The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 20, 1900, Image 1
EC. Fra i 5 BE A R. p3r.00F ordinance anthorizing and empow- ring the Huntingdon and Clear. Telephone Company, or its successors, to construct, maintain operate 8 Telephone Exclumge and system of Telephone Servies in the Borough of Patton, Penn- rlvania, and to erect the neces. sary poles, wires and cables to operate the sama, upon oertain terms and conditions. jpcrioN 1. Be it ordained by the . Burgess and Town Council of Borough of Patton, Pennsylvania, it in hereby ordained by the author. same, that the Huntingdon d Telephone Company, or MH, wis, and is horeby altho tw construct, maintain and operate sie Exchange and a systom of pe Service, in the Borough of Peonaylvania, and for that Ao treet and maintain the neo. poles, wires and cables upon, throogh and under the several L avenges, janes and alleys of Borough, sibject to the oon. andl pestcictions hereinmiter : to-wit: | Wee, 2. That the said work shall be under the mapervision of the xe Borough authorities, and tinder | ect to the several ordinances sald Borough relating tb the yn aml maintenance of poles and port the sabd streets, avitues, and aldieys of the said Borongh. La hit the said poles stall be #0 AR Bi pot to interfere with, or impale tie frie fl ane pu id pon a1 ¥ drain, gutter, wr war. onl. or wateroon re and wi fis fo ped fo A 4 hud nt as. of the a truck Wy wid Rorougl; with or damage private | 5 dof any oorpuaration got Fed do baminess tn sand Bor AOE RG Bs Abe sid Telephone Company LPs | repair ahd maks good all dams the stroits, avenues and highways Wet eof, wed by it for the parpose Wee. 4. This the polos erected by ; Com pany shail bw ressnnably ght, neatly trimmed and pidnted; : he Borough shall have the ose of poles, if desired by it, withoat for a Fire Alaran Systeny, prov 7 that 1H WARE CHITVIDE Bb biah flow ciirrent shall be placed thereon also the use, free of charge of one to be placed wherever the Council may designate in as Jong as maid Com: or its sacoosnors, continue to do tn siiid Borough. "That the said TPelpphone e shill not charge its subserib. for telephone service more than ity Dollars per anpum per tele. for business places, and not than Kighteen Dollars per an telephone for residences sito- sald Borough, and free service farhished to said subscribers | telephones to all points within | lounty, where the lines of the 1y, or its successors, may (tion at any time. This Ordinance shall be sub- w to such restrictions and regula- taxation as the Burgess and Gouneil for the Berough of Pat- ‘heretofore, or shall hereafter Nothing herein shall be con- oted ns n waiver of the right to and collect such taxes. gc. 7. That the said Telephone should pay thé cost of print. and publishing this ordinance, and before permission be granted by yper Borough authorities to said ne Company, to erect any poles | string any wires or cables, the said pany shall file a written acceptance | { this ordinance and enter into a bond sald Borough in the penal sum of wo Hundred Dollars, conditioned on the faithful performance of, and eompliance with, its terms and col ditions. Adopted and Enacted, this 10th Gay Dec. FE. CampBiid. : President of Borough Cintainid JA fost JM GiLLELE, Cierk of Council Appoved, this 17th day of Dec, ALEX MONTEITH, Burgess JiR Printiog Oo or Mab wing to other business ihe prietors of the PATTON COURIER p ant to dispose of same. Will sell on ery easy terms and at a reasonable re. The popaiation of Pation immediate vicinity, 4,000. A Jocation and a good opportun- the right party. Address I i, Mgr., Patton, Pa. Pg i wonerivi hed hy Wineiow, 1 Ling a tax on ail Tuiepha Cates 3 0 SAE Mt ieaned COUNCIL PROCEEDI! Plastingdeg awed Clionrlinit | Telephone Campany Ord mante Passed Patton Borongh Dole Blar salon this svening wath bowing members present as pall: Caopbell Andéra;. Winsiow and Hartshorn, The of mitntes heid Tharsduy, Ine, wernt pend and approves John RB Cordell Fire snd committer reported tht stove in lek fp was in an ansafs condition Motion of Winslow, seconded by of Cornelins, it was carrisd that the Fire CPW and Police committer use ther Judgment iy purchasing of stove For foe 11g The ordanance of he Huntingdon Cand Clearfield Talent w S POmpanY wan epgdd, and on matic wis ananim Lonely carpe that same bat sooenion as red. Motion by A vars a Gatun rR Winslow, that Borough Solicitor be in- atrpited to frame an ORINABOE Ase ame mad Flach High poles in the Bore wigh of Patton Metica on Matin adjournea spady fiver Twelve Madre write Wilvii, Hala Meareinry i Jain Plas Bom aw given at Arde rising f Agricaiton th Ani the fret Year, serine Hate Vote rinarian faonard © * ; t pe Lg eatin i Penaetiie van fo oR reporn CERT, Whey ge mia SrA jel h sted foe the lhe 3 dihwt WET The pmannt pid 16 GwneT Fertedd aids it thy went fwenty Bye poy conte Lyd #4 + FEELAD Wi oe £% #3 xR SH ned Shere {atin Lvs Feb EONGTR while now mt 30 per pent xl Borda exaniaed have the dissed infeed, the The baw pny hen thal Lo $60 cabtie ured SAP rs # * $a X Bee Can Ue DRG af pat ped than 2B Ses reghitered stank 3 Archibat Far hrs Canivis Arehbition Treland appear M belie thi Renite Committe on Naval A in Washington Thursday favor of the slimbsstion of hat feature of the Army Reorganization bill ap proved by the House which wold abo lish the canteen. He hased his remarks especially upon his observalions atl Fort Snciling, near his home in BL Paul, and said that, while he Bimini! was a total abstainer, te could not con. sclentionsly advooate the abolishment Cof the canteen, knowing, as he did, the “different resnlts whet it was in foro and when it was not He declared ‘that in the latter cas the drunkenness ‘was much greater Air and spoke i Came be Mail wel Express, Windber has the best-known and most obliging Postmaster in the coun try. Last Wednesday the Adams Ex: press Company delivered to him two boys, aged eight and ten yea, that had been shipped 10 him from Slav Lonin. They were tagged andl came through all right, but before they ar rived their father moved to Uarreid and Postmaster Geddes had to deliver the precious mail to of their friends, pending the arrival of their father. {ireat are the postal of our count ~Jonrne Ce facilities Fine Window Deesrntlions direction] wy Ton WET stteniion was CE of thax of fhe Bay tal The Writers to the window displ Ji hey the Bhan and the stars ad BLIGE Clothiers, ria Oring i fs iy if HIV Was Ga th snrvived by a host Fels. Intern nt forenaoo! te 5 penly Fv Pir LPs Eh “LB delicions tiver. Dont Harper'' whiskes grand: father used. Sold by Palmer Houde, (and W. L. Nicholson, Patton, Pa. ‘pation is Hitis of. lerdal, patch from Southington, Conn. FACCINE TION FELONY Aura ins EE Rid ban wd Now Youre {Fe oF Twi pRTSONS Are an Sur Lreaimmerd prox. and soanthes erindnal brotaiit $i oh dren Tie are Lo be perpetrated an find igs the name of Yard whirl of mairder, and those who anfapen The dans practic . $33 soni iE dunner pide Fie of the Joel EET TE Ho wv, Et dup wy deal Figs NEN Ek wetist Para Py Lam § arte mfant certifies WH hy heed or otherwise pul wLery Es prisperiy semi nd Fokker iasae Lat MESSER where ied do {ie nent “of 8 j made junction, with its twin promoler af official propriety, tha mandamus iar ald whe 18). ASLEEP J Al RIS POST (hie of Uncles Nam's Soldiers 10 be whet Christ isan. he following is contained in a dis News last week reached here in the form of an ofMeisl communisation from Gen MacArthor, that Linas Skinner, a Sonthington boy, his been sentenced ts be shot on Christmas day for sleep ing at his post on sentry duty. young man is 8 meniber of the Forty- third infantry, U 8. V, near Tacloban, Leity, P. 1. His father, John P. ner, who is TI years of age, is nearly heart-broked by the news and belt for Washington to plead with Pres: dent MeKinley for his son's life. Young Skinner has & wife, who is employed as a clerk in a New bas ow York ar ¥ gin wha wb, i hwes Senieigeel The following are dispatches from Wastin ngton the alter $d : : wewdt: “Privates Beslan 2m 5 atl FT aonnas Peaster of LAL Tein WEG See that Hue of cloth bound books al Kinkead's, 20 and "5 ench. Sogrred nd The Rein bpeats Lo Dee. 3, 1900. WILL. CONSTRUCIH 104 oats Rarthans Naw York Proatabygrg ivy 3 ath seed > Ae Aer waka lg Sear thers ow 5 al salar siaape ta nf Rooke Mew #* k Srtigh EERE an kh 4 losd Siero we wih of We ir Lae Ee ated, arited FRET ha Bich sel Two of the children, {iy burned by the explo Daye, ware rey bo Lhe thal allernoai ceilesa of Dir Bruner for trealment The third child escaped withoot bursa ay a minute after the explosion oo. ghbors of the Wary fanuly heat dover the door With axes and res. cred the three children. of Bdwird Groyor, next door, Was aiso mend by the fames. Both fares wera eh SOR GTY with the assistance of willing neigh. bors saved most of their houasebiold goods. The building destroyed was the property of the Webster Coal & Coke Caanpany. Erid of Ueninry Sersions. it is learned at the Papal Legation, Washington, Ib C, that scancident with the oleae of the ninetonnlh cen tary eviry Archbishop and Bisbop in she Dpited Stated, as well as slsewbere is expected by Pope Leo to pontilieate publicy at midnight service in his 8: there are no mand with bro iE x pi od Fa thauical, prov ident interfere the gram, LINGER, inistralor, Patton Pa ] $0 alors Cwy wee Badly bared tit The residence rT r ENGINERR RUNS PAST HED BLOCK Hare Biba aud Maes ia fared al Kittunsing Point Aq 3 Revit pe «man was Killed and 18 injupsd Saturday night in a pear end ooliision the Pemnavivanin railroad at Kitt sud a ain § Fees amning Point belween an angine cabin car at the end of a freight Wate Pittabinrg Ads W red {omits men beating thar way Tea at thelr hones 9 The victimes of Lhe mn ios spend Bonday Lwin, A special tran was sent to the ho with phystolans see ident curred aleiork Kittanning = seiied wie with aiwinit Was sta diag al arnt the sngine, or Ire mannan engineer AI, Was meal {dja sili les WH more The tos pers werk in the cabin car wien engine erashad EY, The week wis caused by into ia Fran % Barbanit of (he angina a red Blok The beady of Wi Wa pasta fa iets. are toy burial and sent Lomo fs da % 1 FA 5% f al fhe Dospit AlLenny, soe Law, Phe ther awn 3 Were iB a beady thie Fone faiiit Wi Pravid Caveat Upprle 3 5 li £ : { hgrles BI Malin, Laima, anne, Hi 4 wiki SAA o 3 a Dlavhl Sosa Thomas Bacess and (iver mba o i rary it susbainedl uner ROE Were brniieedd By ters of spp dE nial IEE. spas Yahi HE COU Piet a fimo ow seen adel ie the | iAH i | ma Enginewr | | Park, pas Witham | 2 hie SIGE William JR ean ROW STINT MAN COMYRNY. i Futharizat Capitet sf STON HW The Ronth Fark Beeard, controlled by H.. Suna, son of Senator Redyeumnsn, of wh Pork, and which therefor is 10 0 pith putherity, Hk the HER De orition fo speak fallow: December a enntaine the aharier Coal feiphia, $ ap ath walk granted Srineman Mining Uampany, This pew cone £ SL on i 5 ol ; Lostaal guns ast ital 4 salt of The ney a gromf PORE £ Fs Lge riled payrnber of AEE EEE BELTS Chat His pew company sf the Niipe any, of South peel Phe lxiler gELiTESY 1 par ient £7 & » Loan WX Art wild age LaMNG fad =i sia $n The Stineman Ly Ww Woipneinden Senator JO (pau SIONAL ganlinae to will men Ia giniil Aone shen Bipwiriene fer thane hae “SRE $4 addnipt compan: of Sitar, sph ahi taey producing wiil * ayia ER : ERIE wisn rors ait the COURIER ey [ine seep Tro ang! week © Ties fw Basiness, and Xake a Yeariaal Srna Pars evar ree iye an bag Tiel RAMEY disses and ry Christma: ag PP eg yr £5 i Men's and Hows! Caps. Underwear, Muttlers, Fancy Ties. Silk in fact everything a ing Stare, r TOT TRY US AND SEE.& The Keystong aller ep & dhog 3% SLIPPERS, np lo Breton Cloves and Mittens, and snythin, x y $3 I aid ¥ Hae and y In HAratclass ( loth- = 1 4 SE En ca er Ue Directly Upiposite the Baus