The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 08, 1900, Image 1
yf rr A BER IT ww pound # LATA {LEY RE-ELECTED. Nome Tooter from Hawk Run where —— Spe attended the funeral of Mr. : FRTAIY OF AT LEAST mT ELIC. * brother-in-law, Geo. Miller wlio N 8 S of EGEAL YOTES at that glace Friday, and was 11 hn il Monday, He was aged 41 years = PRTIMATED PRYAN SURE OF 12, leaves a wife and three children oa Sa : Ws jiroprietor of the Hawk REP PLBLIC > CANS HAVE Republicans & piped New York bs Large hotel, and was a member of the Majority. 0. F, Rebecca 1. 0.0. F., EK. G. yt = i sad 8 of LJ Mr. Miller has 8 bi Misdurivins for afl Other Candidates friends in Patton who will be thai! State and Connty Tuk kod to hear of his demise, pe Fallon wh HE Twiy Bibs Booka ark CR" { eh pehieaion The many friends of J. Edwin Par po oP grently surprised when in- y « Qnoial 1 abor: were made for him To uiny carl 5 indianten Lhe ¢ fog the maa foe sstilerit oy it fo vote andl olatins he will he all For Fresident Fight fn a few days, which is hoped for ‘by his many simocittes. Raitromd bile be Dron bide Tene ng, doussal in Sampeiihie amb Railroad’ » fin Bealp level will and that the comple of this Werk will be fubiowesd al an early date by ibe, donbletracking of °F whole South Fork Branch hale ¥ Were Fu Lointeis and comedies y gre, bak some are good, a few exceliont. Ope of the latest dis of Hie oF xeellont’ onder is - three acts entitled, At Hastings Opera Satariny eveniog, Nov By An BF asta Frio Naren intend giving soatypees of She olG-Tastiione nksglving Day, Novena Now we ai know how Bu Ginner Wien Tar FREY ail the ai } dod. Fill partienlazs and eal he annoanong later, Mua, WW. H. Saxpyoris, Bros, Mins G15 RPGTIS Woon, Sevy. Fo we ik 5 Bi rabilivr weap, a FH Kin 2a vm pe ma i: i wp Evoke wir of pated ¢ ithe states PRP Was made iE, Icom pete vee Ee aE 4 low tairrs fron varios precinoets in doh / LOW IL BI oo indicate beyond reascnaile don £3 ht shal ub ORR ent li * > ARAN fey The figures s EMG taiar Morini ARAYTIVUOIC a Gop MATTINGS. Evaie over Cexopeding 1.7 uches 4. 99, 6. 50, "Capt. Tone 0.00, 12.00 and $15. cetingron Micke - » —— Jacob ¢. Urineman over Harry Stall, Mas iasinn olet Set ts the. for stale senile. exceeding, 1.05, Af lament d ; Mantans for aber, over Wd Now Torwy Republicans rit y : attings Il COSU "Rouen are very stow coming In. ania they last. | but it is balb ®i L =a A 4 a i ; Sm Pent ; x a clean sweep in the county by abso. lately safe, majoritis. heard from show a Siovc 5 Walters voles ov rer S, Capt. T Ww € v i 4 ol 5 ” ; cs 2 3 and { Angie In sopinly, ex “riot fant st at the le: ast mon- Eimer Davis, over John H. Walters, woo #1 rir carey the county by o 0, AAT art (of the resnil LO MEE Pas TET Rapublienos Hetarns from pearls 1 Wh en he nearly gai e largest ine in this » his Soames Sore Esper ally park 1 bat in Republican Districts he made gaits, of the C ounty at ih gh not as Iarge gaits as he 4 5 Ri, . : Re d’ Latest fe The latest retorns give MekRiny 5 Imperial Red Cross, apello and Colum. or ker for ~ Choce Rr inges The ui of the the ticket will 1 tanteed, rot i ry « of {acuera ronjority if wei wad eerie Tin ew epived th ( : Sena a member by tate werahily oa Lh $+ a ust ) he ba bay 5% Ad EES RE Een : Hoaonse, Les Aly 3 SEE Pam) Sie SEE BY Ter paring ta Retirns Beoaived wt ard poptiiar Bagi nf: he oo yukid a 1 ‘his many fri saw il s § ¥ of his saouess.