a ——" A AAA A ER Em A CA BEPSHER, Lesicd and Manager TERMS OF SUESURIPTION Thy HOEY Ore YR, fis pela Esen, 8m wg Ast vertising Fate Pande JR reer topes nie pibention. bile hes, Entered BE Eh Pagitoffies nl Patios Kn Sprit hme vipa bl Tram tiey Tea At Mellon's, Just 12 dave until election. oaffoe at Mellon's, the best The agony will son be over PN. Corsets at Evans Rister Old paws far male wb thin office Rubseribe for the Cotrien, $1. per year. Kee those photo env elupes al Ki koad's. Complete tine of frst shes © at Mellon's Por a nie fledid’s shop, Infante log Evans Sisters, Tanve your (arciers Tor Ban at Kinkead's, AN goods puaranieod Can Giroosry, Bee the fine line of t Drsssrore Bros, Yon ean gel oystors in the City Restpitrant. For a nite clean leh to the City Restaurant Naxt on the progoain is and then Thanksgiving. Peter Campbell, of Ci Bnsiness in Patton Podas Call fn and see the fine 4 ect hala at Evans sinters EP Mt rmidok mae trip to Philiggbarg Tuesday All the iatest wonlons for fai and wintet suits 4. Dinsmore Bros, Attorney Somervill attended argu ment court to Ebensbari Monday. Quite a number of Pattoniies at: tended the play at Hasting Monday night. “Ae, Wim Gedeharles, of Milton, Pa js visiting relatives jo Patton this week. For something pobby in golf capes and tailor-made suits call wd Ales Darts. When you want rubber stamps, Cwtationary ei, call ar FH Kin kead's. Go to Evan Sisters for a fine line of Jap Silks. Also Tafata in polia dot and plain. There arc many sidewalks in Patton which should be repaired, hustie it al ong, Council. Chas. Walters, who has a log job on the Blacklick spent Sunday with his family in Patton. A clean towel for each customer al Garfleld’s shop below Central Hotel. Call and see bun. Mral, Goldstein and danghter, Miss Anna, visited relalives at Hast first of the week. gs the An Irish physician says that a man never beging to tale care of bi i until alter he loses it, IHusmore Brook, the pleased to make a salt or you Tor full and winter. The place to purchase a winter suit or overcoat is at Phigsmore Bros, the mwrchant tatlors, Miss Sars Hy for Jersey Shore, where she ex pedis to retain for several weeks, pared Haturaas Hou James Fivou, of Altoona Ww in this vicinity one day last week look: jug after bis lumbering interest George Bigford, wife and children, of Patton, were the guests of Herman ally Mag Lean and wite, this week. : KE nal. Jacob © Stineman, of South Fork Republican candidate for Slate for. wus calling on voters in yeaterday. Pure whiskey Harper, porlodl wis key Harper, every bottie gaaranteed, Sold by Palmer House aud W. 1. Nich elsan, Patton Pa The Court a Ebensburg Monday, confirmed the sale of the Methodist Episcopal” church properly to the Patton Greek Catholic congregation A young san of 8, 0. Daggett was slightly injured the first of the week by being run down by a team of mules. Tha little fellow was guite for tinale in escaping more serious aw juries. Barker Brothers, of Ebensburg, have just closed a deal whereby they se enrcal about 3000 sores of vainabil pail and timber land just east of New Florence. The aggregate price is in the neighborhodd of $55, 004, most of which has already been paid. pir his No papers disiohtinued arti all arrear mie pid, Wirbisis wt thei options of ius {the Southern Bates men of means and Cleisire are entersd in the ocoupaiaon columns as Ugeatiersen,” aed in one ; An invaiid in jrioie Is given occapation ps Vlad inktonon as righ and a paralytic gare snr ax has fits,’ Mowers J A Lord AK. Huber of Patton cantract for the new barn ad hires, om pieted thar jisdy There are 1878 perches of stone the walla and people wl the work say itis a SID aROnTY, ie Pe biphly pleased swith the proinpat AMemars, Lord & Huber, ino work amd with the 1 work done of arb The Perey ous that while Mies, Alfred ing the garret father. domi ahi, weal bir titaml, i anstabile could resgnisition wtabijes fram the olin Eisen Oopntablos wether wifi, Postips] Jersey 1 Tan A Hinata i313 what to do in this new silaation, in the midst of escilenEas the told averinlo one Hl Lhe MEgfeed Ald 4 phiche 8 prisoner. COW CAUSES FATAL WRELK Four Killa and oes Fuinils Yaihunt Center Comply Prasss! Cre of The wind ; tory of Center County oecured o Bald Bagle Valley Radlroad, two euat ol Howard, Mignd An engine hapling an emis ran over a cow, deraiing 4 tive and twelve cars, molishing them. John gineer, snd David Suyder, Cand two unkoowno bra ? x 4 Yor RE Eiaed, and ilar Barnes, Susgu hi DB Moore Cialiitzin Township, $50. Famer MeFuith to Mmsu Blacklick, Rx Ripans Ts Ripates Tain £ Ripans ba CASTOR For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ¥ yas tiie coe————————— colli Fignatury of (La” 77 7 rikel, pe In many of the census returns from A BRAKEMAN Jattan Courier. enced, CRUSHED TO DEATH. LAT: Yorng Man mote a Hoh mi Sprig ier, a8 a brake gan wry on Lhe Sate wlishonk train On Wl oat the Eig bh MoE wen was Sava £5: wk Lisonng Fri A} ‘arnibrin & § oer Motiwen ¥ Snide 4 daa bace 23 Agila rea antes vefitne are swept of & Fug UR M4 LAR words of Western nF & iam of Do not get seared if your heart Mapst likely yo wiafler from i Kodo Cire digests what you eat and gives Proihles Si sat on Pryspe pin the worn bal strmach perfect rest pir paration known gesta Bil Clisser indigestion anil evervibing sme iad 3 ® Patton Pharrmady TRAINS SPEED SAVE: LIVES «0 Pombadnt By an Faplieelione ise BE ery Khe TH E WRIGLEY HARDWARE CO, Mahaffey, Penna. ni HL AR EAE CIISITISINTIS B55 555 5FTFII hme Ba £3 Me Jor were ER PEER [E0875 FOF BELUBLE BOGS. | AA ML EAVV BAVA LL AAWS . FALE BYES < I rol { £0) het ud $2.00 to 35.00. SITES ITILIIy. Sers # air a WOLF & THOMPSON, The Reliable Clothiers. CII ITTIGTITS TISFITIIIIS. TITITITIIIIIITISS. or. *5 ALTHAL VAY D ARIAL AVAL VALVES EVES RE A (SR mA § 7 To Equal Loi Shi aE [AAR Qurs. fail ate iem int 3 a seman em Th SH ETI IB HE SGI at ¥ i Golds YY Our Motto: * : Honest Dealing : ww Et hh hh 48% EERE LEASE SRALENNS ¢Qur Prices $ Satisfy All LH HETIL VERVE VS