The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 14, 1901, Image 7

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    EEE nt a
decay, and indig fh
/ breath are sure to follow, If the teein
“are decayed the Inability to masticato
food follows. and the food, not being
; propudly masticatad, cannot ba nropor.
are only four tatoos fri the
Kingdom erected to the mem-
women other than royalties.
| nurie; the teond was that of
Donald, and the fourth that unveiled
at Dunoon a year or two ©20 in mom-
v of Burse “Highland Mary. --Tit
ari an Do
Wann fhaen Ns ¥esitntor,
© Mies ¢ Oeil Khorien of Byracuse, nN.
Nas born chosen as Lhe seuiptor of
Ae monument to be erected 1 that aan
Cliy 10 he momory af Hamilton 8
White. The memorial calls for a
granite arch base, with a bronas pe
ental and bust of Mr. White, also in
At the sides of the monument :
thers wilt we hrovse figures, A baa
Sherman will do her work in Mew
York City in order to racelve criti
cisms from Fromeh and St Gauslens,
Poth of whom have promiwed to eid
© Mr. Whites was known ag the citizen
Rief of the fire department of Syra
couse, and gave his services withont
compensation for 20 years. He met
his death while fighting the flames at
fire in March, 1868. Twelve thon: |
sand dollars has been subseribed for
the memorinl, Miss Sherman obtained | 00 the old styles will have disap
her art education in New York City
and in Paris.
The Use of Verfomes,
All stron#i, overpowering odors are !
: taboosd by the woman of taste and
judgment. Instead she Snds out what
odor ie 1a0st agreeable to her and at
the same time doliogte, and she uses |
mo other. Her glove box, ber vel
Lease, the sachet bags. her Bat boy, bu.
drawers, he “hangers upon
which her gowns are saspended and
Jetters and noiez are all redolent with
her favorite porline--i specks of her,
and she henealf with every movement
of person, every swish of her gar
mente pvhglox this delicate, very deli
cate, odor, |
by a jt should De
taught Bow to brush jis teeth. The
# infect
thelr suceesvors which are first 10 85 ui . . soe
pear, and when once the mischief is. thoss of Jspan Would 1a)
begun it is very dificult to mop. A
} moderately soft brush ix preferable
to one with stiff bristles, and for &
cleanser a powder of pulverized chalk
| mod eartile soap in equal paris,
| flavored with pepperinint or winter
y { green. in the very best possibile thing |
The first statve of a woman erected In 14, yeu Oocartonally 8 litle table salt
England was that of Sister Dora, the | 0 pe aeed This will whiten the
‘teeth and harden the gums
Siddony: the third Flora Mac |
wen or allow children to use 2n¥ ot
the tooth washes generally adve rtined,
| Thelr use infures the font heyond Yeu
‘pair by eating off the sngmel waich
Cpe ling ean reniare.
| moatwash tincture of myrrh can be
For an exceliant
Budd hic ean slag Be obisine
groall guanilos Bl Any (erie
aad ite oreaEionsl Nae G8 beneficial in
fhe mouth geperatly Mrs Mary
Paston, in American Gisen.
Styles for the \ Spring Reason,
Naver were there more novelties in
fiosiery and underwent than the shops
| gre showing st the present time. In
weems softied that fancy stockings are
to be worn simost exciusively, and
i'and foro.
The straight front corset ix growing
ta popularity, and the indications are
peared entirely in another year, S|um-
| mer corsets fn girdle and empire fash.
i jons are shown in large quantities, so
it is evident that the merchants ex
| pect & depand for them,
dening the gums and sweetening |
The straight front corset has neces |
| gitated a “straizhr frost petl ooat.”
| jog to the you
[gre coriain to BAND WN GOWRZ
| grtietie creations imaginable, to wuit |
| the extreme &sllracy of the coming
shirtwrist They, too, are made to
Strong pitas ix very offeneive to
people of refinement, and the use i5
subject ta the reproach of concealing
some more offensive odor,
Violet, carnation rose. holiclrope
and mignonctie are the favorita per
fumes of the modern woman, from
which she makes her one selattion
snd each gdor may be got, not only
in perfume hut In sachet powder, in
#0ap, and In other toilette requisites
- well. Americ CAD Cnoun,
Cottnred Fpress Haruko,
Empress Haruko of Japan attains
+ fifty-firet birthday in May, being
years older than her husband, and
wosnan of remarkable character
as ‘her face plainly shows Binre ro
wiig the drown her prime phject
has been the amelioration of the Jap
position, Sha has
ed “soveral colleges for Young
women and made herself Samons
throughout two continents by openin
at Tokio the pre h talked!
E be
; will be snoiled in effect. The sheath
she princess skirt, which is one of
% hospital. It Ix also dus to
‘her that Japanese women have aban. ,
yond hope.
| Sfaxe proste o%ecti are soen Ire tha
[ ehomiges worn hy any fashivmalie
doned the barbarous habit of black
ening thelr tooth and shaving off their
r cansied her to neglect her duties
as it nd mother. A more devoted
gsannot | he found n the Island,
fed without rst having ‘Bess talked
over with the empress. Chicago | Tribute.
: | Separate Waista,
Separats ‘waists are made of taffeta
x Those of taffeta mre in
ith the edges of the
d, and the newest are
‘with round cape collars, the
3 tlar edged with a fancy
The under-sleeves of a differ
ent material from the walst ard nin
y 80 fashionable 8a they were
conspicuous. The waists of all one
| mode has no wagle nf mats wial and
| falls almost without a fold from bust
ta knee. The upper part is trimmed |
I anintily,
"inserted and tucked. The material is
"| finest nainsook, and everything per |
{ taining to the garment must be of
the tn wit has WIDE,
smytears public work has | tian oof Comal cover nnd underwear in
and the new skirts of fine quality are
eit to Bt the figure prodaced by it
| pmbrodiory it more often seen OD
4 these dainty skirts than jace, ard hem- |
stitching snd iucks ADPEAr on MARY.
the paper ypon which she writes her | Tae white skirt will be worn the com
ing sammer in nrefersnes to wiik, ow
Corset covers are the Sim jst. most
conform to the straight front corset
model, being lengor in front.
Seema lovely pw lly {dresser Lave
doe grahrotdery OF moe,
: ind zurplice ar
angemente, and still olbers are made |
Hike babies long A agers, with fronl
hremdth ornamented by rows of ine
Giik skirts Tike the white are bang
fried to the new corse, and are so
falirteog that are to he Bo DORAIAT, it
will be imperative In the spring. hat |
the petticoat shall Arg correctly a8
the dress skirt, othirwise the latter
like feshion is firmiy established, and
tha spring novelties will accentuste
ths clinging character of the gown, 280
! that the gligh
1 ines in the pette
rat, elsewhore 15an a rife xt 100
ugck, ©
Trey are teally a combink
8 womens wardrobe The present
and the lower is raed and
& that thin while goods
sr footie adiastes to the dress skirt i
Fihat the sheath effect is increased.
Many of them would serve admirably |
| 2% drop skirts under the transparent |
grsoothneas be
renting to our m :
fens as 10 lhe careiui treatment of
Rave a herd time and yet there are
po Bealitier nor fsiter looking little |
mortals on the face of the eartd. We |
tngist on a fed temperiiure on Sar |
ised milk. on all sorts of Improved
things, while the Japiness baby gee
8 g00d4 dose of nature, and seems to
thrive on it. It is dressed and un-
dresped in a rigid temperature in win.
{ter and in rummer dis tender litre
Diy as : even are siwavs ex pouiad to the #111]
gare of the gun, ¥s | tis carried on {ia
mother's back I i» ts Be feared
however, that this ialler trestment of
ten does affest the eyes of the chijdren |
though they got over 11 ister in ida
At Nagasaki, amongst the women coal-
ers who coal ihe BRD. Fou ey see
many Wilh Da Lisg 63 (heir backs The
mothers work ali day in the rain, or
in the sus, or the snow, and thera
aby gleaps, indifferent to svervthing,
the top of itz head alone visible, whils
the movements of the mother do not
seem in the least hindered and she
accomplishes a5 much work as the
mer. ft sess as if the bables of this
class were born stoics’— Anna Norih-
end Benjamin in San Francisco Bulie-
that colors are to take precedence of |
| black. Color bas appeared in jersey |
[Ender wea: too, in sn entirely new
{charac and is poaranteed not to
i fade. oa 4 union suits now can be
bought in light bine, pink, lavender
A modes imvemiies Farry.
A wild-eyed resident of lows City
| dashed into police Readqguariers there
the other evening and announced ihat
a lot of grave robbers wore at work in
the church ° 4 Several officers
started for ae scena and there sure
enough, were a number of figures
grouped around one of the largest mon.
uments. The slenths crept forward and
wore hist about to spring on ihe sup
posed grave despolieny wien they die
covered that it was a party of ual
versity students initinling a freshman
jute the mysteries of a oollege order
Mrs. Mary Warlell has retired a4
organist of the Gramwood Haptis
exureh. Brooklyn, wfler serving oon
tinuonsly for thirty rears, Mrs War
dell revirss that she may have more
time to Aeyste to temperance work.
Ca a i lie ai 3
bo fis, atin, Su 3
pT Te Te TY
Theres 8 an ni 0 Lo
acute pafering when
SL a ie ie i
rg ping TY TY TE YY
pr SR
Cl a a Le ddl
grreTTY TY WLC" Tw
% i le aii po
Dr. BulPsi™ Sil throes end
Const Syrup Berge
Retuss s substitutes. Get 15 Bull's Cougs Sram.
oe pod x x ry 8 HONR. Ben
NN 1 Lt SR
ear Troms : Eve Water
| porresponding delicacy ~~ New York: |
color of taffeta and of a plain silk or |
ty satin are nreferred to |
Commprreriei Datiale iD new AN SARE effect 5
those of brocaded or fignred velvet
but there ix also & crawe for the ince | d¢
waists made over sa‘in and of the
inexpensive varieties of lace ia light
yellow or ash-color. os
nearly so expensive ab might he
| thought from their awpearance, and
wear very well for the lace itself in
Those are not
fairly strong and the color prevents
their solling too easily. Those waists
‘are quite yimple in desizn, but fit well,
owing to the satin lining, which is al.
f na
and i whi atin dinner gowns elaborately |
and are made much smaller and less | white satin dinner §o ns elaborated
{embroidered with et
Crepe de thins 8 considered a8
fait for bridal gowns
Among the latest Imporiations are
Among ofloctive warm we ather fab
rics already on band f(s the prints |
Rigns, |
High crowned and broad trimmed |
te wre in ponapect for the comming :
5 & sGmpanime at |
COTE higatl Das far :
and Frencs |
3 rn 3 and ETeRl, 3
pink and pores, 484 goal, Baave, And
| green.
ays boned and made like a dress |
become very popular for walsts
It wears better than many of the sy overlap each other in = taffeia |
ilks, is lees expensive, and in black
particularly is an excellent investment,
Crepe de Chine walsts are the pleas
waist. Lansdovae iz a material that
Per haps the latent sraotic
wilcanie enxbloms BB Even
pire wreaths cut : on of cloth
ith gold thre . These ary a1r
+ foundation
test of all to wear, for the fabrie |
fs a delightful pne and will stand hard
H 'wear—Horper's § ax ZAT.
Care of the Terth,
It the teeth are nemiscind they will |
ion and on ford
ly digested, hones a foul breath. Even
| fn small children (ha teeth shoul
never be neglected, and mothers
chiffon, in the
White and dl :
inils of flowers, Some |
forms of var
with jowelled centres and metals simi |
tating dewdrops, will be nse i
if. the hand somes! of the
§ kirts as weil
may use her own |
disposition of it, but
pe pro Be }
some very predty effects in & simple |
way. |
All ages hail with delight the coming of the mos
of humanity and will do away with the taking of conox
a al dragpats,
Logika the only nomi
re -
The world's whoek of paper momsy
pow $080 000 000 equal te the existing
stock of gold cola.
There Is a Class of People
Whe are injured by the we of soffes. Renently
trite ha haw sheomd | | the grocers wand
B now peergration Heed Chimay ;
re Fraing thot taker $0 oo
Boe onoat Selleats pose l re ha Evin TE wil
Bistros wrt bat few sen Sel) 8 fn
i Det Bows ver i ae wneh
seins dria iY wil great benefit ’
25 he. per pmeksiie. Tre dl Ask ford arn,
in the sary hroedn
af Germany far thus
the Haris, anid vielen cnt
3 wi ply Bye then placed in ane
far | fartiver snairartions.
Ask your grocer to-day fo show you a packs
pre of Guan the now ford drink that takes
the place of sear The children omy drink
3 witout (njury se well se the adult. AL wha
rg is Hee it, Grmars-0F haw that rich seal brows
of Moehe ar Jaw, bot it is made Troms pers
grag, and the wow Alioate of wneh rosrives
it without distress. Iy the of colon.
nik Be. per package. Bal v wil Erooen
Fow eophe may ba» cognizant of the fact
that thers is in existence an act of Lom
Briveh Puohanent which
persons wives fwil to stiend
on Sunday shall be luble ts er
sr fae. The statote dates from tie
ricd of the protectorate bat that it i
rarely enforced mw proved saly too
sively by pare sitendances which |
take piscr st #0 many public pisces of
Tver wees Menith,
Curfeld Headache Powdery keep one well
figne and the ‘every dey © i
made from Herbs; wey onnnnt harm.
The aren of Venernels in larger than at
Europe, leaving out Russia.
Ds i the rns of the Raman ove
tern. rateet ¥ Frome! Buia 108 TRYALIN Br
the ane of Becour’ ’ Hepain Gramm. :
The trend of invention
‘ance Liat shespen § %
_ Thirty snip i all the time smsnimd “
bre with Vorsan Fapsiass Dye Sold be
Gireat Britain ix sider ag fire wood from
Vitoria, Australian. for ihe use of ber
troops ix Chuva, :
An American bark Mas ren rguniaed
in Kotter furs, Hei reid
s100 Mewnrd. sion.
The readers of this poner will be nl
Berns that thers a at Tost smd dreaded dis.
ross Aad Ricken Raw how alle Ro cure in all
its vhs, anid thet bs Cedars. Hall e{ ater
{ eure now wn be :
thos soedtinid Tewtarnite. sarrh being :
stituticonnl disease, riguires 4 conatitatinnal |
ieee. Hadl's Ontarrh 1rd a aes Snider .
sadly, meting directly upon the Bina » et ma 3
voase sariaces of the arvtenm,
ing the foupnietinn of the ier. and 5 abv ug .
She patient strength be b Hy up the tons
Loker red smedetiner umeire in 4 Hag a
or The proprietors have so much Sathin
it erative powers iat they offer Ome Han
: ge Driliirs for way pase that it fells to eure,
3 Ber in of testinsominin Address
Jos Cameny & Uo Toisdo O.
a Passat Pil are the best,
{me suthorily on btolany estimates that
aver 300 species of plants we now
koowy sod clamtiod. :
Tor ohilidy
Ba pas, cures wind ade, Boa Botan
The gute of the Johnstown Hood was
May 31, 159
le Crore a the beet medicine wes pri Hel
for adh affections of throat and lungs. Wa |
£0, Exveiey, Vanbaren Il, Feb 0, 1900
A century spo BO bad ss moh purchas
ig pawl in Var Was ad a day.
Faessl Prot.
Eas paper, is shot be of intercet We
in South Avstralis there ADE GBIY cighty |
five women
ox every we 1 wet.
your life cut. Simply because in CASCARETS Cand y C
form, pleasant of tasie
(just like candy) and of never-failing remedial 2
of warning in thas eyes
She condition of the ovaries
What a
thers on those
Why should thie
Because the haves lected
Every one o ts in
the hospital beds had p
right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the
the hack. .All of these things are
lh bdad i, Ti ght |
Do not drag alon
ment until you.are
Ey ats
of women from t eo Jini
with the full consent of the
the knife by a faithful selinen ©
indications of an
| these 3
iting a |
at home or in an
iged to go to the ho
an exasiaation and passible & operation.
| ng te which bave ignited
Zuild up the f
aad the consistent treatment of her medicines,
“Digan Mans, Prwxuan —1 haves recefred much benesit from ueicg
Fegatie Dostpsaa » and Sanstive Wash.
After my ohild was born, |
down feeling, pain at the left
® ii
net, in, welsiels Jet me with I grandiated ine
enter ovaTien
treatment te: oars to ess] ; J !
but still remained in misers! Pe ai oy Soin
body andl wird. expecting to pert with my
reason with etich coming month Ader on
became entirely
oos botile of
Fid of the trouble oom
ue. or reiptdiss ant
the Componnd, 1
last rine months have been
: pedo: Food health, This 1 know.
| tirely to Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Uosrnpound.
“My jratitude is great indeed to the one to
whom so MANY Women owe
en “Mus F. M. Kxarp, 1338
=, A Wairues + # advertisement /
t wonderful meritorious pre paratl n
tous, violent purges,
athartic you will find just what yc
tion. They have fou
of homes, and are the favorite medicine of the whole family, from ar tc good old grandpa
Dont be fooled with s
wind an
ia respite. Cinchims: Eaguirer. atv
Pairs Gore: ve Ave.
Se ———— ul
| pho®
obese ence
Conflin= ug i mov
CURE all bewel tread
tes. sopendinithe, :
Eire stasens inated bowels, Funl mows
hondsche. VPadigestbon. HE ten, patas fier soiling. liver bhai] sailor sem
pirxten aed dizrinews,
Rise siek. Consthipat
hen your bowie dant mers reruimrly you min
4 Is mnt For Lh than. 3 slimonis ang
altierwnvds. Na meatier what alls
a ret Fag CASE A Cosing Cor
yon will never got well nad Be weil all the Hams un wea Bus =ntir neve rl
right. Takr war advise] start wish CABAL meat y ander ae beainte
& sare se mauey aw
=» 2
wie drain. Yu _—
wae peut Sosrimanial We Barn Died det weil
guargatesd Dy DRY OF meney reine
Orem wm Cake, honest trial, as
after malng wae
2 i wall, er he drm tel hem or Bam Fo
Hnian ne
eo, rus for the phy
my head 1 contisued to J
their health ad
that will lighten the ills
inconvenient liquids, and pills that tear
u want, convenient in
nd a place in millions
ubstitutes for CASCARETSI
25c. 50c.
A NTERD, ro CURE: Pree vemra age the ii hax CAS
ire WA a
: a reinrn the Sm aed
gt weer wg ami Flee Hain ow - ey
This is siesinte proof po bien
bot gf ANCA
ay today. twa ite Boxee,
8 oC g OC