The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 10, 1901, Image 6

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    Bishop Ninde, of th E. Church,
were vonducted In the Central Metho- |
flist Episcopal Church. in Detroit.
The transport Ingalls arrived at New |
ing the storm, which caused consid
rable damage.
| Clarence D. Wood. an instroctor in
Brown University. committed suleide
‘at the home of his breather, in Brook- |
ord : lyn,
General James Cavanagh, tormerty |
| polonsl of the Sixty-ninth Regiment, in
New York, died at hts home, in that
BE St. Jobn, vice president and gen.
he | eral manager of the Seaboard Air Line, |
‘of fpeene began with a will
nd parses wire carried from |
(ims were ered tri
ins tations,
children at the how
‘of aban thirty nurses ©
Two of the women at
Are among the dead.
: the fire fa onot Knows,
ae a De riaary pe
eaTps of the War Depart:
3 Wa the House on he Re:
am was outing]
Tw he ay
peared before camtmits
use and Senate In be:
t to purchase the his:
'y Forge for a govern:
ated the Reapportion. |
aine, vio.
to the Senate |
mmittee his objec:
mation of the viter|-
pendent corps in the
has tendered hin resignation,
| Announcement was made that re
fined wugars 10 points,
i The boilermakers in ‘the Erie shops
at Susquehanna, Pa, went on 8 strike.
Divires reform ix to nectpy a promi.
‘ment place in the New York legisiature
Henry M. Hook, agent for the
i Knights Templar and Masons’ Indéme
nity Association, of Chicago, Was ar-
rested in Chicago on a telegram from
Washington stating that he was want-
{od in that city on a charge of forgery.
have not yet solved the
mystery surrounding the murder of
Foank W. Richardson. of Kavannab,
Mo. His wite. who was in the house
‘af the time and heard tlie pistol shot,
CAL mot see the aeeassin,
John C. Sims secretary of the Penn.
| | sylvanias Raliroad Company, died in a
Phiiadeiphia hospital, where Be had r-
cently undergone a surgical operation
for appendicitis,
A bear belonging to landlord Daniel |
Donovan, of the Frantz Hotel, in
| Wilkesharre. broke into the hostelry
{and caused a stampede among the
guests, injuring one af them,
The 800 miners of the Eik Hill eol
Hery of the Bik Hill Coal and Iron
Company, have gone on a strike and!
| threaten to call out the 7000 employes
iid the company.
Ld he police
| to Bishop Potter. offering to have Po |
Hee Inspestor
vice cruxade.
s Marie Louise Ackerman sloped!
Wen worth, the husband of her,
i bosom friend.
oom and exploded itamediately after
striking the water.
Mrs. Jane Day, of New Haven Ct,
‘while reading her Bible, was suddenly |
‘stricken blind.
From Chicage comer the report that
| Tames J. Hill will become a director a
York. the Baltimore and Ohio to be
(the Eastern link.
| One life—~that of & sailor. was Jost in
the wreck of the steamer laqua, which |
ran on Duxbury Reef, 20 miles north
of San Francisco, Suventeen persons
| were aboard.
| The secret service officials arrested
. in New York a gang of eight Italians,
| whe are believed to have fxsued & large
{ arpount of bogus sliver money.
John Bardsley, former sity treasure?
of Philadelphia. who served a term for
| tnd connty, Va, was killed by his 14-
nd | | vear-oid son, whom he Bad chastised,
is tee to jo “ide
# where i
jin the embezzlement, several monthy
tly near |
£! {ida 3
«lof Philadeiphia,
| hands of a receiver.
There was & terrific windstorm of
| the Pacific Coast, which did consider.
i thie damage.
B.C. Remme, formerly cashier of the |
000 tons, and they
id the Quen and the
I George I. Creamur dropped dead
| while holding & conversation on the
] street in Martinsburg, W. Va.
| Frederick T. Clark. a Philadelphia
reat eutate dealer, was sentenced to ve
years imprisonment for swindling by
1) means ot frandulent Morgages and
wo 1. Griswold, former tax’
4 second charge of embezzlement and
was given an additional erm,
| and the State Examiner ix going over
Hieved to have been lost
The Dingley Woolen Mills Company,
] German National Bank, of Newport,
| Ky. was arrexted on an affidavit of
Bank Examiner Tucler charging him
with aiding Assistant Cashier Brown |
| 480, of a large sum,
A number of councilmen ia Seranton,
i them of corraption.
ing them with conspiring te defran if
Insurance COMPA ek.
ii Beveral miners, including D. 1
Hams, the foreman «f the Pine Rite
id lied vy fire-damyp.
The north boand limited on the Chi-
ago Great Western was wrecked near
Sargent, Minn. No passengeis Were
Episcopal Church, was found dead io
0 : sed at his home, in Detroit, Mich
Everett Fragar, consal Pneral for
Korea in the United States, died
i New York.
Both branches of the New York fog |
islarare organized and Hsteped to
reading of the message of the nsw gov.
aor, Mr. Odell who sdvoeated a
aumber of reforms in administration,
National | Capital Affairs
Civil Engineer Perer C. Asserson, of
the Navy, was retired, with the rank
of rear admiral
Recretary Long announced the award
af the contracts to build the battie-
ships to the various concerns
The remains of Brigadier Geperal BR
So sek
| ton Cemetery with military honors.
The funeral ——veo over the body of
York after having had a hard time durs |
finers had advanced ali grades of re- a
Tammany Hall sent a representative
Cross and Captain Her-
Jihy dropped it he would stop the anti
ma New York with lawyer George
“A brillant meteor fell into Lake Sen
the Chicago, Milwagkee and St. Paul !
‘Railroad, which will become part of
8 continuous fine from Beatle to New |
embeznlement, died at his home in that
William Taylor. saloved. af Gooch |
: Ww no
lector ie Norwich, Cr, pleaded guilty to
Cashier John W. Shotwell ix missing
the beaks of the Ray County Bank, of
|| Richmond, Mo.
The mail steamer Guy wae wrecked |
pear Skagway and all hands are Bee
1 appointed
has gone into the
ira, were arrested of warrants sworn |
sut by the Municipal Leagoe mocusing
1 The grand jury of Louisville Ky. re-
turned & Bill against four men, charg |
| wllfery, pear Wilkesbarre, Pa, wer:
Bishop W. x. Ninde, of the Methodiat |
N. Batchelder were buried in Arling-
Admiral Remey reports the capture Croker 36.100
or uficers of sents Newmarket Stakes for 1902 hy Mr.
the de | Croker. The youngsters will be ship
Them No Mercy.
Sa and Wood,
Cadets Boor and Brett, Bors of Wham, It Is
Alleged, Died From the Elfects of Their
HETrestment at the Military Academy,
Saffered Much Humitinion and Torture,
According to the Evidence.
Philadelpaia (Sper i). — Aecording
the testimony adduced before the
Leongressional investigating con
iwhich i innutring info the churges af
Iharing at the West Point Miltary
Academy, Oscar LL. Bobz of Bristal Pa
rouzh ht me of it during thelr “oleh
yoar at that institution. The star wit-
itheny J. Burpam. Jr. son of Judge
the State of Kentueky, who wax Boers
tepnt-maate while in damp The com
mittee also heard for |
Broth from the jips of his father
brothers and sisters
academy for doficioney in studies, maid
with Cader Keller Personally hi was
a good fellow, bat the éadet of the up
coward, During the twelve months
16 fights
Hn Wis
anid “enred to
aml pd fae as he
iaky eotnpidinis
Loft how upper c clasamen Bad compeliod
PRI to swallow alain AUCH,
| penaily of being Toalied om.
fourth classmen were a
! hat the appr class.
Late them 1a
discheyed them,
fir The
wesitied got
it they
for if.
Explosion ona Steamer.
(aalvestan, Tox, (Bpmeinll
1 ish steamer Domingn de farrinaga,
(fram Liverpool arrived in port dis-
abled by an explosion of her main
(Stowaway Whdse pubic Is not ROawWh,
CThe two freien (Spaniards) were hor-
ribly disfigured by esitaping steam. and
Chief Earner Barciay was painfal ty |
wierimu of tha exniosion
| burned. The
Pavers Buried at sea and the vessel
| Brought inte Bermiuds by Oapinin
PRON A que Ely ms her disabled condi
ition would permit.
American Consal's Threst.
Tacoma, Wash.
steamship Tacoma brings sews from
Kwang Tung to suppress several sedis |
tious uative newspapers which were |
being cireninted throughout Canton,
advising the natives {0 rise against for. |
signers. Some objiction was made |
when the consul firdd protestind
pointed to the comit defense vessel
: Monterey, Iving in the harbor as evi
: introduenid a resolution to the
Rat the Neaate shall be entitiod
{ Bpoet Any anid weary pubic
or rererd on 8 0 any
relating to any sulideet
Congres Bas nrisdiorion
‘pander the Copstitulion
Cfion WERT aver,
ts ine
wi by lei 3
fan }
¥ avr
Postmaster or 72 Years
the Govern ats invied ipsix
Cseltness the lnangurittion of President
MeKinley on March ¢ will be the wen
4 Haswell Begrdaley, who
Woon postinaxter at North lausiag N.
Fo far aver 2 conmcitive years
iy whi is believed 1 be
aides emplove in te Goverimen
any canarity,
postmasiyr by President
John Quincy Adams June I8. 183%
A Concession From the Tork,
Washington (Spewinil ~The
Rovernment kas Tarmnis
Marton, who was anbednted
States comsul at Harpoot, what
known As travelers papers, dongiitul
Ling 8 safe conduct lo enable the Fins
Ltr tn proceed to filx post There
Pregunn te bellove THT This ad flea Tire
f onet a vomplignee by the Tariish gov
Lernment with the rieinest of
| Depurtment for & Tein
Tw Nar on.
Tea Hours - the Rigpiaz.
wgeannah. La | fhpecialy
Hohner Janes Be Ir.
ten, Iumber-laden
iphia Monday, Sh
Ags Pa AMER Paya
see Bonds on Tharsday That
rRuE Gn Two aneSors were
Hath eables part in the
ty give 8p
‘plight and
Sthe woth breakers The men Broke over
decks and ihe drew tek Wn the
Begrly 10 hoatrs
tpeing for
McKinley to Hoaar Lincaln,
Now Yorw t Spin lid § ek pimeral
Howard annonarnd thal Presiden: Moo
FR inde will be one of Me apevakors al
ainbyal bon uf the of Abra.
faneain tu ;
the oY
Hi al
Pall a ;
CBee iit
Lise win,
Croker Rays Some Thoroughbreds.
fexington. RY
“Croker has
SHR Ths 02
thorsughbred c
Fad Maelhunirne wil
through Senator PHL
| Brookivn, amt the tefal
Lyoived is $30.060. Be best ond 0
ot 1s the handsem Beau Imperial
Pr nee of Menaea, whivh cost
He in entersd in
iRperial ¥en HEY
f the chalvest
Binh pe s3ed oy
six £0
ud, 1 he
ipod to England in June.
| West Point Upper Chass Men Showed
yaya ittes
and John BE Breth of Altoona, Pa. wad
nasi of the day was former Cadet Ans ;
ithe hanor to extend through you an in-
vitation to the stodent body of your)
| Burpam. of the Court of Appeals of | a on |
tnatitntion to partidipate in the nau
he firet time tes
timany in regard fo the experionees of
Hurram who was dsmissed from the
Booz beeamws unpopular after his fight
per classes always tanntsd him 8s a
Barpam was at the academy thors were
knew, no
Abpsad smlvte, he
oe |
canes they felt the hawers would make |
life all the more mberable for them. |
Buoy while in thelr tent had fold him | Gd
: | Indiana Citizens Organize fo Drive Out
allowed thelr Hib!
Lorty on Saturday afisrponns, according Bt
feave :
“plobex’ as & rule would be punished
The Brit.
steam pipe. the acchient resulting in
ithe death of two firemen and a negro
Special). ~~ The |
Hong Kong that the American consul |
st Canton has required the Viceroy of
Ha !
Washingion (Special). wT Svar the
refusal of the Preowident and Sacrotary | A
Rawr tn Band aver the Lawshe roporl |
Lon Cuban Bacal mattios, Senate Bacon
der timient |
dohartment |,
Middletown X.Y. (Bpeeiall One of;
19 B31 years old, and was
Targisy |
shed IT Thomas,
thee sehewiner wan (riven on
£3 03
wd roibslsead
Didegetions to Washington.
five feature of the second insuguration
{af President MeKinley if plans pow |
ander way fulfil thelr carly promis
will be a lurge representation of the
first time The matter
inwtitationz of learning,
angurat jeirade
fw ge follivws;
“Dear Hir:
which the inaugural coremonies will
present. the inaugural committees hax
gural parade of March 4 1901.
oo all the
and universities with the hope of hav
jpg an many of them as
Cede AYE Bison.
guested that vou
i ment your hearty
{otther In Person or
top of ¥olir selertion, prosent this mat.
give thin
approval, and,
Ever Tor the windetiis’
Crane menting Aesomblel
THR tal iw.
“ hairman Intereodfeginte Committee.”
Law Breakers.
informed 1h
Indisnapolis, mb
SEAR autharitha ware
fRsme S08 peTRan« iv
hued organized themselves ita 8 vi
lanes cotamities and have established
# lynch cours amd many negroes ate
tor alleged offenses
[the past tas dir Three years
j imeatinge mila
amd hat a Sry of 12 men ix selected |
i he
vidence against perdons is given an. trouble wax a muscular affection of the
jury pamies spon If and {ix verdict is
from the nember present art
der oath, as in a regular count
(final in the cise
Last Wednesday night George Colo-s
(Grandview, was takes before the vourt,
Bd wan foreed to Eve
ipninget his own son, being sworn and
Ludmenistiest to tell the truth HL
¥. The next day his son was ardored
‘to leave the sounty, and more thas a
lozen other negroes have Bow boon or-
fered away.
The vigilance committer ix sald to
ie composed of promivent men of both
persons Who ares Koown to have Been
Liaw are being hunted ap with a view
ridding the rounty of them
| Bo far only fegroes have been or dors
Cet away, but it is said that the com-
[tion te certain white persons whe are
funder suspiel a
Young Woman - the Victim and a
Lynching is Likely.
Marietta Ghto (Special ~
mist hrigtal of orinles Was
Machiaev Margan county, ;
Nidiin Morris sged FORTE,
Bnduan ard accomplished, lost her
y wan relurn ing
by which
IM as
Boma fm the 1
i (natant
ber Koma.
Sa “her
ho an
hard, Anully
5 “5
threw Tor
val and
ag ta her fad
w dipetoek drew
Peo ¥eot stad SR
ving the §
thee Hagia
2 RE
Ee hE
U5 Pe
thay ware ent inte
(attempt 10 rescge
man Her fagers
Pwriat was Bally
amd ell arms
wrod. The
pt Fei
@ rium
Be entire right
4 5
young Woman's dress was
Woineitoek was fnal
saad oft sen who had eon to! the mt
Miss Mo
Ber Wanna, |
Heniamin Morris
Cthis pity and Was promis
> fof Masiotia and Par Kerabuy 4
Presidential Nominations.
7 it un Th
rx a
te wats the danghier
a buwisess man
in segiery
the Bente i
lar exequator for
1 $e 1
Mad £
{Rhee air Th
; dent ww ;
Pema oo ain:
4 Ln i he eg
auditor for the 2 tific:
walled Tor Phila.
He :
; {weather voaantelide and pat hack inte Tye
valupiar army Cat Samuel M
sid, Tinh Cavalry
amed wR. er Thiry
jane: ¢ IER Vo Major Charles Hird
Anartel ppantey UNA
and 1 3 Hanger, Yi
Lisntesant t7 mma dev 1K.
Phe corpander Liewtenant 1
Ph Lie be He avemant
gests Wo AL ]
saan ger
Kad $e
FRR pnt oH 0
Famous Architect Dead.
i= py 4
x PR
Tack It ;
£55 F3E ¥
Amert tea oilasd
Fie Wow hu
potR in
Yankers bam
} SR,
ssEtry in
5 Dishonest Postmaster.
Washingt cial).
xf EE 2
postmastor at Hang
; lemon On
wired that his office bad
of twa regintered felierw,
rontaining $1000 Upon 2s arvest,
dispatch says, he confessed that
Cemherzied the Jetter. Seven hatilred
stolen money has been
Leseoversd The postoffice has been |
disitars of the
Many Eascutons entation vied to Send p RA
{Spociali, —-A distine.
eollegen and universities of t the Gaited
[rates in the fine of parade for the
p has been put in
the hands of an Intersniioginte Com.
mittee, whitch has addressed Invitations
to the presidents of over 400 American
requesting |
that delegations be sent on fo represent |
thelr respective inatitntions in the in
The letter of invita.
Pron addrimsod to the college presidents
| Sorat of hid recent Hiness, his pulse
‘A similar Invitation bas been sent
landing American colleges
whether large or small, represented on
It is rarnestly fire
CpoRs antl will
consideration in
“for death when
had beam attend ding nim adn ie a chalet
de gpd alowly read from thet
mig man had
(The bed
® fur county ;
Pen ’ tence, and each was repeated by Mr
had beer:
Cc Armount
i repeated by b
: . 5 So x % i wr fatty
[helng nelerédl away from the county pillow and pitt Hix eyo restfully
committed within rq
ine Celery spoke except fesble farewdll to
Chis family a jitte later :
Hiz ness said Bis pliesictan, Dy
Frank Billings
Prine tv thay tne he bal
it iw sald that the of raanization holds
sriy every Wednesday
$f always in a different place
man. an aged colored man ving near
i The President Relnses i Sent the Lawshe
{threats of punishment if he swore Tales |
telining the
| Lawsh report in tegard
thes in connection with poital affairs in
Lpolitical parties and all the records of
exceptional, and ole possible 08
Larrested for any offenses against the r Pn:
“One of the
cmade arto
: Bese of eam
g nie gif
coansd ikring
vein. Mizd Morris
Lasinid fhe raped with her hands and
in her swash
? hier
pul off and der
nadly disflg. ow
Bushwick strvet, Jersey Clty | The
Troan the offesis at ) ;
¥ on 3
Pre PRE.
CR hie pemegae t i
Ling hots
& meediong 1
SMaring p
Pereniher |
turned over tie the sureties of the ols
Chicago Millionaire.
The Head of the Gresteut Meat Packing Fatad
fishments in the Worid--Enmployer of an
Army of Teche fo Fifteen Thousasd
People, and the Dispenser of Many Mil
lions a Year in Wages
Chicano (Spee all. PH lip. Danfortd
Armour, phitanthropist, fly times a
miliisnaire acd the head af the vast
packing establishment that bears b
is Le | name. died at hix home herd al 545 0
With a viev. of inspiring
patriotisss in the young men of our,
oonntry by means of the shiver lesson |
oelock bom
Muscilar affection
known to the medical
myveantitis, wan the immediate canes
feath He bad wen raphlly recov.
of the heart.
"tle ll
hast threatened his lie. Al 3
his Beart gave way under ‘the
nnning up to 891
ginning of the ond ;
Mr Armour was suwrroutifed by his
family when he died. Thos at his beds
side, beideg his phirsidians nod nites,
wore hie wife, Bis son's wife Mra
Phitip DD Armour, Jr, apd Mre J
That was the bes
dy Owden Armour
through a commits |
THe miullorsire retained consciols |
nan hoor of Bis death)
Daring the des he had restized that
desith viaw Aenr.
| be had said:
To these yronnd Hin
“1 know [am very slek and ap ands
fost before Lhe
Boon alier Tatieh and
| physiciin forbade his talking more Mr
fn feeble tones witid
a of she trained
Bible that whieh {he dyin
asked It was read sentence
by Aetb
Woe fhe Amat! !
Bee wani
% 3
11 was the Iaer wird the jfroat finan.
dovelaned about wn
FORTE gine.
bees practically a sound man The
§ &hveh Byext-
grew wor
ing of 8 blend veiael,
with olvancing YoRes.
passed orleinaily by
} 3 4
Report to the Sentte
Wasiiingion (Special) «Tha Presi.
dent wt RB BeRsg ire to th [orate Ap
request of (har body, rake
in a resolution passed on the 18th of
December and addressed to the Secrd. oo
tar the transyaittal af the
tir iersgiiaric
‘tary of War,
sreate more or joss discgasfon. The
[ Proahlimt's message is aw follows:
Ta the Tenate of the Daihsl Sates:
In reply to x resalntion of the Senate
i af Decvmber 18 1500 divesting the Seer
Py : Ih mitten proposes also fon farn f1a atten
dence that his wishei mast be respect. 4
setary of War ta transmit to the Sens
21a thy
and expenditures of Cuban
feo Renate iw inforned that fur
the ressank dated in the accompanying
sommunication from the Beeretary of
War dntod Decemipr 358 10, it nat
Terme] compat iid with the
CEerest fu trust thee paper?
Senate al this time
fae Mansion, JRPRYY 5
t Hoss saniisiiitng
Poawidioriy wan condhod in he 5 ioe
ta the
inet: Satin
goa 1 Hi
: dh
pe i dirs Thee are
i effon
Due Woman Burned fo Deatll Another (af
ried Out and Mauy Homeless
New York
mun was burned to dest A
dviven fram led Ww
“Ep lRus feore
‘hy destroydil a Tow
aw af ©
y 13
FORIRYE Was hile Hi.
1h To in
re wh
* 152
EE ia
Darel aHy
Sones EvErt
Bee Missin Afni
whe inthe hands of nu dale
Samos reached
pfs Cristy Det
% 2%
; od,
TH is
& i
GEN er.
Bare wWHere
8 om
fron sil ad Mr oN
lore Py ota revived Be
Tweniy-olght families Ww
Foon ledd into he Bitter vodd
mide Bomeless Many Were
with the greatest difenity.
pismo pd
seied Over Ue W el.
yc Loatany
sf g 1
fhe Dt is 1 pon
t to the uituat)
gag nin
wg { No
“8b 3
7. West iF i3
{ Spe HE
privaje edo
HY Eley
Camden SR foak
Cen tarde. A number
PWere present
i (nar uf the heavy
run ip and gown 1
i nigh rate ef spo
snird rail system.
perfectly, not a single hitch aeearring
{ Captiin Murphy was coagratuiated on
| the thorough success of his invention,
vary racks al
d By the sections!
Diseass Carries of the Noted |
priofession as
| miss facture tobacco, part of it being
ering from paenmants thay for three:
that he
wold like to hear the Lard's Prayer
“irre ne
The deciinntion 8 considersd
report of Abrahans Laashy
giving in detall the resulll of his in=
restization made under the direction
of the War Depaftment into the res
publi ine
ad against the
(Bpseinl) ~=An aged wi ;
te i
Pe F
Ronsea on
and hy areiod LE
CL sveupied
in dirty Bf
Ludimnadavad aaa
Everything worked
Winston NO Special). — 7
anal evidently fn marderons in
wits made npon Chadies Cok at UF
hice factory of Cox & Son. eight
narthesst of Winston = Me Coax
shot in the loft thigh with a plete
and received soviral painful gashes
thos Back. hiv asanilant being nk
The son. Charles. who lives with
father. heard a poise in the fa
and upon going out to inves
fannd a stranger In the factory.
1s tr grabbed young Cox and
Ais veered that the robacen he
taraatary etrpetnrs. was on fire
Phare wers about 10000 pounds
| wtpriped. and two barns of lea! in the
factory, Tweldes a gusntity of mae
¥, The loss is $10,000, with 900 n-
he Reading Company Secures Contrs*
of the Jersey Central. :
New York Speeiall J Plerp
| Motgun, the greatest stigineer of gigan-
tie satirosd deals in the world. has Just
eon pleted another big deal,
Oficial announcement wis made
tlie controlling interest in the Central
| Rajlrond of New Jursey, recently aor
alatired by J Pierpont Morgan & Co
has been sold hy that firm to the Read-
frig Ralirosd Company, It i= anders
Lstpod that the terms ard that the Read.
rig shall zuarantes at beget © Der coll
is dend on the Jurasy Contra] stock.
I ix reported sls that I Roger Max
pistol] prewident of the Jerkey Central
Will he preaident of the Reading 2
The two roads have bBesn working
elie toither for 3 voar having a pers
fret Agrevent apes sates and the dis
bation of rrefe The sequisition of
awiiership Ly the Reading in the Jer.
i however Rave wome
For For one thing the
FEpRey Contra van be made to eRIVY
niet of the con! It 1s the more caturst
Fi te fron the mipes ta tidewater, and
she Reading has Lown gradosily des
velnping a Inve mibscelinbeous 19
ail was pi #5 per cent, of the ead
Lim's Business Now Us Tusnineas has
“tie in Jevelefied slang thor ines, ~
that only 40 per cent. of tw
™ Sine i% #onl The miseall Tuneous
trafic ean be developed still further,
| 7'he pembinatinn will rank as one of
Cthet few very large ones which have
HE heen aemp fn this country
The side re senction w Best
snipe fram |
dermey Central’ % he
iesige. fle torial Mb are ST 192 900,
dn which an annus! ister of $2.38 :
i paid In sddition ¥
{intend SUATRE (ecu interest of §
vay bonds of leased lines amounting
2 arg aus | The total wee of Jerupy
Central stock is 3E7.113.800 On this
dividends of T per cent werk paid In
IRs 1x88 and 1594 3 1-2 in 1895. 6 Im
186 § 1-4 in IN9T. 4 in 1898 amd 1890
“anil 8 per cent in 1800.
NEFL ¥ Witt ot ESCAPE.
{f lis Extradition is Retused He Will be Tried
: in New York.
Ww ashington iKpecial) tis sald at
thi: War Department that no plan of
alton has been decided upon with
reference to the cases of Neply, Ruth
tense of 81 fn connection with the
{luban postal frauds in anticipation of
thy derision of the Bupreme Court In
Neooly copes involving the question
the urisdiction of the United
4 tex in O i. The statement
Swans mada hoaweser that the Tages ui
dhaahitedly would pravculied in this
anintry in the po ible svens that the
i Court should decide against
tradition ot Neoly. in what man.
sid Hane was
ated thud Neely
iy be (rid im New York
on witich he was arrests
goes into the
gould be decided that
i sink he went to Cuba for trial
Con the ehargy of smbsEgling publi
nis Secretary Hoot anid that future
Cetin in these cases would depend ens
irety upon the chasseter of the de
sion of the Snpr cme Onur.
Chet Justice of North Careilua.
i Raleigh, NX. £1 Special) GOFDERDY
Russi] fast the appoints
> WY £ ontral
fiyrther mlea
t pnnonnost
mnt of Judes DM Purches of [ree
Lidell sennty, ax c hief oh Caco of the Sy
in i hear 3
wine gir aly 8 mele» af Shah sour ad
anal fades will ve fo he ape
: socal him This will pot
2 several days and 8
har OA Cook, r Warne
3 be i appointed ih He TEOANCY.
ight Suftocated.
Minnoapsiis, Minn (Special)
= = hit :
Cee Bost thelr ives tag oa tee bere
resid - fh Stand.
are The yietins
An tenes volume
He ward Hotel, which
Hb and LHeurth
Building. and dealh
win dae tiv anloes-
i huilding aad
starie is hry
avestugen b
eke 18 thy Ha
the peo,
the sun
Po inslanee
§ LHR. The Lives shu
Fon RienER
will ant oxoeed JN,
Railroad Susp Bufasd,
% w fee
aare of
eiaral, «ihe CRF
ang Southws HEE
spe ened OR Bow [OOo
raring stock. Tagether
s Tiwi Rnd machine
Worle I d
al 375
ek In eutle
5 Es 3
5% 0
Belle »
of 1he
fe wis io
Wignkl ng wm, DB
Another Carnegie
joeial Andrew
wit of
ni 0
sri Fn
4 [eaiiie
shad in
phic By a
activin of & ane
mai srenanee and prov ment.
EY Pion
: Pareihie Duath of a Parser,
Carlisle. Pa lady While
Cireshing William Gardner. a farmer
ving Bear Newviihe in this counlys
Peas instantly killed His aisthing i
-daught in the Aywheel of the eugine
land | his head was srusied toa puln.
i =e
aor Sf