vig Frank Dunnegen. or this pit, of one] of the veterans of the Hispano Ameri: | Sa Cone war, has been grated a pension of | em [#12 4 month, with $288 baek pay. E HAPPENINGS. 1 Miss Bea {itzinger won a hand a Sl : a : a x71. Ly Le oy AE oar gold fing a tthe t tnasgiepadn ball | The above 18 the name of a new Fiour we nave ately | VY 11001: LY Bally ain ths SADE you can i given by the Pation Athetotin Clab at added to our list of celebrated Minnesota Flours. If you i wave o ner dent and turmist our home Were your candidates sloatad 7 |The Firemen’s Hall Monday night as a. have not yot tried it. better let ns send you a sack. Pri od te : Refrigerator free at Mellon's Jeine for wo ring tho Anest costo. fully guarantee it to be one of the very best flours on ~ Whose COURIER are you roading? Honey ? youn math ket; if not we refund your money. Remember Ohes. Langbein went to Ebens: Sea i of T find 7 coum hen vou as chap and an yell 44 any other | BILE OF oul flor you will find a coupon. When ye! bury on Monday. ; Loanedrn in Poopsyivas Lams in BC Of these ron one to Aye , Teturn th vr tous anc feat clase work. io : Tak Tan gn fo oS | ance and save checks enough to securea When Jon want a phetore framed | SPAT kn Hor mext pam the scason opens. ¥ Lo band dwelling bogs, 30 on Fitth 2 %8 2 Ror Te Mr. and Mrs Wen Wit jn 4 Gwaling pe, : AAT Pa Let . : fe] chi cour wo svi Ras ah i i band Nie es xe h : # | as . ; Tie Teel 13s ; % 4 £3117 (race ries ie 3. - 15 Fd Hk Vili he give ging ah CV Ory cas ie 2 nd Nd DOWS HA Pers fave wate a this | CHAS Baony. : All our goods nl fall He of all Linde of tobacoo : : Bag : gd hy 4% in town this sownibg and made and cigars ab Kinkead's. 7 HE 2% if all pews : Fi N E ST Li N E | N TOWN. ents in Portage over Ramday. | every siitar con id osiford to eal ple Wa make a spediaity of Laude’ Fine Shoes, as we have the oxvinsive we dohn (eres, the Fagtan miller wR Srrings a suk ogn BEN hs 4 A Mak in worn frat wanr, Tw WH NORTE Al the shu wiint rod Foy mie hems Thon Twat ) J “ ‘ L f. . Me A ( of ¥ ur niture : Ay Washington's Rirthday. : at Fhe sabre on Thuvsday woof ast week | why % are Mis Gossie Kotizer, of Burnside, A few’ pair of allowool Blankets Taft that we are going te close sub at a 31010) “Re Refrigerators given away at Mel and let oa» give you apm figures for | beautiful present { EE mence at a wYeste Eowit A Kinuloe, of Philipsburg, was er . - . at of Toot es aot tm Hota outig | While Buving FLOUR - ra Won enn get oyaters In evory style ab [arice bo Lishiishied in the COURIRR | ; : Fi RS T- (LASS REFRIG ER RTOR the City Restaurant. Pehle kof space forbids this week. | i : IVETE : ; ts : : Staple and Faney Grocer 12. dla Eisw $ oall on WJ. Mulan, | Pow Spe: At 8 Bargain, my Shore, eq is thie best the market s. If you want valoe for ons - eo Patton, Pa Ass good barn h : oy o : on Wednesday Ln Bon. olf Cotivenionaes: cheap trash you're after do t W other | us. We don't . 0 ; : £1] goods willh 8 a ofiee 8 cents a bondie, Bl ; : J Sip RN 2 Canpaia. of St Aogusting pe inetisde ANE Gh t} : h. : My L. appels, y Angus! : HSS C, CALLE 5 AH the an TRAE. WIE Yeokley was vistting his pars | paper patrons were like Mr Cupples, Walter Rowley Is in Somerset three times a day, agency for the famons line of Tirmew Selby Shoes for Indios, which are known eomnty this week on Prgsi pees. Hecker J thrnghoat thie United States, and are the goknow edged standard of exvellence eat ing on Patton friends triday. Clow, of this pla td vik Eiisatath 3D0e wants the best store and the best store wants the best shoe. The : : ¥ pa fag X suaition iE ; a Cio Fr re £ : Fe ; : i Gon an 5 ; Mo morrow will be another jegal A Bimpson,of vy blaiaary, were married Condit ne fit THE 4 10 UPURW ialiilly Ries 10 Ire given Bo 3 J % bs iv ; pL a : : } 5 RAR, it dete ‘WW. 1 Denlinger mide An hastness a Father Taddan ; WE LOOSE ’ YOU GAl NI trip to Panxsatawoey Lk T aomday, to Authody ¥ Yahiun of i reson, pad ju the Bol bands af gate : rent seritiotion % v. Father Fdwin at St Batter buy gnick, the price will soll then even iF von will Bot need then parsorsure thin place th next winter photon and iowa prnsing LC CS ah. FELT BOOTS. Ww Th In onder to be pea iy for early spring we want to close ont ail EAA oa = = “ iA : : heavy winter guns apd Rite and to do this we Bave ont the pris AWAY below & For » geiod & ¢ hale ent or shan Captweipht fom #8 to § 6, ships poo call on Garfield Wilkins, Fifth through he agency of v Geo avenue, Bovine The First National Bank and the then in sedd of oni me spb | : 8 ; post office observed Hleobion Pay Ww : Ciienn W AR by pel Bone nv i i 4 O u ee a Jegal holiday. and is prepared to Ririish the neces. he hotel bars in FPeilon were sary fuel for atores, residences, ete Sa Conds ie Tae i yi closed on Toesday. Mrs, Nation eft at thy Barheor wha oat 1 iy = FLAN ar Letaces ies el us ay Hie wit wasn't in town either. fie Wilk na will peivive romp you, As we are ve th GO DUusIess ang wii nat he nndersol 1d : «The COURIER costa jess Than Lary AAGBLIG : by anyone, ori Cant sidered, 2 {1 : ne ot contin week, Why don't you sob | Batgrday night at 8 o elonk fire We are st til on the oid TCI 1 only a | farther h So ihe and stop borrowing ? [hroke out in the town of Frogality, to +... on he lot ith cme Birice LO all i jatest A nd : 7 i i ELEN E35 hh Radk 3 i 4 353 2: RA 4; ot i : Hon, Thos, Davis, of this pounty, 00¢ of a row of howtos owded by (by | is the oldest member of the present Creme and Ulearfiotd Coal and Loken Jeriniature at Harrinblry. poatpany. Sevan hogses Ween burned, | ; : oS : tome Pes ot 1 GE An ove ~Babscribe for and advertise in the fhe § toe : es : A tha a a 4 : ; 1 PATTON Corie, thw best paper iii ea os Lewy pal poe PEI ieeey Lhe OD ESETR ; ro 3 a “ : ot ne rrREL AAR OR ry desery HARDWARE, id was. Northern Cambria county, T EAs LoRead tre Hastings page, Tt will ou fe of 3 4 sanpsinary fSoht that oc : | 4 | A : rt STOVES, found full of news econceroumig our ion a the bam hustling neighboring borough. iii 2 Se 2 - an ree | Baan al i Hae YATE FP. : : 4 ; re — in — s———— TINWARE, what hey are worth, Don't walt anti the sia ire &il gone, tal A | SfThe righteous ne well asthe wicked | fog absisit ba inches in stand (or fall} on slippery faces » al tha CS haake : 0 Seay on ET : : Snr : a iY ‘ Co -— : ry Pe t time af Jeast in Patton. ; bid Sindte hureed be fall x 1, | n ¢ | PAIL NT rs, fhe conl mining Dusiness coves ona . | | : jon n Patton is aut In Mate hoi a A oyersmnain-Alaet Palins will take po Ln o> - O i LS # {ant pated if E an From the : ) is + : ; tod 5 ; Johmatown has besn selected 38 Laxton samdon of the N; h End the v _» GLASS the place for the next meeting of the supe 4 called, 88 now seers « proabie. : : witli a5, and borough school superintend. | fs will be sworn li very soon after : Rn L Rr : PE, the th of Murch, fhe expiration of © ™ -. ma i " 1 ETC ETC rbartind: wu XY the home of the PM Threopp's term, {pstead ol waiting “ : on ite in Patron, by Eden ytd [} Dewmnbior, as He woth ft have shone B 2 i : 0 ; . cof Yo 81h 1 Y WW 11 3 L : ov sven rst - | “fiir : Nill be sold at and hery snd Panrile coder ordinary clreumatances : ¥ : x i > f= y whe Gm stentiap of the {Currency } » 11 - belo 4 Ct vt : 4% We are Save. your cash sagieter COUPNE | ‘at Washingso ws has approved the ap d - 8 T 3 ee t secure a high grade refrigerator plication of John K. Powel, David : 2 ; ¥ : : : > Toy pe “ t -» L Sef Sharga at Mallon's Cash | | Plaiater. Howard Hi mesebwidaht, Jobin i A J i F : , m a { le ( vel | 3 . | Poster and Mark Marcella for ane 0 el & Ors erg. a ' THEISS, ( 00d values Stewart. a member of the | thority to organize the Cresson National : httin g- ing fer . | a Il I (Hidla & Hembold,of Clearfield, | Bank on $25,000 capital. This In tie 1 Ley | Oh | knowledoe are onierca in ak ines. 3 to over Sanday, the guest of + scan application approved by the | Ww © Pr de gurseives in sa vi ne thiit we have the Uhe apest : st y i CII WEL ak 5 Comptroller of the Uarmeney for A 3 Nir EE IAAYYE : rn) ’ OTe atton and our name His customers wil testify {0 : “1. bank in {lrenmiin. g ot in Pa n anc. « Mat r 4 t i ” and all th L tai 3. & Cov the hatchet in all right with some people, but it is stated on The PeRLY he _anthority that Mrs. Carrie Nation | ment betwen the beer Crook Rail- only the best goods the 1 narkets afford and almost in every rs. AE ol the Philadeipitia : > We dic I MASSCSSE( in 1a opposed to (road company and i Fane Erie Pailroma Batt ie any : whnrny st: SIC = at pric es ust a tierle lower fhan you have to pay : te j : : OF Wis sea Nl get vou pick of Sipmed tralio agres- | the fact that they get the most prompt service. We handle or ring nowledoe £3 Wi 4 ph o 7t in the agent for the the former asqtires trackage rights Rm Steam Laandry, Lock Haven. iO elsewhere for the same kind of goods. : Bas} ov Tuend Satis over the latter company’s road be : : cin iam Aad h as Basket goes every ¥ #0 tween Keating and McElhottan, was | sclectinyg thes Son guaranteed. officially announced a Philadelphia READ OL JR goods { 11 cariyv | wer, 8. W. Worrell bas been a | on Monday. It is said the deal will . Nh fr § ; ANI etl ell) a surgeon for the New York | ne the Philadelphia and Erie compan . I get a vane siding aliraad company, with head. |; feed Flap 150, 000. Ji Partial Price List below, compare with what yon are accust- and get 4 good The tinsmith busi- quarters at Patton. | ~Mr. Elwood 8. Raugh representing ‘omed to pay, then make out 2 trial order and send to ux: choice. 1 - Lor: Open face gold watch 08 hy fem of Elwood S Haugh & Co. will be continued Friday between Frenchtown and Pat- oi be at the Lafayette Hotel at 50 1b sack Cyclone Flour, : 31 2G « oled st: ton. Finder will please leave at this Hogings on Febroary 3, and the fol Christian Best Flour, I 20 MNILINLAND ana "tt ld stand. lowing day, Widnesday, February 47, The King's 5 Best. Candidates for chief of police, clerk at the Palmer House, Patton, with a Pillsbury's Best, : of council and street commissioner are | full line of genta’ tailuring goods. Any. Ww ter Wheat Flour, . : { OC | ap aid Patton Hardware announced as willing to serve orders given Mr Rangh will receive oy wr the new administration. {our careful and prompt attention. Alb 12%; bs Best Cornmeal, per sac k. =k Importing Tailors, Lee, Patton's lone Chinaniaa, work pnars mtewd Rgita, $10 cpwards i 2) The Pure Buckwheat - 443 : : : (o 3 rr od the celestial new year with | Tronwrs, $5 apwanis. ; = ibs Arbuckle’s Coffee, LOO PATTON. PA. | mpany. t eciat and bad as much fun as. Erwin 8. RAvGH & Co. t Ib Golden Blend Coffee, : i , r Jong She town were fall of ' mongo- | ~License Court Convened at Ebens- | Best Green, Black or Mixed Tea, per Ib ; | : bare Monday. No remonstrances were a. por 4 lbs : i pa . rr : Miss Sara Cammings, one of the presented against any of the applicants : rd AD ii. : : : Vhen in need o F iN: II : [ B k te o} in the Patton ‘public school, {el the north af th ainty, aithoagh . Rest Miss ated Raisins {] : ITS d 10D ah ys was called to New Washington on Fri- the petition of Joseph B. Wirtner, of hs Seeded Raisins, . w FURE DRUGS ) : OF PATTON. day on acoount of the serious iHmess of “Carrolitown, for 8 wholsale osnae was 1hyg F. ane v BE va por nie Peaches. ; y= QT, A TIC WN F RY i 3 : : withdrawn. No indication was given - ; : +e : ea Ai ABa Patton. Ca : 3 Ibs Apric ots, 2 FOBACCO & CIG ARS, i , Cambria Co. Pa. | During the month of January itis | by the Court as to the time when the None Sach ( Condensed Mince Meat. . C ~ eh > — said there were 1500 more empties decisions wonld be filed. It bas in fie 16 I ya OQ ean lated Sugar, . CONE E Gf It INE ERY, ; CAPITAL PAID DP $100,000.00 nm the Basch Creek road, than | Pht OWES generally been early in RA a. n rs PATENT MEDICINES, | SURPLUS, $15,000.00, nth during the ux- | March, and is not likely to be later Best Sugar Cured Ham 3, per ib i (ala i > iL » ey $15, .00. than the middie of the month, as the Best Corn Chop, per sack, Y ox) Call Bt —— TL feeants fr si A. 1 Ed iF pit nie read the COURIER Hoenses date from “the third Monday | In Canned Goods we have everthing imaging Nia at) H be y.. Fos Ts stent with sie and conservative avery wook: ir. Marthaut,dowreyon |” MN | EE NE mm uber s Ee ra pratense to talk | to these people about | prices to suit your purse. : iy tiem of the O10 Wort bi sin ut Advertising rates. Drug Store. i ab esrreeneen Aeron will have onr prompt and 2s J ~- . : J we Ps ATER, Dry Goods of all kinds. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, PATTON. P FP Bterat patd an tiros deposite. | PATTON, PA. x g Perron, Wa H Sannromo, i Pine Hpi properly Soppeanded | President. Cashier. : orc > 8 - $ “ ¥ ot o> Siemans Aa A All work pirated w the Clear- {ela Steam Lanndry. Garfleld, the ‘ Patton barber is Agent ES AR Come at once--save money. Yours for trade, A OA TNS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers