The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 28, 1901, Image 9

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vs, Notes and (108s1p (oncerning People and Things in a
Haustling Joroug All the Happenings About You and
Your Neightior—F nterprising Business Men who arc De-
Edward McMullen, of Coulport, WW
formerly of this place, bas received a
| merited promotion at tbe hands of the
| Metropolitan Imwmrance Ca. by being |
appointed desistant superintendent.
Anson Goldman is offering some
sare bargains during his big clearance
ale. Read his advertisement in this
serving of Liberal Patronage—Keep Your Eve Peeled for the!
Latest and Best.
| tral hotel.
7 All Copy for Advertisements, News Items, Job Printing. Subscriptions, Ete. |
Ete. Can be Left with Chas. G. Fagan, who is Authorized to Transact Busi-
An ness for t the e Hastings Edition of the Cov RIER.
a pe
figs Olive Park. pave a rprine Among the manyoew eabaceiien® (en
M Mullen, of Costport, it being Donahue, who recently moved hers
4 sixth birthday. Refrish. from Reynoldsvilis. Mr. | Pronalins en-
Were served and the [tile folks Joys the distinotion of being a com
themselves immensely. Those rad of President MeKinley dw Ang |
incinded Bmma Eieton, Beksie the war of the pobailion, both |
Mili and Julia Bhiffer, Ethel, being members off Co £. Bed Rogl.
t ger ®t Bogs, Five Rich Ohio colunteers. He enlisted on June
ir Monkley, Hplen 13, 1884, Fx President Rotherfort Bh
rs fice, Catherine, Grace, Hayes was also a member of His
id Don Neff, Ward Lewis, company. Both MoKinay and Higes
s and marched side
hy wide with Me. Donstina ober
he chi Made ne Medinibeat po hsted an privat
Martha aed Liztie Hon
ay for W arlington,
© will meet thelr Agitation has alr eady begun to pave
, who is 5 private volun: at least one street in Hastings during
attend Hs ifi- | the coming samtoer, And why ot ?
The town is big enough and progres
snenagh to have if done instante r
wa miner by oonaipatico.
i # r © EM
of She fied
Lpdved of Wiking BIO nd i
tr 4 web vant dat §
lark drove HOE fronihe gat of he TW
sbietd &
Ei 3: 4 a 2 SNA 0 NT Pea Gi Sa od 5 3
Masia baooge ha 31a, (lown Assy i, Bis sometiung
the futave mntesial prosperity of Uh
Lough to be done before many
EL Fo ; i ” Have wax fiik BE 13 vane,
Mra Flizahet 4 Bey nivs ban ju At Peay Haves Waa un wl Wan
so atta 0 gop. The aged The greatest dusger from colds apa ia
: Fear of Er Gi 1a aes gripped tidy praia in Pere CRI ORL
She ia 12 Prado nahle cars ln ased, however,
and Chamberlain's Cough Raven
taken, a) danger will be avoid
§ wee 5 eold nr oan altack
fo v il and handle factory |
bn fe precited al Carrplitown.
{ ok bo Toma Diane Baa any ather rent
3 dr, od Carsclito en. sat | BYipps In lens
ment. It ia pleawnt and sale to take
For sale by Gutin's Pharmacy, Hast
ot : kins, Patton,
He Wec® | Tae plays
: way, Mack ang B }
fers Mitebsll and Junnio | of the Hastiogs ers house Thursday
Patton, wore guests of Miss. pages and Satarday nights of Jas
Gertradu Souid over Bunday. : wusk wore } i grade prodoction
Habseribe for the Hastings Lot BIER Owiag to the severe sold weather,
don't bother your petghbor by sitendance was | light
Jobin Fetzko, the father of tha
. le patil 56 No. 8 frtenate boy who rae death by
Godin of posse In the old prospect hole of the
' Weatt's Minine Un, hea employed an
Mrs. Hwa MoMatien. of Conlport, Bbensbarg Jawjor Us bring git for
goost of ber parents, Mi aad damages for the los of his son.
wrk : A srdees for job printing eld with
furorly Chas. 6G. Fagan wid ke executed
Foowin Lhe promplly and iE Tha weal possible
’ price sevmbatant with good stock sod
hg Nichotson ani Wesley Merri | gonad workmauilop. (ilve him u trial
are Patton, veltors dn town OR order,
Bhan SE Ite hard look and wore whee 3
{ vo Dancdeew, of Pitta young max —r a fitowe bores and sty.
suet at the residence of A. ish catter can't flod a gin br wil Flas
ings who will go sleigh riding with
“ \mericar jean Blograph Co, Wii ap- him :
- the Hastings opera hoses to-. The olor lable Uncle Tom's Cabin
ia billed as the atteaction at the Hast.
! ines oper: hous Saturday night,
gs of $
M. B Cowher, of the firm of Par.
, PR Xo ar Ct ¥ LAR
The tamil of Joba Weston hits been | Pell. Cowher & Co, of Patton, wa
Bg from an attack of the grip transacting bigsineas here this week
¢ 3 x Bon Fido ik Beg sontel bea
Mo Mr. and Mra Kirt Lewis ; H. 3 Basal WY 1 Oil a y Sil & A aiid §oihas
Messenger. werd in Paiion Wednesday
con busines.
Dr. F. B. Evans was visiting in
risbrp over Synday,
Bix com pany.
amen Alport was Yidung relatives
prize wall paper at Fagan Be
The claim of other cough medicines
to he an good AN Chamberlain's Bre Boren To Mz and Mra Morris Bam
fly sot 55 rest in the following Pletwig—a gird,
nix! of Mr. O. D. Glass, dn em. 10} price
; t& Dennis Co. Gardiner Fagun's
He says: “1 had kept adding to
1d gud congh in the winter of 1897
every ¢ Sough 5 m andhidne | il ard of
and PH advise a pie ¥ ba try hasan :
5 i xe xiv seed feed tin
o 1 was rod vara
Raia %
i Hj heartily yen ade ors
ae mi Arve yo
the world,
newsdenter: of bake, Fa following
ras good, AL HN irujpgists &. prompt
: : Cough Uure Chis preparation i
ave faipilar with highly endorsed as an unfailing
dttie Barly Risers and those | remedy for all throat and lung trouble
G fie them fitid them to be famous and its surly use prevents consumption.
je liver pills. Never gripe. OC. W, ‘It was made to cure quickly. C. W.
: fatton Pharmacy, of Gra . Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy or Guon's
| Pharmacy, Hastings:
tisemnt in another column,
Miss Bridget Doobas, of Hastie,
b 4 »
‘and Matt Shalike, of Patton, have
heen granted a marriage frown
RI. Notley has returned from Pind.
burg, where be purchased bar fora
tare for the new Central hotel.
A.W. Glasser is putting oul soma
very handiome suite. Read his adver.
Contractor Kline has about cot
pleted the plastering of the new Cen-
J. A. MeUrenry, the contractor,
| made a business trip to Pittsburg this
8, M. Yocum has been making some
= i noticable niterations in his store room,
Abram Haywood, formerly of this
in bonor of ber raion, Mins uth the COURIER in Hastings Is Patrick place, 8 now engaged in coal mining |
in British Columbia near where the
recent big mine explosion aoeurred ene
tailing the lose of so many lives Mr.
Hug wooed is a sephew of Mr. and Mrs
fn Daft of Hastings,
If you want to drive duil care AWRY,
call at the pool snd billerd ball of L
I. Beckwith on Hastings street Sou
will be vordinlly welomad and guar
anteed a good tine, all inds of to
hace and cigars
ir Vor want anette Dest paper
Lin Cambrig oon for A year, hand
4 dollar to Ue 6. Fagan for hes
Counter. The Hastings elition ws 3
permapent and special fsature,
* ¢. Rishner has ordered 8 complete
sew set of faenttame for bis barber
shop Mr Richper tw ane if the wa wt
progessive and ap todate LORsORR
artista in This sealion
n ve faniily
the pat rie th
: HMDroeY ing.
Ie witl pay vot bo sie Jas Lotions
& Ron befors baying furpitare,
. The Mapand drill crew suspended
perations last weele after finding ali
there are mons than two bandred amd
Afty men al WTR,
trams Fond, aving
Hotes, Hippies, 880,
wi, driving mules, plack Hi
ing powder Beat vmins, binakainith “hap
Eerie 5 Heeieenl 10 Fai tu |
acy Kind of work men sianable
machinery of all Kinds
‘daily. The tannery is aso being ene
isrged to doubln ita present capacity,
machinery being pot in for the pure
pose of unhairiog fed Hesbing ides
aud many other improve mente A
pew telephone line is Deing run
throogh town, an electric 1 ht plant
1 on the way, and more than Ofty new
dwelling houses Bava bet ercoted with
gol pr rsp acta fir more, wend the #hip- |
Mag of haa: Troika uf tans of poral sally
is & certainty, if there is the least mite
of reliance to he placed in a dream,
Pied J J Coffey, of Poweltown,
Conure Gonnty, spent Hunday ast with
friends at this place. He taught our «
EEATIIAT ackool here for severat
terms, and is considers] coe of the
braigest men thal ever wielded the
ruler in a sohool rose, being a man of |
A Caavined ng Suave,
“1 anbhied into Mr. Biackmon’'s drog
store one evening,” says Wesley Nel. 1
gon, of Hamilton, Ga., “and he asked
me 1 tey Chambelain's Pain Balm for
rheumatism with which I had suffered
for a long time, 1 told him 1 bud no
fuith in any mediene as they ail fxbload.
: pik fof Bslpy you, vou seen Dot
pay for it.” 1 iook a bottle of it home
and sed (t aenordiog to the directions :
Card In one week 1 owas cored, snd have
thot sion bens troubled wi in
u ba! Fon anle by Henn
Folee's Honey: and Pars rem wil hand
phisgm ike pohnon CONRR G8 pes
LGTAINR Ail Dirapainie
Cisipn a Phi prance. Hastie oo
in Wall Paper, Paints, Picture
from. 4c a roll and up. Drop i
Every good dresser has his garments tab
Sik 1 pe anre,
service 15 vaigabie talon
y prickusonil
RT Pays 25%
goed tnthink oo marin but Ive earned
Jiffersntiv. and | am now seilivg talloring
jo Mon ld Et we made by the house thal showed me the
rame Moulding, Etc. It will iderence Between good tailoring at a fancy
WV Boles aie and neta dea
pay you to see our 1901 : price and good faerie al a conmon
sente price. That house 1s The Roval Ts
fers, of Chirago,
Ww ALL P APER. | Al garments made. strictly io Measure
{youn any Foods my Customers may
styles of
Over 600 patterns to selec LY have several hundred of the sesson’s
! a ewest oatisrnd in untae sid aerating sn
Satisfaction Forry fie oF BO Sale.
me a postal and simples Wiil
be shown yon at your home
House pamting, graining,
paper hangin 2s carnage paint
ng sign, portrait, scenery
] He said: ‘well if Chamberlain's Pain ,
and fresco pa ating Strittmatter Bros,
Hastings, Pa.
vif ued Lheniep
Loausing 4 strain in throwing off the BGI
Hodgkins, Paton, will refund you your
g 3 :
money If youl are not satisfied after
J 3
sine Charm bes fa Stentach gud Liver
Tailets. They cure dimnrdars of hey 1
stoniach, bilinianess, constipation and
heatlaokie Fri iy
{ib Wa Heli Lrg
5 5 Ts 1a 3a! Co Wi Be £3
Elan owl Thay aXe fami a and uw ;
Caos mind all 0 in % am. 02 Houle
kine Patio Plharoany of Gann’ % hag
money, Hastings
4 Big 5 Ly arterial to
Pivaler i road vetale, io.
Flas saoved hi sop Bai GE 0 Sian a
a weeniet wind Eisagier = cot aged
steppe Teed al K inch of a
Adolfzen «»+ Bammer strom.
Mea eotapars of and Daten in
Hori w Waal abd ve Filion, :
wl Fised of A Limite.
wily rie, at Saghest rare
The greatest aid to DIGESTION.
exemplary habits and os an instructor
and friend. the professor stands with.
out a peer. Come again Prof. we are :
slways glad Lo see Fou,
The general store of A. B. McHenry
wan sold out last week by the Sheriff
The pooda were fortunately returned
to the family,
Mand and Us LEVYS
ARB MM Henry, who will eonsdgul the
bust rss wgooesstinily pereafier.
Me: BF Rainey and thoes children
hive beeen coiled no thelr home iar
Ts Be ; ri
woek hat ¢ gets Tens Wha)
pended donng
Constable's W. 2
were victims of the grippy wel w
Election is over, and everybody
happy, with a few exceptions
Vincent Moore ai present is seri-
ously lL
Our entire hne
Dry Goods, Ladies
MUST be sold within the next 13
and get bargains WwW
W arch h fi 3 I
Lio castors work and bay gedn of a whrkds,
O f ( Tot hi ny. S hi YO
i air SE
5, vide iw and door
coal acting of all
a postal ANGE 4 Bia Las RY Daren wel, moniding, ele, always
Erp 0 PEany hand, :
(has. G. Fagan. ¢ ——
Ms un Othoo,
: chug BAY
Tonsorial Artist.
ything clean and
U-LO-¢ la eC.
ou're NEXT!
Next to Easley's
Furniture Store.
% roceries, Boots,
Shoes, Ete.
oh 2 . od a full bine of
Coats, Etc, Ex
gon etl Wail Paper in Season.
Geo. Simmelsberger,
Bra i bet
When you want a sign oi
‘up-to-date Sign Man, Hastings,
Kod Mose oon
nel sane ii
5 operigasin u on mbronage cotdislly we
ths i
FAGAN, the Foley’s Kidney Cure