one oF HE GREATEST | or El ENGLISH RULERS. me Life Pure and Simple = Thin Jastinixn of England Career as a Warrior 1lis Character and Appear ’ Anco wo rin : hen the. present King of Enmiass i eciad the title of Edward Vil he : tong | a glorious in Hritish annals, The nated a name that has son of Henry III and Eleanor of Provence, who was born June 17, 1834, t Westminster, was the first Eng- "lish king to bear the name. He was fandly nickpan aed Longshanks” by Bis wihjects. He was more justly termed the English Jus As A ification of English law. fer he was able and discreet and ed the conquest of Wales ani otland, After making Wales a part i established his | | son and successor as the Prince kingdom he has since have os, und the titls wed. Many historians English monarchs. King Henry HL - now ing Edw. fatter ion Bi affection for their | affection to ting his proud, he In his sarly yonts Sih. he web alek three weoks n pas & (and his mother, despite | on staying tn the comes: | she might nurse him. Az he v older Ire became a tall, band o turn Schemes meant | ‘boy with bright flaxen shout a revolution Into devices for the | pair and wis somewhat proud and titan, as his tame rests to a great sxtent oi bis | Bagland in 1272 JBdward 1 as the greatest weak and rpesar % Tate, but pions and amiable, held in special reverance the memory of King Zdward the Confessor, and Be bads at his son should be called Edward th df an heir to the crown | ttended with great rejoicings op part of the English people. Tha born on English soil, fn Englis! name and the qoes | : fon to the throne | Englishmen hoped that | 4 might renew the = he pious Confessor | | hopes ware not doomed to gr oy “on A A IAPANESE RA LROAD. a ot Men Eating and Emoking During he Yack the ‘poison ‘other, and the most Srobable one, is! that an English surgeon fected flesh. The wound, permanently, {tion and many years later sharp al- ticks of sickness were traced back by | Kis physicians to the effect of the as & travel fn the cars are anuesd to glass, | wihich perbaps they have never seen before and that they are apt to put. ! thelr heads through if there {a pothing | to indicate that a substance bars the | Way. agsain’'s blow. In the conquest nf Wales 1274 to 1301, he displayed mill tary gening and diplomatie Fe marked the closing vears of his reign by the subjugation of Scotland which was mule a part of his king dom. His military and executive abil. | ity were also often fried minor uprisings rebellions and fends in the Throne, King Aeveminn to Edward was proclaimed ne Henry 1. Hm atcsasion was: re. ceived with refoicings everywhere in Af the age of 33 the now King ascended the throns which ha “was so brilliantly qualified to adorn, d (ig the strongest ties i Eogland, The years of his apprenticeship had suggested the main lines of the policy | on which he was to act for the whale | lof his long reign. King was to strengthen and develop the royal power, to widen the hold of the King on the nation by taking the people into partnership with him Lin the administration of his inherit. | anca, to work out ander happler aus. | ploes the great dens of Montfort and to bring regular government of the realm. His | His education was care: i ambition was to stand forth an the i and he a Latin and English with tacilit prod be ultimately became an quent speaker. It is also quits ber. at he went through a caretyl | if training. The home lessons of and piety were deeply im | on the young prince and all sgh rl lite Edward was homo distinguished for his upright. md tho strength and fervor of | Nor was his 1y age be became famous \Rroi - | King Edward VII was ane of the fore “hristendom as the bravest and | religious prineiples. ] traluing neglected. dextercus of warriors. 6 them a spice of danger. he warmth of thelr attachment tity of their domestic were séarcely ever sepair- | | incomes and - of a seanty provision for the wardrobe, | The consequence was that Alexandra : {learned to trim ber own hats and make her own ; This talent was not neglected | {when ashe went to England as the bride of the woung Prince of Wales it the court milliners sent home hats were not to her taste—if they wers clumsy or unle- coming—the princess’ scissors wers at hand to take off the trimming and | remodel the offending plece of miiii- nery. ited, Eleanor making it her pride to share in the toils and dangers of hor d. She exerted a wondirfal wee over Edward and upoa her | after 26 years of happy wal- | | wiiole character seemed 10 or the worsn, Edward 1 sss Warrior. ward's first experience in avtual | i ar botnets which re was during the contest hy his father and the barons from | 3267. 1 the alte y years of the ma | rsiunnilly ripened, He | mong ths first knights. statesmen of the duy. ulchre of insults of Islam. He started -— like all precading He warded Cott the | is arm on which he re- then deep . wound and the murderer down. Wrest. He was ®n expert hunter, a fearless horseman | 3d proficient in all gports which had | In 1264 | ‘married Eleanor of Gascony and union Bigved one of the happiest ; | frocks. straw snilor hat of the Princess of Wales sbow her fondness for this headdress. But it {is not to be supposes that as her ma | sailor hat. Many of the recant photo i graphs taken in England lately in all Be informality. ‘he oa Queen she wil I buns hold that on sale of Ber majesty wus an affair of mo, he Bh in iia 4 ting or look sufficiently regal for The it is said | haste to operate with her +; needle and thread or long pins upon the “impossible” bonnet. ‘has always | good taste in her own dress and ia that of her familly. it was unsuccessful : could under. | truly national King. one who ruled | by the advice of his own nobles, and Despite a stammer In coorned foreign favorites and para. (sites. The lack of good Jaws during | the need of legisiation and the codi- fication of all English law, In carry | ing out this he was eminently sue cessful | knowledge. and displayed great King Edward Vi as a Mason. While graod master of the Grand lodge of Masons of Great days of King Solomon, A IS VAR A ROY Al. MIL LINER, Alrgandrs Cun Trim Tor Hats Muke ior Own Frocks | Millinery is one nf the many wsefui | aceomplishments of the new 5 | accom of Grext Brinn | fife Alexandra and her Danish sisters were brought up on decidedly narrow Qaeen In early had to make the musi bonnets aa well as Very few women of her age com- jesty she will be plictographed in th Alexandra show the little straw ha Hut, fo donb. foregn weating it 8 told of a lady of the late Queen Victoria The story #0 fan of oeiEsions ithe Toent. Ap it sometimes happened, Queen's bonnet dil not Prove forthcoming function. the Priveess of Wisles was sent for Queen Victoria, It seems. had dress. The pew Queen of England displayed consplenous Gold of the Taek Hills. Only two states in the union produce | more gold annually than do the three counties comprising the Black hills in| South Dakota, and they are Colorado and California. The gold output of the former for 1900 was $29.500 004 and of the latter $14377200. And 3 en comes South Dakota with §6.- { 617.874 to her credit. ability. | many | merely by long steel ovl with bot water and laid on the floor, } Since the passengers are always pull upon the death of Ling open the windows Jupaoese cars | eee. In midwinter wre a ‘ health of every sometimes cigarette, but more oftem they use the ; tiny pipe, which pever contains more | decided to walk up the aisle and taks : anDD wo on. Lairuted, ing at breakfast the Wshop: wis ask- | a1 whether : all he uy. ne replied, with great soleman- | knew ‘here was not a sonl within miles : pf the deserted church. Not being 8 | pacer tronble you again” { thiewn A%ay. ther Questioned upon the sublect the | “on, for hours. ; When not smoking. cating is going on. At every station thera are ven | Hiz work as a dows : have little wooden bhowes filled with Britain | Hines of the rosd a small boy in a cof Bia grandfather. frop of | f had Dew Lie was then fond to fb a we iin hadi i: 3 Pia § : Arun in scissors, | ot { Beat, heat into light i therplore, fy | plicit faith in the good taste of her |. | daughter-in-law, and her capacity of | | transforming the unbecoming bonne: i {into & suitable and becoming head: took the uvrusader's vow | Christ fa prammars and o Jowrnevs of (he Natives, The second and third class railroad | who wus ctrriages give the forcigner an op with the crusaders cut away the af- however, | snfaabled his constitg- portunity to study the life of the Jap anese people. On ontering the first thing one notices is that white lines are drawn across the glass windows and upon inquiry the information 6 elicited that some of the people who In «old weather all Japanese travel ara carry rugs, for the cars are heated : inders flied | menace to ihe Tha smallest Incident of travel as in thelr own homes opfortable as possible. nenth. which both men and women indulge, fighting cigarette afer tormero than a wisp the size of & pea, ani affords one, sometimes, two puffs | to the smoker, The ash is then knocked out on the floor, and another | winp stuffed in and lighted from the smoldering ash which has just been | This ix kept up. off And : ders of the little mandarin oranges. Every passenger buys a dozen or mors, anil eats them in a short time, throw. ing the skins about the floor Boys pass by with tea in tiny earthen pota, ; a cup placed aver the ton and this (may be purchased for three son (a i cont and & halfi and the teapot is loft Lin the car. Heatdom jeaning out of the ear win to buy these the DRSEALRETS part is closely uneh. In the apper | packed rica. In the lower are all sorts {of little pickles and hits of cake tached ars {wo wooden chopsticks, [ nis father's reign finproased upon him | At The Japanese throw nil sorts of ref | use about. and from the appearance of | | a ¢ar after the passengers have heen Jogal in it» little while, ane would imagine that the people are tery untidy in Ltheir way of living ‘anise of the stations. and brush up Piartars enter al whole pans full of refuse, and on some ; Cgprucs uniform comes to the var door most figures in the great fraternity which traces {ta origin back 10 6 ny hand makes a doep bow to the | secupants, and inquires if there is any. thing that they want ~New York . Sun. at earh stop, with a clothes hensh in SAAN aA AL TR 3 ES 5. Ctitizinag as Ancestor, A selfmade man with a taste for art. thinking he would ike to have about his house some marble present. | ordered of & fifth rate sculptor a bunt of his grasd. falher, fn due time it was meat home, and | ments of hia ancestors gfier a few days his admiration heing exhansted. the wealthy pan sent for | his plumber. “1 don't mind confissing to you said the former, “that I don't appre ciate the fins arts uplesg they are turned to some useful purpose. Naw, I have something fo SUEEesl 10 van,” And he proceeded give some in ghructions to the tradesman A weak Inter, on the ansiversary af | | bis birthday, the J pnt with pride to his guosis, ‘middle of his congeryatory. ihe tinue to look well in the so-called | Numerous pletures oy. head rose gracefully a Lise Chasing, millionaire pointed in haat Lan or a marile mothe id water falling into in whisk some fing silver fzh dizvorted thomas veg, Cliriatian Endeavor Warld, Conservation af Ee DRrRY. Es y. Lu 3 x CHIEN Y inn eonaidarad 4 frm Previous to the RE iar. af Im & £25 tof the mses] ios z Fase Kiang are rE TILEY dressing) Tedd ti that of the of eosrey Ww that in a given b rd change can take of energy ronlal fresh ppergy be lost by tian to char boslies or come from tian is in this way nd so on pris pty £3 dy or group of © plavix | wd SOVIET TEN canst have this or any other planet. but originated in the sun. There follows from this the inte stependence of all forves of na ture — Now York World. Lulu's Ma. A school teacher fa the north of tT buy a grammar the next day received from the childs! England, Laving instructed a pupil & Date thus world mother: “I do pot desire for Lab her ngage in yuseful studies, properly myself. 1 have wont through ne SHY as did me no good. 1 prefer her ingage! in German and drawing and vokal ma individual who han | become ued to an even temperature : | within doors. | | > _ enough to break the ive, and if a per ‘gon has a wrong ticket or has lost | anything it ix a matter of interest and | | solicitode for everybody cise {of the passengers are apt to behave | with the same unrestrained freedom | It they are | stirting on a long journey they at once proceed to make themselves as A rug in spread out on the seat, for they are ; _yory particular never to sit on any | thing that is not perfectly clean. Then they shake off their gota, or wooden | clogs, and enrl their feet un under | The next thing is & smoke, In Many | the of of gold and heat oof moe = Soni 1 Indl i into oni {ander ! fords, shor od r THOUGHT IT "WAS A GHOS i BEE A Story Told on the Late Dy. Ephraim | Cathoun, by Ons of His Relatives, comparatively easy matter tothink out | | a plot tn “hich some epi land plays a mime or ices gtar puie on lofiely coimicy roads approaching storm aro 1. {the greater number of fhe getting for a veal ghost story pot be winhed for unieng 22 rizing of eons old the musoniight sleeps, of the late ble for br shastin bir Ci relative Ephraim fnterosting adveniute of thal griinhed old gentivman, {ie stilt closely akin to the spook Yarns Many Seauth Uaroliglans that Dir Calhoun for years was 8 practiving physician in the Greonwond 8. OC. “Oman night” other day, "Din intn the country to the bedside of a wellto-do planter. In those days bug ging wore practically of no use and so for the sake of convenience and time anid Cithoun was back of Mis patient. prescribed and had taken leave of the family, thundering in vary rapidly, {ator a0 AB 4 Lfook refuge The church was hieak and dark a cushioned seat within the chancel | railing. because he had been riding fast and felt fatigusd. For auperititotions man the fear of spirits never entered his mind. “Ag he got about midway np the aisle a voles, apparently very near | him. sald. in quiet and sabdued tones: tar nave agid so {of it. and literally tora for the door, ax he could for home Lee daptar WRK HDRet, with the ghost that sight ' heen Aveniched by the rain than any. thing else. up and feoling himself! again, | postotfice, fag place just about mail time. As | the greeting by saving: night doctor. Kod the speaker, followed ‘to Be a ghost He rebn ! Then came the story, | much laaghter own good. It was several years after {ward hefora he nieaded Charlton News and Canrior, The Bank of England’ a Gavilsm, Visitors to the inser courts of the {a heastiinl garden hidden sony from | the dust of the city b Chlnck walls thal iE an Thrauines- Cl dle wirest. Just nuw Lae | deons are in po bloom, and [BRL & 3 EER, i This garae | the chureh i YeuStaoke, seepe of much deilg Cheiitanher wis { of the At ehrel which gard 8] ity 48 ira market which once the hank preveises. IT fram the Stocks enpled the site of the Mansion House Lin Was 20 pamead from the city stocks that stood 1 anposite, anid this in ita thers, This ist garden Wis : 144% daring the Uhart . Bags wera piled up hers to sfrenstheg th and dolungeers as Hoan ty rep BEVer came Tha windows overk ; dan are thoes of the vo «Landon Sar, 7 huay RCRE x if & ao nE RIN attaek TLE hank Lin for Boer Madsers, the Madaer Africa in fo arm corps like the Khyber ® et from the foal tives wind tracts Where a tor 5 $5 5 Lae RES who are rae regi ‘ Fisam {been armed with discarded HMaiders, { while the tribesmen whom they have ta | repress curry Mar j 5 The diffienity about placing the © go, | guperior weapons In the hands of the Lar | jevies has been the Ummense incentive : The Mauser will not be worth stealing, for | the simple reason that ammunition for ! | it will be unprocurable by the thieves | shall incase in Grammar as | prefer | Martini cartridges are to be had in any anil | cup Tearn ber how to spoke and write tints aad Lee-Met- to rifle thieves and deserters quantity hoth from india aml Kabui, and Lee-Maetford ammunition, L axpensive, enterprising Afridi. But the side the government Sanu winy Review. Judging from the number of ghost | storied that have been written It is a | tothe other | i 11 may be thar honch country « hurches i i out snd so them with A better : eat tha | upon which | we, yA The other day cand desl dirert with i dota von will get an LCalhotin was in the city and told an distin. White theslory | as related 3 not a true ghost story, it walnut finish case remember Cand full extension music dual. gusr ston], city of | | that agen sell for 800 we fer to sou Hie relative the | called | Lisa din : wealput case five oolaves 128 reeds, 10 : Hani, | fave couplers, lamp staid and ugeie Leabhiet punranioed simast all traveling was dots on horse. | The good doctor jogged along | over the country rosds to the Bouse fn an hour or so he had : Lon if you will arrlie us and will ship | Ahem anyn As he left the house there was | the dlutance and he rods outrun the About half of ix journey was tovered when a furious rain began to fall and thers was much lightaing. Fortunately thers was a small charch | | near the road. and in this the doctor i He tethered his mare OB noose of Peterboro the late bishop | the outside and rushed up the steps. | 40 put up one dvening at an Ha old manor hots | vaniithed when © ssked for a sabscrip- | tian Petsrbore cathedral’ | “Tempestnous aight, doctor” The doe. | Lut he eortainly | | agreed with the voles. or the awner | About face he instantly wheeled | He | jursped on hix horse and rode as fast | Beroes, : of sourse, | {hut he dido't mention his sncounter His fam- ‘ fy got him off to bad, attributing his | | condition mors to the fact that he had | ; | aonsr. and all who contribute will provided with cards which will admit, “Phe next morning the doctor was thetn when visiting the About : : § A terested, 10 o'vlock he strolled down to the | they are 1 in You kaow that in a smal Crown the postofics is a great gather ! i : ‘In effect May 27, 1900, ‘the doctor greeted the crowd some FH | une, whom he sould pot ses. returned | Tampestuons | : Bea Hbors xpress, wink Sai. The doctor took his A | ene, but instead of confessing that he | i ran way from what he supposed | hat 132 ¥ | hildelpbin BE LR pren, EH by | At first wo laughed | the thing over, hut he took it so serh 3 ously we checked the teasing for aur guilty — {aL RE on Dosh Rg a bank of Epplind are surprised to find Gaffer at LEE a om. and af Glen Camptell at ¢ those frowning fe ad HW p.m and. 31 shodaden- PT with the | spark ing fountain in the ouplre pres 51 to the en of the hank was once ¥ pulled down a contiry ago fw extend | naane ny Subd seal Thess State ans i regulars i the taal ov gar. pin found | Hy ogre | ry seeupation has best found | Flitharta these corps have | thoukh | is not out of reach of the Mauser | enrtridges will pot be obta nable oles | arsenale--The | FACTORY PRICES. A intending Purchasers Cannot Aflord tg i Overlook the Offer We Make Here. : Write us To-Day. Relling planos and organs io ihe usngl way, that x Liring agents to go tea nnd wagon, or by rail, ete, entails a jaige Lil of expense which pedessarily gant be added to the price the purchaser | a pays when ae buys that way. Wir want to save you this ¢ xpeiee yo apd Liv 1% instrument at the auent lias 10 pay for (L We adler your our high wide, cabinet ik Sib Spiel Prennh rolibig (all beard Beech it Crock Distriet Condensed Time Table. a fiat an > 1 Hil Nove. 35, HK Potting Wostovee Aah Horrrneone igaprain Jost whim As An example begalital 0 grand plano, 4 01 Meortiudm Gig af Munem af £2, with Philipsbiry Lk i Leann anfant for the small sun sear! and Snmtrnc tl Iwautifal KEYS Musenn . Winbhorne Poanbes Gidtnown Faneiiuf Shoe Seni Be or Lowe Haven 5 £3 arsine iW Varna) Lr for B30 with stonl and astrgtian book, The beaviingl Reysione Organ Bish, in fmpdsonie oak or dospthile maledividhind patent pe | i rat class apd wartanted, : ] Tia abave terms are cash but we will be vary sind to sell (hoi goods on | 8 ARY paves, which we oal agree | We 2 Ra Mm pon ‘Bare to god reliable peo Jiler, ¥ Ww Bite 19% ¥ References: Friar pen Xn AMBL HL BRG 433 Wood m1 AR AON HRI Foipay. | tonal Raph, | «iter 5 > x | Pi tsburg & Eastern Branch, 5 ae Mabaifer He Hruby en, Glen Fett and Howvartairst ak ET a Pa. The Fright ths fibost Had During a confirmation tour in the ed ; 8 a and Hemding FRITS the Fall Heook ¢ with taastond : simmer wilh £3, § wana & Phiiipedag es Mbp lois wilroamd: 4 Phmrficid with the Baffle, Roches tiabiary Jain #@t oF and slept in & Mom SynEviranin he had seen the ghost 3 o sais yivanis and KX Hon, H mniels Sees Pans, Apt, New Te “But I have nid the spirit: it will | Being fur ity, said: “Tho ghost instaptiy | | Buffalo, ‘Rochester & Pitts. > : burg Railway. : CONDENSED TIME TABLE i In effect Feb. 1, 1901, Yous BOER 2 f HW 2 A N AM PN i r a mit wea restoration of the | Argonaut. Memorial Chnreh fur Rirbmon L It is proposed to erevl a unique me : morial church in Rictimond, Va in Tony sddition to memorial windows in Pittsburg 1 PAW boner of departed naval and military Aliheny ; Sus, there will ba a window in Lrsige ie nonr of Christing baakers, another | Benes Mosgrve tor rallroad mes and a third for fron | Davies workers. Thess will be erected by Joniey amntribations from representatives of Big Rub... ths several classes Which they willy. & M Junetion. Bi toward the x4 Rus Mow eh rink LT ErESHuZYER 8 ¥ et “Ak LHe way Yio. Hid way chireeh 0" Johnson. 4 t Jewell pews opposite the memirials in witch Newton. | Brwcttord, v Ar P Madminania. AY : i Hultaia. bi ; - a Lee lume Pennsylvania Railroa gd 1 Arr i SOUTH { Bastern Tims in Jen w AM : : Rosetustor, : : Huth | Salatnance.. = Bana tond wo Newton nisiantunuul? bite ae AR SR BE FRR id ei TREngRAnNsEHE HER en 4 oe — $d LPLUY EIUSOELEUSEE z Woh me deni - z= £8 ¥ 8 > x B Main Tine, Leave Creamon- Huswant, é CE EW i ha¥ 8a al Bok & Asana Ancommodation, wiek anys i Mads Dine Express, dally. i 3 ore Altona Aveoaiiaodation, Siy Fr Pp a ML Jowett oo Mall Fapmese daily. win iH mW ; Johnsnbury. ® i: pr Ys i lpway. | Broekwaxiile.. he C Palle i reek Dah Te a Jeet, 1 bin, ; I* fa = ¥ oe Panay Fags te selon | Wt Mosgrove,., : vile arin ol PERE PG PCI oS thud fg L ee Lamon § resson ih tard. Jubitutown Aceon, week RAN... 7% Partie Express dalle Way Passctiger, ARiiy S17 am EX aay 30pm doin sod i x Zp 3 2 eel ww AB Pp ¥rwt i we, daily vn 3 pon Johisistonn Aven, week diye... wo Seip Cambria & Clearfield Division. faave Patton Suaih want, Pats No 30 at 10% a. mo ariviog at Crosses | Wenwad'™ KEEANEX Bregshex Ae SE SRM AL t 6 BEER EE Ema RY | Ray Ad ik P Piteshinry § MER ; Arnie A | CLEARFIELD DIVISION : Fast Boand i Se Toil Noe 76 a1 3:08 vom arriving at Cosson xs a # «RE {eaves Patton Notthward, Toile No tat 1047 a, om arriving al Ma. w ote a CT { Re erin] Praline Nev Rah in ol KRBUREN HE pora. arriving aa Mihals & 5 5 : Read: Hg Engioes Burn Hard Coal iN EFyRa : Vitis laise WW $y) roe Preps, Bool 1A ‘8 \ jm netion. fo Pmbean a a en Hix Now Yory Ba my ERR EITOR esis SERRE TR ln an Ms goad ike aL Un] Revne dduwiile nine vt : Arrive ; 20d th ai, *Dnily. bE i PI hilade : ES “gsuunnsus’ od 5 fw SH Hema 7 i i ial, NOY ED Waianae. oie £75 pd eid Market m1 RhEEEe | gBREUE RNR PY owen kG WN mead Mee ntinunne Ek sRnuRes 1 with hua 8 and 6 a ay BER re ] x ; eliair oars, sles mati mary daily except Sanday, Toate 2 and T nave Pulbasn op Sa a Dips Buridds and Pisbury sad Hochesier Fang Piatabane : t RW ARD © LAPEY. frenpernt Passage Agent. Hoehester, N v ¥- . Johnstown, Ebens nrg & Eastern R. RK. Pit rs nrg “ifort Nov. 25, 1900 3 il fren Bellefonte, * EW CTR mination Phila, and X.Y. ation; { Jor, mtd . (hi boan paburg Gi i HOR Rimins for pri, J ! He \ Hed i Beak y § AS Phi AM Lib pn ps iad yo BK Pid #8 war 3 8 3 at : a Bei. 3 ik vg vy Hrvarw | Mi ret peapyt Figy Frimein IG Leing at Me aii Taegine Wa 9 Sey i wa dor ML u 1 iN 144 158 i PORN ECTIONK West wisi, Hall NY ¢ g Lock Haven, Eastward Head Than 3 5 Ax Bt HB nu fake AGL indian make con ne dioms at AFL lis 10s Bediond, Pao ad . Waltavaie 2a p eusiia 1 fh. Ranpny . wit -— OG sosslons at ala Mills with Hoote | dade and Ramey with PRR in § i 0 Eons wi TAY 9m. tein leving Tapia a inihrnation any ta AN RERD Superitiondant, i i Jor | AE ANA Ae > Pie tmeefifth of the inhabitants of Lon don are overerowded in their habita Stops in the eye of the law. dpm MRE Pie | , Wes, pETIVIRgG 88 (id makes lite fertile by disanpoint- ment, dx be makes the srannd fertile Beecher. . 3 Manage. ] | trust Tene Ward
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers