The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 17, 1901, Image 3

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    men were deligh
repew afntince after half |
equa | ars wont
LA ; {ah dn’ wan
generation Columbia Bate,
| ror nothing. but chat she was not
to’ pay money, She would do
washing for twenty five Week
thongh, if 1 would fro er from ber ©
husband. She refused to let me act :
in charity for lier, nnd as she wanted
a divorce so that she conid marty a
other man, 1 sebepted Der offer, a
she washed away, Hterally, her m
riage then" ;
“p11 tell you of one of my foes” said
££ E Chapin 1 was defending a man
who was charged with having killed 8
dog out in Columbia Cou ry. The first
action brenght against film was
feotive. and while the niaintifl’s con
sil was writing out a warrant I took
my man to the door and fold him
got out of the county the Justice's
sire wan on the border line ax Hak
as he comld. In my hurry Yo at him
1 sit of the connty | forgot io fier my
foo and I never saw him again -Mid-
wanes Smtinel
Even the O14 Practitioners Do Not Al
ways Get Cash Fees A Crook's Spoon
wf iterally Washed Away For Mar
riage Tirialodge Sedreln as a Pee,
Ronwtinies there ne fabulously
large fess paid te attorneys for serv.
fees which seem trifting in cmparison,
but it 4 only sometimes, not Always
that snch fees are paid. The boy who
in educated gor the Inv. Who thinks
that within a year aftr he Thangs ont
his shingle” he will have » practice
which will losure him a competence,
will Snct that he Is “ap against” ao en.
firely different proposition when he
enters on Bis chosen CAMver. Even hn
How Postmaster Porter Saved $6000.
Ben Hatch, Fuck Fateh and Dravid
YPolliver, young men from Utah, are
held in jal at Moab, Uiah, on the
harge of having held op the postmas
1 ter at Claco In an snsncoesstul attempt
to get their hands on a large shipment
[of mogey passing throngh that office,
The fold-up was atieinpted on the
yight of October 17, and but for the
quick wit of Postmaster Horace J.
te Island of Marin | Porter, the hold-ups would have be
| Reptember 11 Jast th reco [red about $0000.
he island. They went twenty: || The ‘three men by some means be
Yes up (he river and, after rout. | carge possessed of the knowisdge that
» Filipinos, started bach tela fare sum of woney would reach
Graz. They entered ambush in | (tse on the night named. The rst old lnwyers do not always get oF2
were fired on by Ahout Z90 | reports were that the amount wouid | foox. anid the storigs of quesr fees that
with riflia, whe were supported | be SX.000, but it later was Aiscnversd | pave been paid to Milwanlea lawyers
bout 2000 with holos. Their post | that the amonut was 36000. When the | fone would 811 a volume Burglar
swan sneh tha here was nothing | robbers called on the clerk. the post i foot, farm pi oadnes, labor of all de
nd this was done
wih il
raster was in 8 rear voom, where he | seriptions, alsost everyibing hmagin
kept the safe. The postotfice, express | able would appear on the Tet. :
office and depot are ail one in Cisen, The story of 4 fee fold By one young
i revelved Heels punish. {and the clerk of the depot master I Iswigr Ig one of thir kind where a
Bm Shiels, in telling of | has the duties of clerk af the exprens | JRYer does nat like to have his name
Cowan 1afice and postofiice. The three young i mentioned, hist It probably wasn't his
V4 | sen carne in wilh masks on and “stuck | fanit A visitor was in the bachelor's
ap” the clerk. The postmaster heard | den of the young liwyer, when he
an nptsual noise In the outer office, | toticed an engraved ipoon hanging by
40 he speedily opensd lis safe, put the | a ribbon amobg SOME photihgraphs, ax
package of money ind gunnysack and i thoagh ft might be a relic of some sen
threw it in a corner. While he was | timental collegian’s love affair.
‘engaged in this one of the robbers “Phat spoon ix my fee for clearing 2
ealled him te come out. : ¢ client one time” said the owner of
“ywalt antl 1 get dressed” replied the decoration “1 had that given to
the postmaster, as he closed the safe me after I defended old Bl Bradley,
‘and locked ft. Taking his time be fin- | the borglar, Bradley had beep ar
duly “stuck up” and commanded to house up mn the fushlonable part of
open his safe. fle was very obliging | the town. and ameng other things It
and did everything be was asked to do. | was charged that he had made WAY
‘As Nothing was fount]. the mes went | With 3 + of silverware. He sent
ort | away without further parley —Denver for me. and the way he told his story
od | Repulitieas. | I thought he was right aod had nol
np : mixed vp iu the burglary.
strs. 7. W. Colenbrander. who died Wall, he fold me be had no money,
WH SE #0 | pot sald he would make it all right
recently at Bulnwayo, Was ones de ; x ib . : 7 ’ ;
" § seritied by Lond Lock op a public oc with me some day if 1 451 get him ont | man doesn’t Know who you are, por
i aa eng a 1 of his tropbie. so [ went in and worked | what you want. Allow me” By a a a NY
| Sasln NE . omy bard, and finally cleared him. A few | The subordinate had Deen showing men t and chec ss ks any tent tila A reas
spinous at the occupation of Mata. days after he had thanked me and | him eurtalos ranging from $10 to $15 ubdues excitability, nervous prostration, and tones
beletand snd in the subsequent Mats Rone clear, without paying me het a pair The manager hinnted around a female ta. Raden So ib
Deletund amt 16 Che Sub gory | (virted Int my offic: wut anid IC had | andl produced examples of foreign dra ee |
of every kind with him. She was so | been trying to scrape UD Home MOIR) petites. :
xcellent shot and » thorough hors: tor nie, bot couldn’ Then be reached “How much are these?
woman. and these decom plishments, | In his pocket and gave me that Spoon, | cnstomear.
added to invincible courage, enabled | T° of the set 1 had just acqoitted Bom | “Ove wundred dollars a pair” 20.
| har to save the fives of others as well of stealing. If I tok the spoon hack swered the manager.
a ahit we were | #8 ier own on more than one occasion. 1 would convict my self of having de] “Ry gad” sali the broker. “youre
for imclve days | Hot adventures ami parrew escapes | [0d 8 man I kbew to he guilty. 30 | the first man who dured show 98 cur:
taried on a march | TOW death would gH eS eohame. tw |] 1eTt It where you =e fr. I think eatus They're what 1 want Send
. x on 8 INEPT was wimost drowned in the Tembe something of it. tod, especially as old | them.”
| River by the capsising of 8 steam Bill was killed while stenling a ride | After the broker had gove the mana
7} jannch. She was nearly burned alive toward Chicago a few day) afterwanl | gor maki that be knew the cursing
{ in a veldt fire which overtook the wag: "When 1 was practicing up North." | were higher priced than the man
I A Ec ahs and bor husband wom | 13 Judie W. H. Halsey. “I bad a fos | should have reaily affoched. he
rravoliog and which destroyed ict : in kind that i appreciated i much as WAS FO Aatterad at being thought able
of their frek oxen. Once In a wild 1 have 00 feox at (ther times. I had {1p buy such qualities that he soe
"| hunger emboldened Hons she was though I did not expect © get any pay | Verfly. to be an expe salesman,
"| knocked almost senseless by the over fram Bim. The suit was decided Io | geudy your man and his foiblen—Dry
hanging branch of x tree, and many our favor, and thie ald farmer and bit | Goods Beonomist.
times hostile warriors threatened thera | wife went home, Some months after
with death. Mrs. Colenbrander atid i ward the two oafue 8th my office
her sister were the only women prow with a package aml 8 busdle Hed up
ant at the famous Second “ins Anba.” in & handkerchief. The package Was al
{ or peacemaking. Between Corll RB eel - roll of butter, the nndierehiel bundle
{and her hoabsnd. on the part of the was haglenuts, and from the oid tar
es en si Usps pockets fume (WO big rowy
| chiseknd apples. Trae dntier, apples
white pation, and the rebel chiefs in
the Matoppos Hills
: : Hilla and nuts foe Wis as satisfactory to
fae as any I ever received”
tie trials of the country doctor were John F. Donovan bas 4 pi
A beatin Thars . Donova pleturn on
i | well iiustraten Thueadey by Dr. 0. pitied “My After the Carnival Dream.”
i Timmons King8eld, who WHE | wrnich was drawn for him in the cus.
Jealled : to go 16t0 & logging cRWP 10 4% | ty jafl by J. Mar Agbery last sum:
ten man who had broken bis leg. pier The sketch had some typical
| Dr. Simmons left Kingfield late lo the carnival pues surrounded by :
j afternoon and drove to Sam Parson's | yh, types the artist saw. Mr. Donovis
{on the Lowe Deal River road. which | 4.4 this sketeh framed as a real work |
{1s about twenty miles from Kingfield. | 40 ort, to represent the appreciation of
| He left thers With a guide on foot 19 | 11g services that one client felt.
the evening and trnmped ACTOS | «pur ten years I have never paid t
fave as umbrella mended.” sald one
lawyer. “The rich janitlord of the
story book style wanted the slore the
camp, arriving there at 3 o'clock in
{the morniog. ‘He set the broken 18% | 4 crippled umbrella man was using
. ng wanted a Jor Dame about 8 & M. | for g shop, and started to force the old
7 Stet auin before they HOC | repjow out. I fixed him so that he was
allowed to stay. and ever since that
* i I have taken my rain shields to hi
| por the fee mending. That was sll the
foe 1 received for that case, 100.”
“1 had the secrets of Diy awd lodge
offered to me as payment for a serv.
© | joe,” sail ose attorney who belongs
| had to go out and get x team and hy | 1s mens) seStet yedem — ry
n cutting boughs to al ene of the | greased woman eame in and waored
streams they got the team Ip and tk | gyrice Her husband. fo whom he
y | Bim out 10 Mr, Parson's. He arrived | coo nus recently married, was a met
e home ate Saturday afternoon. —Law: oo op 4 secret society.
lston (Me) Journal «7 think it's perfectly borrid of him.
Heroine Balks Death. | too," she sald, to Rave secrets and not
By her heroism Miss Ester Bowen, | © tell them to me. When he married
ia United States wall earvier, saved | me he sald be would shire everything
the lives of two women as well as her | with me, and the first thing I ask. ab
own on & steep mountain road, be | most, Be won't do. Can't you make
#1 gsked her to what lodge he her
longed, and she told me the name of
pouch in the carriage. her t¥o friends | an order of which I mysell was 3
asked to go along. | member Then she went on.
Half-way down the mountain the | «op tel] your what, if you will make |
horse ran away. There was danger of | Bim tell them to me, I will tall them to
the earriage plunging over the per | you to pay you for waking him do
| penticular rusuntain side into the rav-| what I want. That's fur mat 11 1
It Stands & Salesman in Good Stead An
the Time.
An amusing and highly instruetive
ineldent. Mustrative of the importance
of a knowiedge of hnuan astube i thee
art of salesmanship recently Cate uns
der the writer's observation,
An upholstery salesman io a jeading
New York store had labored in vain
va sell A SUSTOIDET Some CUrtding. The
huyer of the department stood DY. AD i
interests] spectator of the struggle.
He koew the man—a prominent reat
eutate broker--and kuew his weakuess.
This broker had, by dint of hiz own
oferta. tisen from ap obscure origin
to comparative afiaence. Like all wolf
sade men he was proud of the job
and had a weakness (0 be considered
even weinlthior than he was ;
Ro the department head took a hand
in the game and played upon that
string. Said be: “Mr, — this young
of blood. After we
asked tHe
bottles I
ties I vrus cured
fulh much better; but after
Al of my friends
Wanted Mare Rutter.
An inpatient man crested a mild
sensation in a Broadway funchroon
recently. He wasn't a polite man.
He hadn't heen well hreught ap His
mother had never taught Dim pot WW
pass his plate a third thine He bad
a vielent disposition. tos Besides
that. he swore ;
fle Bad received 8 QeRerous allow
ance of butter with hls order and bad
asked for more The second helpin
couwisted of three pleces of regulation
sige. These were quickly devonred,
snd he came back for mare This
tine the walter dissented
The recent
| Switierland has shown 3 remarkable in
| crease in the number inhabatanis
“Won't you do it? be exclaimed. | Perhuips the most extraordinary growth |
wot sali] the walter. i is in the Canton of Zurich, whose ponu-
The tmpatient map leaped from his | lation im 188 numbered wird, ht now |
chair. hurled his clean napkin inlo & it is 408030. an INCTEARS, of 908g me
: a | habitants in 12 years This is consuls
plate of Boston Deans with A great | 4. world's record, (peneva has ine
oath. Then he rushed from the res creqied by 21 452 DEISOIG during “|
Aaurant, leaving hie shock for twenty = sam serial.
canta beside his plate The walter T+ : ana M a paid : :
: kod the stained papkin from the . ie 112 cotton mils 91 ¥ eXich on. ner hut particularly 0 he 5
' : : : : . x wiped last year $700G0K0 postales { ! cant — Philadelphia Narth A
plate of beans and cleared away the = .ougn and produced nearly 10000000 re ———————s GL BG
vacant place. At last accounts the nieces of woven and printed gots Sovereigns Semor to Victoria.
man had pot come back to pay his Theie mills give employment 16 22008 ) : 5 ama si
Bill — New York Mail and Express aperatives, and the sales for the year A correspondent points out that
en : smaunted to nore than a8 000.000 | were not que agli ei i HOR
sao —— a mo Lguern 2% JUBIOr ONY to the king
_Critictam of Manners of the Day. =. piward (ell. of Nippinee Tad. had Denmark among sovereigns,
An Englishwoman, who has recently oof of wheat that wis a ixlure lust | deed the only king who is her |
come to this country on a lecturing | spring H+ bought sane bushels of flax | hut, leaving out the Pe who
tour, says: “I consider that one of the | seed, which cust him $11; sowed the joo, we have the Grand L
chief characteristics of the nineteenth seed April 10, and from the Lyacee fell § Burg {until 866 Duke of
century is the ‘ack of manners’ This | threshed m August 315 washels ni dav. | ix neatly twa Years older than
is due, no doubt, to the reaction from | seed, which he has jus wold for $333.23. XY ie tomate and the rand Dulce of
He . ion enemies merit Ens : c1nAL, 3 gemiar by ]
the somewhat stilted affectation of the | [y Hartford, Conse. the life of every London Chrasicle, ym »
ceremonions manners of the «igh cut 1s 10 peril. The bogud of health ui ee ——
teenth century. Like most reactions | that city has come 10 tive conclusion! The stomach bas
there is some good in If, though It is Mat cats are the means of carrying daly -arowd
TRAge 3 302
i rhs 7% 3
somewhat overdons theta.
In England the cabinet officers
ceive 35 high as Szsoon and yet
dutigs are not so onerous snd th
upon their time sre not so § ;
sur secpmaries. Their mintsiry,
more than twice 3s large 28 our
net and the work is more tho
fivuded. The wonder with us is
| are able 10 get such good men
: nay. This refers not only to
census taken thronghout | Cabinet Officers Need
It is too preva-
jent to adopt a monchalant, indifferent
manner, which ia meant to seem frank :
and easy, but which would certainly |
have been condemned ffiy years ago | Eon En t
| gs simple. biundering rudeness. This ; 2 The twa Larohinas stil have each a
four of seeming artificial and striving 1 ge Sah 1 Star ies thaw
+o be natural has come to such a pitch 3 : #$ ; i or the ifant steadily forg-
hat the result is as snoataral as the | : :
manners of the previous century. and :
aithont the elegance and grace." —New :
York Tribune Eo
| Georgia hay ied ited
texte mill building during the curren
| vear. with North Carolina 3 close S00
wil and South Camling in third place.
{ burton, where she resides :
fore starting to drive with the tail
A Woman's Quoer Ides.
ated in the day time,
ght about ten days efter their |
sbipwredk two natives suddenly sur
prised the men while they were in the
very “act of making their usual meal
and a fight ensued. The patives proved
ma ¢h for the resolute and ‘well
armed Americans and soon beat an ig-
: pominons retreat, leaving the lntter
ine. several thousand feet below, Miss i
Bowen told her companions pot to
jump. else they would be dashed to
| pleces. The young mail carrier's bands
were cruelly torn by the reins, whica b
she clung to with all ber strength.
fhe conceived the klea to guide the |
horse against the bank, apd in the ea
sulng shock trust to everybody Iwing |
hurled from the earriasge and lading
on the road justead of over the cliff. |
The gir] tugged at the reins awd the ;
horse dashed head-first agalust the |
bank. The women were hurled high 'n |
the alr and fell en the road Miss
| Bowen's hands and face were badly
n | lacerated and bruised, and her com- |
d | panlons escaped with a few bruises |
aiould think you wouhll like fo Know
such things. Need theo in your hush
ness, vou know
“1 didn't accept that fon
son have queer dens.
“1 hast a good offer from one Waluan
that 1 did accept” ecotitinusd the av |
toruey. “for it was too good to rele, |
although © was not In cash. I
represented her in an getion for oO
had |
vopee, and after the grpit Baad been won |
| she wanted me to aocept part pa vaent |
in hand-made lace. The samples of
face she shawed me
so 1 told ber it would be all right. She |
gave me shout ten yards of the lace,
were exquisite, |
1+ doesn’t mike mach of 2 nhitowy
x :
"That is the go
coptind rule of tite. Pospably one of the
aueerest ideas secured the other day
in a Brooklyn dry gods shop. A lady
in deep mourning made a snail pure
chase. which she wanted to take With |
her at oles :
oi take thig package. :
could got
shomeh ™ she sald “uniess you wrapped > 11
it up In black paper.”
So the lady in deep mourning was
accomimssiated, and she left the stars |
and it was worth every cent of what | perfectly satisfied because her pack-
was credited her for it.”
“{ was paid in washing tora divorce
age was wrapped up in black papen |
~New York Journals i
| pher to woderstand that men amd won | 9
An Italian who has returned from
heanima declares that in the more dine
arts of that country there are still
ve number of Imshian soldiers }
iy slavery: They are mostly men
wee wonded at she battle Adowa,
on the field and subsequently taken
snd Pover is . bottle of Guove's T
CHI Tove, 11 fe simply ron and quinies 8
|» tasteless form. Ne area or Prices
ro to Cape Nome in
5 { ior gold ix the
hing Seattle {Wash b ont
« first wild rsh 1s over. but
is expected thal, m spite of tins be
son Hoon amd Boon will he on the