The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 25, 1900, Image 2
A SR AA A ar hop ans RINT 7 ap LEGAL PERMITS 10 WED. Marta Licences Fanued hy Conity fephante’ Lonel. and Mary Caumbirts : e A REPSHER, Lesser ane Manager E wr. i. (IRERx ¥, Bditor Ada Valentine Satgosky | Mahaffey, of Johnstown William Kepler of Blandbarg, Lara BF. Boers, of Fiinton Lenld coming on, and © To Stop a Cold, After exposure or when you take a dose of Foley's fails ta stop Ww. Hod Honey and Tar. It never a cotd if taken in He 4 foe! Frtey's Honey and Tar one who knows and kpowa hogging pode is exasaperating to have o whi Aa what it will deo sorething Ph Arey fread good or just same’ tor enlde, fut hs “Inat an With fulr sdusntion and ge character, ta a LEARN THI POGRAPHY, i > ¥ tairnaid Aswonnting and Typewaiting, saat PR 3 hy wil ane io Ps f§i1- Nibtice in “ Inventive Age” Pik “How tn obtain Paents” (Iiarges moderate. Nn fue till LEO Benda at ts. Rpt ia Letters strictly confidential, add , SIBGERS, P Patent Lawyer, ¥ Washington BP a a es ct Amon J. Jane Lottie F of Johnstown, Joweph A nrad, of Elstie der, aeriet M Ivory, of Ciallitsin, iv 8 JM Paviik Saspderar, of Grit % Ive (he yay bot 41 ann Jossin Cdoknstown, set fat got nice and there 1s Summer food-works ; to try is the But weath out look ally. Beotis Liver OO) helps safe YI yan and © 5 a Tar ag ow wyosadie taae ow A dor Puael Morevd, wow 4d Pore Waly the Uo SR hey Sao oA maton, her onsts bis Wee Yaad bus pis Rppvearnint david fereitory fry $6 allow any ty tondndain COIN TOT I bid neds A fo | wii tiv o are gppent Bi she yrosl Lig reinrded fron a shared paint al Ames Rn Interes ste, th Sis Bn 00 fh i Ce raEsRes BNR EL LD) FARIS ¥3 fats mix-up. 1 wmcnbly what ver been Just fined 1 bee and Eng Foor geting fied it A going 1 VeRr ame ne mary {inrmany Aund bein hi feme sade. were hardly actuated by ‘a desire to Bel ox It lv more likely that they wished to make sure that Russia should give up Manchuria, the Bij Chinese provinces which 1 ix ai renaty practisdly in po af That is their LC epnntey Has oo inleriate ( than being allowed to trade with the hives, amd that this agreement as sures Lo os rar lending yorale This {hing other dogo, oirs. Appiienting Yor Charter. Notion tv Bepeby | riven thay an op Heation will be ny yw Elie ¥ LN EPG of the Stale of Peanayieania on Mon. day the 1th day of November A. D. Aon, CM. Gage, B. F. Myers, George B. Stacker, BF. Africa, W. D. Barn and, BE. F. Ker rr, 5 Chal Port, W. M. Henderson, x H, Jeienie J. BP. Helfen- whein, P.M. 4 H. end Inger, Thomas HH. ; and others, | of the Uns enti corporation snd rego Corporatio, approved iy day of April, A. 1 1803 and thw c plesnents thrreto, for a charter of an tended colpaaratio rertiin So by fie apa. LThereot 1 the Gd purchasing, leasing ephone amd Led through the vo ton, Huating field and Cambri svivania, with tia Jetions sho ana tedepgoaph wimilar Hire) in of state of Peniyivania as we wtatom, and for Hin posse a tid ernie fits and privi Assembly, gpd iosap Ps fens, Muy fon FE EEE im her oot BRAY J&L Mi Clearfield, Pa, Out § winders New A special dispintob Philadeiphin Tharsday The Caniria ‘new apen-hearth furnaces, t are nudeistond ti eos vioos earning cecil ‘were stated to hive gone post of these Lnprovelnents ays call gives $450,000 more, Fo finde rsiomd, Mek yn Wicel Campanys fama conslrucion, it nace capacity of the Company fnoreascd fram 400,000 Lo S00 100 or 26 pur cent. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabulesgure headache. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripana Tabnies Ripans Tabulss cure indigestion Ripais Tatiules: pleasant laxative. Charles Petoriinens aud Paaline Shimko, of Patton . Mii ; - sed immediate Daniel Jd Ze lle ra and Mary A Hi : wo 4 4 -penehs colds, croup anid all kat i of (rally Halph Wits 34 id { wa peaneddy that prods vosaniitan. It bw infallible mrrie May Huber's Drug Store, Monntaindaie Olifpe 1 8 of Wiinors, favs Hl 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Fo Scenic ars Pliiwyvioven BANNER BALVE the moe anling astva in the worid, Foley's Honey sd Tar beais Tungs and stops the cough. voir ard Ail car abba wee fiegels DYSPEPTICIDE The greatest aid to DIGESTION. |. W. Cook. A FEW HINTS PRR 1 tyonls sire in atl eolore a and 1 per yard in several aud 750 Serge shes whie Seren 5 favo The per il Frauen ite, =} iy averal words in pik are Ane Mr oand THe stviish and » 1 Lig a PETE rieable” wide and as have permanent Patton Phasa To / Hive mon ys brving ab Mellon's COFFINS. PRIDE any ARMORED Were Ones Deed In a Clhinrchs yard fn Scotland rr Ging i rectinniats’ eatledd. A vers erecting of fan Howes Whose whole Dar the tlm wich manned guard GROCERIES, Canned Goods The Ferpinnation LEE oe Rr or iy PONE will be LOIS, he pid man roasting a Phila Nik i an to rake oR, in wonder call It h aver The coals Patton, Pa. THE $4 J oy BAZAAR. 4. o. BRADY, Prop'r ——— “Nuf Sed.” Patton S