a IR taken with no change In the result, Mi 7 Ny. sy Ag seemed imposible to make a selection 1h und book : clerk continue autil Bis successor Wis ome again ou 7 Cormick voling for Repsher. [Ib ay ever to do sil rinses and MeCormick moved that the oll 4 iat order and you will be sire to Lowest prices and best ted. work. The time of mecting was continu } Patton wall paper store. threw up 1 TAS El Btaive = asus fem prosecutor, Sennarh wus sharged Mangan aw ies b wl IAG £ . panel Maite gumery | th ow ih a1 ARTI past harehs Bhines was io 1 prods Montgomery's land, using the gate il gi bron As a thin agresment pnntsined Bop x for revoakitier iL, i woe asap bes perpetual, and when Nagle bought it was transferned privileges an bie predecessor, That A was all Tig for an it Jastaad, Bast tremble arose be teers Nagle and Montgomery, it semi, and when the forme started to | ehurel one Sunday mornieg he funnd the gute locked. He promg ty Broke it open, and did so as offen uk he tonnd his wiky barred. He mid be beloved he had a sight ta pee the road that passe] through it, and be badd no othr way of getting out sacoept by crossing & oreek, which he was very often un- able bo dua. The prosecutor denied ¥ : Lang die had ever ddled up Loe gate, i eae GT hal BSW He and bane ther ad done so with hug tanseit Judge Barker handed cows Lhe i» conse dec feioiis 2 andi moarhing. The a Bn 5 x figs He wis end to Fhe | Johnstown hospital wheres he dl {The whole b appening seems to Have let your pictares framed al the Leen a mere accident and neither party a at AA ART Agno w hat Prof. B.1. M yers Has to Say About the Same. dL REPORT FOR MONTH. Napsew of Papils 4 pment Every Dayo Der 1 Cont and Avwesge Aleiuls Gey Perineal ge Posmaibie wed Rogipestipne Nd Wand of | 3 Intwpesy The weather Lis attenidusion wis a8 food» AN any month | during the fev, g= oad Sta lanod: and to ‘the! ar I the interest das. O01 They are Beauts. $6 the Pest interest of the ok Has Lah ae concentrated as) Be First-Only a Few. pyar baforw The w poowane of in! EB ative conreat 2O Dozen Sobe Quick. and sanscienclons in the performance | Eolas Satie Parccnst Sditiclim and the mneh; Our New Shoe for Men sneourngement on cho part of ley 23 Hummer — tS the al well peoedvedd on the part Clesoler, aritmes antioipated aoe 9 b | B33. 50-B5 wiwins ali 31 Worth. ring wired ab 10 we une IA five different leathers. bls £5) {rims rat Riaet sf ans Booed Aleovt. sivits i all Hoes of work, Prineiples, Feri gs faalriaiid devel any past sk Bp "a AAA A a hb Umbrellas o Recovered FEVER ¥iout: Snmber anroied, TR; average WW ‘hil Y tendanee aR eer vel al altendatod, : i € ou = 87 Those preaenl every aay. Mary Wahnek Filed Hine Kft ist "4 vs 1 A r it a Sh a Hi i : doa Aj Fastrang, thariea id I a $1.25 and 1.50. 4 James Liodwey, 3 {aovd, Harry MoM amas, Maman Powdll, Walter Thombs, wy Sy Erman SEM AK ER, Poacher. Ne adaoal helmnry Fe men The Keystone Clothiers and Shoe wamber pnrdlled, 65 average sitend. Ba: a por . wl : athudanes, = D e alers Joh Bed 13 : Ruseslt Barton, Willie Ens, alike Flynn, Se Huphaed, Harry | Jenin JEveR, John Litsinger, George Mitehell, i, Fran. : : oda Matarmisk. David Nelson, SORn | SSS —— EE sisson PO SS SE ——— : Ss Zopers, Bert! Willians, Wellwood Directly Opposite the Bank. Winstow, John White, James Zabursil, | Cirtl Fisher, Richard Margan, Mary Hotter. Alma Johnson, Ross Lodge, Hamed Lewis, Gertrude Leliman, Mary Pochatile, Mary Somich, Helen Yeok- joy Assn V. Easiey, Teacher, Thivdd § rhnary. a 1 N——— FALL AND WINTER GOODS at Nambier enrolled, 83; average attend. ance, Ga: per ent of attendance, #7. Present ovary day: Agues Harper, Qewinah Peters, Hilda Washurg, Delia Holes, Bmma Cramer, Rath Cramer, Madeline Gagliardi, Annis Gutsky, Rianclh MeCoopeil, Blzalets Magamer with rs A Anne Dood, Pation Lrames, we Dhnige, Jumes Whitafund, Howat Yerger, Paleick Callnhan, Magli Goon, Tom Nona, dame & Laing, bors wird Nelson, Ady i : Yinuiog, se ii : Si Franc Npediad prices ail } Lace { I CICOALS wd Suits HUW es $ ’ ¢ | RN RR RR A TA ER Announce ement. AALLAL VARA EVR WR ESN A BAAR RA EN on cE pci "13 Gis £7 ot ¥ Amnndia shorty Hug poy “| LORE ros 1 PRINDOILE, Load Kopoad Inteimalinie Jo|BM CONTINUED ON. FAUE 4