shone fair brute] 8 White, » spotted. jean with sedrred 1 over and lacking Elven to 0 ing-—thin fessir | te. His tall was a forgotten men- | ‘not enough was left of it to wag. He was somewhat ferocious at times h concerned his Maw hing to be thankful | Bo that Master, bat in his ‘house, Hind nim shelter. His mother hid his father a bloodpd wherslsy pose, a altntuitess to duty, & cour- s and a devotion which the greater | Ah w eH smn he warl4 | migns . | only friend, whom he had kicked und | driven away to be shot, He sat down { on the bench beside his door, with a A white spotted thing, scarce: boozer thee Sut Three lI smelling v sre came through the park, nw woman who fet before 5 et ] e under which the tro brutes again and crept awiy through ‘the grass. All this time. in the densest shadow Gof the park, a woman huddled herwelf ‘under a bush, holding her drapering tightly lest a Sutter shonld betray her to these brawlers Once she coughed eonvoisively, and whan she took her hand away from her mouth it wis bloody, “Go home to breakfast! “Yes, poor brute! We will go hove | once More, Ome mre, together!” and | she erept mway by the same pith, treading now and then in the Ho's Bonest bipod The human brute came before the court next morning. Sobersd and re. pentant, as was his wont, and was discharged as nanal, with a reprimand. | What had really happened? The watclimen said the dog was mad, they had shot and killed him Why go home? dog-~yes, the dog Had been faithiul The other one-—why go home? Habit | That wae ail and whistled. by habit. Echoes of the | whistle came from an empty houss | whose door stood wide No fire 03 the hearth. po breakfast. Then he remembered his own last words to his groan. iy having ibe semblance of & dog, crawled from under the Dench nod Inid {ts shapelows tices on his knes, Ha dog sprang to his feet with | of delight womau, Who fled 4 away from the shad- “Take what 1 am. and forgive me, ais Kater teh quickly beesmia a bark i He evidently knew the | , almost brilesd to x Jelly. 3 ow with #ven greater haste than ibe | in eoming to it. The dog | ‘to follow, the master woke, ‘up and swore st him, while be nnd fro betwesn the tree und squat umbrella-bust under which | no was hiding. The three wwaggered down the path, Kicked the dog, mauled the man, cried “Police!” while the i jo throat of one of them. snd | ve killed him i A pair of | ¥ i i i 3 { j : ifr blow fell on Bini: he only { ched bis teeth the tighier. seater brute, slowly coming 0 | iestanding. ealled the dog au. | iy, who > droype yet, blondy, 1 i maual In thet solitude, the rustle of x "Tha dog a mad!” sald one of the we chased bim in here TRE Kill him!" Inughed and confirmed the lie we know the dog: he's rad! "Ves, © | woman's gown. The others | | good dog!” | down the blontsd took the dumb brute in his arms nnd | went into the house and sat down. The creatures was sightioss, his Dba Ha had threes bullet wonnds; one leg Was broken But be bad obeyed orders ty | the last: Be had come home to Lresk- | fat! “Good dog! Yeth he ith! My good, The tears were raining | chess. A new power Bid come near to these fy friends. Death wis with them, walle ing; A strange exaltation, & pew per. ception of heretofore vagus truths, & new dawning of light had come Wo the Master, even a naw DOWer 10 res(ive and to hold firm. When Death opens the door into the unksows, here suddenly takes On R Hew MaAL- | ing. The big brute holding the tomer #0 tenderly suddenly remembered how I's mother had died, holding him, her iast-born In ber arms, her HDs OB his ; golden hair. own lite-—better if she had died. Five years ago she bad left bim, tired of poverty and beatings Only the dog i had been faithful to him through ail, “# good dog now dying in his arms, oe dog's life so much worthier than lis own Never had he seen Rimisell | #% he was before, not in all his forty L yenrs. jower sank the head of the man to the head of the beast and only God knows what soul-apeech was had bo | tween them: amd while they so sat together a change ineffable came to both, The dog dled into we know not what brutally moardered, crucified for love's sake though he was: while the | | man died out of his oid life and WAN Bors spew to a man’s rightful digeity, | The jovs self control, energy Of will of the brute had saved him. many a Buman love hae dome less There was a rustie behind him, wn £) Pete dom tl sirike met et me come “Pete! me come back, bone gain. Just aa the dog came! Won't you forgive me, won't you jet me have ‘the dog's place, just for o litle while Kit in the park lust nignt, ebasing me. ft can’t be long! Jook at me 1 was 1 ran i; you and he were under the tree. The | dog knew me, he barked and julnped 1 on me and was glad. followed and ploked brought him home. part way in my doin’ ith tity takin’ care ov ith Feilgiont Thute me ani : let me stay ] don't send me Into the awful street again! ' away! vii get 8 shot yourweif : oy Trg Youre under i 2%, ana b cof it] I saw it all I him up apa arms—aee the hiood where he lay! Tome home.” O the misery, the horror, the shame ; the world whire everything ean be | vantila aod rut | Only God could Know which i of these two was lowest in the scale, i which of the three indeed! O : 14 of it, groveling at Bis feet as the dog { had done only yesterpicht kissing the | hands which had beaten ber, as the e. | dog Had only sow dons! : : A cman? ou broakiath--go!” eanmE from the ‘he put the dog down and el to his feet. But the poor, ¢ all true moral worthiness? drive lier forth who was only | ‘eur clung so close to him the burly protector of the ma- of the law ceuld not get a bead P hinod was : tenderness swept over him. She too, had come into the magto eirels which | 3 him. Kick him! Drive him off, I tell you!” from between his legs he kicked him and drove him away. dog crept back, thrice the boot kicked his bruised body. “eGo Nome to your breakfath, I ten | yon Go home!” . the poor dog turned to obey ‘when | on his knees at her side, | fresh red drops from her bang’ bang! In quick succession went three shots. At the first ghot he fell; then he was up again, trying to run; then down: then a scorciing, iind- jung wave of misery rolied over him. the boouer, unconsciously pronouncing test epitaph ever spoken of dog | as he went off under arrest pend ne more night in the lock- | he park and the streets were now | mans. A skulking est slunk up to the moveless mass of bleeding fearless Bow, A sniffed a its | “God beip me! { from this hour | was, is dead! {forgive me, Kate!” Dead at the potht of duty!” said : : “Jo home to your breakfath!” said | the booter, and the dog not moving at Thrice the | bocaer’s | Then how cooid Was be not worse than a brute, worse than the brute in his arms, conid he what be had made her! She coughed agxin and agaiw. the on her hand. A sudoen had contained himself, Death ata Bis | brute friend mae}, with kis an- worthiness, what was her fagit, frail little wile whom be had to despair? “Rate!” he sald: you have vome hack to me! lips, ich both Knew too weil hich mening of w { think the Take what I am and And so, with the lesser their feel they put their degraded past heliind them, pledged a new troth and began a new life In which It was writ. son that they should not fall beyond Death an Inflite Lover their Helper. for A gentleman in Brighton, England, Mr. Horace lL. Short, has invenied a phonograph which repeats & conver ‘sation loudly at's ditance of un miles. pe Go home | | to break fast!” Even she bad henrd ! : | and wax repeating it. No one was thers to t meet him’ All these five YoRrs the | At the gate he rested | the life | Lat the men were i Aid nol know 2 Pete, O for Gods aake Do try me, don't push me Don’t be crueller than the dog was. he kissed nie and was glad | had | Was he a he forgive her? far. in! How then tas driven | ‘Kate! Thank God : He was | wiping the the iN I will try to be a man & brute Ii ~ h £47 brute at having | STAMPS CHERRY, who his home in Chicago in the summer of 1808, now is on bis way to his howe in America, baving experienced in the heart of Aftica adventures more | | thrilling, in many respects, than those of Livingstone or Stavdey. For four vedrs Mr. (Cherry has been | living among the Congo natives, He | has been thelr companion, friend, Teal “fr and Instrucinr, sny men of hi= own color we has pene. _ trated to paris where no other white 3 | pin hax ever dard to go. Riarting fn Matsdi on the west cons of Africa. In Angie, INGE. Mr. Cherry : went up the Congo River as far as Stanley Pool by caravan. In Braza- ville. in the French Congo, he was held up by the authorities for having fire. Farms whhout peimisson. His wos Fons and cartridges. whith practically | constitated Bis outfit, were confiecnted | by the French Government officials . Bereft of motive and GerHPATIon ho went into the service of the French Lyoverntient. fagving the sepvies af the French Cfo ernment, after having his ar re. | stored te him, Mr Cherry went from Bangui with natives by a eanoe to the opsentlh of the M bomnn Biver, past rap. ] Cds aver then: aml pore often inan ol inte thea. Hae he came wn the tereitory of Batisssm, of greatest of the a accra w chi whole Conga basin The Aor of M- i | Cherry's arrival Bangaseon had been | indulging In a rald upon a neighboring | | tribe. with the pesalt that ne few than S90 men women and childra had heen captured and brought to Ban gnseon as aver In addition to those | slaves Bangrasan's warriors brought hack with them humdreds of Raman | | heade, trophies of thelr prowass He 4 Bn heads of {he slaig were balled, and the brags were ehlen Afterward the tree branches amd otherwise put io i places where thay conld be seen and | adored. for, Mr. Cherry says, no fetish i= more In faver apasg the natives | than the way, has 1800 wives amd In 2 . stanch ally af {3 Frepoh Government, Then another pleture floated up. His After & period of good hanting Mr | Cherry crossed the country to the re | . gion of the Darbanda, There be lived | | with the natives as a native, sleeping | on a oat with wo biapkets, and Iw Ing received anuing them as the great white chief, “Dvomba Creecy.” whose fame had gone before him. Dressed in | monkey skins waking the tongue of | | the people with whem he lived, this! young American tanght them the ele | ments of astrotiomy, geography and . told them of the great white nations ‘who lived without their sphere return they taaght him the serret art«. whereby they make nnd mold eurions ly engraved spears. hatohets and other implements, to wiy nothing of the cloth | weaving and deinestie arts explorer a expeditions Thenoe made constant Utips up the Kotfa Riv Law Theve timed he lost ainuset every thing he bad through capoes caps | ‘ Ing to the rapids x haunt stayed. tn alicoet every resp tribe with whom hs tribes sent for him to ass . settle wel ghty matters, tn adjust dis les, lo oarganiie thelr forves against the invasion of un unfriendly tribe Among these ratives with whom Me Cherry bas been Living cansibaliam 80 rampant. “After a tribal engagement,” he tells the Assapiated Preas, “the ean Ctured men. women and ehidren are | fingers, “and every bit of them is eat | pot resist” Regarding the rivers he Mr. Cherry said: “They drain the Bhest oouniry explored in Cralsed. Rive. obflee, ; ber grow in wild huxurianee elephants. Its lust Hie hunting mb bits. “Amenx the new tribes fhelt: haps, the mest wesiing mourners procesd fo Tarn snersaite | anid keep it up until thelr strength is cexhaiustinl” 5 uN FURS tans The Negve of a Hanter. The recent death of J. HH. Denham. af California flustrates the wider ful perve of a men uhder the i mest adverse of three compan ius aonntains for oa few I They bad claimed erosmaad canny funily made their camp on Eo liver. On Momdar after noon, whils high up a mesiniain, hares Weannds atarted a foe bask, The anter beaeed RWinsed? a ped was about fo Bre at the ee the hush gave way : side down the vars. In Tally disc bared, “abdomen aod : F shoulder. We hous be ¢ managed 10 crawl back up the lachoe, where he shouted fur help No one heard his cries. amd he discharged bis rifle til the magazine was empty, (me of his companions caine to his assistance. The wounded | man requested bis friend to send for his wife, realizing all the time that his | Hiring, kisgd gone days genninios hunting any pad 8 gauinst i 135] male ¢) § wound was ful, The friend went Unaceompanied by The | skulls were pilad in heaps, stock on | the havhian shall, Bangasson, by In Darhanda served an the base for the During these limes Mr, Cherry was, af tha, Other wt them 4 | ent up as quick as thal” snapping his et. Human flesh, to these people 1s a "delicacy. They want It, and when they | | get the spportaiity to get it they ean | In scl place in the world enuid you find Soh shargeteristivy of the | WER] pitas aw per 3 festead of) or dascing after a death, the! Benham and inty the anh F ob mien Te povored woman attacked the wy Fh # Than thive 3 with which be returned to he secon {of the tragedy. Without belp of any sort Rentiam | pode ate of the mules back to ¢ {a distsnce of half a mile. Another of the party then started for the nearest { town for medical help and to telephone for Mra Benham The messenger tra a trail which it had taken the hunters on thelr way to thelr camp. A physhk eamp At 3 o'clock in the morning, bus pothing could he done for the dying man. away. The wonnded man was Care members of the party taking turns at carrying it : They arrived at home st 10 o'clock st night, the wounded man retaining conscimisnesy thedughout lsurney. He kpew that biz death way never lost 5 o'vloek i Broniche, his courage next iui samt rave Lucien Young. i Ioramang failing Physically he was a young Samson. The examiners oame prety throwing Li 5 Reyes 5 Figs stelivd Barone, “Urope. wet d finally. however, BA suinrt as a whiplesh aml gave his 5 eee, fhe dade, whose name Young dutingtished himself by fam) Be from the ship's rafl into the Mal iterranean anid rewening a sallor wha | had alien into the water from one of Lah pants and bad Geen stunned Ly Lie Tal Ir was not long after this that Young was gesigned to the new stonnehiip Haron The vessel taciny nid soit h ane aight in Novem Ber, 1X77. apd win ihe sonst of - it Carolin, struck the poeke amd in less than an honr the disaster was complete. There was a | tremsendens sea running. There ap i § irs AN 2 neared te he Bat ode chanee Lo mye any oF the crew, The honts were ose. jess In thust pounding. grinding sea. A | volunteer was asked for to attempt © | parry a Life line to the shore. Young masks the attempt | thoweh he was told by his captain that ithe yalunteered to eled In an hour and twenty minutes seven hours to travel when they werg clan snd Mra Benham reached the At 10 o'clock that morning the party started for home, eighteen mis ried on a litter the entire distance, the ‘gow in bis 46th vaar, dent of the Zouthern Pacific railway, the long | Nearly thirty years sgo a stalwart follow reported at the United Sarai Military Aenderny with an ap pointisent ax a cadet in his pocket The applicant came within an ace of to pass his mental examination. | UAT | him out on genersi principles | afrer they had discovered that he Hked {short cus In spelling, and. believing invarianly * He was ae | aroved to be clnssinates work fo keep up with Mm, Ahmast fnamediately after graduation wis Laclen tha day he went to Wotlk, 0 off Nag's head on Sof $300 a month Peamie the general manager « hash himself, and bis salary, whieh always keepa abreast with ihe 1Dan, fraw a Seger anant airy vhiln Iharies MM. Hays, the successor of the tate Collis P. Huntington as president | Grn of thy Southern Pacific railroad. Presi Sent McKinley gots $50.00 a year and | 7" Shavles M. Hayy gets $5000 more Twenty-seven years ago, at the age | 1 : 5 19. Charles M. Hays was a clerk | in the San Francisco raliroad offiies in $f. Louis with u salary of M0 a month. A few weeks ago Mr. Hayes, came presi- the second largest in the world Mr. Hays was 19 years old when he becmne a clerk in the Bt. Louis freight 1 ansition of only a few hours, but be He died av morning. —Chicage | HAYS. & Pasific CHARLES M. office of the old Atlantic railroad. gow the Friseps native of Rock Island III. He ens tered the St Louis offlcs in Novegiber of X71 He bepan phshing himself In March of the following year le had pushed himself trom the $0 por month post. tion into a place in the auditor's of. fice, which paid $0 a month. Next he heciime A clerk In the superintendent's office and in 1883 secretary to the jen. eral manager. In two years he Wai assistant general manager at a salary A yenr later he be- sf the Wa. went up to $12.000 a year. He con. tinued in this position six years at a aalury of 312000 a year, and the Wa- bash system manager much io demand shance of life was not ote in 8 Lthonsand A seaman named W Minme 2 Feoluntessed to accompany the youn Lnffenr The two took what Is known a% 4 Balsa attached a rope. and, make [ine thelr way oft upon & spar, dropped into the fey water. A wave beat the hack against the spar. and Young was | He severely brilsed by the contact wtack th hin task. hawever, and with | Williams succeeiled in escaping deatd P amomr the sternpbesten rocks and In gaining a foothold upon the sands be Peapdl The posult of thelr herolan was i the waving of a portion of the Huron's {ere zi the vessel weit (o pleces Fae quiexiy that the rescue of sll was | typos Ble ~Chieago Times-Herald, We reetled With a Monntsin Lion, Tento Ba jpmnites Vietars oa we the largess: in ha oi 4 Hien, Laer tge A. War NM Takr T sin cowlovs walling cone denanitain How ity af Glade Huabbanl Bi Arey. Wers range 1350 « rit vo tdl Nad The Biv firearm In the Wwriy. 8 rife utd only one cart de for 0 The sawhoys routed ihe furs ont of gntie roeks ard nde after EB fat iin Schell trled a 25 ward shot aad knocked the ln aver, apparently dead with 1 ballet through its neck, The tres rule un and distiaunted. te Aad the lion had B sly Peay stunned by the shot. As fey approached be vauie Wo Bis feet a Jutiped at Bebell. who Knocked Bare axiite with a Blow from the hua af the rife. The enormous eat Clamipesd upon Habba, crunching the sins defy arm and lacernting his baudy wws, Bur thw ard, who ia of exoepilonal strength, Leanght the beast by the throat and . font foot. Nohell at the seized the hind feet whit iin ie the Bons threat with Pamadd Baile. Thoveh the Hon gudonbt. Wenkened be the halle | wound, 1 the hen cons i fortunate to ave ssenpedd hives ‘The len skin Lael inehes frag Up to 1D as Sak Wits LEVER fo gk Billet A Sian 3; in i wid al Na 5 ¥i i Laity ite el fiona xe 128 te Harer rag pind : ediy had been with their 3 wn dolinniy's Good Fight With » Wolf, Jolin Word, aed ff Blow was in the aot af kil Groper- tv 3 geoinred how, a wolf which fing a pet Roadie. Lees, NO ron A Aa tip the RM 3 3 da oo Texas rhs $ids ad. the mother, land iy the Ale il : Ors CR Cis LHR river, was washing FAs tid the poodle ry fot from Phe Worms Toi deniy aad sed need the Hrtle diye iE, the sgvaite brute oeriex of hin har ® by SEE RE Was driv £1% : § mint hop 1a hatvhet ran ta the scene A sirugrie aivty the boy was b sian the hated : fallow edt, ten ifr on xX Hii wi le Lin ds of the boy provisg too much tor Crh faves ef the wall | skin Ly the owner of the lam as an feiowiledoment of the services reritered in ridding § 5 § 3 { | {that the poodle had been fatally bitten hy the wolf, ~Dallas Morning Pout, Wet's ‘ mosdilities hegin and His proved of AmOnK his De that no less than then no hlrredd theses Meaaures Hike ot John Word was paid 83 for the wolf ia a be the piace of a pest. 1% thag wild th When the fuht was over it was found | WITe mans. Among the Bre refigees wna at sivind in thin country from South Afrle | #4 the early part of the wees the first Boor SEALING met ever seen here, Was sinyman, son of | a youth of 18 OC G ane of the mezibwrs of the party. This yolngster was the hen of Gen, Dw diviwion during the War. more than 16 years old when futher who was A sheep herder in (he Orange Free Qeaze took him from school and placed a vifte in ta Beh the Bog ligls, He Stns pif 13 ford der Gn. De Wal, tha poner aralf Pia wih Hittle BF ve oar fle foaght la 15 wid pay He Wa regular bari giirmighes i and i a8 qi 2% much hax the apd ney ppd soailier In the uring the War It is sails # rib State his apgerring Falem on the attention tronps fell Yaung Sov sf bartie Prwident State who promised yening hero with a fa svar declared and the Boers gu Shar property He iil Hafan mana he ativiotad 5 ta reward rm if peace WHE haeR ah, Rte BALL aN SNOw, ta the Arete Regions intron need hy Baseball was ABA EIR seroaner Taal sian of day Irom £8 af thal Ihe nuaflon hefore attempt Berita ad The Brit fopelyr Greenland ’ ihe the dy Bib b b i WN § vemisre with 10: he dl rao We Wika i fac ®F RIS onal’ i. i wid Toe Yany god MERE SER AR aR et with doh aang Pials th Ph hiiade] To Epa CArges ine fur Liar Legraag Seip (Bein pineal, Hres and fas nis rio the thie rqlipy sl with the ATL which 8’ Shp ef tin #9 2 FIR af the thua Jansen i a spats Ti i REER kid B rer Jest fal A vel pian with a Howes farad 1 i of al midaleht sun, and wogdering anitienes of faroclad Eskimo, © honae rus a hres nariers Wnwikied aut. It was oecessary Tor all tn bundle themselves in retic fashion All hands wore gloves ows and ervors galore Boatswa rn Brown of the | Thallium tied the score in the fourth | of powd slateney tqmnant, Pinder the with a xy 3 ATiw un tii genius for results likewise Hin there. Within three years | “ lieenme #0 valuable to the road it broke the conditions of its © with Mr. Hays and increased Hey to $45.000 a year, When Collis P. Huntington died Southern Pacific railroad was Ww i it president and the office was |i Mr. Hays, who accepted it A ARH AP RA TERMS MEAN LITTLE. a Humew of Articles in Common Use se Carry Misconceptions The following are a few terms which mean anything but what they seem 10 mean Cayenns P for instance Is prepared not pepper plant, but from capsicum. salem artichokes do not coms Jerusalem The plant is not & of the Holy land Turkeys do rome from Turkey. The bird isa tive of Americas. Can Air He was 8 He | Hf helng made a mene | * he : wile : i gation Two Ships’ Crews Had sn Exefiluy Game | Ear 4 at tg FLEE. twenivefive vears gi adil sin was af that ‘Thal (or, rath 1 Rl ta oeiaiara yeeros, a i thn pligt : £m cof SB the play- | are mada from the {the common siguirrel | Is not silver at all, but an slioy of vars | ous Damer metals, which was In Lin China and used there lor o An injustice 5 done tO Germaany " calling the cheap but useful, woodets cased clocks she has so jong Pro= duced Dutch. The mistake arises from the OCerman word for German “Teutseh.” Cork isgs are not con- structed of eork-—-neither did they come from the sity of that name. The usual material for a sork jeg is W ing willow, covered with rawhide. ple with or without work lege times pride themselves they are ipg porpoise hide boots. 8 porpotes hide is in reality the skh « the white whale irish stow 8 trigh. but an English dish; and igh baths did sot originate in ° ‘but in Russia Cleopatra's peedie has nothing to do with Cleopatra, bot wm set up about 1.000 years before thst | the British nes in the face 0 faf bullets, bringing back in ty his commander Young relatives except his father, with § {ounmerable Five Oe ape of hiving Bille the Orange | domdn of the queen's rifle, the feld | of yu of the Orange Froe | £2. BNYMAN F af ghe other Fefigees. are in the han af the British, There is a price upon all their heads Bn, rar with the sen- of a slide on & passed Ball al secompanimen: thipd basse lear to the pinata Thallium's crew eventually won 3 sears of 48 rune Io their Ophon- Ji. The Thallium 8 the first schooner (o arcive from Greenland In She is a new vessel at Bwcksport, Maine, last Suenst and Built with a heavily tim. served hull specinily for 13s pertions trade PRilgdsinhia North American. A ria. rm Fl 3 hey ed fannched penis ie terri of Sosiailvm. Peavile all oppressive measures taken the kevernment, socialism, r. the Sociallstic party of Gere many gains constantly in strength. amd even Brandenburg which has been by 8 affected least by the movement, has re rnd to the Heichetag a Socialist for the first time in 8 history. The re sult of the slection has caused much exiitoment in Germany Pens, the candidates gt 5 maiority of 548 votes. In 1a the number of Swiallst members of ih Redehstag has in- rena 58, wo members 4 in by-slections “lection in 188% Horin list voles Were these increased 750.000 G08 in 1290, and in the tion to $20. It that the aex: general give the Boclalists 100 out esis Hin the He i New Zealnnds Mall Servos Now Zealand proposes to send 8 let. ter to any part of the wari included in the postal anion for J cents. The theory in that increased business wil] | eventually make the system self-sup. yours + Bavidge been Ixsh Bun and $ Cre Cg § Yigg A ast general elec eal imate Yar inn will {/auing By br coming hong from sacond | : porting.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers