( Son 1B WAY! Ah Can Now be | ard in vy Bveryhod vy. + morning, which resulted in the joss of TI UNDER THE WHEELS fons Hatlriaa an fosnes His Fight Leg we The Hom of 35 Aveidest g D. W. Peters, who js employed by the New York Central railroad coms- pany as a hostler at this place, met with a serions accident at 20'¢ tock this his right leg. Suginations ny he Trinvipal of Parton Relmbe o The Bensilts of emiini Cogratiy Sep Forih- “Ab artmenis He Heard Tow look atrond, and behold the itade of children, who, buoyant ife and spirit, throng our streets, | syois and free from care and, while | nesing their present condition, | ,, When a fow brief years y wey will te i Flannagan Rou mine for coal. After {the engine was coaled apd on the re | turn trip the air brake refused to work and the iron monster was soon going ab a territic speed. : Holes officiated as sogioeer and Peters. becoming frightened, jamped from the songlae. In doing so his foil slipped and his right log was irawn , that necessitated amputstion of the Hmb and this was performed by Dra ; idl HR ng, ex , and per rpetanting the civil, re and rary privileges which | JOY or sending forth, ft our land those pernicl- Jencas vihich proceed from ig jnsnbordination snd die mewn, 8 bevonien 5 que sn of moma: s interest to every good citizen, 1 particularly to every parent, to 0 how the Iatter shall be. ; and the former secured: or words, how these children of the present ‘shall be trained and inflnenced that oy will Hoonme the MEX of the future whose example aud powers shat be an bonne and blessing to the 0 ‘pondering this subject, we be. come convineed that education in ile broadest sense must do the work. he sebool, the social circle, the pul: t, the public meeting aud the prose are but tributary streams, whom waters auite to exert an ff nenoe, sal gary or otherwise, upon the mai channel. Fach of these tribute aris may be propecy managed and well dif sensoaably attended to; but hen neglected or perverted pow en ve contribited to agent the main ft will require the combined and long ecutinued efforts of the best ang most efficient lo prevent the geoe rub contamination of the stream they helped to form, One of the chief tributaries to the in channel Gs good Dteratane. we as teachers be doing or duty if we would not make an effort to surround the children with such influences as would contribute the enrichment. and growth of innate tpower? We feel that dur dut would not be well performed dbl s pot make xu kflort to direct the of our pupils. The hero of a book may become the ideal of How infinitely bitter then if W had selacten An inferior effort to start a library met with ees such an effort deserves. | Handkerchief Bazar’ netted to und $32.55. We thank our patrons | friends most heartily for their co. In waking our Snterprie 4, have another plan to ald the We purpose giving you the at of your money. What you mdy done was for the pupils © ool. We believe that many rons and friends would like | V. A. Murray and W. 1 Dowier and was eminently sncocssful, His log was amputated midway be writing Mr. Peters is resting quietly, having withstood the operation Eo mirably. AL 7:00 elock Tuesday evening the bre king af a car wheel on a train on the CO. & O. division coming from Span. gler caused a disastrous sinashup ak ‘Noel station. The train was jonded with soal and seventeen cars were plied up in a hopeless tangle. Two brake. men were slightly injored. Frank Campbell, an engineer on tha L&C division, was baaly hgorsd on Muanday morning By hin train nang through an open switch between Uren. son and Hastings, The other trainmen esoaped by jumping. The engine was badly damaged. Walter 1. mht, formeriy u Dietinn on the C. & OC. division and weil know in Patton, sha wos making his first {trip as engioecr, was stenck by a ear door in the yard at Allenna received Lijories from which be died GRIRLH | AND SOCIETY. Mer dv Maiimieg the Sows if es fprie wnid UF ley Organisativg Pee Eo iy vith wis Satitnted at Bell's Hill day might and starts out with a meat bership of twenly save Toe worl of initiation ocsnpied the time of the | Knights from 8:30 ocloek pom. Fie ‘day until 8 o'clock a wm Saturday, | District Deputy Harry Doerr, of Johns town, sd an official Sagres teams Were present. At midplght the Pythian repaired to Peter's restaurant, whee an excellent supper had been prepasel, ‘to which the tired Knighls did ample justice. Officers to serve for the en suing term were elected ax follows: Chancellor Commander, H. E. Bar ton. Vice Chancellor, H. H. Hubbard. Master of Work, John Waters, Prelate, Ed Radcliffe. Master at Arms, H. O. Winslow. Master at Finance, AL (i. Abbott, Master of Exchequer, G. O, Brady Secretary, Ed Moore. Inner Gaard, Geo. Howe. Outer Guard, E. Gonsallos. The new organization will meet al : Bell's Hall every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. ‘Preparatory services were held by ORANGE BLOSSOMS fowtin Pulser Chareh, Lowh Blaven Boproax, Jun if, jl The first wedding of the new coutary in laxk Haven society cirghes ook place jast evening at #42 West Water street, when Miss Haliy Good, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs George 8. Good, Peters awcompanied Chas. Holes, = ‘another hostler, on au engine Ww the Church, of Hodson, New York. The veremony wis performed Ly the Hey. Dr. Geo. Yeisley, a cousin of the bride, pastor of the Presbyterian Lenurch of Hudson, New York, The bride is one of Lock Haven's most popular young ladivs, of eultared tasuie and keen gaieel. 8 pirive rss favorite in society, whe ro hor wit and benuty, her bright and stingy danpoki- under the wheels, He received injuries : : who will see her go from their circle with lpsting regret. The groom ix the son of (he inte Fraderie BE Ufnreh, the “artist, whose eelebratec pictur of Niagnrn in the tween the knee and ankle. At this ew 0 gallery of Washinglon, and CH The Heart of the oo are funn. the world over. The Botte wns Boy 1% i hight GREE i bright with pals, \ ireen hey and fragrant blossoms. In the large recep ian bak sed thiroiigh aut the pnlire fower floor the stairs snd walls were hang with garlands snd festoons of | green while pracefal pains spread their broad leaves from pediiaile and windows Io the deawing foun, Leratic electors of the Borough of Pas where the ceremony was performed, the decoraitons vere mosl elaborate Here again garinndy and fostoons of green, 14 oFPNAIRg Paes aiid a pres fission of cat Havers oraed a bower of loveliness, ar ofibetive selling fof the pieturae an Yrddion RnouP. At Noo otal Go Lo wiru ton if tk a heeantiful winding PAT LY Priel ari Ti foen the oiled iw hate Father af white Jreiesl dlilis iia wire thamonds long tulle veil sie wore Er ais by a tresent of fr EON Hg % nile ot hy Distr sisters, Alea Mas 3 Leirnd asad ies Bland hw Good, Miss Mary Geond wore a gown af white bberiy chaflon over white diotiod swiss, br sient with Black vel ; § paak rosssd she earried pink ruses and soft feathery fers Miss Blanche Gout was gowoed in ping crepe, priiamnal with eran date Mack velvet ribbons gad pink roses, Ler Loguet was also of plak roses aud ferns. The best man wax Mr. Theo dore Winthrop Charch, of New York City, a brother of the groom; both he and the groom ware houtonnieres of sardoniae Following the ocremony the bride and groom received the congraitis- tions of their friends after which a very elegant and elaborate supper was served. The table decorations being bride roses and ferns, The bridle re. ceived numerous and beatiful pres. ents, Mr. and Mrs Church left on ‘the midnight train for an extended tour of the eastern cities, alter which the Methodists Jast night and will be they will sail for Europe early in Feb THE BOROUGH ELSTON! The Wedding of Miss Sule fips aud | ‘It Will be Held on the Thi rd} Tuesday of February. CALL FOR NOMINA TION Of Candidates - Repubionns Will Feud | borane the hieide of Mr Lota Sivner : : Mr. Louk Palmer ] Their Promnties ine Well from Sets fipstay Bud the Duamocrats will Meo he Wedoosday Fobwing * Hebe minim; Plecticns for borough and towns oflhores are beibd poy the third Tuoesian ‘of Febrnary., Uerlificales of nomina. tion and nomination papers for candi dates for township and borough afMcers And aleotion o Moers, and school : : Cr directors in the same, must be fled tion have wor for bar Lost of faends: : : e Sane, mi ed With the county commissioners al leant 18 and 15 days respectively before the day of ection, the day upon which the act is done, paper filed or notice given to be excluded from and the day of election to be included in the calen- lation of recliouing As the third Toesday of February mext will fall on the 19th, ndminalions for borough wid township officers most be minde not later than Friday, Febru Ary 1 The fuliowing tails have been Rie for Pulton Wwannph SEM Oo RAT Nistion: ie Boreby given to the Demo 150 that & cancas will be bald on Vol ReRiay BYRD SAL En fel ws ielock st Donnellys Hail fir Loe pur tutes oof penn ating three i Eales RESO, RR eiengion Oo + i 5 35 . 8 © tia A fall sitendanes in desirid FRE 180 AEE peaiting jlane, 1 fir the varias Borough of Exteant of Buble Covering Yi Hae Deis ; ABY person for N amin dian Who Ban hand lis parse to the CChalrman of the Luoough {eves Eitan ay of bw fore Ww gatemiay, oF anry 2rd, and paid his assessment pres twit bay the rules, which amount to go towed defraving We expenses of Lding the prises oF apices shail be as fliows. Justice of thw Peace $2 Tax Uollector 82 Conmtable. #2 Aswesnorr B24. Burgess - 81.5 Conneilnieg 41 Reduount PHimee Judge of Elevtion fusppctor 50 of Anditor-— 5 ols High Constable - By Order of the Repablic an Boreagh Commition Arux. Moved, Uhalrman Owing to illness of Chairman, the fees for registration of candidates will Te be received by J. BE. Dale, 23 fonr Good Belidiug. Bi xvercoaiz He Boys’ and Chil Big Reductions i Come at Once =i othi INg, Shoe s Etc. We has e added Clothing and Overcoats and all anunal jb nventory Bale and here you are. SALE TO LAST 15 DAYS. % to #1 Ew ¥ dren's Suits and Proportion. n Winderwear, Heavy Shirts, Winter Stock. NOTE THE PRICES L oN SHOES: pind 1 Save Money. The Keystone Clothiers. GOODS at Men’s and Reefers Cut ve the benefit of the library, and, | continued this evening at Goldstein's ruary. ; *eptrsia) avid {Cenes y Sherefore printed “Certificates of | Hall. Revival meetings will be com. Among the guests present from out TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY et pe : es > ts and \.2pes. Large line : Pe which we sell for the . menced Sunday morning and will cot of own were: Mr and Mrs Jere 8. Properties in This Edt wt the County That f Men’ s Overcot 3 and suis mast be sow AT COST to D . Every one who tinue each evening for an indefinate pi ok York, Pa; Mr. Theodore Have Chargr! Hands Recottiy. one dollar Is registered a membyr | period. : Church, Mr. and Mm. Chester A. Bra- artes Frank et ox to Jon Graaft is ntitled to the use of the books Rev. John E. Radcliffe, the new pas. g,0, New York; Mra. Lowrie > hil ds, hares as o os ae B Mma one We believe that many tor of the Baptist church, will 60cuDPY (ymaba, Neb; Mrs George Sergeant, Rich BAG Hoenn 8, sof good literature will take the pulpit Sunday evening at 7:30 pie N.Y. Dr and Mrs Ferguson, Tobine ua wilh antage of our plan. If you buy O'clock. Sunday school a8 5D Wi. nrcr RV MLE F Perpuson, Mr sland tawsship i ook it costs you one dollar. We! Everybody is cordially invited to all and : iss Bonnell. Boston: M ia Albert (hick ef al to Nan ve you & book to read each week n | the services. | N.Y; Hon. an ake room for new goods. pata mul Richland township, §1. Marsh, Lansing N.Y Hon and. a : th ; . : larsh, 1 ingburg, N. Yj Hon. and Christiss NM Miller, to Wilmore Coal Now is the Time y year for that sam. If we fail to The Ladies’ Aid Society of the ME. Mex Jas. Kerr, Washington, D. C4 TO BOY CORTS AND CRPES at upon you, send Four Bp dication | | church will hold a cake sale at Wolf & afr. A. E. Patton, Curwensvilie; Mr. companys Richland fon nehip, = i - ARs ss a Thompson's store on Saturday, Jan. 2, AG. Palmer, Corning, NY: Mis ¥ ; nz #1. Hantle OE THE BAZAAR. will please see that report commencing at 2 p.m. Cakes and Silty, Williams part, Pa; Dr. and Mrs Seal company, Tuba Eee $ i promptly signed aud 1v. other t table delicacies » it be offered for Jolin 8 Deaver, Philadelphia, $ and that thelr children are in sale. : and prompt attendance, We Rev. Father Edwin, O. 5. B., deliver A Revaiting » make visitors welcome, od a strong and instractive sermon ob A particularly reve $ report of the Patton pablic : the duty of parents to their children at alleged to have hosn $ HOU for whe fourth month ¢ uding the high mass celebealed al BL Mary's young man of thls place < 0, 1001, isappended: 'R. (. church last Sunday morning First Primacy. The Odd Peliows have the largest the vieting The suspect wis Number enrailed, 80; average athe. ; membershio of an) 1 Gr guns doy bail Sr Bis appearance Bld 3 ance, 62; por cent of attendanos, 87, ition in the United States. They muni Dyan ent exer day: Ellen Cline, May ber O85, 208, at the § man's Oa Elms, Anple Kane, Anna Liske, Laliva af hie alleged vidi w, Helen Yeokley, John Arm. John Charlay, Bimer Cole, 1 C. Begley, whe Ditaky, Cigar ge Pebrausgy, dey ob of Ihe Pebns Ivanin habitoaG Hom, Orelll, Ret Jase Company at Johnitown last Jub and Where hia wife was salen burt ane Tar ding iat tomest - form 0 THE BAZAAR. BVA LASSE BR RR AUER LN WN FAA LARA LEVI EVR YS BEVERY % PLOT RAIS Lysorge 15 Coad r LE RRR wank with nn little ten veay oll Te HEN Y ER PA Snes LSennay % EE #4 3 RL ames Medlon, Wane Damages MOEA AR EN, Teacher Inesnnag | 3 aor Xi earoiled, 7 [1 avicage allen ar cent nf witendancy | 8, suits have re n hroauy = set sounly courts
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