that it Is as Lroad at he top aa ir 18 at the botlom, on Ma the Townsend shaft at Port Pumias at the top of 13 feer 4 inches The ‘structure weighs about K000 ons, that at 81 Rollex, Glas gow--has a total height of 445 tent and 6 inches, with a base of OO foot PAret Boinches, dig meteor at the sqaare hase of 59 fie ‘and gt the round top of 11 fost 6 fre eR CPs welghit bs abel S500 tome. AD winks, pear Freilarg It is bmidt up to the it stands isolated, Rutelting Nasony, a hill. where $66 foot hieh, The most costly chim ney in the world Is in Bradford. Big. at the fusnons Man shai Noa re hak tecturaiiy, nil is y follnry 0 the Inna it is [feet G fniohes high and by {ot Sqiiire. FI condaing ROU0D Tons of mteriat amd SUK, A pew qiftarity of hi fod in 9% va 3 1 structure, archi 1 wl pra interior gt the Pail the fe wider at the sinmit than figse the dlmensions being 13 feet nod tr Waar CORR 11 foot. respectively. In addition possessing the most exper iste® chine pey, Bradford has the gloomy distine Lian of baving expe ogreon the post terrible ehimpey that of the J rev Ly dikaster on Newinnds mila Wa sefond 10e, for eviry r packags of Por wax Piunress Der thet fails to give satisfan: Son. Monroe Drug ta Urdonville, Mo. It ia computed that at the second inane . guration of President MeKinley $4,000,000 was spent. i HAIL No woman really enor wosith uniess i she feels that Ke 3 Ar HapAring £nvY, | Bare oY Ome, Cree oF ToLeno, ! oa ran Corey Po Fraxx 7 © REXEY makes oath iat he Be the soniinr partner of the firm of FJ Unexey & Cn dedng bovine Enis C18 of Tote der Leng nds anid Sisto aforesaid and that sid frm will pay (ho stn of NE HURLED DULTANS fur esc and every tas of CATABRRR hat wnat bw ured by the use of Flaps's Catasan GUE, Faawg 4 Umemyy, Rear to belore ms 3 submeribed in wy os BE thin Ath day of Deowiiber { sxin CAD, A.W, Greases. oc Notary Palin, i Hall's Catarrh C urs ie taken intervally and i acta directly on th “1 of the sys, evil foe Rathmoninis. free. F.2.¢ wRERY & Co Toledo, eI fet. The, ia Fae iy Filia wre Sold be Ha tn Bond. The Yuland ol Foarwicns bas only one rad way it Epes { Carter's Ink Beat for prbonl Bore sad of Th comnts By seme thn poor ang. Awad pak fur Uavbers Abogt wh 1 ported from Hog SERALE KITE Ws SRNL OY Frey's Vermiloge va. Warm. 1% drives thom coil and saves the claldw fle. 3, Druggise fred ponnicy sores Sune girls go to church bocause they ke tae hina. Pes repr ty pam wh § Xx ne i WE > Fyn Tent poise Fhe Vragioh 6 P foekdd the eanalfarture of a ran Other fibre ated declared] tn be dangerous 1a hi 7! Madicdnn, Iwinthe an srt oles Conghing Lends to Consumpifon. Kemp's Balsam will stan the rough st nee. Go to vunr droge today sod get a ge : bottle free, Sead in 25 and 30 cent uation. Go at anon, deinys are dangerons, The habit of drinkieg petivsleam is spreading to xe slarmitg exient in many districts in France, Ir has ni Durer ity been prevalent for some eonsuderabie time without being recngnized, ar i prrsslent a halal as aico jens volenoms does nal make i Bist wee lieve ho a8 the victim of the yin | concerned, It a even more Seadly dinary drunke i AL i Lame % Family Medicrne | Moves the toveels each da hemithy Lo TTR ¢ fiver and kiln Frioe 26 an 4 dd ie Kaflra, mn . £ HK, is ness ow fee, At ar gem aren i wis exreied ? Yan 3. Jars 5 Wis sent ta Awe Ai a Hebinehen? Headache, that Tet commen an aime ie 3 f Marnik fos SE BRE Brooklyn, . X 3 BEE FERRIS An attractive fashion among the | smart men of New York fs the sending | of dainty hampers of fruit to ther masculine friends on feast davy and holidays. The wirker hampers are very pretty and sre filled mos at | tractively with nselons foals | nestle amid the green leaves of | emilax and other foliage In add to sending flowers 10 the are goiog tn wross ime Fashicn dispute Bowers fade biog the gat the ends. and ¢ ean be eaten san. Sa the lus. dous es et af Poronx Ix packed In dainty baskets and sont to Conver sweet messages and kind wishes fin bon voyage Sieh REE EO hey olan My Bilious Friend.” naid ‘the doctor, “it is the best laxative than all the pills in the world. IT CURES CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS. docrage Dose: One half glasstul on getting up in morning. : ‘our druggist or grocer will got it for you. for the full name, **Hunyadi Janos. Bles label, red centre panel has a total height of 468 feet, with | a dinmeter at the base of 32 feet, ang | The i Frovs digmoter at the | und at the hop of 13 Thore is a chimney at | {salogne which in 441 feet high with a4 # chiinpey is af the Harald | in top of { winston railie, The | Went 2h | Frans. CIRIGss- : Pores i Boss Elownd and menace saris 4 is quite us . Henin anu REARS PITISEURG : i Crain Flour und Peed. Wares Ne. Fenda ive Nea 2 {ony 2 voll w 3 2 patiow, ahd vod our Ny 2 Wit Tia is Winter patent - Feney He raipht Winters ix ¥ seat hy AY bait, Dairy Frviacis Hig Terres. Eig €1hijay prinanr RY Frage COREE Foultery, etn | field po Fl. ated LG Frais wnat Voge: Abin Nay TR TOES CAppaiy pr a SPREE ¥ + % BALTIMORE Fiove Winter | Nis, Fred mixed a HE a3 ae LIAS Bas : Ohio ERATE. : FiiLA DELPHIA ~ Frocn~ Winter patent, WREAT NS mse Rn 8 mine | Oss Xo. Z white, Jor reamery, Penney vanes firsky SETS NEW YORK, remuery Ente np Penna LIVE STOUR Central Stock Yards East Eheecly Oa 13 Jase Fi. 1s 3 Patel Lots I a SORE a do , meses wag DECREASE IN FAILURES. Close of the Years First Quarter Seen Most Entouragag--The Crop Gul Look Very Gol bog xe eT Slats § elif Tes an Sad tee puss Be Tor £ BEER TAN A&I advianeing snd steel bv regard Any sid gwd Building iid dons a rellable in nd trade ix Bening iw erat RosLEIRT TY ELEY Fad il far Assi, be a powerfnd Taree Whang firs ine indusary. FRNA for str fehl Baa Raa iat Vedi Bis ip Sel 3 Pored Nu i dear oi Ise Provinge : of Ans ho fewer hing On total populntion of dx The income tax of fodia fs lo vid on all incomes of £23 and upuurd the ssclnl life of the colloge Lpabiishreent of a Teourt of war enmt ov barrels, iar a a poe education i concerned the girls seem to be getting | Die Better of the bors In 1890 the | padi high sehools of the United Bintes | gradimted 20.544 boys and 35.124 girls The explanation is offered that the | 8 : hove mre tnken from school earlier than | 1 the girix apd are put to work, AAR SAS lh Ho io An otifeome of the recent conference | { betwen the faculty aad students of certain points In fu Wellisloy regarding Pio ge revels” ie Hr view the suitable and tre Hl ofeory any foxtisp due Stomach, Liver, Rovrels. All derangements cured by Sew RolIro. Wen or money reform Jed B $1 0% caniig. Negrotioo Medivind Lo HY . X. The extes stationery (iorermment daring ro Hh of Interest to ma nee Wen. Tnahsoms men appeals 8 yornedy He Oars Hamtuohy tvs lors, When the nerves SS rind and the hand aches owe rowiey taken dry on the tongue will bring peiict, Michigan's sail sutpat in 1900 was B00, | rasptan fe te (tion tn also rich in cotton. con petroleum : 3 The Anure hat made w #9 Point Antes irs group, b spe eo oem ein. ae Hr ERIE prove hid =r sEATe Rt ie 8 "Rignry iw Take no sefatitate Ine on hay 1 , a4 wil Wee price ami an howe} Srouiens Sousness, bad Ptin after enti Sathh nnd ing A Inriy Jou are ge er mils YE, start aking a. mover got well and Yorn Fada A nutes to eure DF money relfu bad hronth, Ene wih When your Tn Aunt Move Fagan sivk. Constipation Kills mors ne ot ar disessen together. BU Sarter for the rhronie allmerae and long years of afferswards. No matier what CASCARIIN tosday, for you be swell all the time wniil our bowels rights. Talis oar BETS to-day, sade ws absolute gaary that dreadful fiend that threatens the life of rich and poor, can attack kill only those whose bowels are not kept thoroughly cleaned out, purified and disinfected the year round. whose liver is dead, whose bowels and stomach are full of half decayed food, whose whole body is unclean inside, is a quick and ready victim of appendicitis. If you want to be safe against the ago health all the EAN INSIDE! Use the only Pe BANG that will make your bowels strong and healthy, and keep them pure and clean, pro- tected against appendicitis ALL EPIDEMIC DISE CARETS, that will keep and save you. Take them regularly and you will find that all diseases are absolutely TOCY RE: Pres 3 frst box of was weld, Ea a Fa Shas ay stmttnr dit ous 2 {hw wartd. Fes 2 ov Gener tas pruat of prea Tred Rus £ Basel Testimonial. We Rave sits and wit wedi C83 ARPT # abeniniely gusranitend fe nr ar money refpaisd. Gn bay Gaduy. fawn sagen glee them mn Tbe, wel frbalh sue peer step * directions, and £1 pon ave pnt sailed, Afiar eelng ous i Eigen mye Ste Tran sad the smply box To ws “y path, a 1¥ av pan 0 pe Bab ted 1, and gat your mone Luswom. Tice neers mre nn seat ine what ay Pemich wl) gmiekiy Yellows had 4 witi Rive ae day prow Beat etarivd Uh wes A RET res Wy adh. Johdress: STEALING REMEDY C0. NEW FORA wr CHICAS, “RL py a fol Bowweln foul ro ative Fon ad¥ion: winrt 5 “ir The grocers all over the country keep us busy dedivering LION COFFEE to them. stile LION COFFEE rast to grow stale Gur 207° Strength, Purity and Flaver. ye Tae ir i nal nd 1 HE that Please Show hk ois sagas Lie way SGT one TRIG 08 Of canon Spe ® LCG a WOOLSON SPIE COL, TOLEDO, (MRL.
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