Eh abit id Sl a oni ra , THU RSDAY, MARCH 2 28, fr GAA RN SA She a, roi 1 19071. $1.00 PER YEAI | done. wR A general mass menting of the miners of Northern Cambria will be | held in the Miners’ Hall, Barnesboro, | April 1. The exercises will open at 10 (am, by an address from that elo cast DOWN. | quent speaker so well-known to the Ea | miners of this section, Louis Goazion, | (hie Sum o Money Changed | National Orgauber whore Operator Braoching - Monday & Holldas for the Miners Be and Othe hen Satarday will be pay day for kbe. {employes of the Beach Creek Coal & : Coke Co., and it will be one of the big- | | geat pays this section has enjoyed in 8 dant of some o magnitode was fi : at long time. ast Friday, when: & Coke Co, a part- of John Asheroft, of Robert Powell, of Baltimore, n K. Powell, of Cresson, dis observing of their holdings at Cresson to pany. Trost and Gasrantee (lo. sun BOOM. on, The consideration was! . de p bli. but it is understood Now Chnreh, Big Ofer Pailding and Three quite a sum, ail of which was HWaadson Brick Bisinvson. ah down, While the transfer 0. building boom in Patton : to the Saranton company, it | | grows pace. Ths latest intelligence that it wis mersly oUIDg 1, ohig ine is the announcement of W. agent for the Webster Coal & or pentinger of his intention to build who will acquire the property | three good houses on his Jota on Fifth ‘many improvements OOD | oonne above Beech avenue The gle. The Webster company now | yo atares will be of brick, containing 8 of the heat paying coal prop. | six rooms esch, in addition to bath : Ll room and all the modern improve. Cresson property inciudes the | ment, including steam heal. The n working operation, SoRether | | oy will ba for sale as soon as oom. ut the tools and equipments of pleted. Architect C. M. Robinson, of : oy ad Sout X fie sen oe of Altoona, is preparing the plans for the and several dwellings and | same. Gi a gs are nlso incloded, : { Patton is to have another new “ thin time nothing further has chareh. The meribers of the Ruslan ! of the re ted] purchase j Ortheddox congregation of this place s company tof the Mitchel have decided to erst a seqelare for Ey. religions purposes and will build on eo So the lot generously donated hy the tas CO twill give the Beech (‘reek Land and Improvement Co pany an opportanity to Co. opposite the Good brick row an holdings from that rin Evenue. The Ch be , ; 2 feet and the work on the same will is they now ows: lands conneet- LL an. : It has been definitely settied that the pew Besch Creek Coal & Coke Co. will erect a large office building in Paltan on the site now neon pled by the photograph studio of Ernest Bimer on the north. fotiane Souaty, daring the west corner of Fourth and Magee ave is located along Yellow nasa. The plans will be prepared in a : few days and a complete description of week parehie the coal Saring the new building will be published in Smith, the COURIER nex! week, Emanuel Grumbling, x Henry Griffith, Had- en Griffith. The rio : LAL | An Adjooransent Friday Night Tatil Mow 44 The miners of this district will ciile bate the signing of the wage scale by Monday, April Ist, as a boli. Za 5 Barnes, ve weil k known toal of Barnesboro, purchased crf COURT Exot. ae Any, April 13. Civil Court at Ebensburg adjoined a Lon Friday evening at 9 o'clock astil i already owns a large | Monday, April 1ith, at 9 o'clock a m. Green and Pind townships. The case of Lewis J. Bearer va Jas. ine to be an early de- x McClain and the Spangler Water ld. Work is abot o,mpany was settled by agreement of on the building of 8 gy parties and the jury was relieved. iollow in Green a. Bearer received $500. No bill of the Pennsylvania lines | cogrg at this term was flied on wither present object | ae and the plantiff pays the docket 10 afford ship and Fecard costa pa persons ; where machine mining is i a Ponperel of Pihy, former assistant pi ton public schools, ‘was in town over CGirant bas given up school teaching and is now PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS Pertabed Perenining {0 People and Places Picked up and Paraphrased for a Papainy Paper | bp J. L. Johnson, of Jersey Shore, was | in town Monday. —Born—To Mr. and Mrs Jesse Richards, a daughter, Friday. Mrs. William Yeckley is visiting | friends in Pittsburg this week. _Born-To Mr. and Mrs. William | Campbell & daoghter, Thursday. -.Ex-Mayor Boyd, wan in town over night Wednesday. The regular fortnightly meeting of the Patton borough esuncil will be held on Monday evening. —~ Frank G Kirkland, formerly chief eherk af of Eimira, the ing the abssnos of the proprietor. The Lock Havin Express talks of peat of the new diocese “these fin de siecle days’ Is the es teamed Express living in the last cen. He, in an interview recently publi ! nye tary ” LAM Boblusen, the acobitact of Altoona, who is doing considerable work in this place, was in town bomb night. ~The work of rebuilding Denlinger grmeing. ~Morray Lewis who has been viuit- what | John Boy le, of Johnstown, and is loved by everyone who knows him, despite Ceres differences. fou his parents on Fifth avenoe, for the past week, retarasd to Johnstown on Saturday. LL Gmw Wolf, Curwensville, the senior member of the firm of Wolf & of Thompson, of this pines, was in town ‘Church thag by the new diocese.” this week lonking after business inter ata passed: Gen. BE. Worth ehnrch last Sunday evening. pew advertisement in this sue and Himes of artificial flowers and bats ever brought to this section, wd W. Grant, of Philipsburg, 8 iincipal of the Pat pight on Toesday. Mr traveling for a hardware firm, “Dr WW. 1 Downler hasan purchased the residence formerly owned snd oo cupled by E. ©). Hartehorne on Beech avenue. Mr Hartshorne expects 0 National baok of that pisce. This _ enterprising firm has just pat in & sew i they eet par- ker. The casein ap amet walt S| ; {which the plantiffs seek to recover pos- in : position to know session of a tract of land containing o be Pennsylvania adjoining the p Rn B tracks HA “the ay in the coal fleldn in youn, John 8. Robb, Esq, of Pitts the county. They pgrg procared a judgment against 1 ‘brunch will by eX [ Orr, in whom the title then stond, Spruce, and thence down and sold the property al sheriff's sale ' where a large coal ert (to the plaintiffs. The defendant claims already perchased bY J.| possession and title by lease from ue named Hamilion, aod holds that Ham- . fiton held title by tax titia, The de- Ht Home, the firm of fence also endenvored to show that the Dy opinion that a hick Robt i wv the ant ite coal’ (Rote upon Ww wih Shir soda al siperiils , Bit al A sion ' gale was froadniently obtained and that facie , consequence all the proceedings Howe said, is a luxury and strike be deciarsd soft cosl based upon the note would be void nnd | there would be no titie in the plantiff©s utilizad. Tue ns or the bi. | land at all. The court ruled against variety, eotared, WOR the admisibility of the evidence. d long after the settlement J Had Freight Weeek A disastrous freight wreck occurred many miners out of em. at Kerrmoor, on th , a Reso Orecdt dist i ent, the demand for anthracite sion of the New York Central Hailroad id not be soMoient to warrant o day. Twisuty one Wer on of all the mines. ’ smashed, Joseph Galbraith, éngiover, ss ; | of Clearfield, was caught under his en. M. Homieia o EL Sgahetls ab gine and it is thought be is fatally in- county, has invented a oc jured. The flreman i ee wo . claims will | sigh injary. No other person was vi SRS escnpl 8 Lh yak a he Is bu 1 Jur The Wren WHS oansed by the o mines, and; anlike other machines. train abil a unloaded to operate. It under.) shears the ends, and to mine the rib coal, drive a SAY Was being switohed out Native We offer our fine residence on Beach avenue for sale, The house contains 8 “pooms with an attic. No. 1 cellar with water in the house and brings $15 per month rent. Lot 530x150 and is within | amending “the bituminous a few steps of the sc hoo! house and on 8 BO AN to provide the main street of Patton. | also offer wons shall be furniture for sale which can be seen at : air cur- rosidence. Terms of sale can be had : n by ealiing on Mas. Wa. CRAMER. rep a: a bill in the state (and Abe! ; opened their ‘huyer will appreciate. The exterior of the Ceatral Hotel AC ments in connection with that popular hostelry during the coming summer. class millinery Nolan bailding on Magee avenue pext been purchased, which this section. Bead her new advertise ment in another column. _Bhow windows that wonld eredit to auy of the big stores in the eity are those recently trimaed at the | Cloldstein Department Store and they | “Barney ere the artista and they re- attract universal attention. fect great eredili upon their skill as window dresses of a high grade, Mrs, Gi. MM. Stevens and Sister have millinery sstabiizshment in the Young Building on Magee ave: poe and will have a grand Easter open- ing en Tharsdar, Friday and Saturday April 4 3 and & Miss Nina M. Allen, of Philadelphia, is in charge of the trimming department. Read their pew advertisement, «Rav. Dr Deaver, church, left Tuesday morning for Chambersharg to attend the manual meeting of the Central Pennsylvania conference. The report of the Patton ‘eharch is an exeeilent and Bev, Denver wis particularly grat- white cake sales on Saturday evening, * April 6:30 in the Rbody Building ified to be able to take such a good ac count of bis stewardship to the confer. ence. | members of the church and congrega- tion that the popular pastor will be re- + uvued ta this piace for antler yaar Feveitings % ! Father Kireel] Wii Probably of Johnstown, Laaid from the Fries, burg dioceses, Mrs Isadore Kolb jsf this mom: | recently that Aitoons would be made jog for 8 visit with friends and rete Cresenis a sauch older ¢ ‘atholie common. Palmer House, was in tow over Sunday. pew diocese which has been Capon by the suthorities of tha chureh. burned at Spangler. is rapidly pros Xie Cambrian County Orgamirntion move to Barnesbiro in the near futare, having been elected cashier of the sew Nala cla : %. : Monday, April Ist and big stock and they can suit anyone 4 ord eB smi pe held, ope at 10 o'clock & m., and jand at pei that the eeanomie ithe otherat 7:30 pm. The second | wesalon willbe a fifth degree ssaion, | : Th th ill b in being beautified by a coat of paint. a mueting will be open to : Fisher Is the competent artist having the work in charge. Landlord Yeckley contemplates many improve do ! “known in Cambria | Agu aT who sketched the career of the young of his leaving home to his death, also made refirence of the ME. one this year It is to he hoped by both the delicacies, Easter eggs, etc, on sale. Onr Neighboring Town Said to Have Been Selected | | FOR SEAT OF DIOCESE. be Flevatn! to Ut Bishople- Prosident Seliwab, of the Big dts] Corporations, in Favoer of Hoth | These Moves. Rav. Father Kittell of Loretto, es be slated for Bishop in of ‘rhe ney Catholic dioosse to be formed | Pittsburg and Harris | It was thought until! the sant of the new dicosss on account of ite being a ge city, but that will Loretto rep ity, and on account of the new church there, the gift of C. M. Schwab, presi. : Jak MeNair Is in charge of Jalins Hoffman's barber shop at Cresson dur: dant of the United States Steet Corpor. ation, and the rapidly growing impor Ctamve of Loretto as 8 ahareh commun. ity, this place will likely be made the A prominent Cambria county € ‘wth shed 1 lave it from an excellent aothor ity that Loretto will be the seat of the decided Pardinad Kittell wil be clevatad to the sat. *Patber Kittell has made Loretto it fn He Wn older than Father Father Boyle wonld undoubtedly make an able bishop, but he is needed more by Bt John's President ft is understood that ~Notwithatanding the repeated as Schwab has indicated he would be merrions of several heterodox theolog- | fans. the age of miracles has not | Pa : : attended | this without suggesting in the least & dewire to control of influsnoe the p| Evans Sisters, the milliners, have a puisiment pleas oid ver fhe ainy ation of Fat Kittel to the bishopric. He has Her done e local anthorites of the church have just received ope of the fin 0d en that they liad no official infor. mation srarding the division of the dioosse and the appointment of Father Kituell to the bishopric, spd they are of the opinion that there bas not yet peer time for any one as hear froas Rone. In any event the appointment of a bishop is made from the pomina- tion of several bodies of the charch, six names in all from which the a at Rome names a bishop. Grace weEETING. wu Bold Three Sesxivns Here. When you are looking don’ t forget that we have the swellest as well as the largest stock to select from. t We sell an all wool Suit for $8.50 and up to $16.00 | | | Fatiey stripes and checks as well as plaids, Black Suits in great profusion and big variety. BI(; stock Boy's and Children’s Clothing here. GREAT VARIETY NEW SHIRTS. soc, 88¢ and A DOLLAR. I.ook in the West Window for samples. NECKWEAR. Always one of our strong points. Firiest assortment we ever har. The buyers know what that means here. Our “On Top” Shoe for Men at $3.50 is $5 North. Qur “La Mode” and La Belle Ladies Shoe at $3.50 and 2.80 Are great hitters and great sellers. The cut price of $2.90 and 2 18 still prevails, and will. WE MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER. Suits $15.0 10 $40.00. Fit Guaranteed. The Keystone o The following program has been! , -.Ready made clothing forms the prepared for the meeting of Cambria subject matter for Wolf & Thompson's county Pomona Grange, No. 81, Pat ‘pew advertisement in this issiie. ron of Hasbandry, which will be held at Dionnelly’s Hail in this place on Three sessions will AFTERNOON, Music, Concord Grange Orchestra Report of Executive Committee in regard to the purchase of lightning : rode. ~Mre (i. Robison will open a first establishment in the Address, (i Ww. Oyster, member of the exscutive committee of the state grange. week. A complete new stock has just in anid to be one of the finest in i line ever brought to | Basiness of the organization. EVENING. Address, “Lime and its Relation to! Soil,” J. A Fries, of State College. i Herman Uisbart. bet, Tully Sutera Ee sTasation for the Parmer,’ Warren Worth Bailey, sditor of the Julinatown Democrat, Eeetirsd an Paiiver thaliveio A legtare Father Gallitzin, the. prinos priest whose name is 80 well | county, was given in FPuilsdelphia last week Si Joneph's Catholic cburel. It took. plage at the regular meeting of the Lovola Literary Society, and the was Waiter George Sipith, on in Russian of noble blood from the Lime anid ti the monninent Loretto to ents by Chas MM. recently erected at mannorate BE name Schwab Cake Sale ‘The Ladies Aid Society of the Meth. odist chiareh will hold one of their pop- on 5th avenue. Cakes and other table Murs W. H SANDFORD, President. Coats and Capes. Large line Special rices on Ladies’ : AT COST to of Men's Overcoats and Suits must be sold make room for new goods. | [sn’t much mosty, but it will buy an excellent Child's Sailor Hat. The finest display of Artificial Flowers and Huts ever brought to Patton you will and at EVANS SISTERS. ¢ of date of Faster opening. ’ To the Ladies of Patton and vicmity we wish to announce that Mrs.Robison has had an Expen fenced Miliner in the City pur- chasing a full line of up-to-date Millinery for the spring and summer trade, consist- ing of the latest designs and styles. An Inspection of the stick solicited. MRS. G. ROBISON, Nolan Bldg, Magee Ave,