The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 17, 1901, Image 7

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Ti are bt Le
ade heavy drafts on
i% a comsequence, has |
n stripped of its better grades
ring Poy tor Co Jt i an ar
| useful book. and will be of
Bousskeepers. A notewor.
: f the almnge i is a predic-
lig a Fiquest to the pompanY
fixes street. New York
RA rr Ara
Catol ni, ti colonial days,
cart ony and
{ Cees Olle, Bow... 53 Land by permision of the On perislgnd |
Hes oper Ih
: Frovn.- Winter patent.
Suex Canal to be Widened.
The Suez canal is to be
widened. if Mr Linden Ww.
London hydraulic engineer, a is now
at Suez, reports that the work can
done within a reasonable figure 3
Cana! Company hopes that the great
waterway can be enlarged by the us
Lai dredges, which are comparatively ins
expensive, There 1s geeat need of moe
room sn the channel, Jor shine ha
Grain, Flour and Peed.
Wario. 2 Fe. oiieriiiere 8
Conx-No. 2 yellow, oar.
Nou 2 yeliow, shelled,
Mixed oar. SE
Oars No, 2 white Ed
No 3 ehite
Cr RE Np iy
Faney Bernipht Winters
i id YY, natu uA 2 a .
Hay Na, 3 timid « Ne ; | heen growing even greater, while the
over No. 1. CVE
Freep No, 1 white mid. ton anal hax remained unchanged
Brows middling. 15 8 Mr. Bates, why ts now going over the
ean. halk Sa 14 2h csual iW en te to Clpeenvand fo
i Braaw Panay ata i) 3 whee Fes srnmmant he tas Baile oh
mt. ae ws . " : 5 gnl dredges on the Ty a T4 vip
Dalry Prodavis : VEE dy hie xed in fears Eg thie hi arisry Wo
Serres. Elgin croaniiry, 8 7a F Olueensiand of mud and dersitns. Th
Olio presmary 0000 ; “3 1 largest of 1 rit ix the Hereules,
Fanow soasntey rll . : | seg greinige dre of Seno horse power.
Now York, new |
or boi held Io hi ia nik
Voultry, ote on Ae 4
Xone hrs thaate tered
Chere se dressed |
1 Baas Pr, ‘anid (dn, fred
Frufis and Vegetables
EBiaas Navy, per bushel cand
CHER Es Panoy white # by
med fo the prevent time. ie
been gafied
Hath Bot roar
( $8 A blewul ay
ake Fyrkernad reine ion
« is akon internaiiv, sod pots a
iad wodl pencons sirtace, Hall
« at ® vii R medicios, it AY
best physicians iv
ihr pre.
EE Lopes
twa frre ;
h wonderful yesaile in Sr
for ti monials,
£Y & Oo, Props, Hd
price, 706,
Wels mre the host.
ps A WT hl
nfedarate seridrer ab Cape
Missonrs who raed a ob ponnd
on his farm thin season, in
to ave thie roammith etal :
Tmaeatine !
Frovm., i 83 Ms
IABPAGE par ee
State ipetead of podony, Bab : MEinxs.- pr binshed
Fux AT No, 5 ond wo
CesT Ed
pe : a
Pr iRa—Oio Cresttory,
¢ Wars ;
Yn me goad 3 3 ¥
ITE A ATI Late Snrrent anny
PHILADELPHIA § creas Lunn maken
| honed ;
hal ¥ %
3 tnd ai i 3 masse
fare. Xo Tween ; Mg uses
{ Brrrge Creamery, extra 5
he © Eoos- ~Pennayivaniy fonts
PF mican surgery, on
NEW YORK, Lamy, bat greater minds
Cove Patents... ............ 83 70g L dwell on thie partic
I Wagar Bo. Bored. er x
op into ples. for distribution among |
Bis formiir comrades of Sih oo §
eside n Bis ne ahibesr hood
Sh es i A £5 3
AN Yanrread Dros do pot stain the
rap the kettie. Sold by ail drag.
® makes 150 wiles in the sata
of Frises sells at $00 $m orn
CFs Ex getty five piraes the
uf Ireland has
ty 18 to have a big banana
Jorge enough tex Bold 3
Aowoin Pare, Ffasiive
are made from Herb,
oo hansermaids at . in has
al. commen to —. . | iodine o prot dye teed at
re 330 railway stations within
radius SI Paul's Cathedral,
a tile : you,
a ve us
x eas © office. #
Axe Co, Lowell, Mass.
book on The Hair.
Pirie Regey, 1200 1a 1600 Ne, 83 £ Sha 3
i Pirie, VERY fo aN Thi %
3 Moding, TOG 1 JO fe
LF bdlers,
: vor i Blatobes WR ta TK Hon,
west his bern made whi the shows ; G
i fey a sur Oxed, sospmon to fal :
ta zo k can fly 60 mics " h LC ammon to good Sat bulls & rows
I Mik dowd, sacl SE
VENIrs miioll dows, sah
i Prime miedlinem weights,
: Bid fav y yorker sud medinm
| God to chien parr
hod phees and high §
L Blo ridge. ;
i Prive henry Bevin
ng on the south j Boughs.
1 Ghownd 0 ond ue,
| Lambe, artrn *oriag
wl Drugy. i Lani, good to shobiw, op Ang...
Powter & enjoy the dis
L swever, and increased sperations fail toi
i alfest prices
seed 1 the near fase, and lo ane freight
ooo bushels in {88 £53.
{fer the week number 122 against oR
4 asraimst 23 last week,
{in 187.
Fversal suffrage in the future republic
| Besiness Comparniinsly : Siow Wheat Move- PB
Lives, cars, rails and ail forms of 3 ix
way equinment are also abundant, and | Brash dusters will have anccambed 15s:
there 18 no sgn of réaction in the n+ | Lerman competitio
im 1900. i 23 in RoR and ren
in 1897. From al BY 1 tr date th
Come No 2 ‘ ase 3 | iran
tL Wage Water 3 33 RTRSY
Berree-- Creamery, nen
| Eoos-State and Penna... MW ongea tiey
sleetrreity with
Central S1ovk Yards, East Liberty 1's
n the
Th Pera E£yE
ae Bi 0% Na md
Cramion to adr,
A) 1
Bn oN
no air...
C6 GR ee TH
1% wy ed B33 008
| the Par
Matium, 3
Common to fair a
FR M0, S$
2 B a , - £ 3 3 Ze sxibie
Lambs, sommon to fudr, spring. eh
exnl RIN 1 wedi ree,
47 00 Cowhide sxible At atty rate. th
; : gre and thers
Veal, common heavy. ..
Bo eds EE
Nr Rr A - oy 1 wan 3
REVIEW oF TRADE. ; The ndauey of the mand
i Re vis abves no dead. and the in
eT of the growth of 2
: . } st. Behar and other rey
ment Was Heavy and Corn Exporting i es will feel ff and tt will
Showad Better Than Usual. Ein of innumerable natives
lived year atier sear op th
Cindige Dyeing with indigo. however,
R.G Dun & Co's "Weekly Review i at best 3 clomsy and prolonged p
of Trade” says: Only in the textiles 13 | tens. It means meray or ka
special hesitation shown, Staple prods SOmpeTdy snorting BY Te
wits are firm, iron and steel prices are | 1 Te india ine. the new
held without trouble, boots and shoes | provides for a single bath
and wool are steady, and all with fair | ure the manufacturers
demand. Constraviion of bridges and | their produce a
buildings, together with contemplated has Been spent o m the recessar
track elevy ion, érowds the capacity of | ive nls : ad ihe new year
all concerns making stractural shapes | ness the advent of the new fy
of trom and steel Orders for locomo- Hi a Apeciaity indigo will pot
rani- | vol a year or Iwo then
dustry, Plate and shert mills bave 2 i
large butiness and merchant steel 1 tn :
brisk demand Competition is keen,
New se hedules are prom.
fates are antapated. Stocks decreased
slightly if December, but the re is fear
bran and Phi thay teint
dining the past week.
Bradstreet's save of grain: Cereals |
hive given a further exhibition of lie
this week. partly on light Northwest reo
ctipts and advices thar Argentine ship
mens will not enced 1oonoon bushes
els, but also Jargely on the heavier vol-
we of Wall street money seeking an
outict in the gram market: Wheat (in |
cluding Bour) shinmenss for the week
agruate 3001005 bashes, against 1»
$ last Werk, 4oaaRan in the cor.
rik HOT an
1048, 155
to date
2 IO,
: LENE 2 fast sen
son and 1 aogd aR Carn
exports for 1 the CER BpETesale 487
is bugheis ot Fans last week
HR ha EE
$400, corn EXPOrts are 10108 018 bush
Lipanst 118.9 47 iat seazon and
Baines fasiures tn the United Skates
last week, 203 in 1900, 304 in 18085, ry
in 1808 and 48 in 1897 Canadian
failures for the week number #8,
R this week a
year ago, Win 1860, 1368 and zo
For Universal Sulterage.
The Cuban constitutional convention,
in secret session. decided, by a practical-
Iy nnanimons vote, to insert in the draft
constitution a clause providing tor uns.
Only one vote, it 1s urderstood, mas
cost against the proposal. Friends of
Gen Maxima Gomer, who assert that
+ 1s the popular candidate for the pres.
fency, are elated over the prosyect.
You're bilious, got a cold, you have a
eyes burn, your skin is yellow with dark rings under
mean, as if you wanted to kick a
passed off, and what you need i
and those who love you, but Cn out at once for a box of CASCARETS and work of
Be sure you get CASCARETS!
Bad planned to go ont with her hu
Ee renal failed her,
| Her nerves wera excited all day,
® night came she juss couldn’t find the cour
It is the old story of weakness and nervousness
e pleasure out of life and fillitig it with disco
flering. It is riot honest fatigues resulting
aily task: if is weariness born of weakness and ill he
The ideal strengthener for weak women is
Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. It builds them up in every way by
the blood and strengthening the nerves. Nothing else in the world can do Nervura
It sesks out the weak spots and strengthens them.
riches the blood and gives it a healthy circulation,
putting new life into the entire body.
Strength to overcome the general discouragement
It en.
is followed by the ambition to be well. A few nights
of sound, refreshing sleep brings a new sensation of
acquired strength. How ready now is this woman for
every duty and every
plan for pleasure! The
new calor in her cheeks
shows the potent work
of the vegetable ele-
‘mentsin Ner-
vura. This
: 5 is now A
- cured woman, and such transforma-
tions are ocourring in every community
throtigh the use of Dr. (ireena’s Nervura.
| If you are run-down and discouraged,
. here is the certain help.
boro, Mass. says:
tT wis sniTering {rom neryoas
ness. cused by Tomales weakness and
pervious prostration. [owas & ner
webs srl werk 1 conld set gh oun
» cosngon pair of «taivy withogt
stoncing To read, snd troubled to
shean at night. | rok Dr Greene's
Nutvura atid bave obdained ny
oli elgitie or around the frome
After reoeping aronnd for two
yours, hardic abde todo anything,
It has fevveedd a boot to ve truly.”
Dr. (ireene’s advice is
i: — th oe who seek it,
either b personal call
2 » 3% Ww. 14th
here ix much talk about the chivales |
eR : uF $i & Lid !
a knights of odd and that
1a then bse qn many Blanes
i Hiern I ATCO ere
the ie
3, Safer gurext rare for
iP s: phrost and lang
: from lies Feanle praise
it Dowtors prescribe iL,
Lpubek. murs rewnite
Refuse Suberituirs. Cert Be. But! 3 Cough Syrap
£m bind BY
Weather NONE wan teen
an, 15s family ecunctadat it
wn TA Desai Lo akon Tors hat
leet pan deters nna ido
dhe most conipivabing chronle
Alisonme BY Lhe stie: ifeurabis,
sfiety 1ooween il, Dt on Sata |} JLrend io wirorselalie by wath
persandiad. they simintet
Hyer 108 wortny wars sx 2 EEA seb Fi
pic The oink see yotwt
cen ilorene KE Nonr Lanes.
» ¥en 20 sanin a Be
ry 85
sronit Sopiy tif tren,
EL ad wun Buliimore, Md.
t# for visting ease :
pe, naglitalion, ape
urine reperrand book
M3. 05 Penn Ave,
faa Floor, Pittabnscy, I's.
by . ® :
hs D Of S EE a obi
W rewtimonuaie wd FO dex 0 troatinecs
Wem FXen, Ban;
throbbing sensation in your r head,
our eves your |
lame infant or ki canary bird.
S$ a cieaning up i inside. Don't continue rie
£ONY eke, AEE Gas ERE ed RAED arte 4
LC eeras Decemioer . TSS, §
“I have used your valuable CAS
CARETS sm fin
£0 without
bo cme Tay Hin
: Ana £7
never oe Ww] of 3:
EDW. . MARX, Aiugny, N. YX.
A movement ja an foot i New Yow
Phan Bese $a Wa win ®
| fe nicred with} Thompson’ 3 Eye Water ¥ree. Pr. K %, GEESN SSONE Bux B Atiawta, Ob
a ba taste in your r mouth, your
4 you feel ugly and
a bi isance to yourself
§ %
the ¢cioid while you sleep.
Don't let them sell you a fake substitute.
1 age
i 1184
pmifl os
Ct lS i