| hand to work your will To the st- 4 tack!” : ; § “Iromaides, stand | 50 that my voice rose ; {| bell of sound that broke loose BpOD | bis urder. And like a living wall of steel (he First Troop of Cromwell's Own closed up behind me. Ob, but ang of their spurred besis on fast?” 1 shouted and + an instant Ww th's face went livid for rage and the Londoners strained | and surged behind him. A devil he was and with the devil's own couragt {sword in band, and ‘his men behind x Dim. : 11 Midwsy [I met kim His sword to make | went whirling hail across the great wat | Dail My polat stood at kis throat | Perchance the devil glaring out of hie | eyes discovered a biscker devil in the eyes that glared into Bis ; And Lord Chillingford and hie, aye, { to the meanest scallion under his rool + | tree, went out of Grafton House under | safe conduct. : . ® 9 | 1 sat In the guardhouse, waiting for the duwn and death Yet 1 was wt { peace with fate. Even to die the death of a mutineer had no sting For 1 {bad laid down my life to save the { woman | loved, and 1 thought of the ! morrow’s dswn with a smile. Cromwsll was iu london on press § y & now ow, when Wit med the girl did go with - ow» . { ing business with the Parliament. and, or- | in bis absence. they had given mm o | short shrift. The deadly mischante of | It! For had be known he would have | s | saved me, that | fit in my heart : doot; the bolts | a | and shut and a woman's gure stood | dark in the feeble eandle light No | need to sak who it was. 1 rose and | stood staring. 1 could not speak. : “John Wyeherleigh,” she said, “when 1 © walk in the valley of the shadow 5 3 i 4 ¥ i Reged et $ 1 8 another time she would not. So it. {1a that 1 have come to you unhbidden. ig- | i 1 am not welcome 1 will give you suck | thanks for the gift of life at your spd get me gone” Bo low and red Hepworth. ™ ; noe, Jord 1 thank Thue” #. whoever they may be bis words, for 1 ghesned 1 Bands usd was her voloe that | scarce knew it for hers, for Mistress Margaret Ful lerton was proud womas, holding herself aloof snd pot given fo a show of feeling. She went on: he “For | would pot bave you think, John, that we were thankless of {idle In your behalf, Fini we | sent word to Cromwell. 1 made a way : {10 Lord Willoughby. 1 told him all aud 1 asked for your pardon. But the : most he would grant was (his pass to the gusrdbouse. And when Crom- I went to i ; 2 x y8E 38 ¥ § «Il came half an hour ago Ble “Ha!” I ered. "Cromwell bevel “Litte” she answered sadly. “He ‘heard me to the end, then questh me close. He sat silent a space then strode oup the door without & word. John, he ix a man of from body | and sou! and mind of fron—I under stand him mot” S80 this was the en | Bope from my colonel! : ; “Margaret.” | sald, and 1 knelt down at her fect “dost know what | was saying in my heart when you came in? "Twas this: hough she jis In some other man’s arms she can never | forget!’ ” Thers was slience between | us for a space and then her litle hand | drew me to my feet sand I took her im my arms “Jack” she whispered, “om my ¥nees | begged of Lord Willeughty : the lite of the man 1 loved If not you, then none shall— Hark’ What is that?” . Of a sudden the ground shook with the tread of a horse and the air war | full of the clink and rattle of stirrug and word, Then came stiliness again : 1 dragged the oaken bench to the window and together Wwe glared out | into the darkness Round the guard. | house was ranged company upon com: | rd Ch pany of horse, the fitful light of the and bade his men lay down their arms, | camplires flashing on headpiece and g that I was known to him and sword. Ii was the tronsides. : d grant honorable terms And And as we clung together, staring ‘while T stood there, dumb with | and doubting pur eyes, the door of the horror of ‘the pit that had been council hall opened and Cromwell for me, there came the Arst | strode out. Behind him was Lord the Londoners, shouting: “No | Wiiloughby asd General Crawford and pT Death to the Paphits! Smite others of the council. In the glare of Hgnants hip and thigh!” the torches we saw Cromwell point. : Chillingford,” 1 said lk with outstretched arm 0 his regiment trance, “you shall have ©of horse. For a moment Lord Wii Nonorable tre Joughby stood like a stone ‘Then he | made a gesture of assent and submis. ision and went off to his quarters without looking back. : We sprang to the floor In an agony of expectation. The door Sew open | and Cromwell came striding in, booted : {and spurred and plastered with mad trom his ride from London “Pree you are my lad!” he cried “and still captain of my First Troop. The fools! They swore you should {die till 1 showed them our Ironsides ; hers and told them to take you if they could. Then they changed their minds” i Inf ‘And this much 1 will teil you of | what my colonel sald, but bis her “speech to me and to the blushing wom- {an on my breast I will pot set down; Z % And | i 3 # dno word of ¥ % ‘Grafton House must be women § {ldren, but they were soon for- the fierce joy of the onset, My ) was in the great ball lnside yabble of musketeers snd pike- and beyond them the grat sialr- crowded with retainers and among them women and : Midway up the stair stood d Chillingford, my compunton of ege days, and clinging to his arm his bride of a month. And just Shem stood Mistress Margaret hitlingford caught sight of me £ But this [ will say: When the Iron. sheld us three come forth, for discipline wna forgot ent up that minded me hen the First Troop took a out ' | gress, and is being 8 good for tadlormade puffs from the sihow, etd with rosettes; the finished with many shirriugs making following: tpthator to the kennel depirtioent of the paper mentioned the post of ken | offer'tg another Seid of | employe : pwaing a Jarge Kengpel i aliont to RT Lard tench ber thorpaghiy may have w ake College. Sooth H see Miss (race take her cand { ‘a dif it 1s for my wife and me and none Ob | others. St ng walking Ey "umetal shades are the | and castor beige worn: po trimming is pat vn these gowns, except larg and handsome enges usually affect rather a se. rye of cravat with & corduroy gown, generally 8 muslin collar only. ; Given resily good wear ‘nn ®. darsle The rewest undersieeves Jook exceed odd and o of these revived accusscrios ty and small; the later styles are large full pear-shaped puffs that resch from wrist to sibow, and the bell sleeve above is These aire called Victorian shapes, and the Queen Anne models fewer one, it Ait the wrist with sn expanding nf beyond reaching over the Band Raw Decupation For Women. In an English magazine sppears 1he “Rone weeks Eo B CoD: pelwomen us ut for women, One Wolian an eertain suggestions made iu he | and writes to to take a pupil paragraph referred fo say that she wonkd Hike tie duties of 5 kengelwoman, [he woman in gues thon hak Deel 8 8 renirer of dogs. and Is ber own ver Grace McKinley, Ke foohnn im. It is seldom that a °F inl position choores the drudgery and irksoine duties of a school teacher, Such a unique specimen of fale Amer jean maldenbood is found in the ur phan niece of President MeKinley, Miss Grare McKlnles, just June the President sid Nr. Mo Kinley. with & purty af friends A ab- inet officers and other preanipent of tials—-went to that wiaid and distin guished seat of jesraing. Mount Holy adler, Mass, fo A. Miss Grace wood at ber class, while her record daring the entire consse hail been ioe of praise worthy endeavor. show kis apprecation of her snoiess, festowed on bis Diece a mand pin. The gradoation dress. 8 dainty creation of white chiffon and lace. wax Mra. McKinley's gil It was after this grest event the Grace, the reigning Delle of the nation ihe social leader of the capital-ihe only ang iri in the great Presidential mansion at Washington, Fhis was surely a tempting offer. but ft did pot swerve this beantifal briliiant girl from a long cher fahed aspiration She wished fo use her gifts in a fing way—in which fersel! during her long and severe gu bation at Mount Holyoke Khe chose profession of 8 we iool that the ardoous | teacher. sud this fall, on ber ows ap, plication, sustained by her record at college, she secured a position in the High School of Muddistown, Conn. Bhe began ber duties in September. ~300 Tse. Four Famous Sisters. Four sisters of American birth have made reputstives in Frasce thronkh saried but very positive scoonplish- ments. Anus Kigmpke bad made a reputation as an artist hefore Rosa Bonheur bequéathed so large a legacy to her © rather than with Rosa Boakeurs family. Bbe | {ives ju Rosa Bonheur's former dome | at Foutaineblean and is continuing Ww sdvanee in the Seld she selected for herself. Sine she reovived the ogacy from the famous animal painter 3 struggles to win a bl eh place in her profession are said by those who know her intimately to be ever. %..¥ The family cones from € Alifornia but the daughters have lived fof sige years io Pari Oae af the other ais ters studied medicine at the College of France, degree entitling hospitals. This honor had never fore Deen bDestuwed oO SLY Woman. For several years she devoted Berself to practice ‘nn Paris and was then Awe married to Dr. “ierins, of 1a Salpe- | trieve. He 18 +. {st in pervous LRpuSE = “ree her marriage Mie Das pio ags the same subject Bad 5.70 cg coi siderable attention. Since thu. sae riage husband and wile have coliabof vy % special same subject. Seven Years ago Dorothea Klumpke won a degree of doctor af sciences st the Sorbonne. She bad studied stron. fy long before it became ber fnten- tion to devote herself seriously to the | study of the oome Ww be science, Her thesis was a rings of Saturn, and it has an suthority on that subject. came an assistant astronomer Observatory of Paris soon alter leav: the Sorbonte. : bal exumination successtully, snd was ‘the first woman to obtain the degree Al the menabers of the faculty voted She be andard st Bdge HL Julls Klwmpke, the fourth sister, | talent within satty bow and a ‘ {os were dain | therefore, cat very short. | have Two, aecesstnl treeder and | omany gut who saith and the highest so | A yemr go the head of The President, to} weantifel dia President offered adopt Miss formally, sud thos make Der one toi she had endeavored to train hat shi surrendered part of It bei involved In a struggle | {nore ager then atid was rewarded with al Ler 1 practice in the | ted of several luportant works ou the | at the She passed her ver | of sclence and mathematics. | shown the possession of the fa and there are already prophecies the name of the family will soon be : in apother field Mise importaties obtained by some other women abroad In her profession. But persons with faith in the family talent heliere that she will yet becotne as wall krsiwen in ber Seid as the other | Kiumpiors are in their fields. Many af ihe waiter girls in Swiss hotels belong to well todo families Fran Nina Anerdach, widow of the eminent (German novelist, ia dend. Bhe survived her bushand slghteen TEAL Fhe Fiaipress of Germany ix narticns y, and hugs AD caliection of | arly fond of photograph isteresting apd large | phatogIapis, Among the 1550 Cubans who took gu of the island ware many the cons Women, | peruncration of §5 a day. § A woman has built » house with her | gn bands, bear Fountain Ferry Park, fad It is 8 ohestory Wooden struc tare of four rooms, with 5 stone foun dation, Phe widow of Justice Rrephen J. Picld has presented to the United of Appeals in Ban od oil portrait 4 % ¥ Qigtes repit Court | Fransisco a finely execut af the Jura, 6 some paris of China the yousg | wronen Went thelr hair in a long. #n- | ge plait, With which ls intertwined & bright scarier thread This style of arpauentation dauwes that the FOLOLK | woman 8 mar ageable. Msn Eugesla Vrashingion, great randy of George Washinglon, ne of the founders of Dangihiters of the Anerivan tint, and President of the Society of Pounders and Patriots, died tn Wash ington recently Dr. Betecca Jobaston, York £y, 8 2 womas poysiclan who gives certain hours of her time 0 working tor philanthropy. Three days af every esl she condneis A free clini during the Wo namstnent of bur homie In a Paris paper the ssseriion in maddy at one of the cherished cus rapa of Fragoe—-an institntion pot des spised in other countries, the Const of giving a dot marriageabie girle— iw rupidiy dying our, sod will soob ! take its place with the great auk and | stner extinet species The Bosiness Wothen's League of Atlanta. Ga. has joined the jarge body of Kmiler asociations that have insti spied Tunehobt OCDE lately. The league already bax seventy five men hors, Ate] Bas Applied to the Legisia- tare far {neorporation nodes the pane of ihe Atisnia Business Wornen 's The worsen s suffrage SEERA Ons of ihe West Bavieg saereeited in gels fing worse into the lower bose of the Legisbatures ike women's oiubs of Calaradn, ed by those of Denver, Io tend 1s make an fort to Bave Women lected to the State Senile, sod have so far met with enouiizs Gg prospects of WEooess From London comes tie interesting | meeliigemen that a FURR woman's | cooking cub, formed about a year a0 tn the povthern part of the pity. has been cumpletely dsarg glged by the marrispe of all the moambers. The eink gave weekly dipuers, ordered, eaciied god served by members in thelr oh mesaber kad the prive fromm, and en E ; jegm of inviting & Basy bine w" Sone Ge ar x La BATES Peanh dinpet, Ladies’ Lox enlf shoes with 7) 28 ghas wNetrad vellings In very preiiy de Jack ti ARE ois tie hips and eid very BOT weoldered in ohana wrappers and fqrEeis % bo ] brid Ellindows psoas] wD Toilet articles with bhandsomie seb Ying silver trinus ? Imitation tortobse shell stray | tock pins in ail designs. ! Irish point scarfs snd shams a eiad {arate opeowork patterns SR - oe bai fast black for gi ool wear, 2 i 2 % : Patent leather belts—patent leathet soil eldes-—with gold beakd mented with imitation fewels, sheer lawn with Venise lace border. Ladies’ velvet hat in black and all colors and tu all the leading shapes. Double bieasted box front coat French kersey, some with stitobed, others with strapped, seams. with sccordion pleating aod pinked ruching. | keeping the bow in place. ~Dry Goulds hak not reached sx yet thed she Is the youngest of the sisters, and and they received he regular the Society of Revoly- Khe mam of New {dition har a dk PET Spb ieg TRYIATE $5 i Children's buslery of heavy tution in | forks an : | price, Rarcttes made of gold plate roa. x WT : : Patz a spoon, bieips 5 Marie Antoinette handkerchiefs of i id 5 =, a : with the Angers. Mercerized sateen pettivoats in DICE | our of thie mess 4 wing Or a abd all the fashionable shades mad soi and present | : { Puck of high de Pretty hair and ribbon clasps for The Lo 1ROMOTY OF ast of ‘has again Deen revived SanyeTS BAYS tha Basten Post | araounts to nothing mors dudaite than a hols which is said to he the exact i beiluved to be the “farthest morta’ yet made in Kidd's record. Of tourse, howavir a bole cHnaot sustain a Pi rates reputaticin, and the present { treamure trove includes also, 38 a Te i pent dispatch from Buagor state ian old-fashioned lip such a8 eoversd ‘ail old-fashi | key. Trund near the bole. | narrator naively acds. are “proof of tha discovery. Tha tegend that hae existed four years in this favored lceality, that soma of the coveted “remiiing’ of the | great pirate were durisd at her's Point, in ihe immediate Vicinity Is | shus proved to have a somewhat mars od * » by the | discovery of undoubted relics of his career ak far north as Busgor, Me, sned locks, sd a broken These, the size of the reported mystaitious Boxes LB of goid whieh the doughly Captain ! Kidd in believed to have strewn slong | . the cost of America, and which nave | {been traced all te Way from South i Caroliza to the present loration, which jt is true the present discovery 1ar laid on an island off ihe sonst. Northward past the Kriss of Virgizia—a soB promisiag spol. 8 being popaiated in the noid pirate’ apd which fancy seems wo and the shores | eredible ambority that x 8 i ¢itizen of Boston crossing the ool | less than a tweivemonth ago In { ehmpany of 8 : Ee grable foundation than the craduious | ve | imagination of several Bipeessive gen erativms of Maine farmers : in the Hope of rhe land iz owned by Wessrs parties” saya the disputih before re i feremt to, “hava dug ove the ground | fading the ireasgure. | Wound swan and Buzzell, asd Mr Woodman | hag Misenversd a hole from which it is pvident a box 13x18 Insles has hin camcived” Historie Bole! In addition = is grasdly stimulating the imagisa- it tiem of the whole American nation 9 ; hyve been wrought tha parsintogysm face among the press legends fondly byer Captain Thess have connected kp (whith Rover Bie place of - rniug bours in the At the smd of the senslon of congrens Cwhiel amber of men who have sehieved mors or lees distinction fn the senaib | will retire. Semis coptiblicans will Ye | cesded bY SEMOCIAE, some demi a CerRis by repobiicans, parties by men of their own policient exith. The stpatom) Who will jenyve Washington sex March, retivieg io te are Baker of Kansas, But joy of North Caroling, Cattery of Lou sutana. Carter of Momiana, Chilton of Ea gne KOBSeY of lelaware, Lidmiy of Kentln private B | wawipel, Thurston of let nd SAY. ApAE will at once take. say pething of (he plich of frenzy Io : whieh the dwellers of Eber's Puint many good of this grasd cycle of Am ends ia evidently the is soon to opel, a considers ralsie | { ity for the creator of a Riding. cir rather thai of wel” : They have been econuted among most brilisnt and sloguent of the npper house, and thelr ment is a Joss to (he republicans. | cky. Pertigrer of South De 1 kota Sharp of take, Sullivan of Mis ol Nepraska, Turley «f “fennesswe and Wiklootl of Coldrada | & hare are several ofthe vege coraing legtalative wenslons wha mas alse be ohilgwl to nmamove their sega. rurial togas, but whose re election BW probable. Thess ATS % Hampshire Callom of [iinois amt Neb som of Minnesota Ficon of Georgia. ferry of Arkansas, Lied ginia, Frye at Maine Hosr of Masta clinsects. Dolliver of lows, McBride of Oregon, McMillan ot Michigan, Martin of Virginia. Morgan of Alabama Sew. el af New Jersey, 1 a PREPS EAT WITH HPOONS. shatiis In Cispmereniive Turdinh Flopselalbds Are kel. Table Cif fate yeurs sothe Lecnmne cpasideradly mis eran LENE REAL have {hele arTEARQPINRG 8, Turks frown on wach In 3 conservative | ve poos. Bo tabla peal g the WAYS of Fars Ga A Satan ave GRABONI By-o Raine Are = #1 better, bu Sic mia 5 TRAE | re ia EA BIge ¢ sha room apoah slight When sapling woknten ye “gp WE who will be | foe peesberiion al the forth. mamdier of Now | Wins of West ¥ir- | the most eritical students of co sisnal life He is x republics " smas of Sonth helped s 4 very uselul thing to have stock Talser and mine owner a a i wr TE An sitoman if space will ail in feo snd would ook well 38 Turkish hots | ¢ ths bed This ix sasy to make {very small cost, a8 an ardiasey | en box can be made to do duty. | inside. not forgetting the Hd 3, glazed lining, or mnyihing you 8 | Bave by you will do so long a8 ft pant for vias Pumice to dim cus tne Lid), clean and tidy. If the box you Are aging Dewsesses hinges 0 much the + if pol you must Fe KUEN pomslid he useless without, a seat. The outside should enimelad (the Dox part, nok sand 3 fSousce made oug bo next Awa 3 mA anangh to reach the ground. ¢ member BOR | guy to 8x 1008 8 10 WW it on & tape whieh in iis Turn is sewn fo the formning a Taw R08 : : sipmd a barge LOA¥ om very WTgv womndiom pial a¥ gly aedurdiag int th and thereon is tow. ADDIIEN shiced chevse. AB swestments, 18- times are goblets of nies of hot boswaml spoona Yi Desanitad @ CRDRINS arranges SRuOeTs Wh perspersed Wild ® ¥ bread and erbet Raives hays saedy as A Bapkin spread Wig Knmess, and every bone, armed Lak by presents + £ ho orakes TE pikis 3 2rd af gubwmtaniialy Boa penitton game The a 41 the cook ils pot ipped up wilh fue 3 Fiore tae hos! eed or i; Sune 3 Ban EA sp wich are wo thal anf ios a gues RG ‘gldered A greal comguiment, | ; gree to roll Between his” Rogers amd pur the mouth of a visitor is loud a8 good manoers vi FE Ly PAY Ine od or BUNVEr | grad othe Snapelal age 5 % § A E C be af the box, The Ud must be meas sad a cushion the exact see made The stuffing might De of ef= eisior but it must be very Pull, aml be Saished off with a frill about four fnohes wide ts cover the joiat piece of webbing or a strip of the ma~ | terial neatly doubled, about eighs = A plates do Bot fzum [a He % veal The bowl babps away and anathes | tims i Wr 3 modal 8 Laas pak a d a anlaavened | voohes jong should be nalled 9 side to prevent the lid failing back Wo far when opeaed. na i tn New Zeaisnd there exists a brass band whose members are wholly oh bicycles. This band, which is lopsted ar Christehurch, SoBe sists of ten players und these not merely g Pus Lr af a dperin ov ; wi © ide their hioycles tO practios; pf gil their engagements OR A: first the band in is eg Sit tha Ww heds perambulbutines through the towm ats sre BOW Deotmie § CORMOR remeted aniversal amweption, BAY IR opie ke it 33 a mater of on sirangwrs visiting the town | band is a source of wonder and 1, wile the music they | quiskiy places them in high fave