THE PATTON COURIER, NOVEMBER 29, 1900. 1 Saturday night more of the hunters INSTITUTE PROGRAM. | The Bbngi Es nt Saciety. x i i gay Wile % 4 * re returned and brought with them two | SE ; O18 thm) Cane maken in i | Meriingn 15 be Weld at Hastings fu. ree. | MOCiety are foo easily seen and too sad deers kitted at the camp in Clinton Co. to write whats. mo y ie We, Lb J VV : iH sud 31 Pho write gpthch Alsat Ky 1 will give 0 ] ; LR “ ¥ s Fall particolars of the whole hunt text The tallowing » the program of the | suly a few neblofite of the abeord and : : hi ” Soe : » 3m wenk, ; Parmer [natitute to be hold at Sab. | baniltating feeitione ih which people : ) nae pid A rine natitute § old at Hast | i jens} : Ww ' Sa . dverining pats made Known opon al | Frank 8 Davidson, the favorite cont. (PES Monday and Toesduy, December | = ny 4 aed : nt Se Smid Aan PEt : w= : omen s Winter dackets 3 fon the groan stand at the Newper? (4 : | wedinn Bold the boards at 1h fast. 10 and 11 t dimecntinusd until sll arromr | MOMIAD, held the boards at the Has d Cina during go tennis match After Wa hires thers in all weiphis the tr on of the | x A] TH tse ndav Toostiay ATre rai fon 1:30, : : . i finn #5 the ge 8 Opera Hous: Monday, 1 Resa) AX ih | Naan n £8 ) ! had Deen iB my seal a ghinrt time FEE aught after fabriox and, of 1 ancl Wednesday evening. it Wm not Addrosas of W SEO, How James {"al- Toman § Knew, one divarrsat hut femars { : db pa pha Hewat sty ios | necessary to state that he, asaistend by dron, Cobre wily his dew wife dnd Si St oend Beaver Iackets ax carpfally his troop of all-star, gave three first Response, 5 B. Heiges, secnigded (he two wents on my left, snd ff \ tL] : and siiylishly made as high priced ones, cle entertainments, as Mr. Davidson, Music matetite later the woman from | Reef — Any finding quick bryers ul the bargain an GE Lis widely known to all theatre goers, (Fueries Luh he hal hewn divorced ant who JB BRN Kd I ® price, $498 : ee ‘ Oystery at Mellon's, I : : i Potato Culture, Prof Haute {had nlen resrarried came in with her o ee Ys Snipe 3 ra : FA iy RE a Five Farmington, Me, boys, 1210 14 Queries » andl ail sat disestly on my | Elegant anes Kersey Jackels, with money by. buying ar Mellon's. years 0f age, were oul inh the woods Fat : y swin Kavlo ght Whether (he ticket agent ar fairey, ravers, were never sold at a Ipecently, snd they cams avicss a ier ry IS Mylar. Cranes) thin for a joke | sm got pre price so low before a 51000 value at Ie tried to escape hit they were Lows Music, i pared to say hat gl went well antil $5 I quick for it, and ope of them stunned Linerien. j grew thead of they ame amd get up Higher prices, bat no beter values 3 SIE ¥ 5 BX Cd ad inh ping) Cia. Tom terg roi Fink i i wipe ted oy 3 3 ; it vitth a “ub wnd ses her fie Riv ony 4 #* Sl of Nonprodoctiy 9 Cir EAR LE PHY i N girasgotl row, than 1p kgs ohards 8B Hedgrion vid nada pn Snteresting plietare for : ach gop i ar ; is i at vi ree I. ilor-Made Slits. ita throat with a pocket fri fic Then . : v : Thon # satin Navin Tail ys RT paid rptigertils Be Tonie arvan peaile | they howe home thelr venison, and per- ostal Saving Bank, Frank West . hawirer. what nectle @ Shiba : y i} th dnt : h rik. wl Bowes er WHAT Tentie Gere cinring An ter throng fils the department 9 yr 3 & AWE agg! 8 y ¥ : 3 aa y * . » Bape Ay (em enjoy feinng he {dietion {and muiiing at. and, aghing daggers 1 daily, lioking after the fine offers we (Ory to the other boys in the village dig : CRE one anole bmmelintely road and IW a8. MN, LAnses od me ny How to Improve Public Romds ILD on ogman in cod seek i maising. sonia OF them Shoes Farey Jones id EE illen neared bd he dpowd rsd Flarry Jones and Henry Good of 11. Pershing. ; de Sarid fh late andl misses vary : : ; wmbiria township, this SOuntY, were taht : : [A A I AE ve your ordirs for Sunday pagers te et . k : i : - . F 3 Y J ezed ghee taaride Bing, Miss 3 £2 Fit ho a Ha 0 WOFR IF The Wise Teh ty. Kise §y end’ ; . - thang A lads onli a : : when they came oro Nome COOR | Qneries nel who was giving 8 dinner party, rrefaction guaran Fiynn spent Sunday with BS ceacks They followed the trail, which Monday Evening 3 Sl en ’ - : ’ tii i ; : ; ; TE BRIERE BE £3 <9 } 2 fod toy im old stomp, and bs (its Hollow Maske Mmbring interior wore fonnd three fine seis a x is {lent ald Bar naohiles fom dati : Address T. 1. tiibeon, C0 CMe. | china AX an 4 : :- dp LANEY Nips 3 Have hd wi agart,” in whe bia ftendaint. Bableet. What can we do to: “iy won! Te perfectly weighing forty ponnds 2s uit he perf: vs fr ng FOrTy pons my sai anr weber ? { oir ein en 4 An Fidpestion for Farmers’ Children, I 5 x i Eine of thie enon family, he Oshirrn, of Falls © Bek, Bad Bere Friday. Mads Mis Last Fun, FR RR Haginear Harry Wo Irvin of ¥ eof Heigen. i Tip e § § i re bue Hg 3 3 Caurt XYeeodoed Pastl (eipepuanel Bax niade pis Jost Ta Sehoots, Prof. Leonsrd So Hp ALE | Thiv well known employe of the PH Jones. Ee oii Fh ip Si . 2 i ne f a » i he Patton J eweler itoona, R., who wad engipaer on 2a PEL TE thm dhe 5 spimwion opened by TT. LL Gibson, jin Conemangh. went in off dos ru Monee, sant ad pode Hj ab PEAT on the Lime rnin CEng $ : PReanE % an EA he 5 vy Ww bay it ; or card in the Comemangh yard Thea nin Bax Frlin i TORE hn ta tein a : [Sanday sftertoon. He went home a Chrering Heng rhe gar 4 atairy Borge ] nN = Ba Za r LD. Robinson, of Cleartield, called 00. aorived thers, he had . an, CBE Vsti Tate. por Bane vt : ation friends Friday. rene ve Bis ww Cecelia Flick i» visiting p her pare Applexy dase i nis euiien wt Alroona thin week. Mr. Irvin wae uw TE . His parey WER Ww J Horne, of Purasntaaney was : = pon Monday. ae to Paton Tacs b ma He BrEiOy el A wide assy K. and LM Edwards of Bowns ane ampang ie BR Rosanplones L ware bn thin place Friday. Was poh tap, He was aged 34 years : Phe remains ware Inken Wo Alaina, {pga ME eer a ne Bare Bauder Hg Mra ‘ vant Bai Edmiston, of Jersey Shore, | he SET 4 f wedel Tren spe his parents in Patton Monday. nay Was hu *, : a LG be Fie Teh ES Eg a i Eig peed 7 ET : i Fa Wi } w ON ARTE on J and W. 6 Luther, «of Nik . Af nts A: an AE : Yis Sindy for (he Minisirk Muse, aalled on Pation friends Mon. Tao : ; a £3 Famine wlio Rak Dears The adh FEAL, olaat asstetant in the postofMos fn ein The arm your want rubler MAMPS, lace ever since BE ey otc, vail mt FAL Rin gpole took charge, : Ch : Cand depariod for His home in Brock Michael, of Wankesha, was in wavville, Pa, Monday, to 1 Thanksgiving with Bim parents Nes Music by Conpord Gratige O ‘Monday Clark, will depart fro Fw Ajneries home for Cialeburg, 1), where he will | Geologion and enter s course of stady for the Pniver istics of Sails Pro salist ministry. Mr. Growne was a Masi, Tha Silo Joe Furabmugh spractiey fie Teaa Ji phiowten oth a figs body CN prigremd ve citizen while hero, Being Edna Nicholson came GOWN thy main promoter in ofginizing the Fasay. Mew Jacob A Hoon : Patton hand, donk as active pout in Ye {Fisnrips, . ts over Sanday. ‘M. E. church choir, and always had Beonsmy in Parmiog, DH Persh-. A stout aan | Ylatohte snr th afar Hr His many frivodds 0K. i the only theunt sest Poet Morris, formerly a drag clark Kind word for all. an. bt now located at Barnes hare wish him much sdoosss bin fonnd Roads Rev Farilnaad Kitts spent Sanday among Frio | chosen profession, and hope that io Fil sires, Prof Hagia hie new abcde, he will snjoy the Des! riscussion opened by 8 Perdinund Kittll will deliver of health, Summing I ah np Mr "Gini : on ‘Temperance tn Bariner Freene wan a noble asgoiation fa our Loerie : i oe wish a asiiael vemified Farming, Alex Meth dog doe on Monday evening Mist the wasn dgivie abward sent the town, and his departure wi 1 tw much I regreted by all mttaer = : : Primcussion opened by John Ricketts, You ean’s afford to risk vour life by Maw ? £ ary Severe eo pas hid Ee Sie : sb = public sihools this term, pe + allow NE & congy ar cobd to develop Adjournment. i 1 J Fp 5 A aa SEs BE LE i . Monday from a week's visit to LAGho phen Glue or tonsumpls nm. {ne Tasuiny Erntng 1 pu Munnte Cough Core will pure Throat Roads (3 & ; api 1g ws Bonds Cirange hair * And long troubles quicker than ans Lie, fe TP ra i eh ’ bye portale Mp Fao ain Tye a ier k preparation Enown Many deeto HI, i sakiand Lol WO gee it as a specific for geipps. I bout one i two-fifth hy “infallible remedy for cronp. are conveyed all over the Im. jig it and mothers endorse it. C9 ton opens hy o { eating, Ligh stitution and Hdgkine il % 3 i ; = an Sanitary Provisions for donnty Homes : Parcel, of Altoona, waa in Afar an pxpostsre or when vou fea Ur Bh oand De HH Samer al Lasko don’t Erste * : 1 Bonday logking up trade. A Cy the Pite.te Hanae wl oo pm yn THE WRIGLEY HARD WAR E CO. Ltd. Sarge cifvie of friguda. in Patton & fold soming on, ELEY B® A wit FE ove chad ont Sata the aisle # ! - Bs arid Ta R ; SEY 3g 31 Eos fenton wae Lilien tig & Yop Boy Huiges pieal Siloal te ae iY hia fpr saa Bil 2 wots preven pred wl ¢ SAP gs RE YEE hie oun arlliu hen ome oA pte Mahaffey, Pann 2. thoy of taken Bene 4 Tk wiry ; ft as tips fruit. Pure as » ; * ans af erin sprivg Hoary with age and bo met when rightly sed arper Whiskey ? Bold by W. Palmer House, Palion, ¥ J J. Thomas, of Pay of Send, " Pin fas fy: taste four 5% : Farmer’ 8 Iustitate The wn held there. Cresson Recon : enke ora Mate § {¥harien Weutkland, | of Sie allrends to operate Bom fo lhe INNIne Wino of told % row greeny te ha daten Baiiadiaed Fiterie hh {ie Bie 5 i$ hie bay riley De Lone Fie Das af EE i % S$ Pras? pF ELAR Smeg wr ree Dia i J. 5 §. 5 of 5. 3%» 9 fi bs a 3 3 ¥ = 4 me 5 oan of mp Te tig ty i Eig tu cept is enh RRA ! le owe Hee Riss 4 {Ine=to ii ri h pound M i xed Mm an his way ! to reget jo) fin tual mh oe {te best CHamived, that we lorshy exten: Ten A EN LT ! i : EO eh toda on | oid that ca Tr pur bose 0) thin oe Tgpeteit svmipaihy fo Vhe soem lly GL he ae of the tou best grade, with every purc County. He expects to be : ah ali - China for Uheistmas, Altoona sacrificed fo ow prices, . : Pre Fey OEE BLY 4 t ak SEAL we tal daya ago George Shultz of, boro, left. his boarding place AY notification and later re Ja § with bis bride, who was form. and pla 2 : Jennie McManus, of Indiana ; mate he Mp. and Mrs. Shultz will go "= ple 0 RIB 30 hie sekeeping in Barnesboro in the eign dread going ta the fable to eat and can’t rest at night. Henry Willows of Es Ho 5 ; Boonville, Ind. says he suffered that Laval Pad Io Detnt way for years, till he or emmenced the Lumanties. b all the drunks. —— air nse of Kodol Dyspe peia Ripe, An 3 wdids i mtty: Yue OE Moicherwr ; : Now | can eat a a. Hike and all ete, what a howl there would || wane nd sleep soundly every night.’ i Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will pret ‘what vou eat. OC. WW. Hudgins i Se hap pe Joe ia ti Usually Happeas, sarsful rearing, Hi ghest Grade of | he vig storm W ednesday CA TO R i A ots i% i Ch sos pt had A ns Ms En 3 pa sted | Forbid incl; i ” c : CE eck John Pazewell starter io A 8 § 1 : x ST WE = 5 a g Sl ¥ ot i. iit os . ie = - = fei TE ian ih Me present Wilh sand Baaes al wm Vintondale to an adjoin For Infants aud Children, aa wet Ae yi yd SG rss Eh Re eo i : : | > ! go riaigun Lhe HAL seh i — Injled to arrive and th et : The Kind You Hae Always Bought ohsrge od hivddhor inte be wiles fade - we Magtuwer after her wepsorahle anid nel, HE Bornsn 31 site with the pik found dead, hin sk utl fe roRs gris Fathers of New ng and wont Ripans Tabules cure fiatuience te the Wort Tncdian cotion trede aod NOTE. No Cash Regis (oboe given in the tea deal or with sag Ripans Tabiules ¢ure dizziness, was lost in a cyclone, purchases, i Gholi Bs Ve ju hea £] HL sigar Hears the