AR FRSA HS a | No yi don’ £7. You can’t work brane,” and a few other oholow selec tions and expletives ware buried at the Bying trio by the peata councilmen, MeCormiok grabbed arm and tried to prevent Him from go- E ing oat. Probert danced a bear daves | “iin this middie of the floor for ‘steend Linnten, Gonbl and Harteborne ware | ™ Boltd tins dumbfonndad to speak, while Eili- | After a Motion | & Defrnind MeCarmick’s Mo | wa fort Rhodes made bis escape fron the for. Incrense of Poliverusn'n Sal. front window with Giltisos hanging f ito bik cont tails. Ia the Fh meat tine fries tae ing of the Patton oreugh| wears sain ing in 2 the Freel an Hn ran H ‘at the munieipa) hail on Mon- Atte y try ng to reach Magoe HATE LE, Foal Mie A fo Ww rer areanped for the nex ct madi aagont and very PEESSREY body | hens wiles 9 o'clock when “. Corel), Winslow and Camp deliberntely walked ont of the pal legislature Aiber Imo. | n defeated by a CONTENPLALIES RADICAL CHANGES § 1 Peuretaeed whats of Sime Byes Mavis, of this I distriot, erinialare ne radical chatged of mater 1% While cobsiderable business of imi! Senstor Sema tance had been transacted prior ty has introduced & mill hat time. both MaCormick and Pro. | that con templates som had matters that they winh to in the employy ont ng befor their wonfreres, but they Bitaininons cond ro; peceived scab recognition at the hands quire every miner to pas : the thre men who left the meet. ‘amination, after whic : ir departore was sensstional Would be isstod : the extreme, ks Probert lifted op his which he wonid go voioe. in song, the refrain of which In a cond min A fine re don’ t eave if you never Note MODE Are pry dn ¢ The title of the hill Stat 4 Me Wished wir hich A of the members including Jas. M. e and Biliott Rhodes, candidates from Annger petits a roansnt clerks, wore present tent miners Wordiog whe Referie Hartshorne called time the hitomirous districts. and announced that the rounds were It wonld estahiieh 5 manire x of three minutes’ duration and tion bx ir} in euch hat the enopunter was to be one to 8 the bitnminons Ki i | spection disniets Wo Then Bt rounds were fought for clerk, wonld consist of nine practival miners, same result in each instincs s each to be selected as are Um present ‘voted for Fillis as usual boards fo examine mine Jspeito Winslow and Campbell were They would serve for two years and Giltiece, while Probert, Gould and the salary would be §8 for each day ac artshorne remained trae to Mollure, tally pent in the service, I far the ansncoessfal attempt fo ba, With expenses. None of this ria permintely organized, MeCor. Im bev hw paid ant of eR : ; the chairman of the street com. Each board is required & £ a fixed made a report. He stated that meeting place in its dis telot, which vementa were in horrible condi, must not be mo & ne whens gnve ab hia opinion that Sereat liquor ws sod, and at wl Eiean bad too mach tach Monday this boa rd mart outaide. work to do to sttend to his hoki a session. A registrations ties an a. hernagh offal prnperiy. mast he ko sav action wes taken in the matter ‘OF certificales are lo Xi of #1 In exacted Trdm old, of the Bnanre come for registration, examinalic e, wtatod thit he had been ghauc- Certifloate, These fees are wsdl in bis efforts to gut another re- the boards. pont from or a conference with the o gh anditoss aad on motion the AIBA faued Hei] A Soa Wi aE RCT Ck a fae 3 fF a Xs haa Erni. A Big Sawin mee of tha mont ssoere Bo # make report ut the next t meeting: ty in an iad all ~The bills ‘ware then read and those day Wednesday and Wednesday even pant In by the board of health as wall {ng Saow fll aa one for extra police service prié |g foot and a half and voked considerable discussion of a8 dasap, soggy © id nature. | Four wore elegraph, lop one and electric Habit It transpired wires The railroads were also pot , Blair had been employed to aopsiderable inconvenience and ia officer before Merriman grains were late, while sotwe Were rua charge as Chief of Polis. He in two sections employ ed at the instance of Presi. ar 311 Mail from & et on who claimed that be digiriote, which has out Hight to do #0 in thie ab raiiroud, fa o ahomt the deity being of a yery HAVES stad) hav oe win tex riley 5 4 ey ed dhe la yond Ex-Chief Gill was sho asl interrupted . ) th remain on the force ui ghovels were broughs his sucormsor qualified, and aa the aid a sudden thaw uf the pres rest both of them were doing duly | will likely do considerable damage Ags feign Breit RONW into am PNET 3 ariel Linus A Cond. Kea. Cordell, Winslow and ampbefl de nied Hartahorpe's right to employ The passenger : Blair, whiki Probert was just as vin if on the Fou sroun in upholding the president's con- rosd have receiv tention. Op motion the Blair bill wis the name of a station three aid on the table with Probert going each coach so that passenger om record ap voting “no.” A board of have no complaint to make abont health bill of W. P. Jackson for mak- hearing the name of the st i ing a cess pool was also referred back. Frequently passengers ar The following billk were ordered their destination hueatse d: Patton Clay Manufacturing Co., the brakewian did W. 1. Sandford, $6.80; Wesley tion properly. n, $22.67; A. K. Haber, $1.95; doubt stop all complain eystone Clothing Co., $22, W. J, Gill, Bigaiel Abbots By fieo. H. Curt men, brn Remen eH] ry Hin an § i § OS Bay Sokal. The Bocial and Literary Depart of the Epworth league of the M : church will give » Box Social in odd | Fellow™s Hall, © silding, Friday evening, April 12, at 750. A pleasing program has been prepared, and all { members and friends of the League. are invited to be present. AnNe YY, Eamigy, GARFIELD WILKINS wrap k SEL A this juncture the liveliest round of E ‘the sessioni was pulled off. Cordell, Campbell d Winslow moved to ad- in chorus, but were met with a wes’ from Probert, Gould . The motion was pat and the temporary 511. Tt was lost by as the result was announced mick said: “Mr. President, I ceived a handsome and full line of sta move that the salary of the Chief.of tionary of every description, which Police be raised to——". That was as will be printed in the most approved . Winslow, Cordell and style and at the lowest possible figure. | 7 immediately 4 discovered ts i Bend in sour Job work. «Old newspapers for sale at office 5 cents a bundle. that eo APY 3 Ti #4 { gag.” “You have no sense and no | ie riled} by th Hob of the M. oo Last rieas ol all yelop the voeal chards of the be abe day morning at 10 oe ‘by the “The Courier office has just re’ Pastry of Oho Fetnroed raed ar fa Patton for Anniher Year, niral Pennsyivania Wak in Session ab woul and this. The Beil, the prowiding Alona district, is asl aopong WL Job suiay [Patton is a party POR Rmbesntrg ast ireport of Rev 4 BE. slider of thin the ple resiing cotibaine the fod #1 Gisriiinend other things Phere are in the dlstirind | dusts with a membersbip of 17,612, nivety senior Epworth Leagies bn a embers of 4 STH dorty. Lake Cyst fmaguis, Geant Dts, S04 subsoriters § flint AB Nooate, Ti reli Be pais, | EW parsciren, mamberehip of protatinaers vey ival frie hy 146 choarehes with a 18.091 at i thie aitars of tie Dias as Widesorioul AS Wa Foe st Bad Bhoaosd, neverthe leas LoVe alls Pe jose ia the apg 1.088 ave te £ Those charges whose aitars Baya forgiveness of heir sins Decode prabalioners iy WEA ji) oar micist sllaminated by ving soo fying grace are Bi A i Por sachin ACER arwedtayilie Matilda Ty lie Fil i sii. Pitta Av {amber ® Wasa fe LikkEw NE Pirie NE ¥ FabiOn, GUA Bleue, Aldana, rach Fou ii THE He ik sek Baglaesnd dk Laty ane I mention my (hose Gharges baving fie aud over §aktenit Te Lave given cdvely the Fadnatinth © Spy Lak ¥ ul Jara Waar, 3 fd to al easl Win To 4 hired, fat aun - : 3 4 : sirkent Fey Sha sere ld + Wor cannes foray bo Bpe Sroliy gadte oF some f uf te Elin Wear Salton, ie val 5H. Hastinign 4 A Waadioock, ss, apd ahi avrnerita of hie vu haa £ Patt fon, wheve $19 000 5 Band and : i 4 god gtd bpm gshareh ii pew and CUnting et jess Laan $140 Cf the 2 tha husin Oath CE PROIN aft of which apoaks eloquently Vibarality, and, abose ail saraity af the mya Who Where ma Die. Peay was stout chore, on fact ioe Foes fats Diving his he has made ie and out of ait Lira he i odin 5 who are heartily gl anatier sir at Wasson, of the Pation Femafiiered from Bax : Wik 3 A bean, who wis The Flow Firad phureh, interist o farwenay; tirant. Bert A. Baier Hastings, John Hornlog, Houtsdale, Frank W. Leidy. Mahaflay, f A. Biviger Tampking ea : i) Columbia avenue, J. Bes Thos, W, La LEA NE ROLOOGY the thirteen mo Pek ir. af mani enriy Sine John iE of 2 ! Mayan thi mis ering The Mineral was held Yiarva Bf ehureh Mon untend by Rev. terme nt in the fas yaung 2 Lads ¥ M pu. Mathi tween heat 8 at 4 o'elock M semption after a short Shank was twenly-four year The faneral was held at St RoC e pring Pekas, 0 tay alte E dy ty. 3 EEE . 3 “i ¥ Rb £3 Ti Fatlyr | » Cassidy cemetery, estimable and buen Rhank, an « the daughter of Mr Khank, whi prings and Loreilo, widay atler Saisie G5 rosie died noon GF sone finesse Miss of BEY. Muonioa's “5 Wednes coudaoted Kenna. hiveoh at Chest 8 faloek, Fi iad hep Mo pastor, Rav Lake San The Ladies Aid Society of the Math. oclist charch will bold one of their pop- lar cake sales on Ssiunday evening, April th at 6:30 io the Rhody Building on Sth avenue, Cakes and other table | delicacies, Buster eggs, el. on sale. Wo BH SaNpEoRD, President. Mas _Dan't forget that the COURIER job printing department iy better equipped than ever to do all kinds of commer. clal and book printing Give ‘trial order and you will be sure lo | come again. Lowest prices and best mol Whose COURIER are you reading Three confer. chgech, of which Barly includiog Ame this Wid Waves Saying, Sister? Taxation, nn us a ‘sinters, of this place, J Wess apcored by aed the concluding se wea Rag I ] NANT AR T Ap or ; - ; wi hen yon are look- MHA HIRY LHR fF Na, —— iw for a cuit for sprig Gia we have the swellest as Session 8 ALN fod well asthe] Interesting Held at Patton. RESOLUT IONS PASSED. Fhe KE es BEN Contwmmed. as Wall nu ih arg One 16 Mipiat the Law Beiatiog lo Come sepia’ Makaries bs Comin Coat. An Irimsating Progoam, { pinrterly mesting of Poo Pations of Hostaadry, County, wos called to 180 ovloek p min Patton, by Master HH fn Ceridghy, sy Lamba sre Monoay at Dosnedlys Hail, uo Cicodieriigin. Ths j sean exoradiog Harmony Air the us wiial i of 1 wan ir Past. Mader Alix Rtritimatier f Conn mr lee routine acremeted, SHOT. gation ight. muorables tvporl wy ¢ the Benes fiu andor irswemtiy ed 5 prints FY 40 3 ELE LR The Boys! Clothing Stock ana iy somite Sits for 4.00, sriicies of copper . ; : : Pp The Children's Sn # fanaa than : which will bei 1.75, 2.00, and up to i He roy dt gating prives of oi Pi gel akt 50 £3) x = i TE ste Cirnngos hy eat iil = anil Y achting Ahers Red, An eley Rionse Suite pi weg are right ton, 200 14 3 on Me ; myited tor algkes s8 Diue, : Herr Iain / So : t x1. ¥ wy 1 re Grey, Brow an. Taught Cine are tae colors ZHowWh pt wh Ha 5 perm of ©iX wit «ith tonchons pad aduniate seisrice, ii in ferio 0 r 3 fi EE i Nn espns fiir jer ty whether i anths Lor conntey ao rove, Our “On Top” Shoe for Men at $3.50 is $5 Worth. ser QUIT Ladies $3.50 and 2.50 “"L.a Mode” and La Belle Shoes Ca beter Aa seven. TER ETA, ue or, Was mnswered that genlismun in the afiires: alive The ni iy af the Ag § gs FRESE Yop 5 Feat Wor SRR RN TO (IRDER. voile By Japa Honver root. Parah, of Laoareths jes! Sh Ad ING fyi explained bis met hiwi of kis ello vinegar, es SFOS Boia Ww. ur ses The Keystong Clothiers and Shoe Moarane k, Cr ae reyes ried ; When and how to grail apple trees Wits eX Soren oy Frank | Ssnaciang of 3 AG was furt : ariel er sussed b y K B® Ensle of i iE mb are Bras Ea Sana of Reid pod of kh ahi anil Jolin Hewing, tissent: ¥ Tove § plsind ere iki iret] ® LDL i dried were atlontesg Tretiiy at WL SAREE poy ot eit $148 ily LB ; chen. : Arise, heron If Some One Would Bi SRE ed Sf os law pow before Lhe Siip IS in ; Your Packet $a tive i argniitiee an tead, § Bailie i5f Llu , Th 3 Tat TH Wh fav faraniue, rita Bidiv aot ge Lo etter 13 who Ba Hi : gir sale shy ip he gh that wisile our New Anite are al and wheeimansbip to Ges gtpaiain selon are Tehay 25 to 35 per cont ov HIN ERE haste (he Spend seit Pring ns : at ai TE tajive work 1 Don’t tig Our Statement. Use Your Own Es Rely ont Your Own Judgeme nt. Legistatnry, providing for! He dormunn intert barye dit EVE Larnaca. narnd Io other store in “town Yau'ld silalives to vo $F SAR WERE as £oasnn ent hereby Baked MIRKIN & KUS NER. vases tay pie : AVAARAAAVVAA ABABA TAMA ANA, BA SPS AN BANSHEE ELS Rh ee ne % a 19 Cents Was takes f > ” — : Wily that Yasar thal fhe pian ropa) Jie etfisct af the bi farming af the offfos, HERGHRIY decidumi to op x File bur A x Laks the ot wn lp dy A i rein This having coneitided Dus viens of the fourthodegree, Thedagree session was held lor the | of k in that depres ineident of the une HNg af a ning session Wis Song Wi fat Noaid You Take for Me Papa? by tie Bernetta Punk. Prot AJ Fries of Stale College, gave a talk on the campuastion of fines stvine dnd He appiical £4 ire to The soil, wlsieh was ro pg and convinMag Fx position ia Wtitity of that igiportant agent jncreasing tise products of the soil The iConcord Geeangy randepsd an excellent tion The % 5 * a AEE SQ $ $ 1 $ oo : $ $ EVANS SIS1ERS. : fh HVS MAMAS TAAA MAA LL ING. have her spring LAMA WAR AAMALVAA AWW Mrs. C Rol SOM will i display of Millinery oft SATU RDAY , APRIL 6th. Ladies of Patton and vic cordially invited to attend. Nolan Bldg, Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. Band next ably Bauman sisters sang, and this was followed by Filltor War- reds Worth Bailes, of the Johnstown Democrat, who poke on Invisible ‘| advocating the idea of the + { nity are single Tax ; After Mr tive Tully | sng duet amd audience, after Band rend: | etion of the evening and the meeting adjourned. | Bailey's addross the Kioh the sneord Orange
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