- SE AA ows, burned the ice storage plant of that company and other property. Ag gregate loss $ioc000. Two men were minred, ints the United States Steel Corpora: tien Chicago by Dane! | Peters whom he ac cused of stealing his chickens {The National Witch Harel Company, ta trust dombimng the various concerns, is now arsured Mrs John McMahon committed sur sec SA theft of from Edwards elers, and a young son of Geo, | should be tide hy nmin from a railroad bridge | : the return of the | 19 Norwalk, Ohio 5 with which the local arded Cosel. i Widdleshurg. ding to statements | § A pve BE eollision oceurred off | wehiooner hes on the bottom, m 12 fath Cons, with all sasis set ft is supposed ihr all on tmard perished Vii, annoimced has candidacy for the et owin mornin i g R sonstitutional convening, sod de tard ved a fetter contain. | return the dia | : : The | groes and Jetting ail the whitey vote Miss Bessie frau, of Lancaster, Va. | confessed hating swindled the Fulton { Nattoral Bank out af $200, which she | gave ti a male jrsend, letter 3 sautfer stat tod | Fmina Sheerz. of Bridecwater, ya. shouid be sent owt hy : afler Lieing resected by Alias am phil Cf one of the hrm's | 10. whom he had pu oposed, shot and used by threatening to | killed hime! Edwards son if the money | Abraham Ford, colored, was los heoming. Mr. Edwards im. | burned to a crisp near his shanty. abt d hiv son taken out of | A mile from Martinurg, W. i he hay slice been guarded | The United Mineworkers C syed | tian, in section at Ha an. Pa. passed rd Dearhull, with a a resohition authoring the excoiiive | waste paper, went alone to | hard to order a strike i the operators de "In his story to | Tiuscd 10 attend a joint conference 10 Deardufl says he was met Tut called. ane of Nir demanded a | J. Kennedy Tod, 2 New York banker. aed then commented: hnght the Dewey Arch. which he will Lone say a word for twenty (dunce at Sound Beach, Conn Bailie Crutchheid, a colored woman ul 1 ¥ Dearduft reported that Rome. Tenn. who was sus pected of and the missing tray in the | Iirceny. was shot 10 death by a mob and ut of the Keith and Perry build | Bite body was thrown into a creek ter he reperted that while work. | The strikers refused an offer of 13 pet hasemiens some one had | STL werease made hy Superint rnident : him in the back The wound | Lhavis, of the Sanquoit Sik Mill, ‘He tould not give a de | Seranton, F of Nis assailant The detec: George Kerr, one of Jennie Bore working on the case. Jersey State Prison Four contraband Chinamen were ar | rested at Mareistown, N.Y. and put’ an jal They crossed the ice from Canna Messenger Dougherty, of the United States Subtreasury in Philadelphia, was y | tobhed of $1.000 by a pickpocket il of the in ; | al. in rather | ce Virginia, struck. ¢ Coy ole. Congressman Marriott Brosius, of 2 ung report of the comimiitee will be an ex- | | tensive document, giving reasons in dev the position xen "i ing. oop he felt factory Era died at his home in Lan ] Jumped! across the street and | The Virginia Court of Appeals handed A ed ime the Exposition | . Ldlown a decision sustaining the ouster o ning. ercely All the | Chief of Police Harwood and firally After = Ly ork ending the fAght between hun an The build: | { Mayor Moss, of Jewpant News. tnatn bu Ls is Ethelyn Quim secured the arrest of Mes Belle I not vet allow has practically recovered fron: hy oops, awl the hnopried laborers A her age canse Ras exp osion and the fatal injury of her he South Danvers National Bank. Ars. William Huffman. The | Lan adjoining kraph stations along thee CoRsl. the gas con. Ra ph Bateman ol Norwood, rom the stove: tthe gas filled Mass, killed Miss Filia F. White, who | gniting from the heat of reiected his gtrentions, and then com : la y nn ited suirde. d into the younger child. and was ; Foreign. | npon the tomb of Queen Victoria i Small detachments of Bn tiah and {i Russtan troops conlinge gis ding Op $ pas iE sides i the rus RAY Ta pute ar Tientsia, while neg ; | pending. The Russians reat | panthase and in their new concession a severe cold, Be Bas given | German military offers in China say det no one to hs room 10 Se? ihe instructions to the Amenioan ES istrict Presidents Nichols and | to leave Ching are a “gres: nu stake” hen interviewed, said that the | on the ground that i will Ba Ha was simply to prepare plans for | 10 retain a large fuwdy of Tore gn troops he M3 to a conference, | in hina for Bt Eas Tw YEaly The arrest of an oftivial of | government on the charge { ja migrder adie an the unpes : Sn ecial). The Rev. | hold has © aused a oUabinel ory "Kel gg author and preacher. | yo Rp, Mh : fam rented on his hooks for | nil Rocks wg < Li Tung Chang recitation, “Spartacus. to] Do! bi Say a ane : tors,” which nearly every | ap asset Wyes , WY & death may has learned at some time, is: Oo Cy 0 me A constitution weakened by ade ; in years could not throw off the PU ied to hee said befor bronchial pneumonia, from ¢ suffered fo for some days, at § pertainly affect the pee fats, Boers Now Cutting Wires. : With interest Stotrre 81 (By Cables ney fe Boers steamer {hh with Natal ths ssolating | YH started on Hs i 10 nee {rom the {roes in the insiude all the Brith os dor the time Bak This, | Pressure 18 being brought to bear on roi the British government 1o sig about a 1 Caner aL mg, i addition to the hat : ot fenny per pound tax to he imposed on Man Nissin oe PAITRAY. ny Hodies Entombed, \ The Reichstag passed 10 8 cond reads ¥ Pid 3% * $ % 3 4 { Special). Ane did Thy supplementary r tes Sor the ‘a week. during which a heavy | hana expgdition, fanning fr 1233430 of watet! Band pourcd continuous. | oo marks y the shaft of No. 2 atine and No. {In the duel fought be tween Count de ive, the task of pumping out the Castellane and Al de Rodays the fate er ha coramenced. | Wits dhit in the thigh and the Count was I Puan ured. Kaiser fas Recovered. | fn By Cable) THe physiciany | the Boer commanders met at Preters are attending Emperor William hire vr disreex the sination im ta go outdoors, The docks in Ma s are guarded were undisturbed Financial 5 A Sp And A Cro ~ Peate Through Bethe. vel (By Cable) ~The British , has practienlly given up 3 peace being brought about lately inoreased about $R.000 000, auth Alrica through the Botha nee ; atio The War Office has just is- | London as soon as practicable. 0 peal from Lord Kitchener, 1 than in 1000 at his tine. ya: "Any comforts which individ- | A wil 1 desire to send to the troops | he exports of British and Irish pro is duce and manuigctures to India, the Straits and the far East for the year 1 amounted to E£s7.531.311, against | ; ££ 56,040,024 for 18%, started in the plant of the Busch Brewing Company, St. Chatlet Resick was shot and killed 19 ; A moh of coal winners wanted too The boy is Eyrich Deputy Sherfl Frank McCoy, of : the Firgr d | Atlantic City, and a large three. tnasted | Judge Blackstone, Ascomac rounty. oa giresis, eluding teachers and Lani the he chet grade wirls go hesst See. : eral of these young wimen rparsted are Canpages and whisthing white the jaceeqd ts were being prepared for the © RRTTRINEN : ¢liperer’s murderers, 18 reported 1 te On Lilie verge of physical collapse in New Miliamen on guard at the Nebraska Penitentiary prevented the escape of 12 Fitzgers id a lortuneielier in New York wita gut maney and jewelry from ase i : The United States District Court in | eckedl a house and cost the Boston found an indictment against | and that of her 2-year eorge M. Foster, formerly cashier of | The Royal Munster Fusiliers tsid a Celie cross of shamroiks and Lilies | fo trove] BELETEATY: United States Minister Conger is re: ng Pelan thar if the Mane hh an v hetweent | fChing amd Russia wa gatificd 11 wemdd 5 Hw ard the cut the wites on the tel legraph ine Tinie and Duchess of York 2 1d Corn: | : Ctonville mm Lake © Lam h Bange Advires from Durban, Natal, state that | Bank clearings ate one-third larger | The gold owned by the Treasury has United States Steel will be listed in The Bank of England will receive Firitish commanding gen 4: 500.000 in gold from India about Ln, which rested upon i the hall floor of a but Ming on Seven. * teenth strect, The burglar is naw in MANY oF ™E TROOPS KEPT BUSY, fl PRA Al af Mr John D. Reavkefeller's ine Trying to Suppress a Dein natpstion of the i teppeta in the iron Business are to goo Students in Memory of he Dzat i of ¥ strove, the Girl Who Committed Suicide Some Yesrs Age in a fluagsen, in Order to Escape In- - éoniemy sisiaed change in famous Prrasecutions Aa ss St. Petersburg (By UC Cable) The - shwdents organized what wae intended an imposing demongitation in risnt Fe) the { 41F woiral ol { Jus fady #53 12 Cupar the orcasion being the saniver sary oi fhe de whys commited smeide some years ago $ 1 a dungeon id the pidital prison mn i preter and Paul in 2: pede bey pad ape ind armous persecution {mimente ctowds gesernhied ¢ the Nevskoi Proapek, the princ thal sires! ol thie ery, and the adiacent thorough so The milpary an coon ers Occupied thie dis stra L thie entrances oi 3 hoses and shops, | patrolled she streets and tine himself in favor of disir anchising Hil ne oly aril the pavements, make i Firat A pumiber of students who had re carly protested against the excommy- LA ation of Count [olsox sesdinhied in cide the puthedral and hegsn SnORINg. shouting, throwing things a the holy + E3ne of the cathedral banners was seized By the students whee geed 1 tise hating satuide the eathelralw Were prodipmuions were theown among the crowd pontatang smh phrases a “long live ibeerty and iree gervern { i 3 JE hy 6g ¥ Lpnent ded liown WED The Lrar “ET Rven math rotten Now you turn back, and don't look | place at the entrance to his summer resi: Final the atudends $ flag. and gitemnt hy the police £0 spire 1 was the Signa for a genera figs Paces were ond open by the wi pr ai she Uoostas ks {31d RAEN Wel erpshed atmos to death, A cluid was killed, wud itis reported that there were chee (aralities, though it 3» impossible to she rumor. Further disorders | ‘ted to IOTTOW, MAY HAVE ISLE : OF | PINES. Cubs Will Also Submit te Ssaltary Super: : vision. But Nothing Mere Havana (Speciali 1: is stated thay 4 maiority of the indcidaad reports i Hon committee on foreign rejations 3 Fight hundred miners employed atthe | will be recommended that the Uni ed ' liek Pork and Logan mines, in West Crates Be given the lsie of Pines and allowed to establish sanitary measures Linder the direction and control of the Ww ashingion government, but that the oiber provisions as outhned in the Platt amendment will not be agreed 10 The tai} why the amendment catinot be ace semation received at the War De. A pariment from Cuba 8 to ihe effect Chat the island won A mee transit by, of Grand Rap siaie than ever before, and that the peo pee #1e Bot giving 1% being done regarding the government hie gratements that the Cuban const seutional © myention has re 4 heed ror what ot the sland jected the Plant amendment to tie ariny appropeuion bul Have not hen al fieally communicated to the War De. te fparirment, Signor Marcon srrivied in New York | Mes. Huffman, was at and i goumg to w ashington to arrange | he kitchen, while her two far the extablishing of wireless teies | : homes two saloons and five bunness LC hsnses were destroy od by fire here. An hi NA APRS ESTERS Fate Siaesrons Fire " Kamias Kan. {Speci — Ten empay gasoline can and other mute les Gwony ind cate that two af the three sic pore of ine ry orien, and the be Washington is to the effect that Hon Henry Ciay Evans, Commissioner of | Pensions, is to succesd Hon Allred E av Minister to Japan. Mr Huck ath of Vetrora, the uri a pits £ osmmpleted for 1h One of the interesting ramors in ¥ Lonnw in this ¢ FOE untry on 2 leave a THIEL can ¢ , ment athwiain deny Ary kngwicd msszion It has heen und | ever, that Me Evans wouid good foreign appaininent Ho greed 8 Any wld Miniaer Buel ¥ # the pout at Fosinry wont, ved be very attepiable to Mr. Evans May Negotiate New Treaty. had a long togierence: GrLAn FOL 7 sqrt tees and the abi Eyt eat Hei %ir FRrary in beaks farang win sativa doren "i Has Ha at ¢ anhiect with leading Sew EERE NERVES BITCH the 2 Longress, President Seems Mercital The President has samouvted 10 id pr prisanment the AeALn se : ate Jobin HL. Shout Lavgixth 1onned rat “1 4 ¥ verted of macder ¥ LL a FEOeTAl Cart marty : the she Procider Sexes ot Bis ® wi Ente Cesirta Mar far Bh ¥ £Y op: Has geiarien nl ow EXPCULIVE Exploiting Dairy Products. KA Pron, first asmistart in the Frases [ivising od fhe Fes Agricgiture, has | is bar Porto Hi fs amatrgetiem By eatabineh agencies fo dor Ameritan Jay pe baci He iat {pha Hayy aad San De fp iil ie determination of ithe de- 1 1a kmmotnced, 13 to swab. migrkets everywhere in the Carib wan Sea for Amer an dairy produits Capital News in General A protest has been fade to the Vene- Lara government on account af ans nuavanoes lo which our rousulsr agent: | 5 Barcelona has been suln ected, Char Mimster to Peru has been in. n serncred 10 accept that govermnent the mebers od the constitutional conven. i nffer 10 pay 300 soles in settlement of the Fowks diam. ; Arrangements have beens practically conference of the Amerivan republics, to be heid in the City of Mexico, sew York, Aspstant Decreiary Spauid sng shows that under thew The offilaals of the Tears ry Depart Sment are maxing ATTAnge es leer anuped events Samp when the War Revenue Reduction Law goes into | sped : The Civil Service Commision has at fr exanunshions 10 Be Be sit the country for federal posi the Prulippines Caprain John McGowan, {1 8S NN, ha 4 too Washingron to be FX ot fetirement. The Nuval Board reported upon the oof the trial trip of the battleship LA SATANIR The girverniment has sent an : Gegers. {Thales for the iL hina E133 American Poaps LL 8 iEgRLION BUA oi 140 Cpmnitaneous fires which capied this ous © tee tind his waft will trons 10 Mania { is general that some peo pie, angered | at the foes i ed Spun two WoInen | yaw den erreory (he : an 4 ges rove HE was 1 covered wn Brosnan Bremen Were WOT aut row Baion $ feUentis Tue ie , Maton AEA SEAL Ny pir sin wie in the OT erm, Win Was amiuieg Wan distance away, © Wks wreckage Had th ny sed dpm minuies eariwr Kore winiid have heen los Thiet wiated ar Pon bs wi Mob Acted When Jury Faikd (Speci je Tips The Firzgerad at near he court: “3 4 shoe 4 3 war Caar MES wei 3 Lina iiay Slow in Settling lndemaity Pekin {By Cale the mei 5 7 Per aa 16 ailoowet jun Cernment Woman Sat on Burglar. Denver (Speci son. a pretty blonde, sat on a hurgiar | your Satarday. shoieking when he attempted on several occasions i far hall an how tos free hamseit from her grasp and stack mr hm violently wiih a jong hatpin | whenever he in ied to throw off hus bur jail. Miss Th ompson a il with ner- vous prostration, but withal proud to | tell of her experience. ~Georgaana homps | 1 as he lay om | ALE R SREY Was Ippon har > iy ngnl-Lreners) ies! for a trip to Our New Possessions Twn members of the ment at San juan i There have been seven hie regiment in ix months {ieutenant General Mariano Trias + Commandant de Jager, tried in Nana! as a rebel, years a and to pay a fine i of $23,000, arisen of fu reply to the criticisms wade of the rw methods of customs insperion at | $15.47 3 was | Loolected in 11 days, against $0.38 for Pine same period last year. : 3 been sentenced to five : dent Juan —— Filey an niet E : bia af owas fires seen in the pressroom, bearer--As Impressive Scene in the First Presbyterian Charch. Be Indanapnin (Special). Sos Fromnded | ££ 4% fay 15 000 wd hie fellow citipens the in Crown Hil Cemtiery, Close by the grive were the tremnbers ; of his family, Provdent Me Kuslay and other vitiiors of distinction, and the care intimsate friends of Crem ai Har Bark a distance ut 30 yards, be : loudly Wp oa aru Bowen {Specials Three ives sacric fired. nearly a dogen men Jrare or less injured and mony founds of dollars dump were the results of 3 fierce Are in the Daily Adisriiser and Reo od sevenistory, grante-iront building in News § : 3 : How the Bre 1d he spread to the cleiator well and Arad ey hp op $0 TREN diy thet before the Gorupants ER GIOET Rows Were aware that hel og was an fire flier psoas were body of Benjamin Harrison was Sune day aiternion hnrisd in the family Jot Spoke in th # dior sal Fo A ere gn d 1% Yaa ¢ the Fa £3 ihe ” appa Hoar, a Hy me Somes & roem 4 wath x weren & watitade who did not spell an those wan si bie freshly upturned ba rth, h 3 : i hor sired him and adenired him SPaEES ie 2k sacl : by vate in the Capron, fol Tor K mooment wak there a bernl 3 the bres of thse passing by. ihe £ob Lis take x ¥ took at the ex Preadent uring at the innérgl was A ROAnTInUAtl wikeaee of the es teen At he el Be barbers the body wap taken to the © irs Presh ig perian © fnsrch where theo iq > brief pyr Tits Came Harton s Cat arrived until the hows 5 at 10 we 3 wyinutes later thing was mn were theawn wi ¢ At¥ PRs hegrerelan, Tracy, of New York; John Wan Fanci Jo oH H Miller, ¢ Log: © yo on apohin, Judson Harrse 4 and WH Tan o> A . of bine : Levi down the walk fealin to the street. LAA Afeer “her came the active pall-bear- "1 pry hearing the ¢ } f. Mason, James White Evans WY Hen Harry | ¥ Mi loved Arnie Bal 5 New Howard {ale & £3 Mewinn Math ran DD Brows aod Events in Gen. arrison's Life. x Ha3—Hom at North Bend ; HE Ha jo 3 B Paads i pine officers amd 200 men of the | aide ssurgents, surrendered to the | qin i Was practi cal iy “no pine othes of valuables The loss in money and jewelry 13 said ta be, adc ding to i I the statements of the passengers, be- tween $ro.000 and $13000 ve total loss is estimated at Soon hours Saturday the body jay foal in thas me i : gio isoned 2 of Mors iclressed 2 aver she re 3 Twdiler © meen Rad ¢ isi the Bn pt aT ted + whey had mod beer Binge Ji ix Kowere coffoc ated hetore beadies were foe io the rod 4 sy thos waited ad y hart CLASH IN CHINA | All 18 Quiet Now st Tien Tein But Trouble May Come. “Age aden tere. TO£ ae or VEER of the i Esrires Are TRATION, (0 i ihe Hritish the absence $k Fire H va + Waiingron How. on An giecirig an: Aves causing a 74 1% " : . ria war Goserameat Tregsarer Wobbed. 3 sail frome the in Sew York. so Lovistroiler free with sends INET ed ; 2 box oy eis ths death