THe war wo I | Fail List of Temes That Will he Repeal : {hiv Fira! of Five A orreapondent writes the COURIER {asking what items in the war tax ha i TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. one yaar, In adeanes, : = - $100 Perth sihy take raade EWown Ripon sp | I ire Missin ned Bail sil arrears i 1 unless ay the option of the | at the Powtolfion «i mbes road] matter wRY: [8 the Patton borough coun- oil a Qelibe rate he wy ? Casunts county or ontaing #8 otelli- | gent and fine looking a body of | pi ay oan be found in the state, if men attending the grange roeeting | here Monday can ba taken 88 a criter-| inn, and they probably can. They are | ive listeners, too, nnd gave every idence of being interested not only | he mutters pertaining to the farm : se, but also in the poonomic aad’ social guestions in whitch Bs overyotie élee ought to be vitally inl NEw people are coming to Patton every duy and almost without excep | tion they are looking for houses to rent, The one inaperstive peed of the town : more Swiakiing * bonses that will rent 20 per mi onth.and to 8 cas. oot _sppear * that ne Sos in o farnisbing this s nesiasity. miners who left bers during the doll times are flocking back, while men in other business are alo poming “resulting from an attack of ia grippe | here rapidly and the influx will con tinge. These people most be hotmed and #% present it ds an its possibility to do tt swith comfort. Let soma caph list or body of capitalists build it least rest vor fied A cure until 1 tried Dw twenty-five or thirty good hoses ag ar : SUNDAY SCHOOL FIGURES, The most reliable statistics of Penn. ia Sunday schools pat them ona red thousand scholars snd teach. | ors abend of the next io nambers, our | poptions neighbor, New York. sylvania leads the Union 45 schools, 173,151 officers and | teachers, and total membership, 1,408, 3 Rot it islikely that these are near more schools and 100,000 m pi In Lhe state. ngh Cork, one of the State Ams on’s fleld workers, is now thet figures with his untiring energ thoroughness, | and the result In cxnvot be ovarentimated for | work. They will show than 25 per cent of popula | . jchools, and will spur every to greater effort and show jost N fort may be most saccen Secretaries of County Associa. are aseisting Mr. Cork, and itis every muperiniendent will = respond to the request for 1 he receives it. yivania Herald, 913 Crozer Tr. , Philadelphia, will give the and the interesting develope of this state canvass by Mr Fittebare Tiest N Lk CapaAper s Piltsharg Post’! ds the kind of pager that is bound to he sud. 1 i» second to none in the nn i a hewapaper Ura Can : sifely sdmitted into any home. “The Post's” facilities are surpassed y fe, BL has demonstrated tine it is always on the alert, pit he to gather the news of East or of the local field, “The is emsentially 8 newspaper, but pol neglect other features thi to make a well rounded daily patil to Interest all kinds and cond tions of men. “The Sunday Post’! has forged stead toy the front until now it occuphes an enviable position at the bead of the : fore. The most instructive and interesting: articles that ean be pro cored are to be found in its columps, and it is acknowledged that its illos- trations are not excelled anywhere, “The Sanday Post's” increasing eiron- ation attests its worth. Its growth as been little short of marvelous on cannot afford nat to read ite The editor of the Fardville, Ky., Mis Alanous, w writes as a posteript to basivess Jetter: 1 was cored of kid : roshie by taking Foley's Kidney Take nothing else. All Drag- Paton ne sein otherwise specified, H | pesled sxevpt as to honda of indem- ta $s they as well! ike piles” IN. Cheavy masonry Lake ig mit | been repealed and when we can sto eking stamps for the privilege of hav {Ing Heked Wpain. The repealer gobs [into effect on July 1st and these items have heen repealed: Bank chooks, 2 cents. Bills of Ludiag for export, graf Bw Bonds o POTHA, 1 penta Cts aH sing ity 1s nity. Certifionte of damage, 25 conta Cortifioats of deposit, Certificates not otherwise sped of fled 10 certs. Charter party $5 to $10 Chewing gum, 4 Genie © woh ¥1 Commercial brokeps $5, Drafts, sight. 2 Fx Tosn Phnoe = ; marie, Iniund, Tone, 25 cents to $1. Manifest for Castom Hone entry, 81 3 anita SER pilin ia 1 TEs yh Jife, & vents on each $100, 1 fee, i cent ench Bl LEE Mousay arigage or conveyanos in trast, 25 TL. oents, for ¢a acts B1 MK Perfumery and cosmetics, | cent Leach 5 cents. toy vile, 1D oeuls well Power of attorney Power Gl witoraey Promisenry notes 2 ro Proprietary medicines, | Leach 5 cents Protest, 45 cents, Telegraph mossages, 1 oon: Telephone weasages, 1 tent, Sh periiR £45 cent Warshionse Toe pis, Tho Mast Staller Cogs shoud (Re orders, 2 cents for each $100, for 28 cents | sents for each | for or heavy cold, mast yield to the won. | derful healing properhs Fou of Foley's: : Hovey and Tar, whi strengthens ther lungs and makes them sound All| Drogiists, “f had piles so bad Leonid get no Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Aller sing it once 1 forgot ] ever had anything Bt Y. Look out for imitations, ‘sure you ask for DeWitt'a Gunn's | Pharmacy, Hastings, and C. W. Hodg- | with | PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION TO BE Ptaetes to this line of wrk A MAGNIFIOENT SURPRISE. Birdseye View of the Great tural Betting of Fountains, Plants and Flowers. Pools, . Botow, Somers Point, Ba i Foon I A SE Ta RRA EN « Remedy for Bprin Great Blood Cleansin ng, Bry x Meorve . Haadaches, Constipat rem " FERSER, Pantone NF ” » Blom big bere. Osed for Cuts, Bruises, Bprains, Colds Grip Bove aacd Dr. Fon: HY # Bolden Rellef for | py yam for th 4 ji nis : eh i, i we Prewiding Bider > £ Ch Throat. Colle , Bown Trou ies, | his anfatiing. Aeron. fibke tan 4. Le 4 meisy dorssen BF 3 wry lt Sik basen vu ALLE for Almanac for 1901 containing descriptions of the of tie most remarkable cures ever achieved by medicine. Of Fine Millinery on Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, April 4. 5 and 0. New Store and New Goods : The latest creations in ai to up-to-date Millinery. in charge of partment 1S il : that The trimm f Miss Nima M. A len, an experienced trimmer from Philadelphia. Mrs. G. M. Stevens & Sister, Magee Avenue, | PATTON, PENNA | YOUNG BUILDING, Baras, od Sores. : ins ng de ployed upon our coasts. Hidden from view. upon the southern bank of the ake a beautiful casino and boathouse & alin been built by the City of Bal 6 for Exposition pies The symmetrical grouping of hail ngs will he at once noted by the ule server. Beginning at the formal ap proach, just north of the Lake the vga follows porthward between twa rows of ornamental columns to what = known as the Forecourt. East of this are the State and Foreign huolldings, forming in themselves a very interest mg feature of the Expesition. Near these piso are the buildings for the spe clal ordaance displays representing the prixivpets of several b undeed manna West of th ; Forecourt will be the outdoor bortlend | tural displays and the Women's build fing. We cross now the Triump | Bridge, which will be remarkable for Group of Splendid Architec- Works -- A Wonderful karl Bitter, the It is promised for the Pan-Ameriean Exposition that tw i surpass in beat ty any SXpostion in world’s history. It is that it will outrival ta pre ecvannes in many oil o Wave seh wo previos 2h alny © trdredis been arisinesd. But the par pone of this artiode th treat, i0 a gen eral way, of of the Exp Sian, 1h Nk Ger aml the that reg sprig the care at expend itpre wile #ererinl EE v % tae a of trades, exierior Ueanuty nyililons of d article tw a birds 8 sition plot. showiig tue work in its cosnplete slate lg fromn the south amd she Goel and 8 quarter Jo 8 nite wide, the the inclosars. In ti ground wa 7 f ene of the Tao fil SS A And bhedrie AEF peTeR Far ab fax it te x Yan frre, mas he wig Gallery of Art Bild Jak ith J i ing AversS iL iRR) the New York Stale permanent stein twiy hat hlinges gee tenes, : the bling some w hat the Aeoropotis at HS of Firenk Mm 5 }e ¥'s ot ler tesa £34 Liat aml thee Brey Athens, Toa wid Fs PA Parthian roy SF pPRHtGYGUN wetod in ail: ¢haildings : Fhe * af | wpun Retween the North Bay aut the Lake the City of Buffalo bas Pasitt at large | expense a new and bean ritul bridow « Enown of the Three Aneicas Thin carves the broad thoaroughiare leads from the main southern end rages 8A ed Lapis to the approaches of the E Xpasition, as Pu : Fonte geen in the foreground just north of the Lake. On the northern shore of the uted the [fe siving station the Fideral Government exhibitions will be given f ten mon showing the usm | erected by where daily by a ¢rew © (of piodern Hite SaVithE Sparatus as cor the Bridge which : A R35 8 A its tall piers, richly grogaweniod with statuary, the produ uf the grning of irector of segipture in ett 3 form and other famous sculptors site are the Mirror Lakes wi a part of the Grand Canal. ails in lengih. whih namin grotp of halldings We come next wo the which ts nearly two fifihs fot atel wed feed er) of the KE spianaiie 4 Horticniture, Graphic Arta and The easton end | we fife fares thins FEry humer tn haat ins is oa large Sout twa a Beantila area of al many ARAL Mall a aX Ty is Ng mowing tang. 13 » WORT ER ing upea the vivir the Agrieuitury the left the Fiootrieity We now arrive at the nt 0 § Expumsition, Fas 354 Parma oti. thee asd ou pine of th fda DartiR een Lh amd the Plaga in aUniit TWD ACTER i extent the most of the greal will be the centerpiece for einboarate electrivnl Hpnimnien. 3 sedirtely sarth of the Electric Towns & the Plaza. with ts beamtiful sunken garden apd bandstand in the center | the Propylaea or wonmmental ec Ops neiias 5h wg i Exp Hes Eels Spee ml wad will be in oeeery part of the grounds Celeetrie Hight ¢ rivaled brilliance and splendor, plectrient Mandaution hal over the foe, Fiwas warmly gree af s yo ame in amd have dinner with ns” francvs At the oorth, the entrande to the Rimiium on the exst and the en trance to the Midway ou the west It shsald te understood hy every in tending vislter that the Expos ys wil present the Lemit ] tha! twontisth gontury vide, By day ther R& inoxt pleasing display of ford and fountain #Toecta The many Bentis ox with their pia berries & af arena. meting Slaatic we * and their radiance of enlor, the many groups of statanry will « stitute it picfare never before parallel od Af night all the boildings will glow with thi soft radiance of thousands of a saking a scene of une Half aunt eine Pah Lr will Lae EAE 2 midliem amps will be wed In It shonld alten be added that rhe Mid: way at the Bxpofition will be the most extensive and novel that has ever heen Ln aed] Be 3 WE feel ban hay £ we of Chevy Fin 34% af them sake Hp hb Wander Th & Atl hiet] 8 £7 will Lae chic anvar Amt Buse £x 00 Wogesic in it : ts exveptipnably Pl osiuex nile 5. 3 b3 £ we: ball a from the in the 2 tefl the Load and started kaadl, war Whett he reached the Hphithouse, he i “ome In Ting, ¥ eupur’s % 3s Sail aad the wile Had dining roomy” tor the rescuer wi Ar. Dorr that though 3 1 Beskad UHI faere Mi that Lary sou qs wen as he oo “Sail thie isan Balin Was whith the «a tings in Uhinia carpal paliernse enna in all sbyies £3 ied Prominm Bias. 1. WwW. COOK, = giAltoona, Penna. below cost, as we Our entire Stock of HARDWARE, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. ETC, Will be sold at and dre Going Out of Busi- Whooping Cough. Asthma, Bronohitin and | Incipdent ness. are offered in all lines. (Good values Come and get your pick of W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Gunn’ s Pharmacy, Hastings. NESS Ww iat the old Patton Hardware Digests what you eat. rartifeally dl id the food and aids “Matar in afrenptt hening and nwdne Naalher preparation : Cheap John ia eMetency, It ino je ranentir cures | structing Mie exh aunted digestive or: 4 test Ad seovered digest. Indie fg Gf SOUT tut, Heartburs, Stomach, Nausex, Lraighine, Patton Pharmacy w Fhormacy, Hastings Chop, Feed and Meal. Best equipped MH in North. id ria Lsialy. HEAT FLOUR SPECIALTY, Horing CW hade Grain, Meal Baled Hay Pation Feed & Buckwheat Mills HART, FATE TE C0 Five 3 Or. V. A. Murray, IAM dk mE RGEOX. 14 Yi4y 3 3 arneil, Co wh er é& Co. Poa FH ne SUR ANGE eri FemaleWes RY emai Ly ail ame 5 's Honey and Tar 3 stops the cough. TERRE not afraid aan a god Wikd- Woy i fis fel the latest 5 cents tall 1 ag rwia and : wifice for ‘and see my new Canned Goods, Ete. an PE \Weigh hme Bi tHe manafinrers C fheheart di the Bargains. The tinsmith busi- will be continued stand. Company. Store! Yao u are mvited to call line of At Lowest Prices. Flour and Feed A SPECIALTY. Also hest grade of Ia nie. ng done Correct- scales. located in front of store i iy on si reet Lirect]y % FERTILIZERS. future bandle Fertik ips of all Bada Farmers wishing it shai leave opders earty. 1 will aot in stock, but order direct from td! f will in the JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialise. Ide Discoverer of Swamp-Roet at Werk in Thers is a disease prevailing in this untry mag! dangerous because so decepe fie, Many sudden deaths are caused by wane. pneumonia, heart fallure of apoplexy are often the result of i digeaze if kidney rouble iz allowed to wince the kidney poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidueys themseives break n and waste away omit by ¢onll & Then tt 3 3:2 e 2 a - deglen Out Bay 2. orn Swamp-Root the new io : true specific for kidney, bladder ! red thousands 5 xfer all other gus in » iy-cent
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers