! PATTON, CAME 3 RIA CO. PA THU iS DAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1g01. ¥ Horrible Fate of a Six! Ss "INQUEST. : Developed 1s in the Case of Litte | Chan, Feteco--Suit 1a ha Coal Company BY ihe Uriel Sirielivn o Father of the Vietm. distrevsingly " borrible accident | a fatal termination occurred at Jast week, when Charles . the little son of Mr. and Mrs ohn Pétsco, of that place, died of ex. cold and exhaustion aller a against the inevitable which | have been a terrible one. The story as told to a COURIER repre- we, who visited the scene on Monday, is substantially as follows . Petaoo was the six-year old sor of ‘hard working, industrious miner, orb Friday last instrooted the little ane | jo go to sihool The latter rebelled, stating tht his brother was pot al school and he wanted the same privi- lege. Axit was Charies’ fivet year at school and the boy bad bien working ab hin studies, the futher relented | tod him a holiday, family live st the west end of mn and the boy left the hotse boul s o'clock that morning. That was the last that any of the fumily ver him alive, A number of people e that they saw him on the pond ihg others skate and one boy raw ving to catoh a sled. It is sup. he ‘was engaged in the boyish of Hhooking on babe, "andi in 5 mile distant. supposed that instead of coming by the same route, he took a short home across the Auld owned by viel Prite, near the mining opera- of the company of which Jumes t wm the snperivtendinl On this urty, which hss been used wo long commons that it had been consid: public property, Was a proupect which waa uriginally about fifteen atterapt had been made to vith lath, but it was not looked ly and the recent snow had | nd it wo that it could not unles one was looking for it. | abie earth had caved in id it most eight feet deep when Felsoo fell in in absence from home excited | spicion that all was not soarch was lostituted that | all Friday afternoon and all day Saturday, until 5 m., when the father and Paal | ind the lifeless body in the When found his eyes were and be gave every appoar- | having passed away in deep well as physical agony. , face and bands were badly | Hrought Amit over COUNCIL MEETING. 4 - ia Hl The spec ai Erne Held by the PBorongh Buds | on Last Thovreiay, A special westing of | borough pouncil was held at the monic. ‘ipal building on Thursday night with | President Campbell, Secretary Gilliece {and Councilmen Nolan, Winslow, Me. | Cormick, Cordell and Hartshorne in attendance. Contractor W. T. Robinson was pres ent and an animaled discassion Oc {curred between Mr. Robinson and the i : !peveral members of the conncil rele. tive to the former finishing his exenva- tion contract. Both parties were wiil- ing to throw np thy contract, but the [question as 10 how Inuch was doe Mr. Robinson at the present time was a much monted one. According to the report of the city engineer the sore © BIBRTR was due Mr. Robinson, be ‘that gentleman euntended that the stnount was considerable more. The the Patton : REMAGKELEE ¥iIALITY A Min Fights Yours 0d Whe is Recover. ing Fran a Surgivel Gperaling Dr. W. IL Dowler was ia Cherrytree, Indinna county, on Friday ‘a paced remarkable surgiosl operation. The operation was & simple enoogh but the fact that the. spe of eighty | years makes it an Hiteresting one to the when it ‘one in itself patient had reached the medicul profession, espe andly in brown that he also wah possessed of ‘n weak bearl The patient in question was David FF oSmith and the soeralion was per formed by Den Rite, of Flastings, and baw - alr card profound for a time the operating ph hesitated 1a give him an Aanesthete, The were oni + i En fo Pde Lp tae Eronbae iv 8h street comnmittes will conder with both the borough enginerr, who was out of town, and Mr. Robinsaf and endeavor to vote to mn amicable anderstand fing. ; The matter of 8 Crossing ness depot und a new bridge on Mage "nae also came np, hat definite tion was taken. The following bills were the meeting adjourned: Geo. 5B Gaul iectrin $I W J Gilg JD Wn Pyles, Hy J. M Gillew, $5; Hiram Wilkins, $5.25; Patton Hard. ware Co. BB: Jee Mullan BI (8B. Good, $18; Patton Water Co. 840; Patton Clay Mfr Co, 80 vents te BYE E458] BA paid and Fiohe Se Hh i L504 Blair, $11; RUMORED COAL DEAL. Several ramors have been corrent for a pumber of das past regarding an “npheaval in the poral Dips in Par. ton. Deftaite information bas isn ab i most impossible Corgi, after n not at this tise inn posit ve secure, and the A y £5 BIE rous os ey WW Cig REE Yuri anything in the Hoe of vews of this character other than that voushsafid by Mrs Grundy. However, i can ba sl gowsip has some foundation iu fect that there is “something doing” ' story is to the effect that the threw big {ne Leon companies bere will consolidate for mutual advantage snd protection under one name and besdanother that all the mining operations ta (his wc i tion have been or will be bought by the iNew York Central or Pennsylvania i railroad companies or their allied ine | terests. *“You pays your money and. takes your choice.” The ramors a ree ‘on one point: That March Ist is the | date of the change, One thing is certain, any | thon, sale or transfer that will have a eonsolida. coming in contact wiih the | itt be heartily welcomed By all, mizers, | his frantic efforts to get tall enough to reach | with his hands. The sides traight be could not clioh up, | t and blood under his finger | od that he had made frantic do so. He had removed all his except an undershirt andi is t that he attempted to stand on |W d yet failed to reach the lop. exhausted he evidently the clothes he had removed. r B, L. Miller, of Johnstown, t fled and arrived there on the He cmpaneliod a jury A : A Goodrellow, 4 Mou He stopped Wher he Mian ibe no wend on antil thi pitta A third Hime | and Be Sarin his walk. id vot investigate for the reason | seemed to of ngerous hole, bat the cry ape slates that the ory ont of the trees He kvew to come from another direc Rice’ 8 Anding of the body. f the unfortusate boy | shurch in y afternoon, with in-| Ostholie : rin “atholie cemetery at’ The father has annoynoed takd testimony was from a onal standpotat, while Messaris pperators, business men snd the gen. ‘eral public TRANSACTIONS w REALIY. oa Properties tH This Kn of the Cienly Thal Have Chango Hands Nedeniiy Nimrod Himmelwright et ebster Coul & Coke company, i gheny township, $100. Theresa De Haven et vir to Richard | Bhaltz, Susquehanng townstip, $200 P. J. Little et ux to Adam Lenz, Al legheny township, SG Edward A. Kensiog gor Kaphart ot nd of Ssamnr Bn ai, Lopemaigg, Sem, to Jobin New Englands it itd f ranniog o of Lhe ae the New York number wili be hip Lite expected, 3 Ty | fromen. wamiber ole has boon Clie Pe hire neers, wi wi Kn Laddkd more BsyiY Weeprn nt ile ul present | ‘have hosn prow these promotions ingly rapid. Tha puitic additional enginvers, of that ag many or moro will bo put nba service ob Creek. the Notice Whereas, my wife, Sie Uwennio An. drews, has loft my bed and board with: out jist cause or provocation, 1 hépoby forbid all persons (rusting or harbor ng bet on my Rocount. EDWARD ANDREWH, Patton, Pa., Jag, 30, 1901, Patronize the home printer. iviog wevera aad Lui tendency to improve the oar su pply ux iawill be distnasedt fant 3. : [BIO Cand BEE Rar phanin of the operation Cperve and cheerlainoss was main faclore in the physiciany’ bam to re R the euting g Phivel amd patient are reat Le 8 FOOT BEE sia Chane chitoaie "3 Agog Fan ry Heuty Was foros at U herrvt Ere. all 1h thre by Lh Tow patient his stond t phy sae, operation very well, anid the doctors thipk thore is every prospect of his NEL, Leste o Yours his The operation was pecessitated by waificiont Lime has BOW sag it wis perfaried to give fhe physic anim enery rarity to delermibe fered from hoard Gnaily, of the Chie ie, Smith sul Foarw prospect calening tha alter ele pang wien fay hia Eres BY ral ve tx jag thr heathen, Lean called In the SIRE Nat PROBABLE. wilt fake ¥ any, Rout Musing sya ee we Law: (on, Wises and Tom Powell, who represented the Pallon t nion of the | United Mine their meveral oonuferences recently closed. have miorned home and gave | the resalt of their trip 15 a report made ‘at the regular weekly meeting of the Lalon held st Goldstein's Hall Monday evening. Althoogh there wan a difference of twenty cents 5 ton between the miners Land operators at tbe Columbus confer ence, the indications are that there will be no strike this year and that year % seate will be adoptest. The min. | ers asked for an sdvanos of ten cents a ton and the operstors for & like reduc. tion, which provides for an agreement sa the basis of last year's scale, was ap- iproved by the miners in separile sos sion, i the present s i pext year des) of talk abou the intention mines to make midi but if the report 16 trae its a canard. The local demands and conditions 143 wale will be continued for There has been 8 great. of onal demands, an ® A minds known a At held S¥iet By ot Rein the subdistrict © tue at Barn SE On 10 olelnel 8 Bi. sn ventio $i PHYO Sonn Re yn 3 Pie Maid, bw nisl. al LAL Bgimiia Harris. y the howd Viirowt. Band sed FHL: § Fe $AEE % i h £313 (af P during one of Rane the gompetent school directors in the stale, whuse interest in the pat ie sehool systesa 13 only equalled by his desire that it be made one of the | best. Is this your paper ? ue of boat Boown inh. assisting in in fact Ul hs i vue of Lhe pers i Winkers of America al The joint scale commiliee’s report, Thix would sects to indicate that | the 3 i sm RS | What Prof. B. I. Myers has : About the Same. Ir REPORT FOR sos £6 hp 7 | Bigp i: 3 ona Ngmes of Pups Present Eeory Day Per Coat and Avirsge Atbendaney Pertinent Borsa tis sad Wigpeathons The Fampds Evpaege emia Relea. Ides) conditions Are Dever Mac hed. in Bard to alison snth co Hy satisfactory. we ialter £% a towars tim former bes x & Farein Yl ELA “e wo re degre, we nye 1 pi A thud] wy Err a ges 1 i this best persis ol ® real i8 chia Erowid, thai pt attendstics; sady ad Ab a penn of the it wae devided Sor tardiness ail abwenior parnet) fo parenir each examine them We te toors, a i y wat 3 $i A LT roRie i past © BECRRRTY '¢ want you bo 5 children sre sbeent apd we ar interested in having theta ot Boh We ove 4 SE LE CRY LHR Phat En. WB sik La. pap Wi arn SOSA When ih eau alan Touckwrs this 4 anon we bee mE OE fhseml an if we have your beset | nlesosts af heart? Cold weather and sickness lige some what affected our aMenisnce, Chests po unt fn sympathy to all our pupils whi suffer. We hope all sach may woot be restored to health. Vie. tors are al ways conriecosly received. We kbhow . wholesome Atemriuiee i bere fited FR % v¥ » © say HL Tomy report of the Patton bablic school for the 8h month, ending on Thursday, Feb 7, 1001 bs appended: Firnt Friveary. Namber enrolied 8. sverage sitend. Lanes, TO: per cent of attendance 59 | Pressnt every day: Mary Bobuck, (Eilen Cline, : Elms, Kitty Fiyon. Gertrude Lehman, Mary MceHlwain, Anne Novick, (Hades Nploeber, Charlay, Eimer Cole, Joseph Hubbard, Charles lddings, Jobn Jones, Orville last Keigh, James Lindsay, Jolin Litzinger da ranicis Melormick, Ralph i W hile, g Furasery SuopMakik, Teacher Segui Primary. #5: average sitend- of ate Number enrolled, BIyow, He per « cent Present of Jobin Hed sad « dota Cage chell, £5 Mike Hert W ard Yerger, Titan Bn Ba Fork Ray Hg Xl . : ; wk pig Eg AEE 5 far = 5 x BLS Een LE Domoriy Sure, Tescber Es alin Numbee R500, go Prosont : of a ati Ee 0h day Ulalre Hodgkins, Charles Jackson, George Jot A nstead, Adios mas, Ruth London, Amanda Quinn, Justina Rhody, Lillian | pero every 4 AWE Bisir, Ida CONTINU ¥D ON PAGE 4 MONTH. of this PAL be of | Fades 2G ohdiiren worried De ree aoe this : Field With Lhe approval be Liar Susie Doorcharch, May | soo 89. du ares . Abrry: : trik Cale | Prarie, : Fisher, Pry. $ Le ¢ : é : $ $ : x Bosoe, you, Willie Whiteford, Grace | Chap Uirace Monteith, g Alter taking stock we Sad wre yet have more Shoes than we want, although we have sold a raft of them. Ladies, these Shocs are SELL “ING CHEAP You should avail yourself chance to save money. s Mode” $3 50 Shoe at $2 80 Our 300 2 38 * 200 Same Hho. Onur “lz 0H ¥ NC Lyit is Oar Inventory sh Any dren's 4 48 nnd $4.00 3-piece The $3 50 Ts a * This Sale TIC iii ap It's not Jone il Faster r, Id a sd Yhile We Have The Keystone Clothiers and ~ Dealers. «ctiy Opposite Viola Mack, John Miles, Thotsas Powell, George Shweka, John WIA] prices 6 a £ Iveroo 1h Nd Jy Te ak pam room [OT new oo AVAAAAALAAALS ALAA ALY BN PAA SAAA AAAS AA ANA HT IS THE CAU Nous PEOPLE anes. THE BAZAAR. ARNE HEWES IRR E ERM ALAR ARATE R ER REHEARSE ad bs adQ sin a SPH aL dato 10 p Any pa duping é “Hig \oioMar UCHEB 94 | : 6p §9] SLD