v's table oil Joth, best quality, worth € IIIS greg J ITITIFITTIIIIY | adlics fleece lined stockings, full _seam- | oF ge 1205 vil. . : La i “ i x Bigs Wari f 2C, 8410 price 7 pair. seav and tan cotton blankets, worth & 1ARIIERLUY & fp eal oul gr yan - § imi : Men's wool socks, t3¢ quality, sale price price 3GC pair. | " | 4 | ] A ICO, stand: ard cloth. Hi (qual e 340 yd > bow tics, di : Lo rechucedd i a -¢ quality, sale price § BA . & white, trimmed with angora, regular price | | ale price $1.1 and Children's fleece lined cash- »c¢ the regular price, 10¢ the dd sizes child ren's underwear, regular and 23¢. sale price 2c each. ness year in which we have enlarged our circle of customers by hundreds, we ind ourselves right up eriod when shelves must be ¢ mpticd, ¢ ters unloaded in order to prepare the way y for a year w hich ble in the annals of Patton Merchandising I gressive enterprise, nov elty, prog re ssion and big val- frer an unparalleled | US| use Cle aning Time —a | ¢ planned to make me mora lo it. and we gue oy NS whi ‘h We are lo prosc nt mn our First Se mi- An nal nloadmy Sale. F106 1S he ma; ste: spirit | in hits sale. and SF WE are Jet price do the talking and vou the thinking and acting « we absolutely promise that in this sale vou'll find the ie Greatest” Bargains in all Lines of Goods That Patton Has Ever Seen. - * <8 it will. Just NOW, however, the a absorbing work 3 vhicl youll have most interest 1S the Ww hirlwind of Dy 5 Sa a Shad Onts omar een Linens, Towels, BY & Piss | fir 1C. Pr halt, Fools and E ARAN, w A181 < sade al nied with 5 ee 330 ladies Oneita won aid dress woods. good style, worth 1se. | tug, 75¢ qual ity, sale price 30k Price 10c Men's g8¢ under wear in gray wool, wool wdieed 1 3 | s fn Ta a i 8 Ti 3 hg 14 cai AR Piers on Sos Sharyn 34 is Jan a4 fy Tor cach fens 25d sshimiere half hose reduced atin sErinied shirts 30¢, 7 ag tom French flannel, handsome styles, fleece lined and scarlet, reduced 16 Joc Sale price 1214 ¢ Men's wool fecce Raed are silk effects. Sale | worth 73c, sale priee 49¢ eac Rd Men's gra halfwool underwear, sot § 12< par from 140 | a8, Rannel si iets 18 put rs halen © Wibheo Uolllel Blog) sw. blue fanned si IT 5 40 gua ty 3¢ 1k n xed ¢repons, | handsome goods for | quality Sal > price 3g¢ eact )id lot Children s Ribbed Colton Bloc. We 1 Sale price 3;¢ vd Ladies’ cece lined underwear, would 3 ings red {1181 ne 5p {en's 25, ties 10; p¥ Aik ie x ; . Y dress goods, 38 inches wide, | cheap at 25¢. Sale price 21¢ each Children's s heavy fleece lined hose 110 pr. Men's 25, bow ties y. Sale price 15¢ Ladies’ Extra heavy Reece lined under Children’s b Eye! ole stockings, guaranteed 1 Boy's ¢ hey ot waists 17, ty dress goods 21¢c yard wear ji¢ each, wor th to he worth 25¢, 3 =¢ pair ] T.adies 5 , and $6.00 trimmed hats 7s and g8c fancy silk short pieces Children's camel's hair and fleece lined | Ladies fecce ne d fast black stockings | 3 on the counter at 3c yard aunderwear at very low prices ~C Pair id dress goods marked 39¢ vard will agc Tam O'Shanter’s, assorted colors, re Ladies woolen stockmgs ISC sold at 19¢ during this sale. duced to 39¢ ni ants hand-made sacques: 1 4 adies Cul CO Wrappers 35 13g ashmere std kings, she Xi. 58 rea Ande to g8c Those marked 25¢ reduced to 19¢ Fleece lined wrappers, 30¢ ality re bla kK. qu quality agc pair, Our entire line of ready to wear and "eo 39 duced to 6¢ Ladies’ walking haty reduced to joc each, worth ap i RE 8 5G Que Wrappers reduced to TEC 4 OC DR ir ter $1.08 a rE 3a and $2.08 hats reduced dies’ trimmed hats marked 1.49 and ies’ coats and capes at 1-3 Child ren's coats 1-3 oft the regular price 29 Coats and Capes §1 99. $10.00 Coats $6.67 3B ” ! inh 580. $68 580 SPH i cotton Catton toweling, reg ¢ yard
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers