THE PATTON COURIER, NOVEMBER 22. 1900. Made re Fie the Nain, Jrawne Buttered Watermelo The Erwoe { i ean fe low, 58 Stock hs Which played | “Red Boek NY. said & An =ho Colonel George Wo Anderssn x men at Hastings Monday, eaday and enone soma time the re TIemE nied sf aniehelsl sonics and rare svatorieal | Wednesday, is one of the finest that Ca places, hat there tar. | gitis. wik mumning for Gresder And ever visited this section, Cestiee ghant 4 iH fa von ee Bracks diesen §) ont Aisuinrd Frank 8 8. Davidson, the popular ime . PARDON, BY iE aame : et of Bia spews h wn ; TR TR one SUES BIW TE Deir iy wid follow groans in the heel of the LR ae sed nar Bin hia 3 Gh 4 oh ee wd Fy way 1h : fo ; : ; er ; diacantinned ind att Krenn chestra. He shows at Has ge ty HEL oo BE Ta pein vs Covad Andorra 8 St true thet 4, anlem a the optim off the first three nights of nex: week. Chie A Gd coprdaded thee wentl faovornor Brown was an dean oat hae At the Postofios - Pation bo seoonle i BR Me Pherson, of Clearfield. Fe ; gy ) ad flagh ha Batted Rt er : i Les wi : Edith B. Ini , of New York, i oh Low ff font 2 anid wid rca tn mwerws] Mrs. AW. Byers, of No ; wt Ss : sel wide the ware hie 8 nee TY ton, accompanied by Fair 1, EL and ak Bs te @ given wo : : atu oo Hi - : i ; : Byers, postmaster at N wionburg, Vil | ers to the Bi hh se en 3 = kntiie ta in | if yon want 4 perfec! Beat 31 the lowest cost gel g ree fat the home of Ber danghter Mra 8 pemene Fore Shing Core § 45 : Shia 5 ay ita pod arta Heater, $id Ti neo 2 t 4 he ntely gas, dust ‘RS Tower, over Bonday, PTH oy vB nitrate PRAT 1h Leith wate iid Are pail ; 4 » : . : = iE Ehnviita Ie BUR wnat hin Smoke Drool ano Hy an explosion of dvpamite at wd ronideni teen YG ook a gd for : : Hy = "hak aii ! 3 3 Clomid : 2 A hE 3 ¥ $a Fh gral 59 hang Tall RL aap nk id pede 2 gui £73 : +, ¥p og Driftwood, Pa, Henan Balih waa 5% wo] place. | Anderson's Laps Stine wena prensa UIIOH + than any . SpE oad Bas FT Burge Bowhiler ai hast of 18s iter and a re ¥ y : ying st Mellin's. literally torn to pleoss. He was SRW. 00 fo wind ani what Rad wa ie hi iia © inrnish a conte to tog next Manday sve. ing soa dynamite h had een sted : \ ein hr . on stahiatilaags lial hy fren. od Fragrant ss ripe froit Pore nea fresh canned goods at the Uaeh °F . Houry with Age and dn At last the | 3 timers BOs. whiih see tn dims a T Fry opTee ny from Mahaffey ate " Horper 3 w hiskey » Ki it fy wo : : nr or the es be ; rn . i 5 a Hn 2 4 re > ho : 5 fr or ls : te : . : : ihn “Mahaffey, Pe nn a. : : f. Nicholson Palmer House Patton, : Fh iy . i ay * : i tiiatbe : : : sth Pa days Thursday moroing the eleetele BES pci and tie people solebmate Jt ing he aever § Pancon wireatatet A Tian, el ow For a nice sloan shave call 81 trap spe oul ol it 6 olcloci oft anlianl | oon © ae pleas et af roth rl oy ok is nan ial seaGl, ” Lio fi oy VI | d % bre ak Saw of the dynamo Flestpishan (3 BE. Worth yepuired while aod had light for the pate in om G. 3. Alberter, the Hastings pholaf-| gout know = some | ee i Sams * ot rae Home, Wednnsday ht in ene mE BD (or pote a ; short dresses st Pererdn oo Careall The Naw : that Mp Is PIOW Ti mos Ww Hat Seti] Era Sunday papers Barnesbors wis ia Born to Mr and Mrs Alex. Brows Arrangements am or Bandsy. 1 {pend } dositest own y paving hes/awarded the contract for | the plombing work. Its expected to ona got oysters in every style at ters have steam bulidieg ember 1. Frank Warfield and doin io of Bellefonte, stopged after having spent seversl days fear (onlport bunting. They soeomedad in bagwing s nice lok of rable, Bheamants wed gail e golitiers are gefting gobbled for Wa. Yeckley departed Taenday ning for & visit to Pittsburg. Guilitzio was visited by a Bre Fria : : i 1 | that practically ruined the large wore, re ip Tu ERIE En aan nr : £3 i ; . 4 Hoover, of Clearfield, wae 8 4 boca! of B Nebwon et Ls Pha Seals LAE AR A ee We Handie the Highest Grade of Oysters in Town. The famed ovo ie 4004s : oss Visitor to this pince Friday. gore confined to the interior of the | oie 0 gu ' 1 in 8 alour at ots Eiri hat hn Lhe pfs Ls aut ga wit he plegsst with vane won at Mallon’ fre. Jobin Scheid and two sons are building by hard work of the firemen. | xs ist Ce re eh lnc Si Seen AR rons relatives in DuBois this week, The loss of seversl thoneamd ww partly ; BE. W. Cowher smiles over the arrival ! p¥ared by insurance. sittin af SERA ee sha young daoghter at his home Mon- One precinct of the town of Batavia, sparen wo ww misses. (hooeh Hen hen Sis aided ib RUE 115A TEE : a : a Madlon's CASH ERY x the only place In town wheres von ped 5 Til da entities 1 carry Be Barner of be ay Prony f UE Se ea ahd ma : 1, is entitled 16 sarry he basses off : a —_— yin Ine thoes or something Sw pothing, E A MELLON Prope, L CA Repsher and children ‘are Republicanism at the head of the pro Toe i Thee mes Ura roma Be gion of Hooor Loin a ne relatives in Carrolltown ibis “Swion. Tte entim vote of Sh was past oes In fo Bild Rofhing But o¥ Sen NOTE. Na Cah Register tivket gives in the Turkey Deal for McKinley, a political pessmenon pa Em Wh 7 Prem, ; Meir paypohisees OF Rogar (oatbed ; fed amare Ra ! Zh he suav andy Crseprn {aiherine abifnined . that probably is snprevedented. No Biel ty tin. Wa all Ruow Wilt Pragee mod in 1565 #0 ct o Buffalo, Bovhester & Piststury candidate ever before had the honor RTT aut 7 he desmn’ “at EB a A a 4 a such an overwhelmisg majority. owing a ee Llumis hat? alr om SS President MeKiniey shoabd do scae Are we going to have a new dept thing handsome for Batavia tell you when the robbins cime ¥ A. Mellon apd Dr Sete re. 000 He one of Lhe old Jonathon a, conn well mind Ghd, eauted and tarneq Friday from the Thee BOR TORE Sieh va Commercial hotel in this piace "0 ‘member has thus far heer wired and elecitic lights encugh to bring dawn a dee Hu ker and tow ard Dinassora + Petar Satorday evening. The Intest re A Pager and Loster Larimer, in that the hanters have sucosedss The plave prosentad By the > we Mies Moltic Molaaghlin of Philadel ("ard are wi po is visiting in Patton, the guest of iy hg : & breath of moaniain air. Myrtle Hoover. blasticnahie : ohjectionabie Tegture oo Gea. H, Thomas, of Woodlawn, thraughont the peffurma hE eounty, Pa. spent this week in pre plays to which you can take : mobimer, your wisler OF some SrMres That they Fhe am, ede No A young wo win acted] an heidessy ding of a friend. & the pleoe of bride's ate. This was regi LE Snyder droge Wie wend Be an oh mai They tink their thal the sign was false ashe tarry the pan 0 Whom she ! Gould Was BO far Jmprured gaged at once, look sing guests te be prose bering interssls in this vichity ™ WW. H. Sandford, retstrned home Hagerstown, Phili wbarg one day last week, om a Liege frat of anthracite coal 4 | her par- covering a period of over flee Ome of the veins of coal is thre ROH, I 16 i fgth, and al one pois ster ang YOm= meel In a ravine, it rd, and Weve itenn feed wide, aod tha baton of | the vein i plainly visible. The de Mh ii ean Specs oe posite are on one side of 3 mountain aid wit in i GIHARCES of the Tuscarora range, which runs of the horthward into the geval antipi BP region. S1il) Free, ne and Mr a But P. lay in A. g | =f pe For In ats sad Children foun The Kind You Hare Always Bought : We are dead f rot : 55 Advanta