hat ap Ambrose Wealdand of near © Car | rolltown, accompanied by his som, | Edwin, was n Patton Visitor on Tavs (day. 1 Smith wants a sack flour at once i mule : te at Mellon's. this your paper ? Oysters, Oysters at Mellon's — \dvertising brings success. low are your good resolutions? Suve money by buying at Mellon's, ~The Gatlitrin Times is offered for le. n fresh canned goods at the Cah Cc A. Rodgers, of AOORA, Wak here , Monday. re vonr orilees for Sunday papers fein a ¢ style at trip br For a pice clean Tanck be sare andl go he City Restaurant. LHP Bigler, of Clearfield, wo Wednesilny night. Old newspapers for sale 8b this office conta 4 bundie Bore To Mr. and ile, ont Mowiliy, A son. LANE Way ares visiting hig pants Phi pelviry lsd wick, wr Fetper, of Tamir < town over night Toesday. dE, £3. Frits, i Jialyten town Tuesday, on busines sides MS bad hos 4% a tal hn Trieeday FD. Mitchell, viitiog in Patton last week, | oF # Wente, of Altouna, Was pedky- ne on friondn fn town asl wel, Jax. Shap and Jas Baurinon, of Phil ahitrg, wore bs town on Sunday. Lotter Patie wing ao uintances we Juekuon Day was not oe toleated to grent extent by local Democraia “Cho. F. Hite, of DuBois, was a Wan ¥irs, wf Maha in this phae. Pattod visitor Tuesday ard Wadnis want rubber stam el When you it HH. Kind ary it. call om ¥ i's Win, Uramer is confined 1G bis suffering from a severe attack of They al want it because it is a best. - Loyal (nm flour at Patton Sap ply Co. welding’ visiting cards of the latest fe printed at this office for G0 cents park. A. J. Munser, and Ek EE. Masser, of B.A Rubell lL of Johmetown, make Mise Corciie Cowher left Toesday ning fox i visit with friends by Miston Noonan is learning the Vat rvative. of all arte’ in oc ffloe, | din Cipanions & Sou have opened J general store i6 the Cor dine Blok Mages mire ne £ horilia f Bury res Alek. E. the bed, suitor. ng st po Hatel on Friday. Uphudstering and inside pa peatly and promptly done by WW. Culeon. Call asd see Bilin > Vintondaie Joop are afl excite or E Barns of the insurance fhm pai f Parnell, Cowher & Cao, made a busi: ness trip tat Hearfield ‘ant week. It in anid that Congressman Thropp will girubahly receive an appointment 0 Dawes hed g as ambass for in the near futare. The Flannagan Run mine wus shit Cresson. afternoon on aceolmt pied for by Edward Epis down Taesday of the moter being out of order The State Bar Association hold its next anatal acting + at Bed Ys expect © tao bail 153 on les of Te will herd ita domvention Harrubusy ¢ an Febroary 14 and 15. t ie of she aioe Py lie fo woe nt ya pew advertisement fr this meno, ~The wit masguernde ball of ih Bh Nex 1 will bie hold i {pow die and parahile at this to i be antn Wi agp Tavs a amon, of Lock Haven, i Maostesttly In with “Hey Aust.” “What bs it? ' Mea nf Royal Gem sonal plght. Get up, SY min going to tee Hoval Gem and get np set of those neautifal dishes that the Patton away. Sup phy {in ave giving rive Cop sisR wre saffron i wR bwmeriptions J ‘vio in and see us; we need you our hasiness “A. BE Patton of { AG. Palmer of Oorning, N ¥ Nore in town Toesdny evening hx ing i r business interests WP Probert the age | Regitro Risnm Taondry, Loe Haven. | | Basltet gots vyiry ¢ tion guaraniend. Bien Anbn Manze, ef sa sxgef Yerwensyilie ; 3 Hohbard for tran Bore Monday. Ail PEERY Ww fiat wwack of He the bust ul «AM Davent tear Hans # $B SEEN ET A Patt EEE HOW % Has dette Lop 6 wy iy xlitors me ada isemnty for the Willie | a Pa, tio wats Mtoe, Hp & os ot of hy: wa Gate the ii walt autil a8 cold snap sol filing their lve house Mirkin & Kuss gary i disemment on anothe 1 that they sre wolitg & make room for new shovk, ATROEOE Bde LF pew Bovor: AEE BY WLS wt Eorivst 34 SME iis vi Pres £5 Worosd of x new advirtisema nt on the fous pate. oteihe of thes by Adoilen & Pierre, pie penile. ing merchants of Hast Magee avenue Read it and profit thereby, The committee Maoniea's remgreR Springs ore indefatigable efforts 1h make a HW CEnINTY ard festival worthy of the BRIAR. event will be he ia das and lady it i i ante T ie Ti Ae nls ns Bey de Spa Ts Ral wo} red Bread Ry Seon Me 5 gd A uma full of iad Buyer. n warmber of staple pric Io ake room They are ar fir be for sprivg Roos wt 1h she tha Clstisivin prints & equippe: than rer ts de elal and Fr toad order VR a iiel geln Lowest pri Monday ¢ El agt tras JOE wha Tg ; i PDT Rs Tedd whiz Comping Pd PEE mag 53 Berti Se % pational Authority | Lorganizal fir wig hws OF Brien. Albert Eokenvode, D3 Sint tery and Dir. Robert Devereaux, prominent citizens of Uresson X Co, of A of Ja wrge N 8. wont tay SAT Et Capit leave jen with the 5 esos fa oantract fire Lie wrk be be started Rf om. Hour thal pity. New Mexico: in town arthecribers for thelr service | pected that the the rae ; Epon Ee before CBee, wai, this city, EXON Job Asheroft, the superintendent i Wednes. of the Patton Canal Co, efi ‘day for Pittsburg, where he wan joined | joving public to their grand scenic and electrical tional and realistic Railroad Comedy by his daoghter, Migs Alice, from which place they will go to 151 Paso, Pexas, for an extended visit with Mr. Ashoroft’s daughter, Miss Margaret, who is emploved a8 a stenographer Oi They will vidit Capitan Chicngo, Colorado and | pther points of interest before They rye Diarn. : - Representatives ef the Hunting don anf Cleasfiaii Telephone Co. were this week ard last soliciting Af oy change witl be openud here, and an Ceffort made to compete with the Bell along all lHpes IL iw exe evn y | will shi Wit PO Fo £3 ¥ ready for haminess in snbhie aide a nu Asher of L signed vontracts 0 pheciven Hw ROP Hie ix 8 > platen TRANS ACTIONS REALTY, : i a Ahly ¢ wa of the osinty Fave Eparped Hands Reo HEly. Trimies at Bi Jen « Shoomaier, be ] : wert. 10 A Aanes {i $1052) View, fis Trogsure firian oF i bes Siwtaors Gf i Mu salmny, res £5. RE Abra SKE Ron a AE bc Homigy Anges of (1 oegh, §I00. Yor Fy 3 § 5 3 $a Ciutets st teapiian swr GEST HY ER YE x 4 FRE 3 1 4 V. ¥. Miseer fiwe re {Fria AEY weed We aad hey to hed hate alter & Eastern slalan sedi tend Ha now MEE ee ii 3p ee Teniiiig tyre oar of gk giteria Dwg Panny gue borveriivest sidiare 2 wa B gai Bi. Elo ier tis % £ SE tt Bed b Basan yi 2 Lie SOLES Wp Eile BR Wb BL ae in oe The Kind You Have Always Bought 2 2 of oe & Tula; Sul Loa Ania 2G Hae Seed . Coming Atiraston, Mossrs. Tevere nnd Victor wish to call the attention of the amusment production of the sensi. Drama, sntitled the “Bisck Diamond Express’ without a doubt one the greatest Railroad prodactions of the day. Trae ta nature, ateain of © ATE aw feet Joly ia seen dashing across tha stage at Lightning upped, truly a roadie tio pictur. The antids a beats prin ful story, filed with pathos and com ody, showing the exploits of O'Leary and his friend Kaiser, in the great oity of New York The management has or Anization an Lhe rosast, bust: artiste Have been enguged, amoog whom are Lhe Hllawinag: Jaen Powers, Ed § Hy Jamies 3 WW, Anny fio Devers MH. St Clair, Arti rk iE nN indent Hay ¥y aru £ a eorgin + YELP i ities Hr intend sped dari the doting 4 At Hastings opera hop todd the strongest Bowe of tHe 3 Tremia) ¥, an. Allon Ainscoe to ; 3 Nanperaim spec Stista! iv Souls Who Drewes of Hiss. The flowing marriage Hipsnees bave heen isscied recently to partis residing in this vicinity: Fred eookloy anid Annie Nole, of Patton. ! IN. and Cora Heleal, of Portage, of Roberts. of Wilmore Michal H. Buraicie and liege Mo Kenzie, pf Chest Springs winch Hitle pais casily lai nWestive in Ww wre ty Risers cleansing the) nd hs PH, Hodpkiris, Patton Phanrmaoy, EL SRR May YE : spared nox pose to ake Hale he of oR eens EB pee ony pies, . EOMRER LDA TES Xan 1B 3 1 Be petnrned. 1 be the gr medivine shianid Eraw wed Tar is abeantaoy and nee You Hany ha wns of the throu Hi Araies A Lid ugaists Panis upg er bo pive patinfetion. Al pn {EST LINE Two aire RRsat ney whic Wine the heel « fit WE LOOSE; \ es i A ery Tmo sal rane, Busts 15y PHT fh Pike RL Wile Lik syria wiley gt hs KEE Ww The Patton Jeweler Cheap IN TOWN. YOU GAIN Ee Eons JOHN GANTZ, Proorietor. Lg surth ¢ wrede BM. 00), { Cd, wit Huber's Drug Store, PATTON, PA. 3 nicer 15 FE . Prescrp property splot, : FirstNation’ | Bank parte pH iy i | Patton, Cambria Co, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers