\, Who bas studied | Asserts that each of our | the Philippines costs us | ( his dominions upon an The Abkoond of Swat | then 1t will be np to the | rei arial dealing Bn as » ‘world | | breaking down under the & ithe _ A Devoted Striker, Two Engagements and a Freed Lieutenant TRATHMORBE'S striker was a . superior article in every way. | His respect for constituted an a his face. ins. hix English was guite fshed as Strathmore’'s own: and - which was of hnfinitely more impor tanse—he never touched whisky and clgnrs, nor went on a payday spree $5 Strathmore felt himself justified ‘pn supposing that he had murdered, or ag pot i stolen, or forged, or something, at ons | time or another, and he shrewdly | guessed that Chester was pot his real that be could see, and they, Is 8 pew birth Throughout the department Strath | more was known by the striker die kept. This had its dissdyantages, bot | the sdvaniages outweighed. No oie mess, to complain. “It $s telling on strain. i CABG ACTOSS something In a French © book the ether day about how few masters are worthy to be valets. That's just what I am striving to be aud the fajlure is telling upon me. They | used to” be explained complacently, “they nsed to say-when my DSme was mentioned from Dan to Beersheeba— ‘Strathmore. Strathmore of the *stepnth, Big. good looking chap manner of speech "one of the Siruthmores of Boston. Isn't be? ‘Birathmore? That's the Chester's striking for? OR! CHAD you: think I'll send Chester back to ths trip.” Chester had been as good a soldier as he was a striker. but he had lan It was =o plain that Ktrathmore would never have thought | of suggesting to Kim to become a body servant, had pot Chester Limse] fe ‘when a desperado’s bullet had left the | pomition vacant—volunteered. As & “| striker Chester had many little Inx- juris that he had lacked before his = own room, his own bath-tub, and the of. hiv master's small bot cholee | Hiiary. | With the help of draperies . | andl bisokets that Strathmore let him Bl marry the Witch of Endor | have, and with that of some potted plots Le managed upon his own me | count, he transformed the room inte guilte a Shari retreat, and his It. i was x thing to ~ There was much drinking in plots general having as yet arisen to | bid gambling cease. There was also T! sanse shooting, but of unattached | | women there were sadly few. and those that were, were, generally, pot | very pice. This condition of affairs Jed to a good many unfortunate things F Any man prefers even a second-rate woman to pone at all, and any map | being deprived of a standard of com parison for a length of time will coe 10 think that an exceedingly poor ar 8 | ticle is suderior enough, after all That was what happened to Birath- becanse his youth had been spond is short—and he was lonesome. There to Induce, they bundle him off back | East on a sick leave; ye! when—which | i infinitely more prejudicial to lw i standing of the sevyice—he reaches Loe ‘stage of loneliness where be should riither than continue to be slong, there {5 no one to indorse his application 16 be sent somewhere where be can find the proper sort of girl fitrathmore had been in the wilder Dess a matter of five years, and be Was gradually, very gradually laps. { mg from civilization, The first inti- mation of this that Chester had was that the lientenant made unnecessarily frequent calls at a rapch-house some tor knew that a girl lived there-a dreadful girl, who had a plomply pret figure and face. but whose speech a thing to shudder at, and whose | name, besides being Halloran, was me Dn ; also knew Saat i L Merah thority was as un-American fle was tall and foe | Before the manel phisep with Hix Bonds rogers mwkels mares But that was no GLe's conver, evervinxiy knows that enlistment in the army of | i the United States, even more than bap i Pearls, eontld have realized this better than | Brrnithmore himself, and yet sometimes he was moved, in the bosom of ihe 3 the world's af | " ag lone he wonld insist: “1 am slowly ; Shonie ike, sir” sereed, wits safficiently poor { (Strathonore had picked up Chester's | { and Xow | ean 1 hich, of chnirse, ho never did. Aparl 1 fran the fart that he could pover have done without bln, Ne coumid net | have had the heart : rqubte a coeliac guiihed under barrack rae. Exactly | for the reason that he never sald =o | It was plain that Be had teen need to beter things. Lenrlepapers and enna” He reflevvenl aloud That was 5 f rulzarity could not i tisk contemptible busioess § kpow UH Fut then-ny fomre's ali behing | He's only | LR e | down the 1d. finshed, *¢ Le turned the Rey, would be very Ukely to meet yon land, and much poker. ns well, uo more. He should have known better, | : Bln, onde nad Cor kil among women wbo were lovely fre | evury way: but the memory of man | Palier shomld be provision for this in the | | regulations. When a man gets any of the His that frontier service is ani Pran ranch Tors! | inlining that bis pawe was Lowntt, and that ten miles from the reservation. Ches | By Gwendaolers Overton, the standard of comparison sore inched and FOR] ie whit the onteome of things, as hey Welw going, was bond to be. He ex rained BB to the photograph standing The inmued deer an hist and a mocker on his brow, which was fatr to the line of the on and que froma there down, “IH he tht gir,” he sald “i'll want himanlf! and her the frst Ln Baw Chester cherished a Kind of pric himacdf sore fing he'll compromise and lake 10 fastest Re, * Se nodded his decinively, “he Eal pot nie fet hie lookel an the a bane time Ber myself Which heaven forelem? The next allernooh be found Sorath more the Rima roots aad profiaed 8 ost unprecedented rea fe sail Vio be riven a furlough for a week” ®t rathimire conusidersd apd frowned. "What we. eve of me, Chienter?” be asked. plain tively, "wist will 1 do? “CY loole has oromised to fake fay place. sir. He was Captain Ladys striker for several years Eoows his dotien, sir” Kirarhronte sighed “Vary good” erivason $i Ay a “I papeet TH make ont someliow. In your application with the meming | TEE, WE er heater wi tihie and refieetvd werall shy tient ‘Orr Avg Te onght Winn & Han niarrles Eel tn firinks fhe warmup oan be a5, rather than be In ei, 4 prave miniakae Bar Lagne Sin pent iL was he Yeariong Cand believed wore than chee) for deal syer that Before Chis ter Jeft the oxi dn of {he photogianh again. YBa fis forage Ci i +i Waar his notion of the nolat bivend whi Bo. Ith a deri me! and he i= all abesd a boy. ile hex xd ovis of poll” -what 8 siriker does pot Xpow alont bis mis fer Is not wiih considering at all at will be abit to get anything he asks for In Washington. Not," be mused, ebm the Arserican army offers much | for a young IoAn just sow. But enti get all Ir can give, 1 be bedaves { Wimsell amid rearties the right Kinet or Detier met, doesn’t murty at all | Ne may rise to the wearing height of P| an attacheship. All things sre pose. ble with poll” He stopped snd bent down fo knoek § 1 ihe ashes Prom his brier pipe into tle | Then ba took the phato- graph in Bix Band and started fo fut it in the grip that lay ou Lis bunk Bot fe changed Is mibad and tucked It Ine {to the tray of his trunk astesd. And § fire-place. ke gave it a last book ne be closed Mn which case,” Le ho A honting leave is only a week long But a great desl can lmppen In a werk to a soldier who Das eut Jouse aml Is accountable to no ane, of WA fientenant madly deternined to lhe corde Just fhe other way. What hap penal fo Riraihpore was, in sum, ths he day alter VToule took charge he rods over to the Halloran ranch. and when be varme back Le War en gaged to marry Mambe Pearle. When fr was done and be sat down to think, he found that be was not so radiapily Dry as le had expected ta De | he way the sittingroom had dusied that mening hand dive The next any be was of and eoubin’e save the spot The thet Fe bat a old | why ets ¥ 11eht sank BE 3 Snead Bios te the As for 0 8 TWh sane she mber side of Eialle soe Uwenty dive om is 6r mare. —. sy ties pont. Qt paul tows, and iis hotel was as &s its reptistion. but the Euglishnman stared thre suit of clothes, He lot it be understood fad aise, that be was tray. mighs, if * he was a food viing through tae West, and be fancied the country. liuy & ranch 1t was probably with that end In view thar he rode almost st once to the Hilloran place amd explained to fhe haviendado that be would like to be shown how 8 ranch was ran. He met sles Halloran and ber father told him that she vas engsred too Deotenant at the peighbering post, but that a govere cold was confinlig the offer to his house. He exprvssed 3 wind (hat Lovett might meet the Heutenunt some day, aud Lovett hoped that he would. It was possibly in this bupe @ {that he called at the ranch for six lsuceesaire dara, tut aiwars-—bad ne fracited-tare Hallowen @ Blaby © elope or | drink being | rey Mane fhotiee | not ff I have to mrs be : gran | Yai 2 st mwar. fecling vaniemn. sited Strathmore fst | it wane Srove a : DACRE | disxatinfartion Miss jinllorzy he stood In frig god Hot | with single Jife. § ter of the day | = 0 A ip ¥ Wah 8 He wore nn cvnsplonios and spent moltey os known 1toat zn hour when Mw aunlte unitkely that anyone would ! covsing aver from the poste After that they saw hin no more On the evening of the seventh day gunrters again. Rtrathoore { povering from the eld and he told farely much Evsryiliog wrsnz He skied wis the had heen dole with his time Cheater threw an srmiol {he chips frors his sleovs, “Wall ate” he answered, 1 have Sous geiting on spp? Roeathmare™t faw foil that would have tm hunt striker. of eturse. Then he That meant & Dew ree hg : Bhoredl Mamie Pasrle eulineidenes, hoster: wo have 17 = ful. bat not #80 cordial as have been S wien and the éaptain’s in marry. sir” wate MYR CO & i cynical | perl that he hadn't done sx Sirathimans gevwandad Bik awn, i 1 aha! be sory 9 Nine you, € ‘hoster. Wine tw the girls mame” Chester grew red all over his nice fare, aosthps Wo pot all heroism, lie procured a place af i plier feora Hin Borel {reo of fiinuey, riubed, sink paper stamped with & shite dove. Brathuore gave a Hb fie wart. Pal Chester was daing this Ted dine final Thom at teri in the lediss, fats He smoothed. ons the i the wai it was Mane REPT #0 Try. Lvry Sey PERRIN fsnEEn ily, ORE fet AL SOS NEAR Hn shiver, Apes Breathomare By Peurie, : rhe Inst pase” Chester sxplained, 7s Halloran She's the daughter of | Halloran of thie ranch” SENT end Srenthmare devly. His eve had gush 8 misospelied aseae- AA Lapee of enduring love peated: “and pay I ask if ghee Enows Pwhe pod are”! er reat pean pel stl aio Chat ay daiively honest 1 mever be preficed by kere wed taped] alle hops by hr hed thisk that mF name wae fond a8 eually la #irand s fitted and vib oowhieh | am The dneReddl un courage 08 Be want an abe loves ge of Ci owl be all righ" Revathmore Banded Nim And Howe dows rT “Tit will te mil right” Kreathmore ald fot stand. fatten very Jaw. As for hie opinion of bayek Loie. ry Wn Marie Pearle he realized, suddenly, thal It Ged pot dropped Bal! wo far » * » La » * It wax almost retreat rove & bundle of London papers that had fost come by the stage. a auick Jook around. the photograph of the irl cot again” he commented. Cisester nodded, but added. with the faigtest shadow on his face: "She's a married womita, sir” 10 levee toe rootn, “0%, lieutensol]” Rernthmore stopped. might like to ¥now, mir, that I'm not engaged any wore” trable blue eyes: then there came 8 twinkle in his own “It seers fo be snather coincidence, Chester” he sald quietly, “for neither am LL” Ran Fran {00 Argonaut, Called to Prayers. veranda to be cowl He awoke. bow ever, in a fright, apd saw what be tok climbing over thy garden wall burglar. FA ay &LY On enim which his wile bad washed and bung on the wall woidry. The Khalsa accond ingly began to call out. “Praise be Wo God” and other religious exclamations, Lich awoke the peightors, who mis sus for the porsing call to pray er. Finding it still wanted several 3 apiinml what by He untimely piety. ing Goll” be replied, ix pel inside i shir when 1 shot fg EX " Wma 1. pat inrkey “tant £1 ww Pan iy Ea HE and ot nt appoesatad by Fran i dome? of Austria. dt is relisted Laat the SE perar red ¥ spoke 3 4 inter. Aevurding ts ue Lg Ftlese were poorly expressed. as he is ! not a powsl sneaker Next morning the CD eleerer. on WIGES over (le paper, ke i teed that | ipst imprissive and important | speech, “apd In fowery language ful- {lowed the address he was supposed have delivered. The emperor, turning i ts ane of hie attendants asked: "What ¥ dies this wean?’ “Sire” replied the | attendant, sulemply. “thar is the speech it plensed your majesty to Oe Heir fast sight™ “The speech I od» fHewesd™ returoed the emperor, “Rind: ir go fo the ass who wrote this and 1 Biss that | may le an emperor, but 1 AT Bet an erator” re, Wi SR A - Trouble in the Jungle. *ag't you tars up your Dose at Hb Ai NR TE a me!” excialmed the mo key, climbing still higher in the tree as the ele six | phant playfully reached for hirg with bis trenk.-Cu'cage Tribune, Chester was in charge of Strathmora's | wis ro. Clysster that he had missed him pro had gone | striker of wos wiion | npn the fre xl sto an, broshing SLi nnenverad, tenet here writh small “Thats rather a Chester's congratulation was respect. | H99 baila for wo it might =f shall ask your pernils Cael] Phitling John Stone Mis, spat Bps Brooks Ralph Waldo Euberson, John Quincy Adam + Julian, Joseth Cook, James Frivisan | Clarke, He was fpding out that Wentwar CAPR RE. Cam Curtis Bishion Bowman, Ward Beecher, | Bishob Horst, Bishop Shupson, Bishep Cfeiibert Bava, i Minor Savage. Rev as RB ERAoEe ‘I Baar b+ La high : he thsught h Ai in dea | She : Parker and James A. Garfield, and Be 0d not best ‘of Miss Anne Mitchells, Cplpeper County. Virginia, | flo the piney Bret year of ber age. | | Miss Sisughter enjoyed a distinction : 2 0 | sane colir as the hat, except when the teenth centary. (fhe term, hair father, Captain Sinughier, having tween ls the wirvies | Lin the Revolutionary army. AAT {the lawt of his nigeteen ohikiren. Pott “Oh be re . that Stal Blimdneas, and soine yelirs apo ane Fe 3 : TM eatTae did not sew the coremany TLL presented ta Cater, however aad delighted to tel] of ihe ; ! og ber courieaus reception there amd of under nti a 4 3 ¢ i Eis spinion of Chester had | Der Sarius ofc 3% 3 dail Sven in - President and Cabe cowped The only raffled shirt and the a only pair of black silk stockiogs In bis wax alma on the felloW- ue at Valley Forge. Whenever one ing day. whin be took to Chester's , .. oe went fo a dinner he thmpo- | He cast | rarily fall lieir fo the shirt and the “k me YOUVE got ft is this winter Tan gray bine and purple are the favorite shados A very | | pretty costume seen the other day was “Wes? said Strathmore, and turned ; © stripe. the bodice in the form of a Chester called. | *1 thoaght you with simill dlamonds, with a little square pocket on the Jeft side. The For a fall half minute Strathmore | looked into the Englishman's impene- | gathers st equal distances at the hip Hope, giving just the requisite falness to the gown. The bat was one of thome pew Hading shapes in gray and white | speckled feathers with a large clica of pale blue velvet attached with n jew eled pin a one side of the fiat clown. Ome hot might the Khoja slept on the material, bul not stitched. is a tn be a robles dressed in wha He ne seized Bis bow and hmmedinlely seat Borrow straight through tbe inagis- examisation, however. Be fotnil that the wiite ob Pjeet was one of Ma own pightshirts fasely stitched In squares aorass the shoubders. Hat with a small some . what pointed crown in soft plage encircled with three ar mare plumes | colleen, which can be {elegantly trans Iazed as afuek feathers sole trimming, Lonrs te svnvise, they surrounded the wt $ Clin, the wile Cth Andy i hy sail a very few words and “lis miajesty Bad made a or bat, boon could Brie ber The Open Boa. A peeulinrity of the so-called loa of fancy tulle, feilled chiffon or sUky roses is that the ends do not mest, al though they sre plenty long sough for the purpose. The bea Hes close fo | {the back of the peck, and the ends then fall over the shoulders leaving “waletoiat wihlth” of the dice The ends pre ofivn fas Piptel pn” fo they pay not come forward asd so gpa last front the Lilet Men Whe Honey Wamen, Hore i a short lot of same of the sguishort men whe have advocated | | ai: Ahraham Lin voln, Churles Sumper, William H. Seward, Chiat Justice Chase, llenry | Wo longfelline, John J. Whittier, Wen pial | %. Hon Geanige Wo Clprles Kingsley, Thomas ‘Higeiason. Rev. David Georife W. Cable. Georgt Wilk | Henry Charles F. ‘Twing, tweorge ¥. Hoar, Rev. John Plarpont, Garrisan,. Thiodore | William: Lisvd A Diaaghiter of the Resolation, tori cdinry, really settled remson Why any Catyle of har shoo he powalar, fog eck one of which it i merely a question of choosing the Iino I beautifal Penile and fae i tulie, cat the hawk of this Hat # 3 nrge ow News has wen secelived of the deaih Mercer Rlanghier at ¥ : exeeedingly rare 8t the ond of he nin Khe wie & dung ghter | of the Revalption in the trae sefwe of | Paitin | Shay wae | he life wore spent in to hor last years of of her prayers wig that she eatthd re gain ber sight apd that she sould see | Cleveland, of whoop she was a great sdmbrer, relomngurated Presd | dent. He was navngorsted, bait she Shit was him at the White [Hone the sthsec tent ehanning wile frieteiiisio of him Apathir incident of honor of the Marquis de Lafayette hy Mra. Madison, which attendsd Captain Slaughter stockings. (Chicago Times Herald Por "is. Winter Street Wenn. Corduroy Fas never wars mori than a mousegray corduroy of a very wide bicgse, fastening of ctw side with three smoked pear] buttons surreanded skirt, perfectly fat roand the hips was ingeniously arraaged In small Belge cloth strapped with ihe sume It bak much the appearance of tneks, hut there is a savething what Freeh call a “nothing” in the raw -elged cloth (Bat in altogether dil fovent when vou look ai the efleer of the gown af a distance. The tri bo jera-hadice reaches the waist anil is ree Heved by pure velvet insertions pro forming the oak well with these | puts —~ New York Comtuvrcal Sdver Liner. > Mra Kwelin, Yachtanaman. Anverioan woman wha willwath SiR yacht faces Wilh mus dent enthodiawin ix Mes 4 Ol of the manasa over of | A Cafu lented : rd re TE Ta | DUINTOOR 25 The An aE is tan % Apa Ah 3 pa Ta 2 Ris TY 49 raves of Tx Men lselins 13 not only mired sociely besaties of Cry, Bar am woman She sailed on Yi “hE in thus races (hat aut win cup aml her presence on the yar ht | aitded grestiy io > the enthusiasm of the crow. Dressed in 3 gown of dash bine, with white Sri ngs. and wird a anil she sat in the ompanionway of the yacht, wiere she could see | everything, hear every avder and} witch the shifting fortunes of each | race, and vot not be in he way of the | sailors or where the great swingug pte af the ad New York WE egiausaNe HRC R- +h ; ¥ She may not ke a personal her in | the next raves, there will be no mare keenly buteresied spectator, Her Lome 8 en the shore of Long Isinnd fat CRound, not far foam New York © iH Cand fram hic windows she oan des th Csailb dotted waves of that paradise of Fachismen She watched every detail of the cons struction of the Colombia from pie] =» finish; he new how every plank | ole in the S Bim geet ; whieh Pog rae, Anne andr | RT i her the winning £ nie : lading. sd proper position of avers Weof ean Van. Then, when the yachi was Iaunched, it was she who christened it. She understands the practicst mil ing of 8 yacht ax well as iis constroe Ble was married to Mr. Iselin in 1804, and before ber marriage was Misr Hope Goddard. Leslie's Weekly. : Bates and Tous. Hats continue to be ihe subject of minh cvmment, for (he shapes are molt eccentric, the eolorings most bi garre, nd the trimmings most extirtor There does not seem to he any there are so many diferent shispes 1% in fashion, that iroming. The thrassorgermd bat juis net been as smart as Antich pated IWBen i is becoming it is very bessming, aml & made in the most materitisvelvor, wf silk, Ir ia test when made in Dthe last material, for the lines are apt to he a Hidde hand and fur hate ave Ine variably bespuing. The fat orowned ~{ hat with the broad projection brim iss very poymiar shape, the beim higher than ila crown. faced wih ostrich feathery or soft shirred velvet) there is ta trimming on the crown which felf ls a mass of trimming, being mgde of folds of silk or ohiffon of vir af gl) three combined. Just of black velvet which sxténds down Ponte the Bair. Then there are the dipe | tarichiate and the jow English walking { hat shape with a brim that extends Laver the fase, turning ap at the side, hut ix hidden gt the sides by two long extrich fimthers, which form the entire rimming. Thess festhers are of The oh | hat is lirown, when ‘he naturaleolored fastrieh feather fa sed There In 8 dl fogne that in sles very fashion. Labli 1 hae a crown of tulle a foldnd - britn of velvet, and an ostrich feathes i pontipan In front with an sigretts. This 8 one of (he simolest haiz of the sen. son Liat og very good one Harper's Baaar. Parle Boe DOBT her before it wis Aniehed the stan of SEO Little Grand Duebess Olga of Ras sia ix the richest baby in the worlil The wisely she fear born 35000000 wag investod for ber. Mrs. Ada Barcelonx, of Denver, Cal, breaks apd trains wik! horses. In het early teens she won a prize for being the best girl rider In the State of cant fornia, The Countess of Westmoreland. s | sinter of Lady Warwick, I» more do mextic than titled women io general and is noted for her success in hort iy Potter says that there shoold be an ganization of servant gods for the purpose of informing themselves a8 to the charseter of the people by wham they are employed. Mra. Pasiine Agherle, widow of An gust Auberie, who died in MeKeesport, Pann, the other day, left an estate valued ar over a guarier of a million dollars for charitable and religious PUI oRes. Mra. Willa FP. Sekard and ber has band, of Urbana, (il, have given » deel for thelr Sacre farm for the founding of an institution to be de roled to the education of colored peo- auth Fhe Duchess Mary, wilew of the te Duke Alfred of Saxe Cobinry and tha, has presented his celebrated collection of glass aad ovramic ware, vam ar Ball 8 milion of to the “Yeste Cpburg” pear fan Calarge. An elfort is being made (8 the United Rtates to ralse funds to ered? 2 college for women in Madrid Sasin. Mra Alles Gordon Gullick, of Auburndale, Mass, who twenty vears ago founded a sehoel Tor girls In Northern Spain. is Er Rh at the head of the moveenl Te ries Toved Queen of Rwoden 8 groatly hee by ber subjects for her gracious amd ber oh rity, and BRB sad iy visit the poorer dixiriels of dan on ertande of pierey sad Rire also takes a deed inter # work of ihe Salvation Army. Ia tle German empire Blondes num SN per cent. brunettes 14 oer exit, aid wiixed types B12 per cent n soe disiricrs the prependeraooe of ; mide somal is mioel more wrind-respeeinily in part of the sonal Dusky Hdenburs, where : per cent of pure heme freq: Regoks 4 ta af Dime of the Literpoel clergy of the . Established Church of Engaod is ory. ng ta employ chured women zs regu lar supplementary curates, and he sug | gests that mach organizing work of | the parish might better be done by waknely than by dergrmen He de class tliat de can get three women tn waurk far the price of one curate snd {to do iiss times the work Mowe, Alma Keldseth widow of a fovrnalive, Tor 38 wager recently fray Shed from Christdania to Paris an foot mi started without either sioney or in tle way she crossed Swe den. Depmark, Germany and part of i Frasee. Ble walked twelve hours a wr, and ar alebt wondd call at a2 farm | anid afer 10 work for ber board and Directly she bad ssmed a {little inoney she started again. and In tn she mended clothes, did washing and aud as 3 Juvetness.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers