The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 20, 1900, Image 4

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    THE FIFTH TABLET CARE ED A DOSE Th #8 Lave Bo Cay we Te bhai
; alan Baws ; ae Rl ain
; a | Be #00 200 Ie Gi een [CE OF THE ¢
Whe the Doarior iad a Premonition : :
Phat Misinrises Had fivrrtaken 8
Woenlihy Dlanteresilose Fhe Stary of
dhe Crime Leashed Ong
Avene ; ;
tended ta. Progen
over 30 yoars, has » of
and has been made under his per-
pV Shou since its Infancy.
: rt Fxporiment. : TT : wt totem (how) my oats gk
that seine
The Donny Rematncd rpen Liter =
bath bnew very well nnd wie p Yery Foreible Argument,
we dW
Foi al we I ed
ral} Colonel Jones :
preapifent resident J hee showtars ee
fstroe town aod had & lavge entivig Lad fis tig
estate, whieh be was in Batdr of emrly sefthenent o
visiting fvew 3 Werk truer wt
Hea the dnl Ruths singuiag pre Fetiing Ta Ny
prantian he wat on one of the : :
of Inspetion
ahd the Ddlaw
was found
had oevidenty
anes and Trans
bawdy mewmmed tH
y Tee hin Troubles, cures in
it a the Food, regulates the
ia So
Dr. V. A. Murray.
was 8 somal and tins
is the dead man's veut poker, 11 chomnd
a mter of & Jend jer mR
pedis Il
ready half KEATY dl
of whaler foo Mit Ear RYE ps ip
fi a3:
LOTR alm Ben
She OTHY po
Is dad
any out-oftown
depending on
© thes
gre Lae
Wiis SEE 7 i
nk ne Beene Baily | ek oi} hey went fo lad Fhe ha Bea gad si
“ban owas sails Bi 1d fhe swhile onen ltieg Lhe Tres 2 GF PAVION
ive ta sustain 2 wih frst aad Tor Rapeer €0Y Sonrnad 4 : * .
fre of fs a Lb semaine Patton, Cambria Co, Pa
i Grain, walling for stmaeihiing © ARMORED COFFS NS
happen. Meoanw] : 8 MLE A
sprnrise. Pir Beoith wie Eh fo Phey Bore Duce Teed In ob Charek-
fle began by Arinking hewsily gud sxrg Ie Seotinund.
nally Jost Bix practise sia rye i oad gv 4
skied out 10 AY id i
to the list © Nery
des BCH TRE pra
r caret ally ana
that this M: 41}
3s ICTeAs Skat
3 FRA 2
5 ad Lie de wd
BEXsutavniy at 10 5 Wl, { lonrned enough to b coieey : :
Bradt a PRR. my theory sf to Jovex | i 38 a Whore tidy omteiing” wae 77 oe Ips RN Eble ye i HE Te Sots und residenenk B
fena 2b BGIGTE Will Cob | haul relly hanpers ; i ss lite
vey exrursioniats to Pek Olly where 4 “lye Nooith owed
if you are not a reg: few hones wii bb iii erent phens- siderable soon of ©
ar patron alr: ady . antly., The fare roan PunXstlawney A note, pon wh
Sewmmber we pay 5. iat | oe $12 85 Lo Bev ford and 81.90 to
aH Diry A Rock City for the round trip. Hetors.
will leave Hradford
nt 8:00 pom. Tickets weil mine be good
5 1a pid] Iv.
e would be piease sl
‘a tral
Fr Was newly ¥
hat thoes et
eyitabhle exXpaNge
| points with $
they ware Contes Jerizen ;
es of : Altoons, © returniog from Hradiord on regaiar firsie plas 3 “ial ant swallon pad ween 4 Hh is Lie a
ey Cu trains Manday, Keptetiber 248, EXOT of the tatdere HE opaata otawl MOIRA x EROaN § SOT RK 1 shu nl freninta Wi 11 sb r i
Crain No. 8 the Vestibile mite os that be took one Sally. et oy 1 oman s avorite
ing Headford at 12:10 po oe. For for. for sear sto aed A usm A ol Sow ZUa%e Tiniohiy Magazine,
ther information conan the noarost =f hat cag ted a iatadie vy fis mat to tie Dama of tw =
Gf mssseiniiton, whieh the Sota iv
: gent of the company of we eR ourseHn
; ” £ i Xreut 3 hs Repair
Va “itis evedes] fo PUT HIG» od My
1920-20 2% 11th Avenue, des ug fin His tlre. be 1 GE $i AR Aunt E
AL TOON A, PA. Ulcers, open Or Ghsiinal: sores, sate tablet of strpehpine, aod sncoubtering Dtnegver that the
3 A's Elon and piss, quickly roused by Banter he ok fed text Sap axl 8 te leg LRe reds few yn oo furs
i { k 4 { ei : hy & § { : arfiold | ie
Peoph's Store. Salve. the most healing medicine in the "0 BAY The via) or 3 in I: Divi
En Sei Pe Pattan PF Tug . tonid caps the address of the makers ry : ; a rip : ity ons Rising
Pworid. Patton Pharmacy. . ve Le | le sara abuser 1 is fap Pathos. Santh
: i = Prat $4 : a i Gain anh RAT IPO a Plt BR 5 i ok A 4 ; yi ape Sonia,
is 3 a § : Tow a, em KTPEVING BTC eaan
“The Little Wine Book™ Tried te Bob A Car &8 Cresson, it over
hi avisntian
handy little pocket volume, con- © Officer 8. M. Snyder, of Conemaugh, Syaried plaswhers Sauith
the time tables of all railroads went to Pittsburg Monday morning on ye rut ties :
nnsytvania, is proving a greal Oyster Express to bring back a couple the top four ib cin It reason
to ness wen and commercial ‘of fellows who are wanted for an at- Ahly certain that bis vietiss would take
throyghout the State. The temptio rob a car at Cresson. The ion Uw fr ih 5
¢ published monthly, cor- warrants are ised by Alderman Lam. Next morning he et 1 hen,
up to date, and contiins 140 berd. The men are Lenley Carter and be far away when the mragely
on sale oi all trans and John Willams, colored. They broke Ee . Sh nad : a a he
News Co. stands and by many open a car on the Pennsylvania st SE —_ : ase the progiicn) as Zain
ealers, Sabecription, « one dol: Cresson the Bight of August 19, bat excited my wuplelon.. = ow
“AWW hen A mle Serial woof all
Wi P Hastings, Pub. Mil: before they had ah of the goods loesied Smith in aval way
They went to Pittsbiarg 6&0 few days oh thes sitll of apiving * xo ex iradi hii 2 mp : :
Sbahiae a $ > ¢ tdci 8 a A io Baie Boi a Wet BE ve Bay os Hae k 54 Wan PTA #
ke Ha erson’ of West Prairie, . ma wer i mies ! od r = . i th i . c . ” i pa Sun TA BTA Cal wey pple ad fe & . 5 4 7 1
ays: “Pape come ten miles to Loovards apa were sept to le Wud Romi ; o PR rape th tReet tht The Soa Prien Tare WAS NG GToN
Foley's Kidoey care,” while J. A :
a of Holme Ind, says: “it ix the
house for 83 days. Their
Land Officer Snyder wont
before they had a chanoe to gel awas,
He sxpects to return with them this
morning. Johnstown Democrat
Proposst fee Married Ladies,
URIER Please announce
that we are sending, postpaid and free Mothers
charge, an elegant sterling silver Leroi pe a severe toll need
tod sugar shell, such as we well reg. tale to administer Uliam ber)
: ularly at 400 each, tO every eatried remedy. It
lady in the United States who writes narcoiic im any
for it. There is nothing to pay. Phe as confidently
it is absolute. Each lady will send adult, The great sndoess
her own name only, &s this is to val Phe] 118 pee in the treats
able a mn ta ser to persons whe don’t and croup has woh §
shoe and praise iL ha
wt the aited Slat
a from ww lg te elections way lands, Poe 8
5. Our object is to abseurtise Patton fhe o naeteer diutriote of Kemsininton
Quaker \ Calley silverwarn. We baleiy She ashiod if It wasn nlie ; 1 ph DONS pars carnmedl irs mp opr Kid
fhe mast affective Wh oF doing : Sour Wamen nt 3 fg bayer Bl tpi leet ead ly bi doug : Srp i Vikeiele §
at samples Into the homes of fo former ¥ a
© Liodice please Welta today ® ished ta gain fos sh fd
ie your first request for form they would take warm : initia ‘a : a fer) ;
® Quaker Valley fOU0W this by rubbing into the ekin gr 50 pat correct fo say that a girl ma fo ehbe lim over the vonle Pile. | i A
Morgun and Harrison Ste, eod liver oil. Now fey ees the spate ; ; eh ; ad Bess Ww
: : more elegant way of Nuring. Scott's eros OTE 1
_Bmaulsion and taking it enternally. It workl she pay some diy ro
w the weight of thin babies anid but she can't render a song Mebison too ban
delicate children also, Globe. Hers id
A Wand ws Moshinix
ad :
eldidren afoul
PAPE thy see Emit
Ate ft gurse Dinners,