The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 21, 1901, Image 1

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    a A
nneil has N jot Yet.
One Year
MoCormick, while Cordell, Winslow and
Campbell eoted “nin,” and “Zeke” will x
| Bet his suit of wavy blue and brass
Winslow, in order to shut off a so
tion for an increas: of salary, moved
by tue Differdar Borough Ends
“Have Xe Sari Ah
Cie Burgess Montieth © President
roe, Temporary Se Secretary Gil
Councilmen CO. rddeil, Wias
“Gould, Probert, Campbell and
ok attended the regular fort
nesting of the Patton borough
y on M : gay even! ing The fan
wherein it: Was ad that
Lin the twinkling of an eye
ronnd will be fonght on Monday evn.
of the chinfof police wis .
ana certain figure, which wis t
a one manth if bie sere
He denial the
Prohurl Bs
“Balloting for a permapest clerk was
et in order and MeCormick pre
of Ted Eil Tue #_ president,
opinion as McCormick and the later
insisted pn consideration of Ellie's
The président decided to allow
the name of Fills to bel considered ind
an application from Eliott Rhodes for
same position was vorrected,
Seven balicts were indulged in with
the same result each time. Probert,
Gonid aod Hartshorne voted for Me
Cure, while Winslow, Camphell and
were for Gilliece. McCormick
for Ellis Cordell made a mo
which was seconded by Canipbeli
feed. that another Batiot be | PONY se selected al the corne
edd until the next menting.
McCormick, of wo Street
, reported the pavensbnts
mi parts of the town in bad
nd urged that transgremsing
owners ba notified to remedy
‘under the neoal pen
. saditors’ report was
to adjoarn. Cordell made the asenind
to the mation and the thing was dune
Te px
ing, Avril 1st. Al Fool's Thay
A Deseryeil PF oromeiion
BE. O. Hartshorne,
not been advanced nntil he had served
=~ wo
for snveral years
past & vadued attache of the First Ka.
i Ac
Loved €hiies Wi Hove Pls Dpitest bo the
A ballet resulted In the motion being
carried by a vote of 4103 The ayes
were Hartshorne, Probert, Gould and
Oihey Nhore
An infant danghter of Mr. and Mrs
Thou, Atkinson died on Monday even.
ing at 10 o'cloek of colic. The hitthe |
Gane was Bye ponte od ang b wid bmn
#1 about two thw. The funeral
wis eld al gitap
wicked |
1% pdeiichs
‘tional Bank of Patton, serving as
book-kecper and telier, has been pro.
mated by being ehwted to the re
sible position of cashier of the new
I nrganized. The position comes to Mr.
Hartshorne as the result of real mart
and is a fitting and substantial recogni
tion of bis ability as a business man
‘nnd banker. He i thoroughly conyer-
sant with the banking business in all of §
its varioos details and both Me Harts
horne ghd the new tank are to be con-
| peatnlated on the selection made. The
| removal of Mr. Hartsborne ami his
estimable family will be one that will
‘be sincerely regretted in the chareh
and social circles of Patton and the
|| prople of Baroesboro are to be felling
t tated on their acquisition.
Chesrfleld to Keating, about
Tor Extend the Bod
It in stated by those in a position 1o
know that the Now Yorx Central wil
extend the Beoch Creek divison from
0 lew
‘and that an risagment with be
a ag Cordell worn of hig waive |
new Bane in the "0 Te SE 3 is,
wheraby the rs wrens will gee the tracks
of the latter about 45 miles, between
Keating and Jersey Shore.
Beech Creek division has a 80-foot
grade and the arrangement wi jnve
it practicaliy & waterline, thereby en.
| abling the company to haul long tridoe
at a minimom of expense and yielding
much larger net returns from the oi
pany’s coal traffic,
Nin Fabran (8m
Recent movements in cond hayud
pest in this sectlion have oatsed a
change in the plans of the Methodists
and the handsome new choreh will
profabl; ¥ not be hailt on the site ai
tof Busch
Taped Sigh soempen The pte rower iy
enpied by the offs of the host Creek
Land and Improvement Co. is said to
have Dean sede) bey the officiain
the new churoh, amd the oid ot adjoin
ing the Catholic church will revert
‘haok Yo the copipany from whom it
was purchased, an amicable arrange
: ment baving been effected to that ead
~The item :
rat that they
the finance committee of
: rtd baste. Quail
are tabooed,
ahert moved that the
Nigiy Dinys in Jail
Jacoty Tramnan, of this place, who
was tried and con victed of invalar bury
Leowis and andergo an
: | dary to the extreme merry
mansianghie r at Ebesatarg jas
was sentenced to pay a fine of $20 and
imprisonment in
the county jail for a term of sixty
days. He was recommen nded by the
of 18 Cleat
and Judge Barker in pronouncing Ty
tence remarked that nuder the cirvuns
“stances the punishment was exoeed.
ingly lenwnt
Rar hit the Woe
the well oe GED Miner's & Rest Hotes
oorner of Beach hid Fourth Reena,
bran pareh x
police be provided with a
heat ander the coliar asd
was 8 lively one. Me
; Winslow
the bal with | a 2 few re Tks,
a Corie i & new aniform. but ole
ted his wages raised. lle stated
a Py ban
va himy ape of the best botel
propectivs in the town,
A Cospipetent Man
Alex Monteith retornsd
bate B Toonilay
predecessor, Ww. J. Gill, bad
received flow wages whin times were
and bigher ecoupensation when a
of business was ¢njoyed. Now
Bh tc a te
and that his wages had |
oy whl
{amd ins
RE aimbedd = :
Boe have no deals hat what he wu
Live A gornd ie FHabs OY TET seni f
Invipten) Conflagralioe
The tarning aul
residence of J. Ty. Bu
avenge last Th irsday
was fhe cause Jur
‘The fire laddies resp
bat thelr serviom were
Prowsimint Visite
A BE Patton, of Corwensville, and
Hon. Jas Kerr, of Clearfield, were in
‘town Wednesdiiy on business con
| solidation.
For & nice clean lunch be sare and :
{ go to the City Restanrant.
Ln Injuries st aines Brivenho
bean taken to the Memorial Hospital | : eu
accom x ¥ sdminstrators of
Nationa! Bapk at Harnesboro, recentiy -
Hama! Sri
Brag in of onl at Bar
bore stent of gor, dead oy
Poverty Flat 158 Sriir
aftarnras at 2 olehek, the reas of
at Jobretiiwn su
BEd wean Bh innate :
anti bast week wien be was broligh
to Patton. He leaves a wife anid two
rhiidren. The futers’ Wa hdd At the
(reek Catholie olureh on g
Ternoon, With Inte rmasil
ie cemetery
Mrs. Folly Bogs,
Wm, Morgan, dled al t
her parents, Mr and
Boggun, on 3 i Yi REHGe
INOrDIng %% £3 AE A Bn. vey frosts
Ker an fine nf abst two Sonthe
Rie wns married pleat ORD Years ago
to Wee Morgan, who lied about
thorves months aftuy pwn Wm
survived by an nin ik nphter, Netiie,
ber paretis SC
siding In Patton
n years od al
was held a
Ee afternoon at 3
conducted by Rev Dr. Dueaver,
pastor of the ME church The
termaent was in Pairview cemetery
The members of Patton Fire Ca Na
cand Killbuck Trie, No. 38 LL OOK
M. of which ir WAR A BRE
ber, atten
Fats Abed Past
Easter will fall sn Sunday,
Famtesr naay
edi 22 and is Tate ss April 85
depends, as every dune Koows, of
phase of the moon. Easter Sunda
s always the Sanday that follows fa
poor Tay . ;
eGRIIOX, If the pn
on Sunday, Easter is Lae next Sunday
following. The latest date upon which
tha day may fall is April 23. In 1761
and 181% Easter fell on Mareh 22 bot
that will pot ooour again in Bis or Lhe
next century. In 1988 it fell on Apel
25. and will do si again in 1813
Neve? Fladd wn Egat
Competent §
American Exposition wif
goof He kind ever seen
ment, and ob withy
hones” ride of over forty million
How oan it fall 10 he A smn
Youll Pods sidar that io rearbest Tron
Sirections by the New Yoarx Ce
A eae the New Yi
Albany, Michiy
: Poor Pitts
fake Erie &
aBer being io SUCUUSRING Ole
several weeks Daring this time yoo ut
Last wes
pe lad hy
geil Eu
4 wie is
Si the sng
the loagth of thro 10A0 el
tn the company’s empiag The Fiala
cident engineer is Samuel Retaliok, of
Jersey Shore, who has been on the
Beech Creek since April 34, 1984 | The
lust engineer J CU Holes whi was
nected with the big coal company can- | promoted from a iceman, Jan. 13, this
{ JUAr.
Cano bef oat tn 8 heavy ran
idam referred to
Cent was entered (oto bel wenn Bearer
Cand MeChain bo the offer? thal Meth
J ii Love, of Centre County,
1 5 dge Barker.
Chee Blass Fran cind of Toles? io the
People in ihe Nish of hd Conte ~The
Wer fone na Tate News and
Jodaes on
Judge Love, of Uenter
= Jodge Par :
{ Sotyrated
thin ry
£3 isindtes gourd
ANH, Was nan
Barker. The judge twion postponed
Lik deidedes nn the case before be or.
dered RR disp d of in the manner
i por Bnal
Jhanld SEATS ty
the ¢ity and wish fo renew the prose
whe fe 2 sey to do we
a matter of the thing and Snal
we have
to select
fr. 0
wu oh arid
checks as
great pe ‘ofusim
Childs fod
and A DOLLAR. Lok in the West Wi
ndow for
ta a 3a
Sasi ples.
og i 4 4 we
NECKWEAR. Always ofie of our strong pants.
Finest assortment we ever had, The buyers know
towbabipe for appointing of Shimer
to view a mte for a bridge over Clears
warfiell Wownsbip
1 fares, adminis
trator of Edward Kimi deceused,
fr sie Glimcher :
sm ©
2 SuEt CURE ig
Both fhe Sie
from (ied : stantiff soed fo
$1500 damien es Te itnre,
which wus removed froeh i Beni
The Go
fendent avns the pons lind had nets
fied Loduilo to wave. but be refused
Mrs Draws then made wi Information,
& sopimors was ested, hemring bad be
fore the tics, judgment entered that
Coralie shioakd vacate, a writ of eject
ment issned od Ootalio and bis effects
sustexd fromy the premises. ‘The de.
Pepi mooie Tor 8 puss, ae the
goods were moved in sccorddnor with
LBgukise ws Judgment
IBtids attorney objected, Gui
gpon him by the Aas
at Judge Lave overraind
the case propeeded. |
in a sewed werbiol
atiff BL
Begrer os James
what that means here
Our “On Top” Shoe for Men
at $3.50 is $5 Worth.
Our “La Mode” and La Belle
Ladies Shoe at $3.50 and 2.50
great nellers. The cut price of
prevails, and will.
t Guaranteed.
Suits $:5.0 10 $40.
Jobers and SI
Directly Clppasite the Bank.
Suanger Water
comimny A entieet fur trial yealer-
day. Bewrer owns 4 farm in Susqoe
hans towaatip i
dare med RW A Ly ore
ated by Irate scilocted fro 5 several
email streams which empty jute the
An article of agree
Lave the privileges fo lay a
re RR :
water in the
The ati avers that dasuge
bang dons to the dam
; Tht theme ate leaks
danny sad
, out of wane of wenler
represen is hal waler Wsup
Barcel of Barnes
RY ivAnIR raiiroml
i the agreement
thomit, avd 4
8 Goals,
ost %y
p RE VSTORE LiorHnns
The young men’s Suminy sohool
class No 5 of the ME church will
hail a festival in Goslstein’s Hail on
Friday eves low cream. cake a
attr delioscies will be served, while
the renosned Zobo Baud wil farnish
masic. A cordial invitation is ex
: g vended to all to attend :
Aged your pictures framed ul the
| Patton wall paper store.
- Read your own COURIER
a4 a nesulit of
wn Hota
88 gelowioady guining puv
sajomar uolied 241i