Jentist has discovered : the earth Is pear shaped. It fa that notte of the people who | : rtuslly serambling over it ever not much danger, ow = that in of the Dain peaple will Bagi Trond patrons Are note ly conyervative, but think of thelr ng letters to the papers adyvocat return to the old foot-wirmer “people can bring with them or : Shades of ely. When discus SOMES, or, it takes {tx own time and ex. plot penalty for violated by: ac would have liked to make Us tance of the man who, when he | told that be had only a week th , started out to spend all his cash in i : i ¥ Ply Ie ANF ifter arranging for hia fun. timid, gtupid and eommongdace ren § not surpristog te find that | : It would | ipteresting to know bow be felt : | be more familiar wives English is spo Zen. bot thd ; Feit | the little one of taking Lenten vaca: | litte ond Tanded n a police court. when be paid hi fine. in the South has gained ground uity tn New York City amd | Northern cities in the last scom | any a village sud tow | In many g Pomany. make as thar grandfathers dia ® | before them, wars fesix of bay daring beach and river, among the pines or | Southern States, on many # the const, the amusements and lux: fos of winter resorts have been madi | faselfiating that great fucks of ye geckers now imitate the birds + gnnaal migrations, And the ‘are beneficial both above and ww the valleys of the Potovsac amd Ohio, observes the New York Tri pm i hoy in ont public. Aehools bave a chance. The educa system that bestows most at vipon “the boy with & mem: and Jets the boy with & bray | fdeas shift for himself, in An ST YAR i SA ME eS Hates the Chicago Time OF course, the boy with dean | i oypstruetive or inventive facul fil distance the hoy that hak & nieraory when it comes to the ! d bite, but that is no reason why ; boy" who can't memorize | tigs at the Bridge” shoud be | tguored or sot aside as an wa derelict Ly a tescher in fhe « sihools. The dull boy x chapee, In fact, he fo more sttention than the pabe i tury after €1 showin is et woodehuck or any tther animal | will finel nobody that can tell you, All they ean do is do | wonderinl rabbit which Anya the redd, white and blow Easter eggs is one of the old: est of historie characters. In fact, wise men who have tried to trace the story fo its sours have gote back far beyond the earliest bezinnings of written history only to find itv big, woolly ears sticking up through the | mists of tradition and superstition, Pat the strangest thing about the | Easter rabbit is that you will find him fn every cart of the world-in Africn Pani Axia as well as in Europe and America and if be (8 pot Inying Bast. er spre he In doing something equally remarkable aul noteworihy, : People whe think the rabbit only a ber of society are antirely mbfaken. They ought to rend the voluiaes that have been written about him And as for the children! Mother Goose may aster rabbit i Enown fo nero InnRunge, Not even the greatest students have ever hoon abide to learn how it happens that the rabbit nye Easter egas AU they kaowis that little children ail partientarly litle children in aor fk Paster week, in wileh they fwd on Faster morniog a lot of beautiful col ored eggs Jald there, of course, hy the Faster rabbit. Bametimes the Easter rabbit even leaves a lite candy or china Image of himself behind him in the midst of the eggs, by way of a card. But really no proof Is needed Years before the oldest man oan rp member It was always said thet the rabbit laid the Raster egee and there i tio more reason fo doubt It Dow than thers was then, in Bt. Louis the shop windows are now crowded with Kasrer rabbits, and | the Faster ecards as often as pol show the Easter rabbit's ucture Ark uae body why It fe a rabbit instend of “J body Kaows wake shrewd gens at ix, ie Going back he Mid the first hooks i WR regarded as a sacral animal hy widely gn have found that the rabbis geittered people all over iow wart Even the America adie had thelr feast of Dh ard PART, Hire, oemnlbin tants of Ww Christa hab been ged], the hate of {phe goddess of dawn and of sprit a. A yonngxter who commmite to mens t Bole pages of history and eda i a tory which connocts rite ro hela with date of every feportant bat | Or wars. the chapees are he ray be 4b Hie is entitied to It | pativen say, 8 Henry Ward Betcher, a | ; Greeley or a Peter Coopir. all right. He shoul! not he t Bot the probabilities are will sever build a rafircad or ‘the voltage of an electric | » thy Bardships of Wire on the faim fo make howies in the country more disirmble. The improvements in | 44 tural warkinery wire a great | | step, as they did away with Nack-breaking drudgery and de. | d largely the cost of crop produe. | tion. The trolley roadu promise to be | cheap varriers and to cut down the i cost of rural transportation, while at ¢ sande time they will make It pos for incressing numbers of men to ‘business in town and live out of town. The telephone has been another eficent aud time and labor saving fnstrunjentality. Possibly we may soon rrest of the tendency to gregs- : ving in the amolke and dust and noise « tie towns, The installation rural delivery of the mails will urther tend to do away with the iso- p and discomfort of country life. je convenience of the city can be transplanted to the country without ceompany ing discomtorts, why should not every healthy and rig man who ean afford it do a little farm- his owl account, snd raise chil- Htaninded | of at the rablit tle fellow with a string of | ’ “that African there has been fur cenineies and atil ia Amane the natives of So ail Jans way with TOT, pirfect [mage Faster 0a eur theo gueface of the 0 thie FanbE And as the pd rises sgain every thirty day a take a the children of men. “ia sald the moon to the rablit We fis wa Thess PEE SE and rise again’ Pat the Ba was wicked, and did | wot eurry the messing siral fret. Sauth Afriean § and Hid i ¥ wo hen the Fab hit ea ane tek 4 Ange ie hatchet. atl pile | its: a tp. dunt thio story are amyiad thier pabbit's lip In spill to day. Amd besides having fis Hp apilit tiie rahibl? was much § hid in a Bole in the ground, aud heen tlasid syer siijee, Graing over to Avia we And that the eatibit s01 Balda (ts place as a sacred animal. sauniries where the relicion of Buddbn prevails, the story rans thut the ing for someiaing to eat, gothing hungry mod and felt sorry for him. not fall to see the down at his feet. “Eat me.” sald the rabbit to Buddha, im But the Chinese divinity was ual to i fuciead of | puting the rabbit be transported it an to the moon, and there to this day ine | bee paptdone in generosity. fitile Chinese children can sce i. Against the briz ht face of the Bu oo | they ean nike out a tall cassia teow, spreading top. Under this ree : sits tn the bbe on 1. haus ches, pound. | Faster in Christian lands, the gure of 3 ing continually In nm mortar from wiitel ig made the water of life. Por haps If our children will look sarefally nt the moon they, foe, many be able to pakke ont the shape of the rabbit whieh Inyy the Easter ego And today in Chins at the time of the colehration of the greal moon fest. val, which corresponds in senson to | erape paper. 1 of the tik Fgnall elileken or bind {vue paper matching the crape | Where She chicks heads come gently {srenk the paper and pull the heads Many snd quaint fre the devices for Raster that gre got up to amuse chil dren. One of thy newest designs ow pre- pared in the following manner: A deep tin ple plate is lined with but pink or yellow is the most elfen. tive. Ket the plate on a plece of paper cit round, bat much larger than the plate, Fold the paper upright, pinching it in to make It set fintly agai the sides Tie » n rikh ax paper tislitie aida in place, te hold paper etiotigh ribbon fo tie m two stood glzed bows of plate Then count ad many Hitle squsre or % on either she round boxes as there are children; fill with bot) bons or favors, and to the top | {of box fasten by ginelng or sewing a | These tiny be | got at any Japanese store in various colors: yellow cotton chicks or black. hirds. Place these in bottom of pan ar regular tervals Over these Ing a plece of Chinese tis paper. through; Any color may be nad, sas of sae shade Lt earitest Feet This preity Easter gift is of shirred tissue paper. eul in fan shape, The pleber are bnnihed at one emi and tied tightly with prow white ribbon, A doxen tangarines are laid in this then the codes are bunched dnd daintily Lied with a Rolin « card ustur in the New Century. In the century just beguti there will wo BOT Hundave. In thet which we have hardly yet lenroed to speak of as the nwt Baster Sunday hne oocureed | Lanes (on its earliest possible date FINIR Tat this lil not rent eentnry, The niny century aster Sun March the twenty thin Easter In the will Iwi March 28. 1813. day will fall onee on Hts Intest days |® : {pes ge £5 April 25, In G48 This also oeenrred ofive in the cenbiry just pasted-dt wodERTil 3 EH). i 1804, Ascension Day is pratically al. No | 1 wha hid | paver. go fy as We how. hoard of | : Great | the sigth oop. | Latare the early In. be oasw Eoghan! had rabildt | te sald to have been sacred to Osta, The spots 00) af 8 mann sets or dlea | of the Easter bare than in this coun “The moon says” the rabbit told the | natives. “that even av 1 die atl do por rise again so shall you | alse die and not rise again.’ | rua ny : forgal Ted it : wits | sueoessar shoal Lor be serambl | late fri ghtoned at the | be =m pr ; ; tips 5 # 3 ; gush 8 Anger. so that i ran away sod Pthe villagers turing Ras Tro Phare ples, onl up iio I %, ; they reaciptaspot | emptied and all in al the that i In Chins and all fhe © un fight or serambig far thm front Lars suphosed to gauraiee ginal Tek tn | Pile DOSReseOr Buddha himself was af one time tered: 00} | bly hungry, aml wanderid up and down on the surface of the earth oak £ | ; but found | ste following a tradition so old that F.ually the rabbit saw thr | no man knows { pyery corner of the globe other Golng ap close, so that Hada ha eonbd rabbit laid | 0 | rabbit with laving the Easier eggs are A BSI i “the rabbit is sanmped on the moon | 3 ¢ cakes, which relatives smi friends ex- ! ehange among each other in the place | and say to met that, even xe | die | % i oil rise agai in. ao shall they also die | $ of Easter earls, aa ya 1 # of England, sven at sraeh gare is made 1a corfnip paris the present time, instance, called | Haig for i vogue in Lelvesterilive, i a onstam still Faster hare Yours ago a given to the peotoy of perpetially on the cotplition thal ad year on Faster Maomday he amd hl cuntribnte wo Hay 5 Si sul Hoag toy, there up Piven ef segs bo gop TY pag PRR OI $ousd = % % o thal everyisaly five parish Tabi £15930 wae obeervesd as NTRS al jE sent Fowtiy area ig the When £ ditionally | iE iw LEAN ix ii fois BeBiad she eno yy ¥ pi J & Sa Ruawi Bank” the sacks the provi] engage i ni ples, which | s “Hare Ple fir the egsuil SAT. ig ¥ Sn the children who eredit the Vaster Amd ip ¥ oo i iittie 2d beginning. children. white, Viack, yellow or red | in ane way or another, paying ai legiance to the sae tradition, has leno certain pial of grandad on bit ea he {are Wer sop 3 uF § tained : thes. | plece, and then at vach place with Two | extra jong ferus outiine a wreath large i : ena to show aatside tie i {pigewl Ceally, crossing the sterus git [ visibly i white Plare aed may CReiTeE Oo Len fasten the edges of the paper Pte the pan with glue, allowing hi crape paper to come above it an the inlo 1 4 Sh of 4 With the thumb and finger gently | press gut the folds aronnd the edge of Fede Lidge { spape paper, allowing it to fare in rif ifa f fanbiion. Aronind the head of each chick rihon watching tue paper allowing an end is dyer the hogy fii is stone i Brogkiast, « 4% 14 lie yu Tie a wife, fo ths Braga wiih, EE ait 2 seni Au Easter Dibner. an Bastar dipoe tages Elite EB our white, Lhe Livacintas with i Beaunitud Hie URY nol, # las! artis with nai of tanige: I price fon per dagen, with song, Arrange & jow, Zep 8 fed hg Swat have 1h ane if fi ferns sions Tlvee five to on vositfte Being ole ender varie graceful conte ie thn Test he Cyrve the ferus rofl tana | ine fiiiar to th CONEY and pin them fa talilecionh tua in sfyie safe WroRth, ty the putin f the wreath 5 pavel aod the effect is viry chan Ling, AAA A WEN LRN a ie on Farad Biveet cur cond ductors are beautiful, passing fare. never A bear A Ap In fact, they are not Svea § ¥ i Sa AA WA I NEN CASA £ witha hotles fhe new Taiih, green SA sabe ian be had im Coins do apy harm io the aid { Fender plate when | svmeinh the botiou Asi bie : in the This divination ceived Liy the Free Press from Berlin. Phiten agvisians ir oveurned in new eputury (his tie Newcastle bt on Collis y % Pue in May. in the past June, and in will happen four Chroniele, ——— ibis a Hot ¢ FAs «Hans. “Hiw mate people amy awars that WRYE the very WH TOR 2 dane Cane thaonsands of years dase of the human 2 Batler ia the Wana sHscapnstng © sak 4d ha 2 oanatier red in the AoE Heathen adopted and invested venti by the flowirs Fans upon by that in the wr Hegoen, Isuiay or the af oe BG fuser ie wired HL Was nue name were used Pine uieed of ad td yrafer of A dave Sitka § IHN A Germann Plaka fad 8 Tn The fe ponantesnd ia Germany 0 dey water and wind aannot vr hiring the IE toe epsilon Basler Baciy wi ian # in it, Loa Pe ie fired The was gf the year Painting Kaster Eggs. tre hulle one rs far their Ease COHYe WHE repro 1 rons Ee ard porenily res eens : if Clie basen Ce : sae at Belton REY oral ot ok Jane TREY kv. Hite ® | ald had g Win : fpnnly hpi Ld x f Smintod ; Sage PRUERE the hot eros bun of Good Friday dates esl oo pbaek iy hf ard ino P ship | Witilad : visti, Rn ERiege of powiler wi thie ; het HYeT Bb 16 Establish Wholesa'e House. on Co:Dpen tive Basis—0!d Landmarks Destro ed. Anti- Saloon League Beaten in Blair Co. A esa ben eranted as fol- an Md Uptin, Hulzway, y Seehler. Mi Union. WH Ineram, 85 Juma HL si: Justis ML Ho i Pander Manse C Willis M. Mo a “arn iL. Weaver, iE MplinoR fiviene- : sshd, R10 Reaver. S35 Xurah Wen Pedro $0 Marais MeHinn = Pons St , iY Onnindaie, i ir hire iy he stiinfed ny graieladin ot April tree 1 y spwnedd plight yeas Ww i frathy are running full HE en will be wid at esch, amd the output af will be 200 pars x day, all will go to Nine Jersey. and hich will he dhipler avioss ap consnmption in Edrope, sing of the stocklinkiors neyvivanin Canal Company Lalied for April 11, at Phila inn the hie aan ik sa the hin to peciors ihe Inst act Cli of whit was anos ote of the ast 1 iipsrinat votertex of transportation in 5 of Poansyivaniin Iv i poe 4 the peering to adamdon the tin tx eniiredy Toteiss it hnviog {be portions long past fo Ta rey Foipt hop fun fo Hs owners. apd prodney dealers af Aber JER Hating jhe ox aly rE a ae Laeal station with + The eine iug of ase Of Sapiens PITHY > 3 5 Bl Jody oa the 3% Io Date ra fv be Aint a + Joss is shot 3 \ Ta « Intriesd were old i beens nui tn Hever Al ware spiet of fis of dusters thea s hs prance sf a ler mele atts dratix fir thm awdl Lakh ies 7 far over 4 3 Sonooasiinda ars i 5 while yukon foavih wife athe oo ip of Mes Baan A Morey, a widow, pier geld siete} Files ¥ white REE YIATS CH f Bas Hedew 8 vers 3 fa nearly ale hinndaoie 5 iE on ba fone ave esteriaimsd Tare, Rome legis the Borde teas ¢afitiored with palin series stated that 5 few days ago pitten hy a dou that Pius horsey wis shat. an drawn by Af beet i of Pinsherg Taf Preielnar aft West sever ed ew Sirnsiune a I be pseaand sa¥i STW eel rants Hesnl in iW Olan ¥ ® Sts nurs Tha fhe fia 1: su wien ix is Rede SEEN wipe BR Sh § Aprile! af gto VEEL hose : sade it psn He i Eien and is heat Kanth Strabane, West bebe mil Asawell townships, vio paid avernee 3438 an acm Al phisinn at the works of the i Powder Company. near Nine ix in Restle Th Fiat STR ham oN eh dematisluat four of the 14 hath irating the plant. and sntath of Bludemy OF Bayibpvst Or at up aml cansed 4 lass danage sis te hwelveed ob Taewis Lali, wy 13 angled handy we ax ound oo) the I alaniow ois SHR £3 BR YEY Ek : RL Ee 33 4 5 Ee t rin se 1 anni, was fright £ aoalnrm olaek amt died of ns iad in five minutes Phe Erie Railroad company will exe S100 i ln provenas in Sharon amd Sharpsville the coming Funer, Josent Caatélbs 4 vol niiner, WER saught by a fall of slate in thie ilies ft Bagzeley File lek was Dox and stated other niwres will prabably cause is death af a tank af molten trnited the battle plant at Shel Loss, 820.000 partly lusured. Phe hailer in the sown] of William Steen, near Corry, explodiil, desirays fog the will and uring the owner. he su The bursting Fass Held. ani leis i tn A Already nearly SMEOURERI have heen investisd in oleetrie umndestakings ia the ‘Argentine Kepubiie.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers