The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 01, 1900, Image 4
. PATS (IN Ll a gible Preparat oa for As sitating ie Food and Regula ossachs and Bowels of or Narco OTIC. Re i —— Ap erie Remedy Tor Constipa Hon —— Stomach, Reverie SH A ID SS FAR Fac Samide Sigrature of ., ars ind You Have ays Bought Bears the £5 1 Arid ¢ v ¢ : : ¢ : ¢ $ * : + ¢ ? & & 2 ¢ > ¢ 4 ¢ 2 =~ 5 pend know ie A NTH ADDED YOUR ME 0 ITs LIST OF OLY. TOWN PATRONS? GABLE & CO), 13:0.22.24 11th Avcnne, ALT INA, PA opies Store, : Bright's risen, High living, intemperence, exposure other things bring on Foley's Kidney cure rent Brights « disease and all | ir wo an " aly she Lung, When suffering from a racking cough take # does of Foley's Honey and Tar. The soreness will be relieved anda MIMVISIMALL AA LT ARRAWNANN SL Paesrt’t be dled ved § {OTe who clair He wiv ert ar rn fiitherti ung Erb LRAT Ax Yiked 2 SH Jae, to meet the psgpirements Of seekers for upd FRE Thue 4 Bs; rat the ew Denn ational plattarme, ronrinlions, presi z CAE NRT aR Jrrie Mprethn af ANE President MoKinley i tion. the question of BX pats and other. Rratters of green publ Loris biroaehit is 15 Hate. Tie wpecial bane of The ¥ 3 a ia Ly politician and shoud te the haads of compromises a politicial EYOry useful facts and Agures that “obtained elsewhere +] wish to express my thanks to the mangfactores of Chamberisin's Uolie, Cholers and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having pat on the market such a won. derful medicine,” says W. W. Massin. gill, of Beanment, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose chililren have been saviad from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum: who must also feel thaukfisl, It is for Cande by (LW. Hodgkins Brndenviiie (iiss Ronwine, While tropps were passing through Bradenviile, Westmoreland Count warm grateful feeling and healing of on thelr way to the front in the Span the parts effected will be experienced. Thke no substitute. C. W. Hodgkins A Tour af the Ward. The Philadelphia Times announces ‘that, beginning with thelr Banduy is sue of October 28 they will publish weekly 4 series of articles descriptive of a Tour of the World by Dr. Ed. ward Brooks, Superintendent of Fab. lie: Instraction in Philadelphia, which will be illustrated by colored phate graphs in the form of supp Jemients to their Sanday edition, Thess itl fags ten by fifteen inches in size, printed on ‘besvy plate paper and will lostrate the most fanions and beautiful scenes in a jonrpey around the world, Each one is a gem fn itself. Such an offer Mag never before been made by BewspaAper to ite readers. Can yon af. ford to mise It? An early order to pewsdenler for the Sunday Times will be your passport for the trip. FY A Card, The manufacturers of Banner Salve iis have authoriasd the endersigned to guarantee it for burns, cots, sores, ul, pers, totter, eosema and all skin diseases, You have your money hack if it dosen’ do al it dlaims, CC. W. Hodgkins, ish-American War, a Young soldivr the name of May threw window a hardtack bisinit beariog name and address. IP was by Misx Sadie Hawk and When over May turned up at Rradenvide dence ansaed Hs andl Sieg Hawk were married gently May and Bobart MoGuine, brads i ithe, farnwd a Bi into The réstaurand Keesport, the capital of 1 } h i p HHT DOT TOWS £1 Fry tives, The young husbia thie oney of the firm arrg to gs for the esta fois nob Been cold coming on, take a od Honey apd Tar a cold if taken in tine t It never finds toi KIiNK, “I have always used Foley's Honey and Tar cough medicine and think it the best in the world,” save Chas, Ben der, a news dealer, of Erie, Pa. Take! [Jour anal no substitute, CO. W. Hodgkins, Tastee Fg okies THE MORE £ You Foley's Kidney Cure kidneys « nd bladder right. ey akee £8 £ EA Viacey futon Battlesnmke Poluon, “Years re “14 VICTOR J. EVANS & CD. PHRIsot Aras srr A, Evans Building, gh ot axl 1B Sap ry Pieeadilliy. One of London's noid Tana 2irevls is Piceadiliy the ruff 0 “fiekadiis worn hy hw and fashibaaid wierd consis of shop We dwelling rots fine 1h sail Lo Bare been dey gallants of James 3 : Ran d etiffened polnts of @ hick THE MeCALL COMPANY. spear heads or phlei adil $1004 Seat HX Grass, + «+ + Hew York Ong Ke Te before the Introdurtion of hese olla, however, “Pleeadiile’ is referred tie ahd 11 in surmieedd that the collar mag have been sa vcalied from be worn by the frequenters of Phaadilis House The Atmuspherts Doenn. The atmospheric ocean aranding is frequently disturbed by gigantic waves whieh ; : [yx ist cept when 2 charged wit the enrth His Only Venr FaE 8 Fie id An Aspiration, Thire is woo amd whos wend andy obey om while drivieg warth wakes New York re VE i Dr. V. A. Murr PHYSICY ware MB ween Ses ut i rsiNation'| Bank GF PATH Mitton, Cambria AX & =i Hislarx, ‘ei He HEY INSTITUTE, PE PE Jen, rE a oy Ed IK ox Li, I, MANGE ORD, Chsliior. igh The Delineator 4% THE Woman s Favorite ages zine, CH nigRins, Patton, Phiirmacy, VE a SR » ~ a Sa 3.7 # % hd PESLOGENUSRONYSALLEY SLRND ve iE Gut p! $ E * bak et pe ¥ 5 i ve 5 TRE 0m BED bE Idvision be = Xx Broad 14D Pacerngs Tr Agi. Faw hoster, $