3 Tt ie stated hat another National ‘Bank will be established in Pattton in y [the sweet prétty soon. Rumor has it Eb "VY ERE J} . | that ont of fown capitalists are at the - : > : ‘bottom of the project. : Jon Rare Ae a baseman. my store Pe anove In the nan eof ana dwalling hoose, 37x47, on Fifth 4 : Lavenne. Patton, Pa. Also j and ail conveniences. dy your ine : AY Other at Kinkead's. : | 0 ner: i ir HR conaylyanta. Come in your : plotnros framed some fiores for wall piper store. : f Brat oiinun work. re 4 : % go AA . RRA ip SRN yd LARA ih J Big i wk 3 - 2H 4 i o hi i so! Thy news fen fad bueroayh of) ur non y ac as Turn oh von Our Letieiermes iE 4 2 15 : (} I I ( K wi al} ; wilt mest for the fine sire Monday bean tras ga re a fror dou't bother un Wedan't handle 7% Eg levering. It ie exprcted to be a most All anp goods are sold on Ir Hirt pur chas | interesting aesgion or Acenunt of the | a l aa Gn [wasn fight for the several salaried of : 45 10W dd | Sstabefilid | D1 | | Some premiums SoM Dirace Stevan, of Milton, mal : a oe ; Hi goest at the peidence of John U ; of Taadiew’ Se have the oxcinsive she Ct reduc I iGonld, oa Epst Mague avenue Mra PE i For thos fumoios thas of Dipsse Sedbop Blaser for 1 lisa, whith are Eoown : Be wens is contemplating staring a “nits fen, Ba Pe LAS We : phat of pxvetlnnos ; guar ant: eect mi inery ah whrment ln] n WARS Inotwear., Two voor sy the shoe A ye his bent | i W . cry be speared shew wants the heat store and She beet store Wants ds Tout shoe. The Ak he atton wall pRper Ft i got that SRE job | wadlitione fit mm. EP; McCormick was visiting | pris ty ting ; deparisent in etter ecnipped in Clearfield last Thursday. Lthan ever to do all k kinds of GOTT WE LOOS E- YO LU 0. Crowell bax just teen ial and book jive us 8 A pension of i pe month, | trial order and yor will be sure fo A fow pair of allwoo! Blankets loft that we ure gong to 0 sta NMypirdpis CASH. GRO (ER Y. Ei wR 2 5 ERE RE aR RLY OX hi ' (come Again. Lowest prices and 2 ry reduction. : Patton wall pRDer wore, EB 0h 4 ) Better bay auiek, the pie rowan, the gape 3 : tbs Gresninger is visitiog bis) 3) coh Ciosk Land "HH next winter, at Loganton, item eon tent to, was cabled 0 gentle spring, etheren! mild on Wednaday by a telegram » - y don't you get a Bustle on ing £3 sudden densi oF hii } bipather L Brown. which occured that FELT BOOTS. heavy wi Tria > » ‘ 7 % Drew blak edie wee Hy an in peed of coal remember. YT OXF 370 Wort : that Hiram: Witkine Bibs opened a mine yon want robber stamps, | aud is prepared fo furnish the neces. ii call at FH. Kin. Buy fied for stores, residences, ete Wi h e nN Y 0 u LE © d Wl Al cirders left at the barber shop of : i : | Garfield Wilkins will receive prompt ; sttention. ZR ti { = i IN 3 LS fo rrni ei Tips et ue hare with ; “The Patton post ffl : 2 x NAR Ge h pegs Foy Od DIS FHCs ei Wil nk Fy 1% sdersold : ng and ioside paint Eo woniptly done by W. J. | Sate eels Bight fron 3 tren into the Youn Lin The same ¢ buiiding just vacated by Mes. Anna B. Darth : The old post office rom will be eed + good shave, baie cot or sham for ofeon by Dr. Ho A Beity, dentist, il on ee Witkios, Fifth |, 4 pr § W. Worrel, physician. a Mrs Anna B Darts, the milliner, 2. who bas Deen opgaped : Anvie Yeckley, of Poriage, | the Central Hotel over t and. Aanghtor. Miss gia fsiting relatives ny | tit he terns Clearfield, wast wo apr | ight oonferitg |8 Stans, of which be is ate propristor, has el ol astossivad wpe of the largest stocks of wall Jopere over ? brags Wo wwn wad 'Ne¢ ed not be high | priced but shouldibele as he Sty ylish; | ell] Cul ing Out of ‘made nd we : : ness. : Good rh | fring. All the are offered in al We pri de ourselves (on saying that we have the Cheanes : style knowl ec gel : a st re m 8 Patton and onr numerous customers will testify to and: all the ail | oring kn owledge) yy Ee | WC ard pre instance at pic st a iitltie lowe hati vou have to pay. Diy ha of was and ¢ et your [the Bargains. + elsew here for sete “cli ng g goods. Call carly| and a get : are aCousts su to pay. #4 pny make out atria! onder and send to us 50 Ib sack Cyclone Flous 81 20 Christian Best Flour, 3 The King's Best. Pillsbury's Best, : Winter Wheat Flour, 1214 Ths Best Cornmeal 121: Ibs Pure Buckwh 7 < Ibs Arbuckic’s Cofller, 1 1b Golden Blend Coffee, Best Green, Black « or Mixed Prunes, 2, jor 4 i eh Ca mdensed Mince Meat, - i : BAC ol xe d 16 The Granites Sugar, 00 = ? TIONERY, i cL | ATENT MEDICINES, | Best Sugar Cured Hams. per ib, Best Corn Chep, per sack, In Canned Goods we have prices to suit your E phase
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers