ake: his. headquarters in New was renewing acquaintances in own over Sunday. i ot : ae | “Read the new advertisement of : Be : | : oo Sa | Miller's shoe store in this isne. A The above is the name of a new Flour we have lately When by buy mg for cash vou car ! redaction sale is now on and hig added to our i 8% oF a leh sated Minnesota Flours Xf ¥ Peer ; ; - es : * 0 a & * La € > & Hy &%, oon mei - I'l fg : i f. 15 5 41 bw oS great Ba mor ye ted 1. hair ht on send 300 | save 3p nt. and furnish s our home he very best fours Ne i fest on jist soflering from an attack of pret “lmenia JD Blairs attending to his il. Si FS get taro them to ns and 1 recety Siw bes 4° AOowielimae Frank Nelion sipped” onr orders for Sunday papers and fell on ap oy ddewalk on Monday | i nd reovived injories that nocoswsitate a a Ahem ree ; $ GEE PERNA ARS SANE THORS Eesti ERE. ! 3 Foe | call and sxamine our line of coats, Pdr, of Philipsburg, was | apes and colinreties, Former prices {vir 8 $45 5 Bi Sale pr rir from . [30 cents to 88. (Or pRreN mt ine of Sta Francis Reilly, one of the pro. eg ix the best the mis arket gressive oitizens of Rt. Angastine, was a A rial Hi os 5 : ¥ your money et furnish vin VON ys 1 ; in town Wedpesday and did not fore [¢ eat after dc 's re 1 Te A : 5 : on 3 Gin Tae ie | get to make the CoURIER office a call. 1 om t be her EF LILIES» SPabiAen 0 ommed whee 2 ; fe Hl Bhs ; wold on their merits ¢ x afal : price for tre rots wi be ‘ Mrs Harry Culp, of Pitsbarg, Se Mee Elijah Rickeard, of {irsfton, snd the hand- 5 Mrs. dames Cyphers. of New Haven, FINEST LINE IN TOWN. dire visiting tr the residence of Buebard li s which are Rpown Loran in town Friday night. Mr. Zim. shrew ghout the Unive] Beaten, snd are piece ndbonal Haty lass of exon ew Liston is interested in coal lands and in women's fo twear. Two Fears apo the “ eotim with shop wants the best store nd the best. alors semrcte the Best aos oa ines of That nature, somditions AL The Vivian De Monte Co. played to & crowded hones at Fireouwni’s Hall WE LOOSE : YOU GAIN! AWAY Lt r ‘om Friday evening and jedging from ’ . . oh " Hho. appa Hee sudience was well A few pair of word Riankate Sef thik we are ging to dow out sb 8 REL. CRS H aptisfied with their efforts. great reduction. ME ans 5500 people read the CotRiEe Better buy grick, the pries : very week, Mr. Merchant, cdot you ail next winter {ant fos talk fo these people aboat yonr bnsiness ? Advertising rates : | nade known on application. FE i. T BOOTS. oA projet wo da fond in Johnstown 4 per Eo het oa ran tr shea mut all sh for She Sram ot; PT her : ete heey winter's — dt Eds 2 T PE» 3 3 : i = af sur ine of aor oa 2 Merch wpe tnd B Denby, is reported xe Don’t wait sntil te size cre ail Sobe, BOE coe AT onl AA a tin beg the head of the seheme. 4 A, dackson was the griest Pemomber only twenty days 0 in Cleirfield aver Sanday. : shorn of Goldtei c's IVE nLOTY NE Ellin, the Searfield jaundry- Call and be conviaced hal in town on Friday on bush © waper than the cheapest Oa pNTEIN, % 4 Jed RE ¥ RE sae I oh 5 i 4 REE BR Bit ¥ all fades’ Fan eR ER TRE BE WEREEIAn Of FUNXEIaNnOy, rons Bor the fansius Une of Tira hop Rha Yar lactis ls lay on “business eyes was Visitiag his ring avid Pnsiede ; +» H promptly dove Try w, finniry WEOTR af HEAR RL Be WOE is BRY kd Semin: you want rubber statps, concern in Peupsgivania. Come ote, call at F. H Rio and fot us give yon sop whortans work 1 rg hgh ae Ee A] A avd John Weaklana, oi “® ¥. : 1 Bas I A a i ¥ Lin ; ; Wr 4 . Ye i ci x Fer aberty ave in town for a few days 1 Fo Jones, Ap nresent Cambria connty af the moet. Iu eile “ re 8. Johnson, of kb Hoy on Ration friends on W Bennett, of DuBois, and i “Bi of Prockvil EL Wee in loamn i. Shana inte ten sub die will be twenty dont MAP. been of each x pentiry, the greatest sum. ely shitiri ATE two Sl i a ; % IY piper : Siemens | ini this comity Lhie yemy, Patton hanes, ¥ tn ¢ INHHEIY HILDE. f1il ll. 11. "RR _gwetions expired ni his dp Sutnrday. no anand ina Swing | ETC ETC “The Pevnsylvania Railroad Co : ; i oo an ” has put a number of new Puliman NECN RE DIT TIIY 8 3 | coaches into vervion. They are painted | 0) make room lor Dring y CK. Vit iramal i “kod W 1H be sold at and ted like the other cars of the Pennsyl- = . VL : : oh od : : : We are ‘yanis company and one is samed NA gl ; hind the gro atest cut in orioos that has is atria spill se = (resson while another is anid Wil } more. They make up part of trains LYCT DCC 1 offe red | in P atton. & oy a Band ae | values The Republicans of Altooas In | . ' . IL INer. “Rid LIRR 0 3 % gonvention met adopted & resolation i Ca . = - She : : Tu Ale oRerca in all lines omtiing BPN Per py ivan Be TEL ps LR C HAM BE wv Su ITS. 10 ane Seatsd Chair Se I Gand On 3 x raid Ripies Sepiate ty - rin : : : : : ) Hn 3 Wi cis kd 0 FR in _ : 1 at oo HL wh . 2 = x ery Bei asec Tt Eent at $1 ay 16. 0 £1 Pr the DOE FETA don of Fae uw 24 ab and Toa ME, who was Sin fide i= MRL ART of DA BOoha on eoomentatios of Udon pressanan Theopp. Dining Room ~The now thre oot niece aol beun Granted £0156 ped hy cngress fa to be of nicks, ihe Furniture. and Loan Amosia sige of the ¢ sid brogre cont. only thicker, 000,000). © ud inthe center Win hw oa bole the Table Moe v Falooicks, of pation | fourth of an inch in dixineter. The pow of Spangler, have been join is so Besigred thst iL oan be read. hy recognized b A ho A pair of all wool 104% Ib ab Americar ouin boa ew deve Couches and Rideioards a2 B13 5%, 1206 ana 89 Fob 8, former price $1.75, sale pri : ok het will wren roarher ould loun es ! ; ; GOLDSTEIN #. Pome AR XR Es thst there d g : M. Robinson. if Alioasn - persdly HPAII man, tot of the pew Patton ME al est : Wis in Brn over might Mon. ene of an au Wet Bnet his LR ATE a Sthddon, of Mahaffey, and a pile of mosey By Hiver gdvertising "lodge tof 81 we witli sen Lita tan Hpsors shontd wonderful book ever writien wad Ha ghish transistion rishi tend In i ; A Seow ewes al fg XL grew WR oo ga Piel) iA : Ny ; be at si ERoRA A Lata : some countries, Write af onow.”” The “. 3 - . ci pi ce Bra . are | ported to be in bad Aetective department, sor oting the « CONEECTI INERY, 1 Show drifts of all sires and solation of Dino 5 Sai o ! i 2 1% £3 Lag £8 Bean 1 SE ; i 3 5 sony & mn CET Sk gi 3 he Lod oa 1 4 EL 1 Joiing and roceived pa 1 They have not interfered mot raring to enrtall the Dropasation of she rosped CASTORIA "7 | For Zufapts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought anndry, Look Haven. Rears the 9% i - : $ Tatiow’ visiting - smrds st iS ¢ Tuesday, Satisthe. | immature of € Ca XT TL hue, 2 Kirk Hdw: ret (Cn Tie printed a this of H i y: 4 p 5 - g A - * eR '. & pack. wills ha E85