" nd am, ths People, Have So {is to sow muse clover zead in early Decided. 5 i & £8 a Blood Medicine, or. Groene’ # Nervura blondand ner spring and ent | a dirk har by Hundreds of Thousands m | the weds #5 indeed “The «orld's nt Medichie, it has coms to be faed hy Aimast everyondy as Use fle spring medicine to tale, dreds of thousands of ¢ use I during the trying sprig 8, to Yone up anew the roland ang re<favigorate and eurich spring medicine na vigor during the changes from to suminer. This grasd dint this perfect spring medicine, Dr. Nerviara blood and nerve . 18 exmcuy what the system se his seascemn. It not gal) ke but fakes rich, red blood, but te-eneririsn evitatis the t nerves by feeding with renewed nerve force and «dt Is not only an ald to diges- but it croates a roxuiiar, natural thy action of the bowels, Hyver, : , Which in the spring are al i" is Jost of peaple ned om well and Eo 5 0 threatening Neath of alt, and wreg it is cons that Dr. Greene's Nervors serve resedy Is made ai from pure, health giving vege: Me remedies, and that people givn more tesfiminia.. of care than auy remedy on earth, fo one ean is the yory beat Sprig y tor eviryhody 10 use, : Gustave “alt ich, of 50 Fir t, ¢ S478. E bendaches: ni ‘nto sat all + rights 3 wp my heaith, my head- gai io + wma Like . new man.” Amended at aaa anr ying ‘of this kind, i to produce a gain | thyea pots like other asimsls fersaaily if AR [lamb the groater sho ey 10 kesp fn portit health | for the food consumed producing oue 2 31 found th frre with an ecaual amount of hay and Cand Toots (24.18 pou nix £3 ‘the dairy type Bas gain, when the ower wa When Clover Fields Oe: Thin It sometimes happens that a clover feid will run oat. go tH speak, or gnl thin, and when gach is the case a pian ¢ in thoroughly with Bicker the clover this will keen will be het YW, Hotter. for Aw amd the grows the ont soil ag * atin w, “ich and Fowl for ¥Yaung Lamba Yam, thay pas ar find A aod Tor wn ARB it X any in ven od pn Be se ivadad sh 0 1E rota alld with amb rE oF younger ny HH CLOSET AR, the id be the gain per SOM Cost pf Mest and Potter The same fosd which is required for pound of butter will make two pounds of gain on the steer, The Minoverds experiment station sat 100 pounds of grain mix fail to four gieers pro wheat gain and an equal aArsount Tee ams food fed fo Tour yhuced 1200 pounds of bute is not much alenifs AWS pre The type of Bay | papen with the steor as with the dairy z LUW,; ‘of good type tay be 4 Ia and a mood Phe food for the repson that a steer not ran fooler all ine of fanart ny 3 BOS Bot and his Algester taken aver CVE tenance into gain. hile the alternat eit Bey ponverting food dre she maw mor, The Prosprrase, Allaronnd Fares First select a 1 rub od dairy Peed them eran EVERY, 4 A sive then Camo sRit them avery {in Rttending warm alate in [kind kod gn i very soldom mes Bo RHRINR V anered . gat evn fenced TL i Pings, an is a8 ways COWE, AR Sw they [Lat well Wy Licking Lee gua bey sure! hat where # ny was age $a anraiy ut yon car f gel Lave Woon b Say 9 an Mey = - | repairs wre looks Cwand th hb 5 : nena, arn 81 the tine weeny and besides mises Paleasant. TAR OY “the same right LWOrR i's Nervura Lilood and | = fr Ris fhe Phyeitinn, Or. Greens, of 15 New ork City, whe is Vid frequent! iy berir $0 ANSE KTAING | at pe 18 ancient Egvptin | to germinate ind grow. his i been dimmeed, and Tecem feet id in a Cn years od gone no alteration. the em was ha and could not he Hut A fresh er aistd Hood § C ompanion. ny Rte are only four statues in the! ngcom erected to the metry | n other than royalties The | ae of 8 women erected mm np was that of Sister Dora, the Wii ures she second wat thar of Mis third Flora Macdonald that unveiled 2! Dirac aga in memory oh Bars Mary, ‘ato stomach picoives it wiih nt =a tel it From softs. it | and gs ountry. got i att iat an apparent sone thou asanils Fine the arom. top tha cough al prove, t to-day and get a simple i 95 and 50 cent bottles. Ha, eh ily agreed that § it 3s thine fo al Lan ent method of branding cat ye st New Zealand they have which 1s nsed to make ap guishable mark. It 1s ap eoid iron, destroying (oe CALA pasa to Ia A yield of the catch of fish in last year was 321.801.7200, being 4 bi $2,200,000 wvier he Cyany land, fruit trees Feo as minay an rake use ihre to have a roar wila to ddrive SAMS fk your da other {fren them with overtone atrak Bs wn Sa cu 8 chiar fol fi that yon Bate. Aumh avimals sowardics and tgnoran Bow, Halen sgeh crabs as are Bet ant a god] aa ig WR peek iolama and chervise i pateh | well the | 1 g feThaman Pv re RASA SS i i perfect the rotation of ; 0) f segs ost 3 Bs. ut a sien will oreamdt Thong it well owed vi #r. Bee that the slang {of the rond in front of vis way. and as fur an your tar ches if you can, awd vo wii] have a place hat in SETY aS a iaen va re Pax WHEY gh aa EE 3% odo Fo BA Wy mR LLY Seve {gis os LTE FMR pleuiturist The Sa'l The same crops—an ia we a Janno be grown the san ar won ‘planty renul pst re es aa Kb ois with Hen 2 Loi] r. EEE» PRY Besser Tod 9 3 LaF His y ge or He 1h {ter to the far Re atic 1 A A IR ae RRA SSE Se : depth. their ema the RRRns fool mons af thar plant hy differently noon the soll foes roots break o ER 4 Filtrous sar Hahien the saris of e ehaver and lke effapt npoan tha exhsnatine which perfect grav The saat pep aral as they Sma . ohtain tha met ht 4.5 A 1} Bg Lay their more Beayily apn the we To theres not only jon, “sunh-une. ; year as main crops ars removed, It iz not always Decesaary to walt until the first crop oecppys ine the wround is removed before an. other is put in. ASAT : emenly PF. H. i Epitomist ia I mroaed it a aud A garden that is well “yvogstables i he hoed, many cultbrated with these gecand crops | i PEARLS or THOUGHT. will produce a surprising amount of | bat fertilize. ‘weodi as if {towers producing crop, though somewhat mors or ix required, nothing like the peeded to produce the fame af frops zeparately will Im found Here [want in Agricultural Piaow More, Felt will keep in opened and the air jet The came with antl, up. The air can't get the plant fond If you drive board he rat ste in ar und the hat when egitiy CRN in it 13Y nied pati in a Et amd itn iH owe can Ist weil dt canssy fements ihren] ait Tha d the plant #0 the ne foedy hy directions ug and fine in all direction: they When we nat the hare thse soll the ean ron better and deeper. A wat nf alr abn comes inio coh test with the soll and decays the ele maps The trouble la wn don't enatigh Por this the gris croh is ac countable. Wa gow grass weed and waian two tong per acres the first year, wie ton amd then half a fon. Wa da not plow Sin Ne long as we oan got any grass {rom All the tha goll ia boeoming mors baked hardened. hecoma of on nil i are taken jf the soil ix roots san run pot Toral and Can row on pilveriza rota oREy plow then hay be aml time # i Bilan nek cof food. Fortilizers do ned remaody this Wa must nlow. There Is mutter in commercial ford tive! 3 temptad down with prosperous hat in hin who iid CAT This In fed g nn rink a Se thin like a shavioe T fine wid player tn td pore IM gud Loan bs Bit theiry fant App pute Fheny tn Frans tanned hen harpowad nul Aawad 23 sesteta nf rant fags sind nen 1 My manndy et fw fire if nlae. CTD wa fisr thras Hh prt 3 sa to tie avis saan gad finy $45 Ap Fi don we GRR WC ae i Rb LPI od piawad an deitier. gant the Ko andl ¥ py ror sail ALPE Mies i tnd hard and fasaterls Matehine and Prima Sills of POE AWAY 8 3 4 yr § FE nin BL a ctitial BEAT Th Way, ed bY Beary spow winter night. The strawberry hed of and Che BOW Tal : Fig Lok snd 35% ¥ AH SL When 1 iInresy hui, The wind eauid af tittle ie Rnand th thas than ZITAW On ae, Bean straw 1 next whe of the sent into {nad Hieh 1 These | nara in They and wind Ta Bima griie next 10 stramimrey bel of smasly aver the ftraw and I defy ai lo Gbemaewn In panes v th & matter sbhinhiy geenre Sha brane Transir 3 change Bag oo : tobe of ate whi ia the a fpmparatire was Come £m a Lh A mu wppanny parison bitterly emd i is atively aiite warm atroenhore {3 in fhe street the warm: er it appears to he down below. tr However, attempt made fo bring shout this result by artificial means. l.oadon Chronicle. BO The surface only needs to red, and kept free from ona araonnt aronnt Ulove toy ir in in to if ha ik fae af Bow sompare Land the colder the | i depasitul Ther rs | Brodes leave Ing ratits de £0 may. in speech is more than “Bacon Ben Jonson, root of all discontent is self- JF Clarke No wan is hapby whe does not think himeolf so --Marcag Antoning, aey ix to the affecoons what Degsranido pote I has Papi d grace i to beauty. He that takes tr ne 10 resolve glves to dens, aud warning 10 pre | Littprivg, When desperate distruat is cowardice, filly johnson, A word of Kindness is seldom spoken witile witty savipge are as fis the pois dx wlinpiug from SEIT ; foindy BOF its demandaspesdy and pro re, uw debortment Hn Agurd ami talents iwayi lost when we quit which sults it to Parinng otro moly rosa ved aad a dent sre Bike the old etnsmeled wares which had painted covers tliat hindered voir from seeing what 1 wai Wy sipole. Faris ie % % AAT WHERE poLITE NESS COUNTED, SRA Sa L Caunsterinn Conductor Neceives ianil Pos | witjos Tinroengh Prifting Action. Jw aotitenees” axtontahing fow people the yahio of get an today, in speaking soppartanities fr young mon. PY aime into loss every day featt Cliy cata’ ©oL lina the geld ‘and usually at the LRAT Fre EH YIOMHRD. ry any. pe Rp IENITS 0 {hal gE a tes ae It sedi Hine en fr thal pred. ary green rhonthiv a wea in claree of ths ear i orn ing, > » gauR AR PE ¥ Or wey Hav arnt ant Fil fan Ib omiss beg, Sim Pound ge Mis politosioss had ws PE aberine That Pree timpesy AniEt foo esa an EE HR ing place the A e paleed gesisted © his 4 CAD ’ Hor with har pics if weeny gore of the cdi Nii Tht ala FRaNE Ei HERI fp hou # has elo men sip Wives january at a sali fram that paid and aitien itu Wis 1 wont sl ao toy erly difaren in men. fark 3A eer anan oa # Charis Fiiteatt tay Fax ESE hy 5 af Paes ithe oles AT: § BIL ¥ aet avense Lge ented paint, dawavs Lodi tnth Bad gi Prien es wing antag trey Tg * wk ht he r Rat Ww Re i steht ra PEs Tv "me the pase ni in afore speed Fes nee FRINe soon. and after a Baus rer sw how lone the DRIER Toyo inverny anid then On found there were really Pavey mination tn wall toy Char That ghor. wh oun 3 any hl whe Sie gandneray gave anid it fad aresent Thongs Sen Presse, iy i ditlionie to me mene aifeial rect Then Yau ve {OH his fre sul vhheare iE IR Teplisd © i don't want it! Cio + me And he welit awa) bank's solidity —Baltis that know no evil will suspect af earch poreon; i said & | of the: on the ane Boar mharienng and aon indating, hat EOaIng Baad ; nivage | that | ta: bedtiar | i gerd Hew | fg tool nf fae riunt YH 3 pontired war ooking Bafoare Wis and Lexinston streets | ts Letters Proving Positively th ‘there is No Medicine for Woma Ills Equal to Lydia E. Vegetable Compound. (atx LETTHRS ANS PURIGSHED WY SFECIAL PERMISSION.) 4 “f sannot say enough fo regard ty Lopdis BE Pinkham's Vegetable Com It has dope me more good than all tHe doctors 1 have been troubled with formule weakness in its worst form for about tea years. 1 bad leucorrboes and was so wes that { sould not do my housewary, { also hal falling of the womb asd ifammmation of the womb and ovaries, and st menstrual periods I suffered tertibly. At times my back would sche vert hard. I could not [ite anything or do ‘any heavy work ; was not able te star on my fost long at a time. My heshand spent hundreds of dollars for os woes but they did me no good, v husband's sister wrote what the Vege + Compound had done for her, | and wanted me to try it, ow 1 did not then Bik it would do me any good. After a time, I conclu it, and [ can truly say it does nil thay is claimed for it Ten bottles of Be tie Come and seven paciiges of Sanative Wash have made a new woman of me, I have had no womb trouble sisce taking the 4th bottle. 1 weigh more than I have iu years; can do sll ny own housework sleep well, have a3 food Sppey ppetite, and aoe fen! that Tife is worth living. | owe all to Lydia B. nkham’s Veg etable Compound. | feel that it hes saved my illo and would sot be wi aut it for anything. 1 sm always glial 10 recommend it to ail my sex, for 1 kaw if they will follow Mrs. Pinkhatn' directions, they will be cured.” Gratefully yours, Mus. Axwiz Tuospsox, South Hot Springs, Ark. CHANGE OF LIFE, PROFUSE PERIODS. “1 was taken sick “1 commenced Bre yenrs ago with taking Lydia B “Tie Grippe, snd Piukham's Yogo- hud 8 relupes snd able Campound wai given up by on 3 months tha dost Bn ny ago. smi cannot friende Change express tha won of Life began to derful goed it has work on me. © done me. Meas owed very badly striagtions wore so until a year Wo. profuse sa to leave then 2 Momnh me very wosk for ALL un ¥ x badd, 1 or sad tervibly ; the bled A me after with lenonrrhoes, waat up in my fungs sod ‘somach, ind tired feeling, bearing down sensstion, 1 romited it up. 1 sould not eat scarcely anything. [ eannot tell what pain Baross the back and thighs I felt as though thera wes a heavy I suffered with my had My hus band ror se 5 Dott te of L Lf dia B Plas weight ing my stivnach all the time. haun's Vegetahln © py A md and before | 1 pave taken two bottles of the medis 1 hod taken half of it | began lo im- | sine. snd pow have betler health LAD rove, snd towday [am ahother WO AD. ot faite ae rH Pinkhamn's medioine has saved my 1 have hind for tour FEATS, : life. 1 eannot praise it enough.” Mus. Lizzie Dicksox Honor, M.A EXSOX, Millpert, N.Y. Avalon, Ohio. CREW ARI We have (enoiited with fhe Nations | ay Sank of Lynn, $5008, wehiet aril] be padi fo my perted (3 san fad that i ra teetimaniad io eters Care bed nine, of ware ® pubin Bofors nhteiving 1 Swe Sdn LYIIA BE Pinil HAST MEDIAN ge | habitation is ¢ saul i A member of the Indiana Legisiature ners in Bike: dha introduced 3 hill to deny policemen their dive | pr law in the below the te¢. Af present pnyone characier can praciue i he bEnows spoug, giviatnre 3 SIAgLY © ia i iE IED £24 the coal whom make RET SWE Tes “hh a FH ing SEER Ad Bint § RAY i Tanar tine Try Grain-0! Try Gealn-0? Ask your grocer o«lay to show & packs see of GRars-43, the new food drink that sakes - the place of coffee. The children may drink i} withont injury ss weil aa the adult All haus i tke it. Gaars-O has that rich sal Seow | af Mocha or Java bat its made from are ond the most deileats stomach receives it without distress. 5 the price of coffe 15 and Be. por package. Bold by all grocers AAR Tp SR a Nerve Fonte. When tired snd weak from overwork oy Jom of sioep, take Dimrticid Hewdache Powder Ther are roads from herbs and are wader fully effective in tewtoring 1he nerves. til EIR Y, iy she Oils nos valual ; fishing | witeiry safest surest cure for g #il throat and ineg stm bien Propie prams Cou iy Syl rup it Dctars prescniie il, g pe. sek. amie resitits on Get Lr. Bad 4 Cough Setup, Fe EF xine Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels ssch day, In carder te Be honlthy this is nsvossary. Ace gently an Mie fiver a id Mstners, Lard wick beadache Made wihont repaid to pean amy.) Beet, ger ail dwgence in ir, and Wel (rer nt, if extra tum ol many ER HERE No SE wt The Best Core For Hendneohon Headaches are guivkly onred by the Gare fei Headache Powders, These powders are pusrsupand to contsie wo harmial drugs or RATE Pe iid from wimple berbe Han. have ti LIBBY, Yemiity Je LIBEY > $0 N - : i Ko i ‘urnseiry f on eli reas tanie. Eales Anita, eniovas om | in allen nally and with. WR hal pata, 5 sears myenzid fe J of sugwess. It the ni an / meds for ail warm irondied, | Suid by all dig Eitiveiy views ahde, I5uis : N = - si drugaids country Slam 0 1 Nog] . arb mai he bol yo 2 2 T = & yet Fai, Faltimare, Mb AGH ES HSC Lleonny them during the gay. Fhe Ea Fem 7B Firast and frail antis gale dys writs will ast dissoior Poss a Fapeneas Dees isis, ary iF 8 clmmed thar the shufches tor ot HR haces, at wight ang Vacate them i& us 3 LER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers