: A REPSHER, Lessee and Manager : E Wits Gens Eatitos re ie ESTABLISH BH FRO, w ein, TL re : Wl S60 THR pOWNE, {Sant SE Bl oo 2 C7 pc EY he 35 Ai qr Laneoln a Rave 3% EYE witiend 16 RO AWEY Wellington ". fe so Foor ta Bind Ba ew sudippnes 3 operarded an times 1 mre not easperous 1 hey sr to borrow than lend, i ————— ue of Linoolh Beans war, anwrchy and disanion- the saove MeCieilnn whl bring peace and the sestorntion of the Union. These are the oes fisiidy en in the ; SY 3 ha, IRGH Padianay A——— PON bearing a report of any Ki directed town candidates fur office : for the purposes of ljary danse Investigate bly before you decide to oust pote, Nide thoes oul of fen they ape Len Lid lor effet, base proove A hs Rarang. Bee idk i 3 5a TeAlIRi Ber Hay who was one nf Pres ident Lincoln's secretaries and joint sathor of os vobpminons life of Lincoln, declares that innguage recently teed in # pubic sprewih, by Hon Adlai E Stevenson, and sald by him to have Been a predistion of President Lincs, Be adnate dosirgition of oor republic by nag rege! a Wa EYEE iadaas 5 STR Men he a bi ag ST : i riaiston ‘planation of! the posi of this & thetr ehiol way MET patie mas meet Co ondght of | pel retesin mention, + : Cw beds a resident of the & Cambria. The geatieman we refer is Edward Muarphy, i Johnstown, who is a son of 0 Francis J. Morphy, of sali and a broth «of Ex-District Robert 8. Murphy. To say that it was & grand treat to listen to Mi, Murphy's discourse is potting it very 1 idly, Hv is not only ane of the very best orators “in this grea! Commonwealth but ranks : Camovg the highest from a National standpoint ax well. One is simply Cearried away by the wonde pfus low of language thon comes fron i ps, whieh he paints and Hiustrates with the pase of an artist. The peonde of Patton will cortainly extend a hearty welcome to this young man upo from TAF A Ther Foe, i in his return to Putton, which we trast will ot extend into a period of the pext ational Campaign, but next fall when a wmliris will lect another Republican Cranted to oonlwear 8 Sieetintix of THE PATTON COURIER OCTOBER if Prepmring for Passion. The New York Central radtroad of Penna division seelon Dopees are ahr tieipating the annual rowibexd ins tion next month time aeoting makes the west showing will have his salary invrensed 85 sit Floss Homey Phe hoss a nokd Fro 44 “Ff Bowlers iran Mods oly Dew ne Clad is the best on the two Hy der arg frais 5 of Bain? pee, High wr Sbave nary stocking pe port 4) frond » o Ky pliced Hew! and To Bead ¥ Ei i Toi Stop # Cold Afr exposure or aold soming on, raky 3 and Tar cenprh sey wits 2 % Feuslinigow of sha 4 i rmen in epep tiene % fae ode § % Fagus the only harmless vin ee Fine novelties are are ing ¥ wre In oa Yim ne 8 Lod rites | $n niRrRer the phony on By gays iy Eh A dnry Boom Siem Pama Sd The Sonm af the VYokoan River, SE £3 i the Yukon heard of in wtepgun free ty RIlery fy mE ter i Ne ta A sound glean Fy De &owiy Leng AEA find an fount A ba AO G8 yy Betyg tanee Loins rol ii TE aX plsnaiion SRE YATE Lie Cr ti: toa oars Rr & 5 Women as Well as Are Made Kidney Erasers ag 4 § x eR ies Han Wa wanghit cans call To Hamburg Rers BU Ondiuary st “fe aX York Sun was Ne Ww treed §55 fata Fey ite Beep See ANN y54 BERNA Miserable - Trouble. on in exnanpeniting to ane who i aloyis Honey wing! fr ied gow ! i cong h £ 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Trane Manxs Deninun : Cory RIGHTS Ac + LaF :ROCERIFE Canned Go SANTZ, roprietor. Men by Plumbing a ecialty ROOWS YOUNG MEN With character, Lh PEARNS TELBGRAPHY, falirond Aorannting and Tima at fair # anil good HEE. x i i {HEY paint Ei frie rows Foley's Honey nd Tar beals lungs and stops the cough. Tose ve Patton Jeweler. » ’ » ko 3 9 Te bl ls, A A. aman TICIDE DIGESTION. DYSPEP The greatest aid to OUR GRAND ANNUALS EXHIBITION Altoona, Penna. Few Words Rboutf Bicyc