Der Table Novelties, is being used extensively | i ax i Prep + Bi [Hirani m for dinner table novelties. | recent function a trai of freight: was wade of chocolate and every ener od with bhanbons, The train, eel to A locomotive, encircled the | table, zo that the bonbons were n easy reach of every one, ; Eon Fa. Auto with wheels of colored barley ar serve a similar purpose, To Make a Poultice, A ponttice is a valuable sid to draw Inflammation, aud there fs n right and eo Winer Patent. In making 8 dats fi Wrong way to make it. foe, whether flaxseed, mpstard, or oatmeal be used heat and Hire Are the (wo requisites, When prepared it should be spremd on a piece Re hecsecioth or old linen to the thick. ness of about Lif an jock, apd then | Another layer ou cheavecloth or Hnen should rover the poultice and the edges LEAT folded over so that none of the flax. peed or material employed in its mak. : ing comes tn comiact with the skin It 18 a govd scheme to make two! tices. so that the second may be yeady to replace the first when it Is moved and I shad be removed as soon 8% KH begins to col. Over the ecole of off xiik, our a Hitie irger than it ix always well to lay a the puntitice, nd Wedd in place by of tape, | Safety ping a onda not A Hf tapes can take their place. - metionn (ueen, A io TAmen For Brides, bride's helanglugs, should aiwavs bw tray. oe. ard doles es gr with drawn work Lis Among a *hen included or | PITTSBURG. Grain, Floor and Peed AWrear—No. 2 red. tierce n 8 Rye-No. 2 « nx No. 4 Veli we, oar. No, 2 voll, shelton, Mixed onr 2 white Ne 3 white: ii Prov Winter patent. Fan rw Etrabrht Winters, Nor } $i thy ph a NE, 1 wii wil. ton. WE Rhine. basil When Sry. Dairy Produc, SrORIR Ory, wey i atry ridi, Cie Bow... re. NeW Voanllry, ete. Suwon oi i $x {fr ysy Rew Yo ess. pwr Thy 8 EHICR ENR Feet, 13 and Ohio, $4 Frolre anil Yegorablies Bras. Navy, per bushel. 82 00 Pars ay Whale, ¥ fig Pr why x ¥ - OR poNAc- per brishel DALTIMORE 8: Ne, Weer % reds Eoin. : Boris STRAIN FIDL ADELPHIA Winter patent Now Free Lo io xed Fiore Waeare fEN x anna LIVE STOUK, Cours] Stock Yaris, Ent Liberty, a CATTVER. RIOR 0 RETRY (TL a 1 f fat bails di cows 3 Bhe shopld Keep one best set Hewloth apd napkins for din parties, Her ng shoulil be af lenst eight nap allowances In pur. fus large aud small for every member of ber household. The dinner napkins Arge. so cetimes early a yard Breakfast napkin are small RY and fringed tea napkins are used | srosliest allowance possible for : shests, pillow and bolster each bed. | At least a doren | towels should be provided for foember of the family, An old. shion in sles is now being revived | fastidious housekeepers. These are | cut long enongh to fold well the Lianket and reach within a of thy Litton of the bed, ; or initials are placed directly over the middie of the bem. Pillow. boty {seit must, of course, al be kept spotlessly clean and the | fantly polished, and the Hino eritiz the floor always care wept and washed, but even than this is pesded to make n | Cork | mat should be Rept in every | ly comfortable sathroom. oti. PAA Are Oseless; Motos | they ab moditure gud become unhy. A phace shonid be found on | e wall for a wmirror—a plain one ‘a black frame will answer the admirably: the lotger it 8 goed light. " : in the | LC wnd it should be placed where | © Two wire trays | also le fastened to the wall be. | bath, and low epough 1p be easy reach hoof the person using gare to hold the sponge and i pd soap when not in use dur the battle Also shelves should be and placed upon the walls of bathroom. These may be of sal, enunielled any color that is pon them may be placed sll tthe acessories used in the tollet (y of soap should always be pro id towels (o abundagee, and all these little conforts the dally A a SE A A SE AOS 4 HEED will be fodeed an uomised ples | L adv — Take | ane pint of ugar, with water enough to STi ep RE ft. nud for toblespoontuls of | Bail until it becomes bride EE rare into cold water. Pour | ing milk. : ; celery, boll 1 for a er, which strain off, then put the § Into the sauce and keep stirring : the Bp 1 for five minutes. Huckleberry Mufios—To three and e.-halt cupfuls of sifted flour, one-hall eupful of ludian weal, one aspoonful of sait and one teaspoon: god; mix together lightly, Beat ges until Might, add one balf cop. of granola ed sugar; and one heap- ninl of butter; i eh} the flour, mix well togeth. ten add carefully Eake lu a add | beat thor HE A SAN Op EAN NR rs < Bea JOE i ment, with great headar Ben BEEEY, sien weetoht weathers § Fl try 3 STN... or TAY, F< EALNER [its OB 1 Ye far 2a $M ReRYy IN 6000 SHAPE. RA RTT RA Indications Point to a Lively Spring Trade. | The Wheat and Cora Movement Very Sacouraging. “WW eekly Revie potion ot gen ' Ory. DOR mera eres sed tHRrouRs MIRC a yd Lilins Tix runner week by ativaty of Lit ralions 5d Atiz 5% vA i % FE 5% vas £3 3 TREES, Lavery . Cliop 1 very fine three heads | few minutes in bashes season Po Fd ELE AL ERO dividing Yersey spite BOTVOR 0 the Wes i OF #& N STW en He In the Spring You Are Always Run Down. This Will Tell You Just What To Do For Yourself, AAA ! And Just Why You Should Foliow Exactly This Plan. i In the spring svervhody needs fo think about faking & goring medicine, I Not only 18 thia a common practice, but & very becessary and heaithfal ope, It is a fact which phypiciang { i the British army and aC the onl of ozs. ot oe ou we | snocomslnd v Ruecixiiss in the world. =. their lhersl offer | in another columns of thi hie paper, People with hot tem tempers hay sometimes | give rather cool treatment, Army Sarreon. Was » Woman “Murray Hull's” case has brought to mind the case of “I. James Barry” afice inspector general of ‘hospitals in BY Thin individual pretented the appearance of a slightly bait, dark-complexionsd Umar beardiess and with abrupt man. tiance with anything ftion, and his temper duels in which he came off best, {potirage of Ihe person | aeknowladge and the people recognize | | generally, that a spring tonic during the months of Marches April and May is more conducive to the res { toration of health. in cases of those who are sick, than any other course of trearment that could possibly be adopted. In thé spring there are 8 great | many and important chapges going on Lin the bhody. Perfect bedith cannot { be mgintained while the system C elogged amd the organs sloggish, and the person has a languid and weal. i i vousness snd deblifry, I everyhody should take Therefore good spring best spring medicine, indorsed recommended by physicians, druggists and the peatle. in Dir ! Greepe's Nervara blood snd nerve iremaidy. In proof of this Mrz Ptta Rammer. tat inion inl are being constantly wed fn ihe paners, The follow. from Mes. Filia Sumner of oedells, Mick LP have been aficted,” she gava, mith mervous debility for 8 year. My ware fromaleteld prostrated, the slightest excites Af times L 1 war entirely overcome by thin dis { onme. 1 would stay fo the house alone, Cand dresd the sight of my own people PMY entice nervous system Was shat tered. and my life was a worrizsent and burden to me 1 was advieed to Dr (iresn#’s Nervura blood and serve remedy, and while on the first ret¥in Begin 0 recover, : wari sory much sursrised, : “Before i had finished the second Te a wid sleen wil x aniet mind and vat with ready and refresh | ing apoetite. 1 have taken three bot. Dotan and am entirely cured of ali my [guferings. 1 cannot steak half highs {ty wnouek of 111 cheerfully and earn recmmend It to every one th dipesns What gives tars ponfdence in it is a covery of one nf our bast most successful physi Cand 1 suffered at HRY extiy Cp lietelt Ww | newvnle aba pling the LRnown and F eians De (rvene's Norviura Lawres remedy ia indead of ail suring medicines, well and strong of 25 WW. 14th St sha Inrirest practi Wir this grail meng ie wo sypere i the regull of hig vast ax» The great reputation of br. 4 puarantes that his med and id fact that he png. Rt an) paraonally ar he assuranve of hiood and the pgregtest far it makes thn wick ie. fiseen York £liy has fhe 4. gest Naw Jenne i8 spire ov of CRATES. ives absodatla eure to all eller, Pos L088 nal My friends taken that he should be buriad ‘as he wis when death came is w Cemed feeding, with more or less pers thoasands +8 a The dontor had a marked impa- like rontradic. led toy mevera: Tha weyonid thin and ners. was question, but the voles was forsinine in tine, When “Janea Bar ry” died “ha” left explicit directions ‘all standing These | dircetiony were disregarded, and it wis Jearmned that the medical sclionls Chad duly gualifted aud the Hritish gov ernment had decorated and pensioned A distinguised medical offiver wi Was a woman, New Fe ork Press. A horse may be driven, hat pencils are wenally iead, The stomach hae to work herd, grinding the food we crowd into it Make its work ssay by rhewing Desman’'s Pepsin om There are nearly JH negro onilege graduates in the Limited States Mos Winslow! i Keath ing Syrap for eliiliiran temibiing soften he gums, reduces inflamma. finn, allevy pain, epres wind 2olie. 38e a boltie Ginngew bas five pablin Bathe, the poet of which varied from Line toy RIG HE 1 ihe fot believe Pine’ # Corn fo tion hss an saad for sons snd ¥F. Borra, Priviiy Springs In HRAY Avvotes of Lie while wanicoosl, Chnareasmnn Bingham, of SE EH i condaeted Ltr it Dikeeit of Mocks or Jaws, but it is made from pure : 18 does pict cot over i as meh While Sading that the see © Englund, genegally # spenkin r, fre ph the establishment of La esntral station for the plrpose of texting seeds went to it for ofieinl ox: C apipation 2 Try Grain-0! Try Sraina0t Ask yout grocer to-day to show ton a packs se of Gupiy (1 the new food drink that ale. the place of coffee, it without injury se weil an the adult. AH who Girain-0 ban thst rich send brown grains anid the most delicate stepnnh receives it withont distress. Jp the pries of doffee, 10 and Ge, per package. bi by ail grocers. Experitnents avd being mae ner dhimover i alnminnm my pot be aeed i the man. uincture of high class wind matramenta HH this could Rt done. it ow thoaght 1 wold be very desisable. on dstount verdigris deposits affected ly changes of temperature the in etrumentyn would be less Likely to get out of tune There ina Clmes of People Whe are injured by these of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a sew preparation salied Guarn-0. made of snr grains, that (skew the pises of coffee. tee mont delirate stomach recsivim if withont diwtrvas snd but few can tell it from coffer, Chadron may drink it with great benefit, cla, per package. Tre iL Ask for Grarx-0. Japanese Busines methods Ave in Jee important wlgeen of & yoru (hedse deweriplion. At Naghek the ater day a foreigner, calling at the branch of ene of the chief shaping compiinies, the whide place dese ete ir appearsd that. the day being Hine, the guensger and sta bal gone SOE on A eoMsR room eal ing expandifion. Mushroom dnanting 8B pursuit thet appeals to every true Japan hat he sboanld gee Pavwide i sia fun Ee. take one wien wuftiriog wiih f Gurfad Tes sepa Eo Par Ive £5 & ¥ 1 WE PERE LR su dembled as ack La : the Departmental Commit fee appointed hy the Boarg of Agricul The chibiren may drink of : y and an itm not samiy 15 ets. snd the So aR Pi fy found MCILHENN NY'S + of the whl seem (0 De the Rumen family everyw but there is one sure and prompt cure for leh, wie Phe Sawee hme made WW put Pelint ABA Sw ses et, : 3 CC SNATER : 42 Pern Ave. tara ie ne eo ~ Pr de — It known all over the country as the best package coffee, and its quality will be strictly maintained. “We HAVE YOU TRIED IT YET? -~ LION COFFEE is not a glazed coffee. We do not need to resort to egg Mixe sures or chemicals which are nsed to hide ime perfections and to rnake the coffee look shiny. LION COFFEE is absolutely pure, im illiona of In every package of LION coFreE vom will find a fully {haste fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find int eon fort and omeenieige, oul w thy wrappers of our one pound sealed packiy over-work! Le Daa afte r load ist nature of mercurial intestinal easy ana * a and | & sid i vine | teal | non- | ny 1 Bave id “I Over- eating! Iw bring surgeon. ewes re Weekly, mavement fie ren Fons } nue hmv im 121 was rok 1 oi pasa; Sissneh ral Tammy» .- wi ot LA nH a {which is the on iv form in Ww WUOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OMIO. i #2 PE “3 i gently todd and descriptive list, No he Vist sors article which will contribute to their happiness, Riek they Z1ay have hy simnly cut ing out on cartiin number of Lion Heads from which this excellent coffee is sold), No part of the human body receives intestines become clogged, refuse to you will be cured Sore vegetable stimula by CASCARET COMP pound that acts) ating the liver and Don t accept a substitute for CASCARETS/ har : 3 + ad PAR ow “hay Car The {item fone 14 anya st - sme witheist Tae ewe le EIGEN COLBTIBR- wail 3 YEae terrible Hi FEE BET Mor= tntaemation. Sat do shew pat stipe in 10c. 25¢c. 50c NEVER SOLD IN BULK. DRUGGISTS | and that is the reason why it is now used homes housekeeper, in